Joint Monitoring Indicators for 3rd CDCF Meeting (02-03 June 2010)

To be implemented and monitored in the period between the third and fourth meeting of the CDCF


Results: outcome, output & indicators

Activities: milestone actions

Inputs: management, coordination & resource

Immediate outcome


Output indicator


Associated aid effectiveness actions

Coordinating Institution

Implementing Institution


Funding & inputs

Implementation and Management of the National Strategic Development Plan-Update (NSDP-Update)

Joint Monitoring Indicator 1: Planning and Poverty Reduction

1. Improved MOP and line ministries and agencies capacity to monitor the implementation of NSDP Update 2009-2013, including the preparation of the MTR in 2011 following the participatory approach used in NSDP preparation

1.  MPSP 2009-2013

2.  NSDP MTR 2011


1.  Aligned available resources of DPs and the Government to implement the MPSP in 2010-2011 confirmed by June 2010

2.  NSDP MTR finalized by end Sept 2011

1.  MOP and DPs review and adopt MPSP 2009-2013 by May 2010.

2.  MOP and DPs, review and adopt an AOP for the last six months of 2010 by June 2010, and for 2011 by mid Dec 2010.

3.  Prepare and implement a capacity development plan for MOP by June 2011.

4.  M&E sub-group of the TWG-PPR to complete work on the update of NSDP indicators by June 2011.

5.  Develop and finalize MTR by Sept 2011 supported by the monthly meetings of the TWG-PPR M&E sup-group during the MTR preparation period.

1.  Finalize and endorse Partnerships Principles in order to prepare a PBA for MOP by June 2010.

2.  Update PBA roadmap to support rollout of PBA for MOP.







2. Strengthened institutional arrangements for harmonization of planning, public investment expenditures and development cooperation financing processes




3.  Situation analysis report

4.  Action Plan to achieve strengthened institutional arrangements for harmonization of planning, public investment expenditures and development cooperation financing processes

3.  Situation analysis report finalized by Dec 2010 and action plan for strengthened institutional arrangement and harmonization of planning, public investment expenditure and development cooperation financing finalized by Dec 2011


Under the guidance of the RGC’s Task Force for Managing the Process of Harmonizing Planning, Public Investment Expenditure, and Cooperation Financing:

6. Carryout situation analysis that will develop recommendations to harmonize the planning (MOP), public investment expenditures (MEF), and development cooperation financing (CRDB/CDC) processes by Dec 2010. 

7. Finalize an action plan along with appropriate monitoring indicators to implement the recommendations by June 2011.


MOP as Chair of

the RGC Task Force 



Gov’t & DP


Joint Monitoring Indicator 2: Aid Effectiveness

Harmonized and aligned development cooperation makes a demonstrable contribution to the delivery of RS-II, NSDP by furthering sector outcome-level results

New &/or improved programme-based practices and partnerships to implement sector programmes in a results-based manner, address fragmentation and promote predictability including:

sector plan

AOP (incl aid)

capacity assessment

aid effectiveness JMI activity

joint results-based review

1. a. Number of PBAs

Baseline: 7

Target: 10

b. PBA as % of aid

Baseline: 28% (AER


Target: 50%

2. Improved predictability

a. Aggregate predictability

MYIFF +/- 10%;

b. Individual DPs

MYIFF +/-15 %

(Baseline for aggregate predictability = 104%)

(2008 PD survey) or as per 2010 AER if significantly worse

1.  CRDB/CDC to facilitate TWG Network of RGC secretariats (and trainings)

2.  CRDB/CDC to facilitate capacity assessments of TWGs/sector ministries

3.  CRDB/CDC to provide support on PBAs and capacity development (incl TC) to reduce fragmentation and improve predictability through joint planning/review processes

4.  CRDB/CDC to conclude and follow-up "Making Partnerships Effective" work

5.  P+H TWG to serve as peer review mechanism

6.  P+H TWG to support analytical work on country system use

7. Development partners to explicitly state aid effectiveness commitments in Country Programme documents.




All line ministries



1. 2 per annum

2. 2nd half 2010

3. Q3 2010

4. Q3 2010

5. 3 TWG meets pa

6. Q1 2010

7. New country Program from 2011

MDSP support to CRDB/ CDC (confirmed)


RGC & DP sector support (not confirmed)


All DPs to negotiate new programs in consultation with CRDB/CDC

NSDP-Update Social Sector Priorities

Joint Monitoring Indicator 3: Education

Enrolment rate in lower secondary education increased

Student promotion in primary education increased

Promotion rate in primary education increases from 82.8% in school year (SY) 2008-09 to 85% in SY 2010-11

1. Reinforce implementation of the grade promotion regulation at all primary schools

2. Deploy 95% of newly trained teachers to under-staffed schools and in remote areas

3. Reduce the percentage of incomplete schools from 18% in SY 2009-10 to 15% in SY 2010-11

4. Strengthen EMIS for evidence based decision making, e.g. in the context of availability of new population census data.


