List of Participant






1.        H.E. Mr. Keat Chhon


Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economy and Finance,

Vice Chair of CDC, Chair of CDCF

2.        H.E. Dr. Aun Pon Moniroth

Minister attached to the PM, Alternate Chair of CDCF

3.        H.E. Mr. Chhieng Yanara


Minister attached to the PM, Secretary General of CDCF

Ministry of Economy and Finance

4.        H.E. Mr. Hang Chhoun Naron

Secretary of State

5.        H.E. Mr. Vongsey Vissoth

Secretary General 

6.        H.E. Mr. Chou Vichith

Deputy Secretary General

7.        H.E. Mr. Hean Sahib

Deputy Secretary General

8.        H.E. Mr. Ming Bankosal


Director General, the Securities and Exchange

Commission of Cambodia

9.        Mr. Chan Sothy

Director of Investment and Cooperation

10.     Mr. Sok Saravuth

Director of Budget Department

11.     Mr. Kim Phalla

Director of Economic Policy & Public Finance

12.     Mr. Ly Se

First Deputy Director of Economic Integration

13.     Mr. Pen Thirong

First Deputy Director of Investment Dept.

14.     Mr. Por Yutha

Chief of Bilateral Division, Investment Dept.

15.     Mr. Tauch Chan Kresna

Chief of World Bank Division, Investment Dept.

16.     Mr. Chhuon Samrith

Chief of ADB Division, Investment Dept.

