Check against delivery

Meeting of the
Partner Coordination Committee (GDCC)
Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 26
September 2012
Endorsement of the Joint
Monitoring Indicators
H.E. Chhieng Yanara
Minister attached to the Prime
Secretary General CRDB/CDC
Government of Cambodia
Excellency Deputy Prime Minister, Chair of the GDCC
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen
you for the opportunity to present the 2012 Joint Monitoring Indicators for the
endorsement of the GDCC.
Please allow me to begin by acknowledging the efforts of many people in this
room today: TWG Chairs, lead development partners, TWG secretariat staff and
technical staff of development partner agencies. The 2012 JMI exercise has been
the most consultative, participatory and thorough of any JMI exercise since we
began this joint initiative in 2004. There is an expression that “the process
drives the product”, which I believe is appropriate in this case as our combined
efforts have resulted in a high-quality results framework to guide our
development partnership over the next two years.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen
task this morning is to endorse the JMIs that have already been negotiated at
TWG level and signed-off by the respective Chairs and Lead Development Partners.
Before we do this, however, I wish to briefly do two things. First, to highlight
some observations of the JMI preparation process that I believe are important to
the implementation and monitoring phase. Second, to think about how we can use
the JMIs to look beyond these immediate development priorities to strengthen
systems that promote results-based programming and monitoring in our development
First, the JMI development process. My first observation is that we gave
ourselves sufficient opportunity to review, learn and apply lessons from the
2010 JMIs. A paper was prepared at the end of May to outline the entire process
and was discussed here at CDC by Government and development partners on 14 June.
Next, it is clear that most TWGs displayed significant leadership and
partnership so that there was a sincere effort to jointly identify a meaningful
development result that was of high priority to all parties. Third, the
technical quality of the JMIs – in the form of a results framework that combines
a high level of ambition with a focus on realistic result-setting and monitoring
– was enhanced by holding a dedicated JMI workshop at the end of last month. For
most TWGs, the participation in this event at a senior level by both Government
and development partners was highly encouraging.
level of participation and commitment brings me to my second point. Where do we
go from here? Clearly, TWGs now need to implement the identified activities and
to ensure that the specified partnering arrangements are fully implemented. Our
longer-term focus, however, must be to build on the progress we have made on
both technical and managerial aspects of the JMIs in the past months.
ministries and agencies are now well positioned to improve and elaborate their
results frameworks so that these robust results-based approaches to management
become more routine, not only the preserve of the JMIs. For development partners
– who frequently observe the need to develop and use country systems – I
highlight this as a clear opportunity and I urge you to support your Government
counterparts to develop these capacities and to use these systems.
As we
look forward to preparing the Development Cooperation and Partnerships Strategy
– which we will discuss later this morning – the JMI partnering actions that
have been identified by each TWG as part of this JMI exercise will also help us
to ensure that the practices we promote in the Development Cooperation and
Partnerships Strategy are those that are relevant to supporting effective
development at sector level. Our analysis of these partnering actions shows that
priority development effectiveness actions fall into three main areas: (1)
efforts to strengthen partnership and engagement with other actors; (2) actions
to strengthen planning and budgeting processes; and (3) priorities related to
capacity development and strengthening national systems, including for
monitoring. These actions will therefore feature prominently in the revised
Development Cooperation and Partnerships Strategy and will inform the future
outreach work and support provided by CRDB/CDC.
Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen
Finally, as we look toward the production of the next NSDP and its associated
monitoring system, we will need more effective routine monitoring arrangements
that can monitor progress on a range of goals across the whole of Government. In
addition to helping us to reach the 20 goals identified in the JMI matrix, I
believe the legacy of these JMIs can be to help us to go much further in
embedding results-based approaches in all of our work. I believe we must make a
concerted effort together to make this our objective.
H.E Deputy
Prime Minister and GDCC Chair, Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, I thank you
for your kind attention.