1.  Implementation of an analytical joint annual sector review and development of a timely, comprehensive and accurate annual operational plan (AoP)


a. Participatory process of education congress                       

b. An analytical education congress report preparation and its aide-memoire produced in a timely manner through collaborative efforts by MoEYS and ESWG

c. A comprehensive AoP prepared in a timely manner based on the results and recommendations of the education congress and the MoEYS Budget Strategic Plan and the annual Programs Budget Plan

2.  Coordination of capacity development initiatives


Medium-term capacity development strategies prepared in priority areas.



By SY 2010-11

Gov’t & DP


Joint Monitoring Indicator 4: Health

Decrease maternal and new-born mortality rate

Increase the proportion of deliveries attended by skilled health personnel in the public sector

Increase the proportion of deliveries attended by skilled health personnel in the public sector from 63% in 2009 to more than 75% by December 2010, and more than 80% in December 2011

1.  Recruitment of at least 50 secondary midwives by the end of 2010

2.  MOH and Health Partners commit to increase both Government and total Health Partner funds to RMNCH in 2010-2011, and to ensure that these resources are reflected in Annual Operational Plans at all levels.

3.  Launch of Maternal Death Surveillance Room to support ongoing MoH Maternal Audit and response activities.

1.  Development and Implementation of AOP 2010 & 3YRP

2.  Implementation of IHP workplan




TWGH Secretariat




Intermediate result December 2010 and total time line December 2011

National budget & support from HPs

Joint Monitoring Indicator 5: HIV/AIDs

1. Improved national response coordination & management mechanisms leading to efficient harmonisation and alignment of stakeholder (RGC, DPs, NGOs, technical assistance providers and affected communities) resources (financial and technical) and efforts to address the priorities of NSP II &  to inform the development of NSP III

1. National and sub-national coordination mechanisms reformed and effectively supporting harmonisation and alignment of partner (national/international) contributions to the national response

2.  National AIDS Spending Assessment informing resource tracking and allocation in the national response

3.  Priority financial gaps of NSPIII mobilised in GFATM Round 10 proposal

1. Number of new ToRs and membership lists for reformed national and sub-national coordination mechanisms

2. Number of results-based plans of reformed national and sub-national  coordination mechanisms implemented and monitored

3. Management, Roles and Functions Guidelines

4. RGC and partner financial commitments tracked by NASA categories

5. TRP recommend a category 1 or 2  on GFATM Round 10 proposal submission

1. Develop new ToRs and update membership of reformed national and sub-national national response mechanisms

2. Develop results-based plans with tangible indicators to inform the work of reformed national and sub-national coordination mechanisms

3. Develop guideline(s) to inform the management, roles and  functions of reformed  national and sub-national coordination mechanisms for the national response

4. Orient key stakeholders to  implement management, roles & functions guidelines and initiate RBM and leadership training

5. 2010 NASA undertaken under technical leadership of the NAA, involving key stakeholders

6. NASA results disseminated to inform advocacy and action on evidence-based allocation of resources and for further resource mobilisation work

7. Round 10 proposal developed by stakeholders in line with CCC proposal development manual


1. Policy Board of the NAA to review the  Functional Task Analysis of the National Response Report and make recommendations for action

2. NAA to lead development of:

-ToRs, membership revision for reformed national/sub-national coordination mechanisms.

-Development of Management, Roles & Functions Guidelines

-Results-based planning with reformed national/sub-national coordination mechanisms


3. NAA to provide technical support and lead on the 2010 NASA development and preparation of NASA report and advocacy tools in conjunction with key stakeholders.


