Management of the Government-Development Partner Coordination Committee Meetings

Summary of main proposals

April 2011


A Background Note on management of the GDCC was shared with all GDCC members in early-March 2011. This reflects on-going efforts to monitor and maintain the effectiveness of the GDCC meeting. This effort must be seen as part of a broader initiative to ensure the effectiveness of partnership and dialogue mechanisms and builds on the review of the 'Guideline on the Technical Working Groups' that was completed in September 2010. Looking forward, this initiative to maintain GDCC performance is linked to the evolution towards the Cambodia Development Forum as the highest-level of consultations, and the review of development cooperation policy that will take place in 2012.


The main proposals outlined in the paper can be summarised as follows:


1.    Agreement of GDCC objectives

  •   A forum for policy dialogue

  •   JMI implementation follow up

  •   Discussion of prevalent issues in the macro-economy or in sectoral/reform issues

  •   Follow-up to remaining issues that are not resolved in TWG dialogue

2.    Preparation of the GDCC

  • Guided by CDCF agreements and the JMIs

  • Agenda initiated by CRDB/CDC and then consulted with TWG Chairs and agreed with World Bank in its capacity as Lead DP coordinator (in consultation with others)

  • TWG Chairs, DP Facilitators and members to coordinate on preparation

  • JMI and TWG Progress Reports tabled by the GDCC Secretariat

  • All documents available at least one week in advance of the GDCC meeting

3.    Ensuring GDCC effectiveness

  • Strengthen links with CDCF through matrix of agreed issues for GDCC follow-up

  • GDCC to meet twice a year with focus on CDCF follow-up and JMI monitoring

  • Agenda items to have clear rationale and objective and anticipated outcome

  • More flexibility in use of statements and clarifications to promote dialogue

  • Agenda items to be concluded with a summary of agreement and actions

  • GDCC Secretariat to pro-actively follow-up issues with TWG Chairs/facilitators

  • Subsequent GDCC meetings to provide a review of progress since last GDCC

  • P&H TWG to be used for on-going dialogue on performance of the GDCC

  • Seeing the GDCC holistically: TWG performance is linked to GDCC effectiveness

  • Use of 'clusters' at TWG level for dialogue on cross-sectoral issues

In the medium-term, the format and timing of the GDCC will be reviewed to accommodate the transition to the Cambodia Development Forum (CDF), which will include a wider range of participants, including the private sector. This will ensure that the GDCC can continue to serve as an effective follow up mechanism for the CDF and provide a valued forum for dialogue.


A comprehensive review of the existing coordination mechanisms will be made in 2012 as part of the development cooperation policy review exercise scheduled to take place after the 4th High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in late 2011.