Major Issues |
Phase I: (2005-’07)
Establish the Framework for and Enabling Environment for SME
Development |
Phase II: (2008-‘10)
Enhance and Expand the Framework for Enabling Environment for
SME Development |
Future Consideration:
Foster Competitiveness of SMEs through Integration into the
World Economy |
Major Donor Activities |
I. Regulatory and Legal Framework
To reform the regulatory and legal framework for the
purpose of creating and enabling business environment based on the
rule of law and designed to minimize the impacts of government
interventions on the private sector while providing the necessary
protection of public goods. |
(A) Company Registration
Reduce the Barriers and Building the Necessary System
of Effective Registration |
Reduce administrative and cost barriers in
registration, including reduction of minimum capital requirement.
Engage in public-awareness campaign, including
issuing a manual on registration process and a series of necessary
Conduct pilot decentralization of company
registration outside Phnom Penh
Commence full
Plan for on-line
registration system
Link business
registration at MOC with tax and VAT registration at MEF and
eventually merge into one procedure
(B) Regulatory Review and Recourse
Objective: Reduce regulatory compliance
costs by enhancing governance and responsibilities of the relevant
state agencies |
Establish regulatory
review process for existing and proposed licenses and remove or
streamline the requirements-for both operating and regulatory
Formulate a recourse
mechanism to appeal administrative decisions
Plan for a pilot
program for one-stop window for all relevant business licenses
Continue to evaluate
and remove unnecessary licenses
Implement a
comprehensive system for issuance of new licenses and recourse
Develop a comprehensive
program for one-stop window for all relevant business licenses
(C) Commercial Legal Framework
Develop basic legal infrastructure needed for
businesses and strengthen the rule of law |
Enact draft laws on
commercial enterprises, insolvency, secured transactions and
contracts, among others-and harmonize them with the civil code
Enact legal framework
necessary to crate specialized court to resolve commercial disputes
and strengthen training of judges.
Engage in extensive
capacity-building program for the commercial court system
Enact legislation to
establish commercial arbitration
anti-corruption legislation to improve transparency and fairness and
adopt code of ethics
II. Access to Finance
Vision: To ensure that SMEs
have access to necessary working capital as well as medium and
long-term finance by strengthening the collateral system and by
providing a greater range of products from a wider variety of
financial institutions. |
(A) Collateral and land titling
Establish secure titling to improve collateral base,
and effective mechanism of enforcement of the Land law
ADB-Financial Sector
Program Loan (FSPL)
Mekong Private Sector
Development Facility (MPDF)-Bank Training Institute
ADB-TA 4181 on Land Law
(phase II)
WB and Other
Donors-Land Titling Project
(B) Leasing
Create an enabling framework for banks to provide
finance leasing
Issue IAS-17,
specifying best accounting practice for leasing
Develop and implement
training and information programs for banks, SMEs and equipment
suppliers that promote leasing
(C) Credit Information sharing
Facilitate Enhanced Access to Finance by Reducing the
Risks Associated with Limited Information on Potential Borrowers
Implement the private
credit information sharing system
Establish an enabling
legal framework for operation of the system by establishing and
enabling legal framework and to protect the rights of borrowers
Expand the credit
information system by providing historical and other information
Facilitate the
establishment of a private credit bureau
Develop and implement a
plan to include other financial institutions to participate in the
Continue to implement
the plan for expanded credit information system and inclusion of
non-bank financial institutions
Draft a plan for the
feasibility of developing new information products such as credit
Agence Francaise de
Development (AFD)-Capacity Building for microfinance institutions
Kreditanstalf fur
Wiederafbau (KfW)-Capacity Building for commercial banks
MPDF-Bank Training
(D) Simplified Accounting and Taxation
Systems for SMEs
Objective: Facilitate Enhanced Access to
Finance by Reducing the Risks Related to Lack of Appropriate Financial
Issues simplified SME
accounting guidelines (including the related templates)
Develop a simplified
tax-reporting system for SMEs operating as companies
Engage in extensive
training program to both accounting professionals and SMEs (through
private sector representatives)
III. SME Support Activities
Create a dynamic market for SME support service. Assure
that services are supplied in the most efficient means possible by the
private sector and government. Encourage suppliers of services to
respond to market signals and cater to a rage of enterprise size.
Finally, create a market place, where SME are aware of the benefits
and rage of services available. |
(A) Business development services
Create a dynamic market for BDS supplies as private
goods and offering a range of serviced demanded by SMEs
Identify existing BDS
suppliers and demand for services and develop a registry by district
of BDS suppliers and make it available to SMEs
In cooperation with BDS
facilitators (NGOs Donors and associations), identify BDS needs of
SMEs and barriers to greater use.