4. NAA to lead on programme and financial gap analysis with key stakeholders to determine key priorities for GFATM Round 10 proposal and lead proposal development process

NAA Secretariat and Boards (Policy and Technical)


NAA and its members

Reformed national & sub-national response mechanisms

GFATM CCC, CCC-OC and CCC Proposal Development Committee


June -December 2010

Bilaterals & Multilaterals (in particular the UN Joint Team on AIDS)

CDC/CRDB (specific request for RBM & Leadership training)

2.  Stabilized and reduced  the risk of mother-to-child transmission of HIV


Pregnant women who are HIV sero-positive are accessing ARV to reduce the risk of mother-to child transmission


6.  Numbers of PMTCT/linked response sites are functioning to provide ARV to the target population.

7. Number of regular reports submitted by the National Maternal and Child Health Center to the TWG-HIV/AIDS Secretariat/NAA


8.  Revise and update membership and TOR of the national PMTCT Working Group.

9.  Training of relevant staff on PMTCT and linked response.


5.  Advocate for additional support to the scaling up the linked response.

6. Mobilize technical and financial supports to the PMTCT/linked response




RGC line ministries as appropriate



March 2011

GFATM round 9 Other funding partnerships

Dev't Partner

Joint Monitoring Indicator 6: Food Security and Nutrition

Through improved evidence, emergency response, and coordination food security and nutrition of the poor and vulnerable are improved

A Food Security and Nutrition Information Management System provides early warning for emergency response, and evidence for M&E and targeting; and reduces duplication while ensuring regular surveys are used through enhanced coordination and cooperation of stakeholders

Annual Food Security and Nutrition Information Report based on agreed indicators produced by an integrated data analysis team and disseminated to all stakeholders

1.  The Food Security and Nutrition Information Management Task Force creates a list of indicators and their associated actions that is endorsed by the TWG

1.  Organize a promotion workshop on the FSN Information management Task Force to coordinate with ongoing monitoring activities of relevant government line agencies and to avoid duplication by development partners








By October 2010





US$ 6,000

2.  Establish and strengthen the capacity of a food security and nutrition analysis team


2.  Regular household surveys, such as the Cambodia Socio-economic Survey, are analyzed for food security and nutrition information




US$ 45,000

NSDP Update Economic Sector Priorities

Joint Monitoring Indicator 7: Agriculture and Water

Enhanced agricultural productivity and diversification and improved water resource development and management

1.Greater harmonization and alignment of program planning, implementation and monitoring and evaluation at both national and sub-national levels

1.  A roadmap for moving towards a Program Based Approach to implementing the Strategy on Agriculture and Water (SAW) is endorsed by TWGAW

1.  Public expenditure review and public financial management review for agriculture and water sector.

1.  Joint commitment and action from RGC and development partners to move towards a program based approach to implementing the SAW.






June 2010



2.  Roadmap for SAW implementation.







Dec 2010



TWG-AW DPs (using basket fund)

3.  RGC budgets and human resources aligned to SAW.





Dec 2011






4.  Pooled basket funds for specific activities, mini-SWAPs in areas where several DPs and RGC may have a common interest, joint planning and M&E mechanisms designed.






Dec 2011



2.  Rice, fruit and vegetable production is increased

2.  Increased rice, fruit and vegetable yields increased by 2-3 %

5.  Increased use of good quality seed varieties and appropriate fertilizer usage.

2.  RGC and DP resources supporting joint work plans to support extension services, farmer organization and irrigation services (including training of irrigation engineers and the Technical Service Center)


MAFF, DPs, and NGOs

December 2010



6.  Increased number of functional Farmer Organizations.


MAFF, DPs and NGOs


7.   Increased irrigated land area 1% (25000 ha/year)




8.   Increased number of functional FWUCs




Joint Monitoring Indicator 8: Land

1. Improved Land Administration and Land Tenure Security

1.  Policy for Land Administration, Distribution and Management Strengthened

1. Draft Policy on Land Valuation


2. Draft on Housing Policy

3. Sub-sector Programs on Land Management approved

1.  Internal discussions

2.  Consultations with stakeholders

3.  Revisions

4.  Submission to CLP

5.  Design LM-SSP





1.  Strengthen M&E Mechanism (for land sector)













Dec 2011




June 2010











2. Land Registration Strengthened with the focus on poor/ vulnerable households

4. 1.7 million systematic land titles distributed

5.  (Baseline: 1.2 million titles distributed)

6.  Percentage of women with land titles exceed men with land titles

7.  (Baseline: Cadastral Database)

