United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF)

UNDAF Annual Review Meeting

21 February 2012


Deputy Prime Minister KEAT CHHON, M.P.

Minister of Economy and Finance

First Vice-Chairman, Council for the Development of Cambodia

Royal Government of Cambodia


Closing Remarks


-  Excellencies

-  Colleagues from the Government

-  Distinguished Representatives of the UN System

-  Ladies and Gentlemen


1-            I would like to express my appreciation for the rich and insightful discussion that we have had today, and for the clear comments and recommendations from all the participants. We have had substantive discussions and now it is time to close our meeting. Let me make it clear that the achievements of UNDAF in 2011 - which focuses on supporting the provision of essential social services and strengthening systems of governance - position the UN very well to play an important role in complementing and supporting the efforts of the Royal Government. Moreover, the guidance that emerged from this meeting will lead to concrete actions for implementing the UN programme priorities in 2012.


2-            Many interesting and insightful issues have been highlighted through the presentations and discussions this morning. The need for inclusive and diversified growth is an area on which we have seen satisfying achievements and we are poised for further progress, especially in the rural and agricultural sectors that can promote improved livelihoods as part of our overall work on social protection, which is another area in which much has been achieved. But of course there remains much to be done, including on climate change resilience. Support to national capacities and systems is key to ensuring that we can strengthen and sustain the progress to date and we learned from our governance discussion of how UN support is central to our work on promoting improved public service delivery, especially for People Living with HIV/AIDS, and also to promoting decent standards of work in the private sector.


3-            The Royal Government of Cambodia is prioritizing the advancement of social services and strengthening human resources and is working with our partners from the UN to achieve our common objectives. Cambodia continues its effort in investing in young people’s education and employment for economic growth and sustainable development, so that the education sector will be a priority sector. Besides this, the need to improve maternal health is a challenge that requires our vigilance and continued effort. UN system support to strengthening the health workforce in particular to upgrade skills and competency of midwives through in-service training is just one of many areas in which we must continue to focus our efforts.


4-            It is clear that a great deal of effort has been made in order to foster gender mainstreaming across the whole spectrum of Cambodian society. The UN system strongly supports the government’s efforts of promoting women and children’s right. Support to Neary Rattanak’s costing and resource allocation is perhaps the starting point now for our efforts to ensure a coherent and comprehensive response to gender-related challenges.


5-            Finally I wish to highlight the key remarks of Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padey Techo Hun Sen, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia made at the opening ceremony of UN day meeting. The Prime Minister’s remarks appreciated the United Nations assistance to flood relief and emphasized that the government was also focused on the immediate needs of displaced people and ensuring livelihood generation during the rehabilitation phase of flood rehabilitation efforts. As the work of the UN System in Cambodia procceds during 2012, I trust that the rehabilitation effort will provide an opportunity for the UN to demonstrate its core competencies in areas such as livelihoods development, social protection and supporting the delivery of social services.


Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen


6-            In conclusion, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the participants and presenters for giving their valuable time to participate in this meeting. I thank H.E. Mr. Douglas Broderick, UN Resident Coordinator, his staff and all UN Agency Heads. In addition, I must congratulate my colleagues from the Royal Government for their sustained commitments and inputs that have guided the UN to ensure that its work is relevant to the needs of Cambodia and is results-based. I also express my special thanks to Minister Chhieng Yanara and his colleagues for good preparation of this meeting. I wish you good fortune in implementing the 2012 UNDAF work programme and so now please allow me to declare this meeting closed.