Partnership and Harmonisation Technical Working Group (TWG)

27 January 2015

Venue: Palais du Gouvernement, Council for the Development of Cambodia


                         1. Introductory remarks (Chair and co-Lead DPs)

                         2. Approval of the agenda

                         3. Presentation of the TWG Performance Review

                             The independent expert will present the main findings of the TWG Performance Review that

                             was completed during the second half of 2014. The presentation will be informed by the

                             structure of the report and will include quantitative survey feedback:


                                             • Overall performance based on main TWG functions 


                                                    a) Coordination and resource mobilisation

                                                    b) Information sharing

                                                    c) Monitoring and evaluation

                                                    d) Policy dialogue

                                                    e) Addressing cross-cutting issues


                                             • TWG best practices

                                             • Constraints and limitations

                                             •The role of CDC


                                                   a) Leadership

                                                   b) DCPS implementation

                                                   c) Reduced number of TWGs

                                                   d) Strengthening accountability

                                                   e) Strengthening TWG core functions


                         4. Discussion and validation of the TWG Performance Review


                             TWG members are invited to share their feedback and suggestions with a view to reaching 

                                    consensus on the main findings and recommendations of the report.


                         5. Next steps in promoting TWG performance

                             TWG members will be asked to identify and endorse a set of next steps in order to establish a

                                       practical roadmap towards improved performance.


                         6. Any other Business


                         7. Closing remarks (Chair and co-Lead DPs)