8.  3 indigenous communities are communally titled

6.  Implementation of LASSP’s Land Titling Program in 15 Provinces





Dec 2011













2. Increased equity in land distribution


3.  Implementation of the Social Land Concession mechanism



9.  From Jan 2010 to Dec 2011 number of communes that submitted approved land use plans increases to 20 (baseline 10 communes)

10.Sub-sector Program on Land Distribution approved


11. Stock taking on land available and suitable country wide for SLCs

7.   Implementation of Social Land Concession Program






8.   Design LD-SSP





9.   Prepare maps with areas of land available and suitable for SLCs

2.  As above





3.  Prepare M&E Mechanisms for LDSSP




















Inter-ministerial TWG for Land, identification, classification, and mapping for SLCs

Dec 2011




June 2010















World Bank





Joint Monitoring Indicator 9: Forestry

Forest cover of country land area will be maintained by increasing of quality and quantity through better management of forest resources

NFP implementation in the planning and management of the forest sector improved

Promotion of the NFP implementation at both national and sub-national levels, at least 75% of all funds to forest sector should be aligned to NFP framework

1.  Reforestation of 25,000 ha of degraded lands

1.  Consolidate annual work plan to support the national and sub-national level




FA, private companies


18 months

RGC, private companies


2.  750 Km of forest estate demarcated by FA, and 4 Protected Areas demarcated by MoE

FA, DPs, MAFF and local authorities




3.  100 Community Forestry approved by MAFF and 7 Community Protected Areas  approved by MoE

2.  Approval of mapping of two million ha CF areas of forestland by MAFF

FA, DPs,  MAFF, MoE and local authoritie





4.  Cambodia REDD Readiness Road Map approved and started implementation

3.  Produce legal procedures and legislations for REDD


FA, MoE,



Joint Monitoring Indicator 10: Fisheries

Fisheries plans in support of food security, livelihoods and economic development improved

Strategic planning process developed and in use across the sector

80% of SPF targets prioritized for action in 2010 and 2011 implemented through FiA Annual Plan

1.  Final Khmer-language draft completed by end of Q2, 2010 and SPF approved by end of Q4, 2010.

2.  All central-level action plans implemented based on SPF targets by the end of Q3, 2011.

3.  Sub-national fisheries planning processes implemented in line with SPF targets and National Program for Sub-National Democratic Development in 4 provinces by the end of Q4, 2010.

1.  Joint Task Force drafts and agrees joint M&E processes for SPF implementation progress monitoring by end of Q4, 2010.

2.  DPs provide 80% of their fisheries development funding as sector-wide programme-based support in line with SPF targets by the end of Q3, 2011.



By the end of Nov 2011




Joint Monitoring Indicator 11: Mine Action

Reduction in the number of mine/ERW casualties and increased land released to support to rural development

Demining resources are allocated to the most impacted areas

1.  Number of casualties drops to 191 or less in 2011 from the level of 243* in 2009.

2.  Total cleared area increases from 535.9* km2 by 2009 to 637.7 km2 by 2011.

3.  The use of cleared land for agriculture purpose increases from 56% in 2009 to at least 60% in 2011

1.  Improve national capacities in coordinating, planning and monitoring mine clearance plans that take into account casualty rates and development priorities;

2.  Promote the use of land release methodologies;

3.  Complete Baseline Survey Phase I and II (60 districts);

4.  Strengthen the provision of risk education program to specific high risk groups.

1.  Promote DPs’ alignment to national mine action strategy; 

2.  Promote the sign-up of Partnership Principles among DPs;

3.  Sensitize DPs and demining operators with the prioritization and planning process for mine clearance.


a.  More projects and programs target high impact areas and the use of land release methodologies is promoted.

b.  Enhance national capacities to lead policy dialogue, design, monitor and evaluate projects and programs in support of the NMAS.


A comprehensive capacity development plan for CMAA is developed.












