Development Cooperation and Partnerships Strategy (2019-2023)
The Royal Government of Cambodia approved the Development Cooperation and Partnerships Strategy (DCPS) 2019-2023 through the Decision no 03 SSR dated on 11 January 2019. The overarching objective of the DCPS (2019-2023) is to support the implementation of the Rectangular Strategy � Phase IV and the National Strategic Development Plan (NSDP) through mobilizing and managing all development finance flow to ensure that all resources are used for maximum effectiveness.
I. Overview of the DCPS (2019-2023) The DCPS (2019-2023) is designed to maintain continuity and build upon a solid foundation that has been achieved by the Royal Government of Cambodia in the previous phase of the Strategy. The impressive momentum was reflected by the ability of the Royal government to mobilise development cooperation, enhance efficiency and effectiveness of the allocation and utilisation of external resources, and strengthen policy dialogue mechanisms to ensure high quality partnerships with relevant stakeholders. This Strategy will continue to ensure the RGC's ownership in development, equal partnership and mutual respect in dialogue, and result-oriented development. II. Structure of the DCPS (2019-2023) This Strategy guides partnership work by incorporating international commitments into national development effectiveness principles, providing an institutional framework for mobilising development cooperation, creating measurable goals that manage principles of partnership and mutual accountability between the Royal Government of Cambodia and development partners, and identifying appropriate tools and mechanisms for promoting collaboration with all relevant development actors. The structure of the Strategy is as follows: The structure and content of the Strategy is as follows: 1. Introduction 2. Development Cooperation Context 3. Strategic Goals, Objectives and Results Frameworks 4. Principles, Tools and Partnerships for Strategy Implementation
5. Partnerships to Support Development Results 6. Conclusion III. Formulation process The DCPS (2019-2023) was developed at a time when Cambodia's development priorities and context were fast-evolving. The process of formulating the Strategy was highly consultative and evidence-based, learning from the experience and perspectives of different development actors across a wide range of sectors and themes in order to build a consensus on future priorities. The process of formulation included: