Nineteenth Meeting of GDCC, 26 September 2012

Minutes of the Nineteenth Meeting of the Government-Development Partner Coordination Committee (GDCC) on 26 September 2012   (Download)

  Opening Session:

Opening Remarks by Deputy Prime Minister H.E. Keat Chhon, Minister of Economy and Finance, First Vice Chairman of the Council for the Development of Cambodia| English | Khmer | (Download:  English | Khmer )


Opening Comments by Mr Douglas Boderick, UN Resident Coordinator and Lead Development Partner Facilitator (LDPF) ( Download )

  Session 1: Review and validate the 2012 - 2013 JMIs

Endorsement of the JMIs by H.E. Chhieng Yanara, Minister attached to the Prime Minister, Secretary General of CRDB/CDC | English | Khmer | (Download:  English | Khmer )


Joint Monitoring Indicators delivered by H.E Masafumi Kuroki, Ambassador of Japan | English | Khmer | (Download:  English | Khmer )


JMI to be endorsed by the 19th meeting of the GDCC, 26th Sep 2012 (Download)

  Session 2: 2014 - 2018 NSDP - Preparation Process and technical and finance requirements

Preparation Process Of the NSDP, 2014-2018 and Resources Required Presented By H.E. Chhay Than, Senior Minister,Minister Of Planning | English | Khmer | (Download:  English | Khmer )


National Strategic Development Plan delivered by Annette Dixon, World Bank Country Director | English | Khmer | (Download:  English | Khmer )

  Session 3: Public Finance Management Reform Program

Public Financial Management Reform Program Progress Report (2010- 2nd Quarter 2012) Steering Committee Secretariat of the Public Financial Management Reform Program ( Download )


Public Financial Management Reform Program delivered by Mr Jean-Francois Cautain, Ambassador of the European Union | English | Khmer | (Download:  English | Khmer )

  Session 4: Review of Development cooperation and Partnership Strategy - Concept Paper

Background Paper to the Review of Development Cooperation and Partnerships Strategy (Outline of objectives, goals & strategy 2014-2018) ( Download )


Presentation : Development Cooperation and Partnership Strategy: Outline of Objectives, Goals and Strategy ( Download )


Development Cooperation and Partnerships Strategy Review delivered by H.E Anne Höglund, Ambassador of Sweden | English | Khmer | (Download:  English | Khmer )

  Session 5: Briefing on application of Prime Minister's Directive No 1 dated 7 May 2012 regarding measures to strengthen and increase the effectiveness in the management of the ELCs

Briefing on application of Prime Minister’s Directive No 1 dated 7 May 2012 regarding measures to strengthen and increase effectiveness in the management of ELCs delivered by H.E Dr Wolfgang Moser Ambassador of Germany | English | Khmer | (Download:  English | Khmer )


Speech of H.E. Im Chhun Lim, Senior Minister and Minister of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction and Chairman of Council for Land Policy | English | Khmer | (Download:  English | Khmer )

  Any Other Business

Comment made by Australia on behalf of Donor Partners on Electoral and Legal Reform under “Other Business” ( Download )


Continued Dialogue Delivered by Mr Eric Sidgwick, Asia Development Bank (ADB) ( Download )

Eighteenth Meeting of GDCC, 20 April 2011
  Minutes of the Eighteenth Meeting of the Government-Development Partner Coordination Committee (GDCC) on 20 April 2011   (Download)

Opening Remarks by Deputy Prime Minister H.E. Keat Chhon, Minister of Economy and Finance, First Vice Chairman of the Council for the Development of Cambodia
| English | Khmer | (Download:  English | Khmer )

  Opening Session:

Development Partner Opening Remarks Delivered by Mr. Qimiao Fan, World Bank Country Manager (Download:  English)

    1. National Social Protection Strategy - ensuring effective implementation

National Social Protection Strategy for the Poor and Vulnerable(NSPS):Ensuring Effective Implementation delivered by H.E. Ngy Chanphal, Secretary of State, Ministry of Interior and Vice Chair of the Council for Agriculture and Rural Development | English | Khmer | (Download:  English | Khmer )