National Police


Demining operators

RE service

Dec 2011

Gov’t and DPs

Joint Monitoring Indicator 12: Private Sector Development

1.   Reduced lead time for import and export

1.  Expand computerization of border trading processes

1.  Share of Single Administrative Documents processed through computerized system (baseline: 53% in early 2010; target: over 80% by end of 2011)

1. GDCE’s ASYCUDA extension project and implementation of risk management

2. Implementation of Cross-Border Trade Agreements

3. Automation of other trade-related processes (e.g. certificates of origin)

Coordination through Trade SWAp and GDCE Strategic Plan

GDCE as lead agency

TWG PSD and Sub-Steering Committee on Trade Development and Trade-Related Investment



Other trade-related agencies

All activities ongoing


2.   More efficient delivery of SPS-related services to private sector traders

2. Clear delineation of responsibilities across government agencies in charge of SPS measures

2.  Agreements on delineation of responsibilities between all SPS related ministries or agencies (MIME, CamControl, MAFF, and MOH) signed and made operational (target: agreements signed in 2011)

4. ADB-financed analysis of legal framework FAO/SDTF review of legal framework

Coordination through Trade SWAp

SPS interministerial committee

TWG PSD and Sub-Steering Committee on Trade Development and Trade-Related Investment

MIME, CamControl, MAFF, and MOH

All activities ongoing


NSDP-Update Infrastructure Sector Priorities

Joint Monitoring Indicator 13: Infrastructure and  Regional Integration

Road maintenance is adequately implemented

Capacity of Ministry’s staff on road maintenance is enhanced

1.  To effectively apply road maintenance tools & software in preparation of annual & 3-year rolling plans and submit plans to MEF by the end of 2011

2.  To outsource 10 % of periodical road maintenance by the end of 2011

RAMP: 2010-2015 (5Y)

1.  To build capacity of Road Asset Management Office and Road Data  Collection Management Unit to produce annual & 3-year rolling plans

2.  To build capacity of MPWT staff  to manage private sector in road maintenance management system

Adequate coordination on the capacity development for road and bridge construction quality control.


Land Transport sub-TWG


Jun 2010 to Nov 2011


(Road Asset

Management Project)

3.  Standards, guidelines and regulations for Quality Control are formulated, officially authorized and applied to force account at least two pilot projects by the end of 2011

SCQCP: 2009-2012 (3.5Y)

3.  To produce Road Maintenance Guidelines and Manuals and theirs pilot project implementation in selected provinces

MPWT, JICA (Strengthening of Construction Quality Control Project

Joint Monitoring Indicator 14: Rural Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene

Improved access to water supply, sanitation and hygiene in rural areas

(From CMDGs)

Consistent implementation of national strategy on RWSS&H by government and DPs by Q1 2012

July 2010: Hygiene education implementation guidelines;

Jan 2011: Operation and Maintenance implementation guidelines;

 July 2011: Water supply surveillance implementation guidelines;

Jan 2012: Monitoring and evaluation implementation guidelines

Develop and implement all identified national guidelines for sector strategy implementation

(follow on from last JMI)

Donor mapping completed for RWSS sector, and joint sector planning process piloted (Dec 2010)










July 2010


Jan 2011


July 2011


Jan 2012








NSDP Governance and Cross-Sectoral Priorities

Joint Monitoring Indicator 15: Public Administrative Reform

Foundations to deepen and widen the Administrative Reform in place

1. NPAR approved

1.  Approved NPAR

CAR Secretariat workplan for 2010

Capacity development of CAR Secretariat and NPAR network of ministerial working groups

CAR Secretariat










CDCF 2011

RGC & DPs Needed



2. DP multi-years support programs approved

2.  Signed multi-year development agreements

3. Review of HRM and HRD completed

3.  HRM processes streamlined and strengthened;

4.  Approved policy framework on HRD

4. Information base to review compensation policy updated

5.  Studies on labor market and fiscal space completed;

6.  Operational review guide completed

7.  OPS Review pilots completed

8.  Options developed and approved for sequencing compensation reform

Joint Monitoring Indicator 16: Legal and Judicial Reform

Improved Court Functioning

1.  Completion of fundamental laws pertaining to the judiciary





1.  Approval by the Council of Ministers of the fundamental laws pertaining to the judiciary, being:

a). The Law on  the organization of the Courts,

b). The Statute on Judges and Prosecutors, and

c). The Law on the Amendment of the Organization and Functioning of the Supreme Council of Magistracy

1.  Review status and prioritize order of technical review for the three drafts by CLJR.

2.  Drafts reviewed by special working group led by Council of  Jurists

3.  Submission of drafts to Inter-Ministerial  Meeting (IMM)

4.  Adoption by COM.


1.  TA for technical review for compliance with international standards, and

2.  DP assistance to ensure the three draft laws are consistent with the substantive Cambodian legislative framework and with RGC policy.












