Development Partner Response
National Strategic
Development Plan
delivered by Annette Dixon,
World Bank Country Director
at the
19th Meeting of
The Government-Development Partner Coordination Committee
Phnom Penh, 26 September, 2012
Excellency Keat Chhon, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of
Economy and Finance,
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
The Development Partners (DPs) would like to congratulate the
Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) on the implementation of the National
Strategic Development Plan (NSDP) 2009-2013. The country successfully overcame
both the 2009 global downturn and the 2011 flood and has managed to sustain high
economic growth, reduce poverty and improve critical health and education
indicators. The RGC now aims to build the necessary foundations of a middle
income country. Its vision is that of a prosperous society with a strong economy
that is diversified, dynamic, and resilient, and where there is an equitable
distribution of opportunities. The new NSDP will play a key role in building the
foundations to meet such a commendable vision and the DPs stand ready to support
the RGC.
Reaching middle income country status is a challenging goal that
will require adapting the NSDP to increase synergies to enhance development
impact, speed up reforms to provide quality public services, promote sustainable
and inclusive growth, enhance implementation and increase efficiency. We provide
five suggestions for the RGC’s consideration.
The first is to
develop the NSDP with a participatory approach to increase synergies between the
different ministries and development actors and increase impact
The second
suggestion is to increase the speed of reforms to provide citizens high quality
public services
Cambodia is on
track to meet most of the Cambodia MDGs. The RGC has been very successful with
first-order reforms in health and education that have increased access to these
services, and contributed to significant reductions in maternal and child
mortality, and increased enrolment rates in primary schools. But infant
mortality and high school drop-out rates remain high, which implies that quality
of services remains an issue. The key challenge now is to implement
second-order reforms that improve the quality of services. This requires
strengthening monitoring and accountability in public and private sectors to
ensure quality of services. Another important indicator that is off track is
reducing malnutrition. We suggest the RGC enhances
multisectoral action-planning and coordination and identifies sector-specific
targets to improve nutrition and sanitation.
As noted in the
NSDP Update (p.24), despite progress in alignment and harmonization, the
implementation of the Decentralization and Deconcentration (D&D) reform still
faces a number of challenges. We would like to
underline the importance of line ministries becoming more involved in the D&D
reform, and of the inter-linkages with PFM and PAR. It is also important that
NCDD/MOI enhances efforts toward citizen engagement as a critical aspect of any
decentralization process.
Administration Reform and Judiciary Reform are two key reforms where progress
has been more limited, as noted in the NSDP Update. We therefore suggest
implementing key components of the National Public Administration Reform
strategy especially issues around public administration/compensation reform, and
pushing forward the reform of the judiciary.
The third suggestion is to promote inclusive and sustainable growth to ensure the benefits of development are shared with all the population and future generations
The key challenge
for Cambodia as it moves toward middle income country status is to make growth
more diversified, inclusive and sustainable. To that end, we recommend that RGC
improve the enabling environment to
strengthen agricultural processing capability and foster growth in manufacturing
by improving the business environment, developing skills of the workforce, and
enhancing trade logistics. It is also important to ensure regular and efficient
communication between private sector and policy makers.
The promotion of
a more inclusive and sustainable development also requires
strengthening policies for land development, state land
management, registration, resettlement, and urban planning, and to take into
account disability, gender, labor regulations, and social protection. This will
call for greater inter-ministerial coordination and enforcement. It is also
important to ensure the sustainable use of national and regional natural
resources and to put in place policies that stimulate private and public
investments towards a “green growth” development path.
The fourth suggestion is to strengthen Monitoring and Evaluation building on the good work so far to enhance implementation
One of the
strongest features of the NSDP are the core development indicators and their
expanded set that allows the RGC to track progress.
The DPs hope that
the M&E framework will continue to be an area of strength for the new NSDP. We
suggest that the RGC develops
NSDP results indicators and links them to JMIs to enhance implementation and
monitoring. As governance indicators are notoriously difficult to identify and
measure, development partners offer their support to help RGC
develop them.
The last suggestion is to link the NSDP to ministries’ programs and budgets to increase efficiency
Let me conclude by commending the Authorities for their progress
so far and encouraging them to consider these suggestions in the NSDP
preparation. In summary, we suggest that the RGC adopt a whole of government
approach, strengthen consultation, increase the speed of reforms, promote
inclusive and sustainable growth, strengthen monitoring, and align ministries’
programs and budgets with the NSDP to increase development effectiveness and
impact. This will soundly position Cambodia to achieve middle income status.