17.     Mr. Eng Touch

Chief of Private Sector Development Division

18.     H.E. Mr. Jim Hagan


Executive Director, WB


Council for the Development of Cambodia

19.     H.E. Mr. Sun Chanthol

Sr. Minister and Vice Chairman

20.     H.E. Mr. Sok Chenda

Minister attached to the PM, Secretary General of CDC

21.     H.E. Mr. Suon Sitthy

Secretary General of CIB/CDC

22.     H.E. Mr. Leaph Vannden

Deputy Secretary General, CRDB/CDC

23.     H.E. Mr. Rith Vuthy

Deputy Secretary General of CRDB/CDC

24.     H.E. Mr. Duy Thoev

Deputy Secretary General of CIB/CDC

25.     Mr. Suon Sophal

Deputy Director of Public Relations & Promotion,CIB/CDC

26.     Mr. Philip Courtnadge

Sr. Advisor MDSP, CRDB/CDC

27.     Ms. Misa Fukunaga


JICA Expert, Aid Coordination Advisor


Office of the Council of Ministers

28.       H.E. Mr. Sok An

Deputy Prime Minister

29.       H.E. Mrs. Men Sam An

Deputy Prime Minister

30.       H.E. Mr. Nhek Bunchhai

Deputy Prime Minister

31.       H.E. Mr. Om Yintieng

Senior Minister, ACU

32.       H.E. Mr. Tao Seng Hour

Senior Minister

33.       H.E. Mr. Var Kim Hong

Senior Minister and Chairman of Border

34.       H.E. Mr. Sriy Thamarong

Minister attached to the PM

35.       H.E. Mr. Ho Sithi

Minister attached to the PM

36.       H.E. Mr. Prak Sokhonn

Secretary of State, Vice President of CMAA

37.       H.E Mr. Leng Sochea

Chief of TWG-MA Secretariat

38.       H.E. Mr. Raoul Jennar

Advisor to the RGC                                  

39.       H.E. Mr. Yim Nolla

Senior Minister

40.       H.E. Mr. Nhim Vannda

Sr. Minister, Committee of National Disaster Management

41.       H.E. Mr. Chan Tany

Secretary of State

42.       H.E. Mr. Hing Thoraxy

Secretary of State

43.       H.E. Mr. Suy Mong Leang

Secretary General

44.       H.E. Dr. Vong Samang

Secretary General

45.       H.E. Mr. Hun Manith

Deputy Director, PM Cabinet

46.       H.E. Mr. Ngo Hongly

Secretary General, CAR

47.       H.E. Mr. Chhuon  Chham

Deputy Secretary General

48.       H.E. Mr. Pen Bunchhea

Deputy Secretary General

49.       H.E. Mr. Kem Roat Viseth

Cabinet Director, H.E. Sok An Cabinet

50.       H.E Mr. Sun Map

Advisor to Deputy Prime Minister

51.       H.E Mr. Mom Amnot

Assistant to Deputy Prime Minister

52.       Dr. Geoff Edmonds

Advisor to CARD, Social Protection

53.       Mr. Alain Benicy


54.       Ms. Phlek Ryneth

Deputy Director

55.       Mr. Hem Vanndy

Assistant to the Prime Minister

56.       Mr. Nhem Thul


Assistant TWG

Ministry of Interior

57.       H.E. Mr. Sar Kheng

Deputy Prime Minister

58.       H.E. Mr. Prum Sokha

Secretary of State

59.       H.E. Mr. Ngy Chanphal

Secretary of State

60.       H.E. Mr. Sak Setha

Secretary of State

61.       H.E. Mr. Leng Vy

Director General

62.       H.E. Mr. Ngan Chamroeun

Deputy Director General

63.       Mr. Yin Malyna




Ministry of National Defense

64.       H.E. Mr. Tea Banh


Deputy Prime Minister

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

65.       H.E. Mr. Chan Sarun


66.       H.E. Mr. Chan Tong Yves

Secretary of State

67.       H.E. Mr. San Vanty

Under Secretary of State

68.       H.E. Mr. Lord Reasmey

General Secretary

69.       H.E. Mr. Chheng Kimsun

Director General, Forestry Administration

70.       H.E. Mr. Nao Thouk

Director General, Fisheries Administration

71.       Mr. Thor Sensereivorth

Acting Department Director 

72.       Mr. Eang Savet

Director, Managing FA Inspector

73.       Mr. Chan Danith

TWG Secretariat

74.       Mr. Sok Srun

TWG Officer

75.       Mr. Mak Muny


Chief of Coordination, M&E of Planning Dept


Ministry of Planning

76.       H.E. Mr. Chhay Than

Senior Minister

77.       H.E. Mr. Ou Orhat

Secretary of State

78.       H.E. Mr. Nuth Chan Sokha

Under Secretary of State

79.       H.E. Mr. Toun Thavrak

