'Mainstreaming Trade Into Poverty
Alleviation-Status of the Implementation
of the Integrated Framework "IF" in



Presented by
Minister of Commerce
at the 6th Consultative Group Meeting
Government Palace, Phnom Penh
19-21 June 2002

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)


The Millennium Development Goals (September, 2000) aspired to the goal of developing a true Global Partnership for Development which pointed to the establishment of an inclusive and equitable globalization.

The Millennium Declaration called for an open, rule-based, predictable, non-discriminatory trading system, and a commitment to good governance, development and poverty reduction-both nationality and internationally.

          UN LDC-III Conference in Brussels
          WTO 4th Ministerial Meeting in Doha

The Quad countries statement at the UN LDC-III Conference in Brussels (May 2001) and the Doha Ministerial Declaration (November 2001) are full of promise for trade-related assistance to help LDCs better address their capacity need in relation to trade and poverty reduction and to better participate in, negotiate and implement WTO agreements.

The Financing for Development Conference's Monterrey Consensus (March 2002) moved the commitment further toward a new resource framework, which goes beyond ODA and included mobilization of domestic resources, revenue generated by trade, and FDI

Translating Political Statements to Practice: The Integrated Framework for Trade Related Technical Assistance for LDCs – “IF”

The WTO Singapore Ministerial Conference (December, 1996) mandated a more “integrated approach to assisting LDSs to  enhance their trading opportunities” requesting the six core agencies providing trade-related capacity building and technical assistance to collaborate more closely, and with bilateral donors, to achieve a more efficient and coherent delivery of assistance

Revitalized IF- Pilot Scheme Country
Cambodia was selected as one of three pilot scheme countries - May 2001

An enhanced IF programme was put in place (May, 2001)

The basic purpose is to embed the trade agenda into a country’s overall development strategy (the PRSP or UN Development Assistance Framework process) and to ensure Trade Related Capacity Building is coherent to the trade policy aims of the country concerned, and prioritised with other development assistance needs.  

Revitalized IF - Pilot Scheme Country from Pilot Country to Model Country - Cambodia IF Model

"...The Doha Ministerial Declaration provides for wider cooperation between agencies, bilateral donors and beneficiaries. It mandates the 6 core agencies to identify ways of enhancing and rationalizing the IF and to explore the extension of the model to all LDCs, following the review of the IF and the appraisal of the ongoing Pilot Scheme in selected countries (Cambodia, Madagascar, and Mauritania)...".

Cambodia IF Model - 
Where are we?

Status of its Implementation.

The mainstreaming process involves 5 stages.

First Stage: carry out a country diagnostic trade integration study (DTIS). Cambodia was one of the first countries to undertake and complete a diagnostic trade integration study.

Cambodia IF Model - Where are we?
Status of its Implementation.
Cambodia IF Model - Where are we?
Status of its Implementation.
Second Stage: The second step involves the organization of a national workshop to review findings and policy recommendations of the DTIS including identification of a technical assistance (TA) action plan. Cambodia did this in November 2001.
Cambodia IF Model - 
Where are we?

Status of its Implementation.

The Third Stage involves the endorsement by the Government and other stakeholders of the policy recommendations and the TA Matrix.

Cambodia adopted the Diagnostic Study and the TA Matrix in January 2002.

The 29th IAWG/DAC/OECD Joint Meeting subsequently endorsed it in Paris in the same month.

Cambodia IF Model - 
Where are we?

Status of its Implementation.

The Fourth stage  involves the submission of the TA Matrix to donors for financing. Within the 6 months period leading to the CG meeting today, Cambodia has diligently and systematically worked with the core agencies and bilateral donors to secure funding for activities identified in the TA Matrix.

8 February 2002. The 30th IAWG Meeting approved, and the IF Steering Committee endorsed, the First IF project resulting from the Cambodia Diagnostic Study. The project will use an earmarked fund of $500,000 from Japan via the IF UN Trust Fund, and some co-funding from UNDP.

Cambodia IF Model - 
Where are we?

Status of its Implementation.

The Fifth and Last Stage of the mainstreaming process involves the responses of donors and the six core agencies to follow up on the specific TA projects identified in the TA Matrix, some of which will require long-term effort


This CG Meeting provides such an opportunity.


The TA matrix is an evolving document. We welcome any fresh and 
creative initiatives from everyone.


The World is watching and more so the other 48 LDCs...
Cambodia IF Model - Where are we?
Status of its Implementation:
Visit of EU Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy to Cambodia
EC's recent decision to earmark:

• 3.0 million TA for Cambodia's accession to the WTO and SPS/TBT.

• 4.9 million TA for Institutional Support Programs including TA for ASEAN and WTO matters, trade negotiating skills.