Development Partner remarks on Social Protection for the Poor and Vulnerable delivered by Mr. Jean-Pierre de Margerie, World Food Programme Country Representative| English | Khmer | (Download:  English | Khmer )

    2. Harmonisation of Planning, budgeting and ODA management

Ministry of Planning progress Report in the Harmonisation of Planning, Government Public Investment Expenditure, and Cooperation Financing (Download:  English)


Development Partner remarks Integration of Strategic Planning, Budgeting and Aid Management delivered by H.E. Masafumi Kuroki, Ambassador of Japan| English | Khmer | (Download:  English | Khmer )

    3. Effectiveness of partnership dialogue mechanisms

Management of the GDCC by H.E. Chhieng Yanara, Minister attached to the Prime Minister, Secretary General of CRDB/CDC | English | Khmer | (Download:  English) | Khmer )


PowerPoint: Management of the GDCC by H.E. Chhieng Yanara, Minister attached to the Prime Minister, Secretary General of CRDB/CDC (Download:  English)


Development Partner remarks on Effectiveness of Partnership Dialogue Mechanisms Delivered by H.E. Andrew Mace, UK Ambassador (Download:  English)

    4. Other issues

Key notes on overall progress of the Sub-National Democratic Development Reform delivered by H.E. Sak Setha, Secretary of State, Ministry of Interior and Head of the NCDD Secretariat (Download:  English)

  Additional Documents

Management of the Government-Development Partner Coordination Commitee Meetings Summary of main proposals (Download:  English)


"How to Make GDCC Meeting More Effective" Discussion paper by CRDB/CDC (Download:  English)


Summary Progress Report of Joint Technical Working Groups (Download:  English)

Seventeenth Meeting of GDCC, 18 October 2010
  Minutes of the Seventeenth Meeting of the Government-Development Partner Coordination Committee (GDCC) on 18 October 2010   (Download)

Opening Remarks by Deputy Prime Minister H.E. Keat Chhon, Minister of Economy and Finance, First Vice Chairman of the Council for the Development of Cambodia
| English | Khmer | (Download:  English | Khmer )

  1. Opening Session:

Development Partner remarks at the Opening Session delivered by Mr. Qimiao Fan, World Bank Country Manager (Download:  English)

  2. Review progress on JMIs and CDCF agreed actions:
    i). Adoption of the revised Guidelines and the PBA Concept Note

Speaking Notes by H.E. Chhieng Yanara, Minister Attached to the Prime Minister, Secretary Gerneral of CRDB (Download:  English)


Development Partner remarks delivered by Ms. Elena Tischenko, TWG DP Co-facilitator/Country Director, UNDP (Download:  English)

    ii). NSDP M&E Framework and the integration between ODA, Planning and budgeting

Progress in the preparation of NSDP Update 2009-2013 Monitoring Indicators and the Harmonisation of Planning, by Ministry of Plan (Download:  English)


Development Partner remarks delivered by Mr. Douglas Broderick, TWG DP Co-facilitator/UNRC 
(Download:  English)

    iii). Implementation of the Anti Corruption Law (institutional arrangement, capacity and support needs)

Report on Implementation of the Anti Corruption Law presented by H.E. Sar Sambath, Permanent member of Anti-Corruption Unit (Download:  English)


Development Partner remarks on Anti-Corruption delivered by Mr. Theodore Allegra from Embassy of the United State of America (Download:  English)

    iv). National Social Protection Strategy

Report of National Social Protection Strategy for the Poor and Vulnerable delivered by H.E. Ngy Chanphal, Secretary of State, Ministry of Interior and Vice Chair of the Council for Agriculture and Rural Development  | English | Khmer | (Download:  English | Khmer )


Presentation of National Social Protection Strategy for the Poor and Vulnerable by H.E. Ngy Chanphal, Secretary of State, Ministry of Interior and Vice Chair of the Council for Agriculture and Rural Development (Download:  English)


Development Partner remarks delivered by Mr. Jean Pierre de Margerie, World Food Programme Country Representative (Download:  English)

    v). Law on the Organization of the Courts and the Statute on Judges and Prosecutors Effective cooperation between the Government