Director General

80.       Mr. Theng Pagnathun


Deputy Director General


The Council for Agriculture and Rural Development

81.       H.E. Mr. Yim Chhaily

Deputy Prime Minister, Chair of CARD

82.       H.E. Mr. Rath Virak

Secretary General, CARD

83.       H.E. Mr. Srun Darith

Deputy Secretary General, CARD

84.       H.E. Mr. San Vathana

Deputy Secretary General, CARD

85.       H.E. Mr. Yim Leat


Deputy Secretary General, CARD

Ministry of Commerce

86.       H.E. Mr. Kem Sithan

Secretary of State

87.       Mr. Tan Soviddhya



Ministry of Cult and Religion Affairs

88.       H.E. Mr. Min Khin


89.       Mr. Hang Vandet


90.       Mr. Chhoeum Chhard

Deputy Director

91.       Mr. Nhem Vady


Deputy Director

Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts

92.       H.E. Mr. Him Chhem


93.       H.E. Mr. Un Tim

Secretary of state

94.       H.E. Mr. Chamroeun Vantha

Director General

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports

95.       H.E. Mr. Im Sethy


96.       H.E Mr. Nath Bunroeun

Secretary of State

97.       Mr. Sam Sereyrath

Director of Department of planning

98.       Mr. Lim Sothea


Deputy Director of Department of planning

Ministry of Environment

99.       H.E. Dr. Mok Mareth

Senior Minister

100.    H.E. Mr. Lonh Heal

Director General

101.    Mr. Puth Sorithy



Ministry of Health

102.    H.E. Dr. Mam Bunheng


103.    H.E. Prof. Eng Huot

Secretary of State

104.    Dr. Char Meng Chuor

Deputy Director General

105.    Dr. Lo Veasna Kiry


106.    Dr. Moeung Vannarom


Deputy Director DIC, MOH


Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy

107.    H.E. Mr. Ith Praing

Secretary of State

108.    Mr. Heng Sophoan




Ministry of Information

109.    H.E. Mr. Khieu Kanharith



Ministry of Justice

110.    H.E. Mr. Ang Vong Vathana


111.    H.E. Mr. Koeut Rith


Under Secretary of State


Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training

112.    H.E. Mr. Kann Man

Secretary of State

113.    Mr. Ngy Simaneth


Director of Planning


Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction

114.    H.E. Mr. Im Chhum Lim

Senior Minister

115.    H.E. Mr. Chhan Sophan

Secretary of State

116.    H.E. Mr. Sar Sovann


Director General


Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs and Inspection

117.    H.E. Ms. Som Kim Suor


118.    Mr. Samrit Sat

Deputy Director

119.    Mr. Tao Sandy

Deputy Director

120.    Miss. Oum Samadet


Deputy Bureau Chief


Ministry of Post and Telecommunication

121.    H.E. Mr. So Khun


122.    H.E. Mr. Sarak Khan


Secretary of State


Ministry of Public Works and Transport

123.    H.E. Tram Iv Tek



Ministry of Rural Development

124.    H.E. Mr. Chea Sophara


125.    H.E. Mr. Sao Chivoan

Secretary of State

126.    Dr. Theng Sang Var


Chief of Cabinet and Deputy Director General

Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation

127.    H.E. Mr. Ith Sam Heng



Ministry of Tourism

128.    H.E. Mr. Thong Khon


129.    H.E. Mr. Kousoum Saroeuth

Secretary of State

130.    H.E. Mr. Tith Chantha

Director General

131.    Mr. Neb Samouth

Deputy Director General

132.    Mr. Thok Sokhom


Department Director

Ministry of Water Resource and Meteorology

133.    H.E. Mr. Veng Sakhon


Secretary of State

Ministry of Women Affairs

134.    H.E. Dr. Ing Kantha Phavi


135.    H.E. Mrs. Khim Chamroeun

Secretary of State

136.    Ms. Chhoy Kim Sour


137.    Ms. Nhean Sochetra


138.    Ms. Anna Collins Falk



National Audit Authority

139.    H.E. Mr. Uth Chhorn

Auditor General

140.    Mr. Ouk Saravudh

Head of Department

141.    Mr. Keo Chea



National Aids Authority

142.    H.E. Mr. Nuth Sokhom

Senior Minister

143.    H.E. Mr. Tia Phalla


144.    H.E. Mr. Teng Kunthy

Secretary of State

145.    Mr. Sim Kimsan

Department Director

