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STATEMENT H.E. Mu Sochua Ministry for Women’s and Veterans’ Affairs |
Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, Gender
disparities exists in all sectors of development. Gender gaps are
widespread in access to and control Of resources, in economic
opportunities, in power and political voice. Women, girls and the female
youth bear the largest and most direct costs of these inequalities. Addressing
equity issues relating to women’s and children’s rights is crucial to
good governance and to sustainable social and economic development, to
social justice and to alleviating poverty. Indeed, improving the situation
of women and children is central to the Royal Cambodian Government’s
strategy to alleviate poverty. Neary
Rattenack: Women are Precious Gems is our five-year strategy and action
plan to achieve our vision. Too
often the role of women is relegated to the realm of welfare and to
reproductive services. While policies and services in these areas are
vital, limiting women to the domestic sphere is to deny their current and
their essential roles in the productive sphere -as farmers, entrepreneurs
and decision-makers. The goals of poverty alleviation cannot be achieved
without attention to women’s current and potential roles in the
productive sphere. Furthermore, the increase of gender-based violence is
another factor which calls for our attention in the protection and rights
of women, the girl child and female youth. Gender
equality and equity can be achieved through gender mainstreaming with
clear strategies for implementation, monitoring and evaluation. The Royal
Government of Cambodia, through the Ministry of Women and Veterans’
Affairs is in the process of testing its gender mainstreaming strategies
which aim at:
The MWVA is actively participating in the Poverty Reduction Partnership Agreement and the Poverty Reduction Strategy process. To further enhance the participation of women, in cooperation with other ministries, the MOWVA will be conducting a series of community-based meetings to bring their voices into the process of the PRPA and the PRSP. Our
dialogues with other ministries is facilitated by the presence and the
input of the gender focal points which we have established in 12 line
ministries with technical support from the UNDP and the Royal Embassy of
the Netherlands and the UNFPA. Priority
areas for our ministry are two-fold. They are building capacity, not only
in MOWVA but in all ministries, in order to successfully mainstream
gender; and creating mechanisms between MOWVA and all levels of
government, including commune councils, to ensure gender is mainstreamed
in all government policies and programs. The Ministry is concerned that
all line ministries should explicitly budget for resources to mainstream
gender, that is, to ensure that the current different situations between
women and men, and the differential outcomes of policies and programs, are
addressed. The
Ministry is also very concerned that targets and indicators should take
account of the differences in the current situation of men and women, boys
and girls, arid their differential access to resources and services.
Unless this situation is explicitly acknowledged, the outcomes will not
produce gender equity, consequently they will not successfully address
poverty. It is essential therefore, that all Sets of data are gender
disaggregated to establish reasonable and achievable benchmarks, and
targets and indicators. Finally,
the MOWVA strongly suggests a mechanism for analysing budgets from a
gender perspective which will specifically look into the following points: 1.
monitoring expenditures by government departments and authorities
to women and men in the community;
2. equal
opportunity programmes;
3. general
expenditures which make goods and services available to the community. The MOWVA will strengthen donor coordination to better communicate and cooperate with donors on the implementation of the government’s strategies to mainstream gender and on gender specific issues and programmes. |
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