Develop and implement
education campaign for SMEs on the benefits of BDS
In cooperation with BDS
facilitators, encourage new BDS suppliers into the market
Encourage existing
institutions to enter the BDS market and/or link with existing BDS
providers to improve their services (for example, linkages between
educational institutions and BDS providers can improve quality)
To stimulate demand and
supply, encourage third parties to deliver pilot projects for
voucher schemes
Develop in public
private partnership new BDS products
Facilitate the
replication of successful BDS providers
Encourage a BDS
industry association, a code of ethics and independent certification
of BDS providers
Direct delivery of BDS
should be avoided by the government, however, where it does occur,
some cost recovery components should be introduced
(B) Access to Markets
Improve SMEs access to domestic and export markets
through better information, market research, product development and
promotional activities |
Design and implement an
education program on utilizing information for access to markets
Encourage and assist
SMEs to participate in trade fairs and exhibitions
In cooperation with SME
associations develop multi-purpose facilities
In conjunction with
other stakeholders link buyers with SMEs for clusters of SMEs
Develop and implement a
strategy for regional SMEs to have improved access to the internet
Facilitate better flow
of useful information between public institutions, such as technical
college and universities, and SMEs
To improve access to
export market, facilitate linkages between local and international
businesses associations
To enhance the use of
the internet, a legal and regulatory framework for e-commerce should
be implemented
In partnership with the
private sector, facilitate trade fairs and product exhibition
Develop and implement a
matching grant scheme for SMEs to access export markets
ADB-TA 4121 (Garment
Sector Study)
European Union (EU)-World
Trade Organization (WTO) Assistance
EU-Export Development
Gesellschaft fur
Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ)-Trade Promotion
New Zealand Agency for
International Development (NZAID)-Trade Policy in Agriculture
United Nations Economic
and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific (UNESCAP)-WTO Assistance
United Nations
Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)-Market Access Support
World Bank-Supply Chain
and Trade Facilitation
(C) Technology and Human Resource
Upgrading Objective:
Improve availability and awareness among
SMEs of technology and technical and managerial training
Review current
technology and training needs, incentive structures and barriers
Coordinate with
providers of vocational training to identify needs and develop links
with SMEs
Strengthen the capacity
of current research institutions and foster linkages with the
private sector (including academic institutions)
Develop and action plan
for implementing opportunities identified in the phase on review
Coordinate and work
with training institutions and donors to develop toolkit packages
for training and capacity building in SMEs
(D) Linkages
Assist SMEs to work together and cooperate in
integrated networks to improve their competitiveness and access to
local and international markets |
Review relevant
regulations and procedures for the registration of associations and
make recommendations for improvements
In cooperation with
other stakeholders, develop and implement an action plan for
encouraging the formation and strengthening associations
Carry out a stock take
of clusters, including identifying number, size, type and location
Encourage the
development and use of media outreach programs for raising awareness
of issues related to SMEs
Develop in cooperation
with donors and associations, common service provisions and other
related support for clusters
To help improve the
competitiveness of clusters, encourage linkage between local
clusters and international organizations
Working together with
other stakeholders, assist SMEs in clusters become integrated in
global value chains. This can include promoting learning networks,
joint international marketing, as well as, a range of other services
ADB-Garment Sector
World Bank-Trade
Facilitation and Supply Chain
JICA-Feasibility of
Export Processing Zone to build backward linkages to SMEs
United States Agency
for International Development (USAID)-Capacity Building for Business
IV. SME Policy Framework –
Implementation Process
Develop a specific framework and institutional
arrangements for effective policy formulation and implementation, as
well as monitoring of the impact. Involve the private sector
representatives and obtain donor support to ensure its overall
success. |
(A) Government Organization
Develop an institutional arrangement among key
Government agencies for effective and coordinated policy formulation
and implementation |
Formulate and implement
the First SME Development Framework based on public private
Establish a Secretariat
for the National SME Sub-committee with detailed work plan
Develop and
implementation a plan to provide and collect information to and from
Publish a report on the
state of the SME sector and the achievements of the First SME
Development Framework
Develop a specific plan
fro capacity building programs for the Government of officials and
private sector representatives
Ensure that the
implementing agencies are allocated with sufficient resources to
take the reforms as outlined in the SME Development Framework
Formulate and implement
the Second SME Development Framework based on public private
Expand the system to
provide and collect information to and from SMEs
Publish a report on the
state of the SME sector and the achievement of the Second SME
Development Framework
Expand the specific
plan for capacity building programs for the Government officials and
private sector representatives
(B) Promotion of Public Private
Objective: Support the development of active
private sector representation in policy advocacy |
Develop a specific
consultation process with business associations and other
stakeholders to foster public private partnership
Formulate a plan to
enhance capacity of the business associations to provide policy
advocacy on behalf of SMEs