Suggested Menu for RGC-UK Partnership Commitment Benchmarks drawn from Joint Monitoring Indicators (Final CDCF Version)


Commitment to Poverty Reduction:


  1. Approve final Ministry of Planning Strategic Plan (MPSP) (Target 1)


  1. Improved opportunities for primary education (Target 3):
  • Increase the net enrolment in primary school (total, and by sex).

  • Increase the survival rate from grades 1 to 6.

  1. Increase the proportion of deliveries attended by skilled health personnel in the public sector to 45% by December 2007 (38% in December 2006) (Target 4).


  1. Develop and adopt a rural water and sanitation (RWSS) policy and aligned to the NSDP. (Target 14, Action 1)


  1. Finalize and approve Anti-Corruption Law based on best international practice (Target 17, Action 1).


  1. Implement all provision of the sub-decree on Economic Land Concessions, including, establishing and making public log book of ELCs, including those issued at provincial level and review a minimum of 5 ELCs over over 10,000 hectares, taking appropriate action consistent with Chapter 6 of the Sub-Decree on ELCs (Target 9, Action 1).



Commitment to Human Rights:


  1. Complete the drafting and approval of the remaining fundamental Laws (Penal Procedure Code, Penal Code, Civil Code, Law on the Statute of the Judges, Law on Court Organization and Functioning, Law on the Amendment of the Law on the Organization and Functioning of the Supreme Council of the Magistracy (Target 16, Action 1).


  1. Sub-decree on the administrative decision on domestic violence adopted(Target 20, Action 1);


  1. Law on suppression of human trafficking and sexual exploitation adopted, and in compliance with the UN Protocol on trafficking and UN convention on transnational organized crime, and the Cambodian draft penal code (Target 20, Action 2).


  1. Finalize initial report under the Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights to the Human Rights Treaty Committee.


Commitment to PFM:


  1. Continue implementing the PFMRP by: sustaining actions already implemented, by completing the remaining key actions necessary for Platform 1; preparing the consolidated action plan for implementation of Platform 2, including to make recommendations on the endorsement of EITI; and, continue monitoring impact through the agreed PFM Performance Indicators (Target 19).

The UK Commitment Benchmarks: In line with the principles of the Declaration on enhancing Aid Effectiveness signed by of the Royal Government of Cambodia and Development Partners in 2006 the UK commits to:

1. Provide information on UK funds on a multi-annual basis through RGC mechanisms (including accurate, regular and punctual updating of CDC database) and disburse annually at least 85% of commitments recorded in Cambodia's Multi-annual Financing Framework.".

2. Seek approval from DFID's Ministers to provide budget support and align our disbursements with the RGC’s budget cycle.

3. Develop a longer-term commitment to the RGC that could increase our bilateral framework, provide a greater share of our programme as budget and sector support, and clearly set out jointly agreed measures of performance.

4. Work with RGC and partners to develop an ambitious and fully coordinated plan to strengthen health systems and outcomes, and improve the effectiveness of donor support.


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