146.    Mr. Meng Chhum Suntakna


Technical Assistant

Cambodia Mine Action Center

147.    H.E. Mr. Heng Ratana

Director General

148.    H.E. Mr. Ek Bolin


Director of Support and Human Resource

Secretariat of Public Functions

149.    H.E. Mr. Pech Bun Thin

Secretary of State, State Secretariat for Civil Service

150.    H.E. Thor Sethana

General Director

151.    Mr. Ol Ro


Deputy Director

Cambodia Chamber of Commerce

152.    Neak Oknha Kith Meng

President of CCC and Head of Delegations

153.    Oknha Ty Peseth

Secretary of CCC and Chief of Service Sector of PPCC

154.    Oknha Te Y Chhe

Ordinary Member

155.    H.E. Mr. Nguon Meng Tech

Director General

156.    Mr. Tan Luu Minh

Advisor to the President

157.    Ms. Sophia Kith

Assistant to the President

158.    Mr. Kith Lyphanna

Assistant to the President

159.    Mr. Kith Lychanrith


Assistant to the President

Rural Development Bank

160.    H.E. Mr. Son Kunthor


Director General

Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority

161.    H.E. Mr. Ek Sonn Chan


Director General of PPWSA

National Bank of Cambodia

162.    H.E. Ms. Ouk Maly


Deputy Governor




1.          H.E. Ms. Margaret Adamson


2.          Mr. Michael Wilson

Assistant Director General, AusAID

3.          Mr. Lachlan Pontifex

Counsellor, AusAID, PP

4.          Ms. Belinda Mericourt


Senior Program Manager, Aid Effectiveness




5.          H.E. Dr. Johannes Peterlik




6.          Dr. Ms. Lilly Nicholls

Director Cambodia Program, CIDA

7.          Ms. Linda Wishart


Counsellor (Development), CIDA


8.          H.E. Mr. Pan Guangxue


9.          Mr. Jin Yuan

Economic and Commercial Counsellor

10.       Mr. Lei Pengqin


11.       Miss. Xu Daizhu




12.       Mr. Tom Barthel Hansen

Head of Representative

13.       Mr. Jacob Kahl Jepsen


Counsellor (Development)


14.       Mr. Rafael Dochao Moreno

Chargé d’affaires

15.                                                                                                         Ms. Laura Liguori

Poverty Reduction and Public Finance Management

16.       Mr. Seth Van Doorn

Attaché Political and Commercial Affairs

17.       Ms. Marian


Project Manager


18.       H.E. Ms. Sirpa Maenpaa


19.       Ms. Helena Ahola


Counsellor (Development Cooperation)


20.       H.E. Mr. Jean-Francois Desmazieres


21.       Mr. Dominique Freslon

Counsellor for Cooperation

22.       Mr. Gilles Angles

Multilateral Cooperation Coordinator

23.       Mr. Eric Beugnot

Director (AFD)

24.       Mr. Gilard Oliar


Program Officer


25.       H.E. Mr. Frank M. Mann


26.       Mr. Hady Riad


27.       Mr. Heinrich-Jurgen Schilling

Country Director-GTZ

28.       Ms. Katharina Huebner


Program Coordinator of GTZ


29.       H.E. Mr. Rajesh K. Sachdeva


30.       Mr. Sauray Ray

First Secretary

31.       Mr. Ramesh C. Chandha


Second Secretary



32.       Ms. Margaret Gaynor


Deputy Head of Development

(Vietname, Loa PDR, Cambodia)



33.       H.E. Mr. Masafumi Kuroki


34.       Mr. Hideaki Matsuo

First Secretary, Head of Economic and ODA Section

35.       Mr. Suzuki Yasujiro

Chief Representative, JICA Cambodia Office

36.       Mr. Kobayashi Yukiharu

Senior Representative, JICA Cambodia Office

37.       Mr. Hitoshi Hirata

Senior Representative, JICA Cambodia Office

38.       Ms. Suzuki Keiko

Project Formulation Advisor, JICA Cambodia Office

39.       Mr. Nhean Tola

Senior Program Officer

40.       Ms. Sugiyama





41.       H.E. Mr. Datuk Pengiran Hj. Mohd Hussein


42.       Mr. Raja Saifful Ridzuwan

Minister Counsellor

43.       Mr. Abdul Rahim Hashim


First Secretary



44.                                                                                                         Mr. Philip Hewitt

First Secretary and NZAID Representative for Thailand, Laos, Myanmar and Cambodia