End of 2011













2. Implementation of the model court concept in 4 courts

2.  Implementation of priority activities for 2011 including functioning court registers for all 4 model courts

5.  Completion of the 4 model court activity plans

6.  MoJ and the 4 model courts agree on priority   activities for 2011 & 2012

7.  Budget submissions for funding the plans in 2011 & 2012 prepared in the MEF required format

3.  RGC and  DP funding to be made in line with Courts Strategic Plans and activity

4.  Harmonization of development partner  support



End of the second quarter of 2011





Joint Monitoring Indicator 17: Anti-Corruption

 Combat corruption



1.  Establish an Anti-Corruption Institution within the period of 6 months after the Anti-Corruption Law taken into effect.

2.  Educate and raise public awareness on the Anti-Corruption Law, and disseminate information on Corruption cases to general public.

3.  Develop practical measures for preventing corruption

4.  Implement Zero-tolerance principle on Corrupt Persons













Joint Monitoring Indicator 18: Decentralization and De-concentration

Public service delivery has been brought closer to the citizens through institutionalization of the Sub-National governance structures and systems


Structures, Systems and Operational Procedures of the SNAs have been appropriately developed and modified based on the spirit of the Organic Law and the principles of democratic development


1.  By end of 2011, the personnel in the Sala Reach Theany, Salakhet, Salakrong, Salasrok and Salakhan (about 10,000 personels) and in the 04 ExCom Units have been integrated into the new structures with adequate capacity to perform the given functions based on laws and other regulations

2.  The increase of the Sub-National Budget in 2011 (from RGC budget and DP budgets)

1.  Develop and implement the 3 year-detailed- implementation program;

2.  Study, exposure and integrate the structures and systems of the ExCom into the structures and systems of the sub-national administrations;

3.  Integrate the current personnel in the Sala Reach Theany, Salakhet, Salakrong, Salasrok and Salakhan into the new structures in accordance with the Law on Administrative Management of Capital, Province, Municipality, District and Khan with appropriate capacity development;

4.  Develop mechanisms to integrate and strengthen the capacity of MoI’s departments, ministries and other institutions;

5.  Formulate key legal instruments to support the sub-national administrative reform in accordance with the Organic Law;

6.  Law on Su-National Financial Regime and Property Management Passed

1.  The National Program’s first phase is to be initially implemented with coordinated commitments among the DPs as part of a PBA.


Coordinated actions shall be made among the DPs to assure for aid effectiveness.

2.  Program Based Approach (PBA) of the National Program will serve as an opportunity for strengthening aid effectiveness under RGC leadership.


TWG on D&D (RGC and DPs)  developed PBA and strengtened the interaction between the DPs and RGC through the regulrisation of the TWG on D&D meeting.


TWG on D&D




18 months

RGC and DPs


Joint Monitoring Indicator 19: Public Financial Management

Sustaining and  strengthening

budget credibility

and improving financial accountability


1. Revenue policy, forecasting and collection systems, transparency and capacity strengthened.

1.  Progressive improvement in revenue yield compared to GDP by 0.5% per annum.

1.  Finalize Revenue Policy Paper

1. Implementation of PFMRP is on-going and comprises an important component of the overall contribution to aid effectiveness ( PFMRP Consolidated Action Plan)

2. Consultations and Program monitoring have been implemented trough formal TWG meetings, Annual review Meetings. 

MEF/PFM Reform Steering Committee/PFM TWG

MEF and Line ministries /Institutions  (39)


Gov't & DPs

 (Multi-Donor Trust

 Fund and Bilateral


2.  Extractive Industry regulatory framework enacted and implemented

2.  Develop draft taxation law on oil and gas


3.  Enhanced transparency achieved with regards to tax and non tax revenue.

3.  Strengthen Revenue forecasting, collection systems, and capacity.


2. Cash and Debt Management Policy, Systems and Capacity strengthened.

4.  Arrears as defined be kept at no more than 2% of total expenditure

4.  Further Improvements in recording Payment Order due 

5.  Mid/end  year expenditure profile not to be less than:

2nd Quarter: 45%

4th Quarter: 96%

5.  Strengthen efficiency of existing semi-manual systems, de-concentrate responsibility

6.  Percentage of payments to creditors and staff made through banking system to be not less than 80% by value.

6.  Rationalize Bank Accounts and increase use of commercial banking system

3. De-concentrated lines of financial accountability established in  key Line Ministries

7.  Establishment and application of clear rules for both responsibility and empowerment for budget managers in key Line Ministries.