Cambodia IF Model - Where are we?
Status of its Implementation:

• Development of the MoC website: "www.moc.gov.kh"
• Capacity Building for trade support and trade policy-making
• Tools for Private Sector Support            • Development of the Legal Framework      • Translation and publication of the Trade Diagnostic Report: "Cambodia: Integration and Competitiveness Study"
• Conference on Globalization
• Support for WTO accession: Publication of of Results of the Uruguay Rounds in Khmer

Cambodia IF Model - Where are we? Status of its Implementation:
• The Mekong Project Development Facility (MPDF)
   • Human Capital/Entrepreneurial Know How
• Finance for SMEs
• Trade Promotion

Cambodia IF Model - Where are we?
Status of its Implementation:

• WTO Accession

• Study Tours

• Trainfortrade program

• UNCTAD-ICC Investment Guides

• Translation of Trade Negotiations Materials

Cambodia IF Model - Where are we?
Status of its Implementation:

• Capacity Building for Pro-poor Trade Reforms
• Drafting of Insolvency Law
• Trade Policy Courses
• National Seminars
• Technical Missions
• Establishing modern data processing facilities ("WTO Reference Center")

Cambodia IF Model - Where are we? Status of its implementation:

• Creation of a Trade Support Network
• Membership in the ITC's World Tr@de Net
• Development of Essential Oils and Spices Industry
• ITC's Export led Poverty Reduction Program (EPRP)
• South-South Trade Promotion Programme: Demand Surveys for Agro-Products and Processed Foods

Cambodia IF Model - Where are we? Status of its Implementation:
Active Contributions by Other Agencies and International
Financial Institutions (IFIs)

Asian Development Bank (ADB): $800,000.00 in TA
• Extension of its regional program to provide access to their electronic law database for the WTO Reference Center at the Ministry of Commerce
• Establishment of a Secured Transactions System
• Drafting of the Secured Transactions Law and Establishing secured transaction systems
• Drafting e-Commerce Law
• Conduct an SME sector sub-strategy
Cambodia IF Model - Where are we? Status of its Implementation:
Active Contributions by Other Agencies and International
Financial Institutions (IFIs)
• WTO Accession
• Trade facilitation and e-commerce
• Bangkok agreement
• Poverty Alleviation and Social Integration
• Trade policy and trade promotion
Cambodia IF Model - Where are we? Status of its Implementation:
Active Contributions by Other Agencies and International
Financial Institutions (IFIs)
• International Standards and Technical Regulations:
Contribution to UNIDO of up to 600.000 to build trade-related supply capacities
• WTO accession process under a regional APEC program 
Cambodia IF Model - Where are we? Status of its Implementation:
Active Contributions by Other Agencies and International
Financial Institutions (IFIs)
• Capacity Building for Pro-poor Trade Reforms
• TBT, rice distribution system and marketing study
• Regional Development Master Plan of the Phnom Penh - Sihanoukville Economic Growth Corridor
• IPR protection (Geographical Indications)
Cambodia IF Model - Where are we? Status of its Implementation:
Active Contributions by Other Agencies and International
Financial Institutions (IFIs)
• Initiatives for ASEAN Integration (IAI) - Trade Training Program
• Trade related capacity building
• WTO accession
• Pro-poor trade sector materials development and consultations with stakeholders
Cambodia IF Model - Where are we? Status of its Implementation:
Active Contributions by Other Agencies and International
Financial Institutions (IFIs)


• Trade policy and agriculture sector 
• Trade Negotiations Tools
Cambodia IF Model - Where are we? Status of its Implementation:
Active Contributions by Other Agencies and International
Financial Institutions (IFIs)
Possible support from other interested Governments:
• Netherlands Government
• Swiss Government and
• ODA Champions like Sweden, the Netherlands and other Nordic countries

...and from interest specialized institutions: AITIC, FAO?
Who else?
Cambodia IF Model - How Did We Do?
Designing a sound trade policy framework:
A coherent trade strategy that is closely integrated with a country's overall development strategy.
Effective mechanisms for consultation among stakeholders: government - the enterprise sector - and civil society.
Effective mechanisms for intra-government policy co-ordination.
A Strategy for enhanced collection, dissemination and analysis of trade related information.
Trade policy networks, supported by indigenous research institutions.
Networks of trade support institutions.
A commitment by all key trade stakeholders to outward-oriented regional strategies

National Development Strategy and the Trade Policy Process

"...Once mainstreamed into the PRSP the role of trade will be firmly situated within Cambodia's coherent national policy context and its trade-related technical assistance needs will stand a much better chance of being financed by donors and agencies..."

Mainstreaming Trade Strategy into the Development Policies Towards Poverty Reduction in Cambodia

Cambodia IF Model - How Did We Do?
Trade and Investment Linkages and other companion and mutually supportive policies...
Formulating a long-term financial sector development plan..."RGC's Financial Sector Blueprint (the Blueprint) for 2001-2010"
Capitalizing on the FDI Opportunities through Reforms of the Investment Regime.
Initiating Regional Development Master Plan of the Phnom Penh - Sihanoukville Growth Corridor
Bringing in Private Participation in Infrastructure: Complete the Country Framework report on Private Participation in Infrastructure (CFR) With World Bank and the Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF)
Deepening Economic Integration...
Cambodia's "Diamond Opportunity": Cambodia-Thailand Joint Economic Development....
Strengthening Economic Linkages within the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS)...
Deepening Regional Integration: Considering the process of acceding to Bangkok Agreement....
Opportunities to secure world market access through WTO membership...