45.       H.E. Mr. Lee Kyung-Soo


46.       Mr. Kim Sang-Hoon


47.       Mr. Kim Byung-Gwan

KOICA Resident Representative

48.       Mr. Shin Myung-Seop

KOICA Deputy Resident Representative

49.       Mr. Son Sung-il

Deputy representative, KOICA Cambodia office

50.       Mr. Woo-Yong Chung

KOICA Director

51.       Mr. Seop Shim

Director General, EDCF

52.       Mr. Hong Sung Hoon

Director of Korea Export-Import Bank

53.       Ms. Jae-Kyun Im

Senior Manager, Korea Export-Import Bank

54.       Mr. Hort Sroeu


KOICA Program Officer



55.       H.E. Mr. Mariano Alonso Buron




56.       Ms. Eva Asplund

SIDA Country Director

57.       Mr. Karl-Anders Larsson


58.       Mr. Per Nordlund





59.       Miss. Thitiya Panmanee


Second Secretary of Royal Thai Embassy

UNITED States of America

60.       Mr. Theodore Allegra

Chargé d' Affaires

61.       Mr. Flynn Fuller

Director of USAID

62.       Dr. Dora Warren

Director, US CDC

63.       Ms. Laurie de Freese


Program Officer, USAID



64.       H.E. Mr. Andrew Mace


65.       Mr. Richard Erlebach

DFID Head of Office

66.       Ms. Kram Sokchanna


DFID Program Officer



67.       H.E. Mr. Ngo Anh Dung


68.       Mr. Lai Xuan Chien

Chief of Political Division

69.       Mr. Tran Minh Cu


Chief of Economic Division



70.       Ms. Annette Dixon

Country Director

71.       Mr. Qimiao Fan

Country manager

72.       Mr. Stephane Guimbert

Senior Country Economist

73.       Ms. Janelle Plummer

Senior Governance Specialist

74.       Ms. Mariana Infante Villarroel

Social Protection Specialist

75.       Mr. Samsen Neak

Poverty Specialist

76.       Mr. Jan-Willem Rosenboom

Team Leader WSP

77.       Mr. Charles Schneider

Program Manager

78.       Ms. Rebecca Carter

Coordination Officer

79.       Ms. Lili Sisombat

Operations Officer

80.       Mr. Saroeun Bou

Communication Officer

81.       Ms. Amara Khiev

Program Assistant

82.       Ms. Julia Brickell


Resident IFC Representative



83.       Mr. John G. Nelmes


Resident Representative


84.       Mr. Eric Sidgwick


Senior Country Economist


85.       Dr. Maxim Berdnikov

Fund Portfolio Manager, East Asia and the Pacific

86.       Dr. Kirsi Viisainen


Program Effectiveness Team



87.       Mr. Douglas Broderick

UN Resident coordinator

88.       Mr. Elena Tischenko

UNDP Country Director

89.       Ms. Ann Lund

Senior UN Coordination Specialist

90.       Mr. Frederic Jeanjean

Aid Effectiveness Specialist

91.       Mr. Nicola Chosta


92.       Sari Laaksoned




93.       Mr. Meng Sakphouseth

Country Operations Officer

94.       Mr. Ung Dara Rat Moni


Agriculture Portfolio and Policy Advisor



95.       Mr. Bill Salter

Sub-Regional Director

96.       Mr. Tun Sophorn

National Coordinator

97.       Mr. Tuomo Poutiainen


Chief Technical Adviser



98.       Mr. Ajay Markanday


99.       Dr. Lean Russell

Development Advisor

100.    Mr. Chuop Paris


Assistant to FAO Representative in Cambodia



101.    Mr. Teruo Jinnai




102.    Mr. Tony Lisle

Country Coordinator

103.    Dr. Savina Ammassari


Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor



104.    Ms. Alice Levisay




105.    Mr. Richard Bridle


106.    Ms. Isabelle Austin


Deputy Representative



107.    Mr. Sok Narin


Head of Operations


108.    Dr. Pieter van Maaren


109.    Mr. Paul Weelen


Health Systems Development Advisor


110.    Mr. Jean-Pierre de Margerie

Country representative

111.    Ms. Rosaleen Martin


Coordination & Communications Officer


112.    Mr. Christophe Peschoux




113.    Mr. Bretton Sciaroni


Senior Partner Sciaroni and Associate 

Civil Society Organization

114.    Mr. Borithy LUN

Executive Director, CCC

115.    Mr. Chhith Sam Ath

Executive Director NGO Forum

116.    Ms. Pok Panha Vichetr

Board Member NGO Forum

117.    Mr. Chea Kim Song

Development Issue Program Manager NGO Forum

118.    Dr. Sin Sumony

Executive Director, MEDICAM