7.  Design new system of de-concentrated budget and financial management roles and responsibilities (develop budget entity and internal control procedure framework, deepen classification reforms, and identify appropriate accounting standard) and phase in implementation of new classification code and accounting standards across Government while piloting implementation of new budget entities and internal control procedures in FMIS pilot Ministers.

4. Complete the designing of all To Be Business Process with proper Change Management Strategy and Communication Plan in Place to manage those changes and get MEF’s management approval on all to be business process and Management Support Mobilization

8.  FMIS transaction accounting and internal control processes developed.


8.  Develop Change Management Strategy and Communication Plan.


9.  Develop Change Management Sponsor Roadmap


10. Design To be business processes and implement 1st phase in MEF and FMIS pilot Ministries

11. Apply the to be business processes to the FMIS System Software

5. Minimum capacities established in key line ministries with regards to skill set required for exercising of effective accountability

9.  Functional Review conducted and Training Programs delivered.

12. Undertake Functional Reviews of MEF and Line Ministry Finance and Accounting operations and implement 1st phase in MEF and FMIS pilot Ministries.

13. Develop Annual Training Program of MEF and LMs

14. Finalize and conduct professional training program (Procurement, Accounting and Audit training and ICT)

Joint Monitoring Indicator 20: Gender

Enhanced socio-economic empowerment of women through improved access to quality services and legal protection

1. Employment opportunities for women promoted including the informal sector

1.  Number of women benefiting from vocational training opportunities

2.  Research results on economic opportunities and occupation needs available and disseminated

3.  Mechanisms to promote economic   opportunities for women established

1.  Advocate for relevant vocational training opportunities for women.

2.  Research the needs and opportunities to improve economic conditions of women and research occupation needs in the context of the global economic crisis.

3.   Enhance partnership with government and private sector including informal sector.

Consultative process led by the TWG-G Secretariat to identify concrete aid effectiveness actions and priorities.

The actions will be drawn from the 5 year strategic plan-the Neary Rattanak 3, the TWG-action plan, and where relevant other multi-partner action plans such as the National Action Plan to Combat Violence against Women.

Priority actions already identified include capacity assessment, donor resource mapping, learning opportunities/ workshops for TWG-G facilitated by CDC or external experts (Q3) and follow up on the ongoing work on strengthening partnerships.








MOC and



National budget (tbd)




NGOs (including


PYD etc)

2. Increase in quality social and legal services for women victims of GBV and human trafficking.

4.  Number of qualified staff that work in relevant services (social workers; lawyers/ paralegals; judicial officers)

5.  Total expenditures for relevant services.

6.  Survey on availability/ quality of services (as Follow-Up to existing surveys)



4.  Research on victims referral mechanisms


5.  Advocate with relevant institutions to adhere to National Quality Standards for Protection of Victims


6.  Advocate for effective rehabilitation and reintegration of victims of human trafficking.

7.  Strengthen networks of relevant services and support the establishment of systematic referral of victims.


8.  Support training for relevant staff.

9.  Increase funds for relevant services.







National budget (tbd)









3. Law enforcement officers increasingly performing their rights and duties related to the prevention of GBV, including DV, rape, sexual harassment and exploitation, and human trafficking as well as the protection of victims

7.  Number of administrative decisions of relevant local authorities

8.  Number of protection orders issued by the courts.

9.  Number of convictions of perpetrators of sexual violence or human trafficking

10. Number of cases of GBV, rape, sexual exploitation and human trafficking

10.Raise awareness on the role of local authorities, police and the judiciary.


11.Train police and court staff to respond to VAW and children, sexual exploitation and human trafficking cases.


12.Improve accountability in cases of non-performance and for illegal forms of reconciliation.





National budget (tbd) TAF








4. A coherent system to collect data and monitor the functioning of legal protection mechanisms in cases of DV/GBV available

11.A reference document on the system for data collection and monitoring of DV/GBV (guideline or similar) is defined and has been approved by relevant governmental institutions

12.Data collection and monitoring is part of the Action Plans of all relevant government institutions

13.Relevant NGOs have participated in the development of the data collection /monitoring system

13.Collect up-to-date information on existing data collection/monitoring mechanisms.


14.Raise awareness/ train relevant officials on international standards of monitoring.


15.Develop a draft concept/ guidelines/ recommendations for monitoring and data collection in this sector.





MOI, MOH,  MOJ and courts, MOSAVY


National budget (tbd) UNIFEM UNDP


GTZ and NGOs