Cambodia IF Model  - How Did We Do?
Trade and Investment Linkages and other companion and mutually supportive policies....

Good Governance...
Enforcement of the Rule of Law....
Reinforcement of Intellectual Property Rights as Tool for Development...
Linking Trade and Labor Standards: Making Cambodia as a Sound and Safe Sourcing Place for World Textile and Apparel

Cambodia IF Model - The Challenges
Increased regional and international competition

China's accession to the WTO

US granting MFN status to Vietnam

US's Farms Act ($190 billion in farm subsidies)


End of the Multi-Fiber Agreement in 2005

Difficulties in WTO accession process (LDC-Plus or worse WTO-Plus)
High concentration in only 3 poles (Phnom Penh, Sihanoukville, Siemreap)
Cost structure
Cost of infrastructure services
Cost of trade facilitation services
Direct and indirect taxes
Wages and low labor productivity
Limited trade support services
Trade support services
Trade promotion
Trade financing
Weak entrepreneurial capacity
Cambodia IF Model - The Challenges
Ahead....WTO accession
Difficulties in WTO accession process (LDC-Plus or worse WTO-Plus)
Cambodia pushes hard....
At the rate the accession process is moving Cambodia stands a great chance to be the first LDC to accede to the WTO
But our political will and commitment to accelerate the accession process from Cambodia will not be enough...
The WTO should consider the notion of so-called "fast track" procedures for streamline bureaucratic procedures for admission for Cambodia as an LDC as first suggested by the European Union
For their part, WTO members should be realistic in their demands for concessions from Cambodia and take due account of its unique financial, economic, institutional and other constraints.
Cambodia IF Model - The Challenges
Ahead....WTO accession
Difficulties in WTO accession process (LDC-Plus or worse WTO-Plus)
Moreover, powerful WTO members should refrain from insisting on "LDC-plus" or worse yet "WTO-plus" obligations for Cambodia, a country that has no current or potential capabilities to become a major player in the world market.
They should take into account the internal adjustment shocks that Cambodia will confront when complying with the new rules in the absence of reasonable transition period.
It is Cambodia as LDC which is in need of Transitional Period instead LDC was asked to give transitional period to the Developed Country.
Just asking for a few reasonable schedules of commitments on goods and services from Cambodia would be perceived as a positive gesture from all WTO Members.
Therefore, doing away with the LDC-plus and WTO-plus conditions for accession and the automatic extension of Special & Differential (S&D) provisions to Cambodia - as an acceding LDC - would seem to be good starting points.
Cambodia IF Model - The Challenges
Ahead....WTO accession

"...It may not be by trying at this stage to get the most of concessions from a tiny country like Cambodia that WTO members will get something substantial for their countries, it shall be instead at the new round of trade negotiations kicked off at Doha last November that more important and more substantial gains should be sought. We do not rush to enter WTO just for the sake of being a member, but to be in a position to play a more active role and to benefit from the world trading system... Without bringing back to Cambodia the benefits of globalization, the whole preparation process that we have so far undertaken would be jeopardized by opposition forces to globalization, which are still on the wait-and-see position in Cambodia..."

Opening Statement of
Cambodian Chief Negotiator
Commerce Minister Cham Prasidh
at the 2nd working Party in February 2002

Cambodia IF Model - The Solutions....
Removing the Bottlenecks.....
To overcome these constraints, we need to tackle "trade-related capacity building" in two angles:
"trade rules compliance capacity" which will enable Cambodia to observe international trade rules better, and
"trade competitiveness capacity" which will strengthen the supply side and enable Cambodia to better exploit the improved market access for its exports.
Improved Conditions of market access
Cambodia IF Model - The Solutions....
With the appropriate trade related capacity building, Cambodia can further reap the fruit of economic growth generated from trade reform and openness.
But we have much more work to do...in the many months to come
Additional work will be carried out with assistance from donors and other development partners to better understand the potential impacts of trade reforms on the poor and to develop mechanisms which truly support pro-poor growth.
Cambodia IF Model - The Challenges

"The success of the IF initiative can only be determined over the medium-term taking into account the extent to which the trade agenda including the policy recommendations are meaningfully included into the country's development process, and the extent to which bilateral and multilateral agencies continue to respond to the capacity building needs through the consultative group processes of the key lending agencies, and bilateral donor country programmes and according to comparative advantage, the activities of other multilateral agencies.

Ultimately, success can only be defined on the basis that realised trade improvements, will promote growth and contribute to welfare gains..."

Susan Prowse, The World Economy Journal

Cambodia IF Model - Turning Hope into Real Possibilities....

"....In a nutshell, the Integrated Framework can help Cambodia develop is competitiveness and supply capacity to meet the challenges of Globalization....and help Cambodia to turn its hope into reality..."




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