Annex 2

Paris Declaration survey 2011: Data collection procedures and (provisional) timeline
Data collection

Indicators 3-10 of the Paris Declaration survey require that development partners enter information into the Cambodia ODA Database –  this means that development partners are NOT required to directly complete the Donor Questionnaire provided by the OECD/DAC. Data will be exported from the ODA Database to complete the Country Spreadsheet and it will then be presented for validation. For indicators 10a and 10b, data collection will be through the Missions recording system (linked to ODA Database) in the first instance, supplemented with additional information as required. It is proposed that data to be collected and consolidated for the survey exercise as follows:

Paris Declaration


Data collection modality

ODA Database



Name of implementing partner / point of delivery

DPs enter information for each project record in ODA Database

3, 18a

The Paris Declaration survey methodology measures aid provided to the Government sector at the 'point of delivery' (i.e. by implementing partner) so this information is essential to complete the survey.

Indicator of disbursement to Government sector

DPs enter information for each project record in ODA Database



Operational development strategy

Qualitative questionnaire validated by RGC and DPs


World Bank to assess and score

2 a/b

PFM and procurement systems

World Bank CPIA and WP-EFF self-assessment monitors progress

--- (2b)


Aid reported on budget

DPs enter information for each project record in ODA Database


CDC to calculate budget baseline based on data provided Nov 2009


Coordinated capacity development

DPs enter information for each project record in ODA Database

9, 14

New definition/test – 


Use of country PFM systems

DPs enter information for each project record in ODA Database

14, 18 (PD 5a)

New definition/test –


Use of country procurement systems

DPs enter information for each project record in ODA Database

14, 18 (PD 5b)

New definition/test –


Parallel PIUs

DPs enter information for each project record in ODA Database

18 (PD 6)

New definition/test –


In-year predictability

DPs enter information for each project record in ODA Database


CDCF figures will be used to proxy scheduled disbursements


Untied aid

DPs enter information for each project record in ODA Database

14, 18 (PD 8)

Data provided by OECD/DAC. Also recorded in ODA Database


Use of programme-based approaches

DPs enter information for each project record in ODA Database

9, 14


Coordinated missions

DPs enter information for each project record in ODA Database

Mission database

Will need supplementing with development partner data


Coordinated country analytical work

DPs enter information for each project record in ODA Database

Will need supplementing with development partner data


Results-oriented frameworks

Qualitative questionnaire validated by RGC and DPs


World Bank to assess and score


Mutual accountability

RGC and DPs agree status of aid policy and mechanisms that mutually review progress (e.g. Declaration, SFDCM, JMIs, TWG)


The first draft of the Country Report will provide a basis for discussion prior to the final endorsement meeting (18 March tbc)

Provisional Timeline for Conducting the 2011 Survey Exercise

Timing / Deadline


Lead responsibility

November 10-11 2010

National launch in conjunction with Regional Workshop (formation of sub-group to lead P+H TWG)

CRDB/CDC and DP focal points (UNDP & SIDA)

By end-2010

All DPs to update project records (except 2010 disbursements), especially questions 3, 9, 18

All DPs (with support provided by CRDB/CDC on request)

By end-2010

Survey sub-group to have prepared drafts of Indicator 1, 11 and 12 (qualitative assessments)

CRDB/CDC and sub-group

1 Jan – 28 Feb 2011

DPs validate data in the ODA Database

All DPs (with support provided by CRDB/CDC on request)

31 January

List of missions and analytical work (Indicators 10a and 10b) to be submitted to CRDB/CDC by DP focal points

All DPs to provide information to CRDB/CDC

28 February

All DPs to have up-dated question 14 (disbursements) in ODA Database (2010 disbursements)

All DPs

11 March

Validation completed. First draft of Country Spreadsheet (all indicators) and draft Country Report


18 March

Final national validation/endorsement meeting (P+H TWG)


31 March

Submission of Country Spreadsheet and Country Report to OECD/DAC


Note: The Survey sub-group established by the P+H TWG will meet as required under the leadership and direction of the TWG Chair.