The cooperation between the Royal Government of Cambodia and Development Partner on the finalization of the "Law on the Organization of Courts" and the "Statue on Judges and Prosecutors" (Download:  English)


Development Partner remarks delivered by Mr. Flynn Fuller, Mission Director, USAID (Download:  English)

  3. National Program for Administration Reform:

Speaking Notes by H.E. Ngo Hongly, Secretary General of Council for Administrative Reform (Download:  English)


Administrative Reform Progress Report October, 2010 (Download:  English)


Development Partner remarks delivered by Mr. Qimiao Fan, World Bank Country Manager (Download:  English)

  4. AOB/other issues

Press Release   (Download:  Khmer )

Sixteenth Meeting of GDCC, 29 April 2010
  Minutes of the Sixteenth Meeting of the Government-Development Partner Coordination Committee (GDCC) on 29 April 2010 draft   (Download)

Opening Remarks by Deputy Prime Minister H.E. Keat Chhon, Minister of Economy and Finance, First Vice Chairman of the Council for the Development of Cambodia
| English | Khmer | (Download:  English | Khmer )

    1- Progress of Preparing Priority Operating Costs (POCs)

Progress of preparing Priority Operating Costs (POCs) by H.E Ngo Hongly, Secretary General of Council for Administrative Reform  (Download)     | Reference Document |


Development Partner Response on Progress toward Compensation Reform and Priority Operating Costs (POCs) delivered by H.E. Frank Mann, Ambassador of Germany | English | Khmer |
English | Khmer )

    2- 3rd CDCF meeting preparation

3rd CDCF preparation Agenda, Joint Monitoring Indicators process, and 2010 Aid Effectiveness Report; and finally by H.E. Chhieng Yannara, Secretary of CRDB | Presentation | 3rd CDCF Agenda |   
English | Presentation | 3rd CDCF Agenda)


Development Partner Remarks on Preparation for the 3rd Cambodia Development Cooperation Forum (CDCF) delivered by Mr. Qimiao Fan, World Bank Country Manager | English | Khmer |
English | Khmer )


Development Partner Remarks on Aid Effectiveness and Joint Monitoring Indicators delivered by Mr. Douglas Broderick, UN Resident Coordinator | English | Khmer | (Download:  English | Khmer )


Comments by H.E. Masafumi Kuroki, Ambassador of Japan  (Download)


Remarks of NGO representative to the 16th GDCC Meeting  (Download)

    3- Any other business
Fifteenth Meeting of GDCC, 29 September 2009
  Minutes of the Fifteenth Meeting of the Government-Development Partner Coordination Committee (GDCC) on 29 September 2009 ( Download)
  Agenda  (Download:  English)
  Opening Remarks by Deputy Prime Minister H.E. Keat Chhon, Minister of Economy and Finance, First Vice Chairman of the Council for the Development of Cambodia
| English | Khmer | (Download:  English | Khmer )
    41. Follow up on Issue discussed at 14th meeting of the GDCC
    a. NSDP update 2009-2013 and harmonization between planning, public investment and ODA

Progress in the preparation of NSDP update 2009-2013 and the harmonization of planning, government public investment program expenditure, and cooperation financing by H.E Ou Orhat, Secretary of State, Ministry of Planning
(Download:  English)  Attachment 1, Attachment 2, Attachment 3


Development Partner Talking Points - presented by Douglas Broderick, UN Resident Coordinator (Download:  English)


Development Partner Talking Points on NSDP update 2009-2013  (Download:  English)


Harmonization Between Planning, Public Investment and ODA Development Partner Talking Points on  (Download:  English)

    b. Priority Project Monitoring and Joint Monitoring Indicators (include agreed actions on Aid Effectiveness)
      Presentation on Priority Projects & Joint Monitoring Indicators by H.E. Chhieng Yannara, Secretary of CRDB  (Download:  English)

Summary Presentation on Priority Projects & Joint Monitoring Indicators by H.E. Chhieng Yannara, Secretary of CRDB (Download:  English)


Monitoring of Priority Project (Response to economic downturn) (Download:  English)

      Report on the progress of implementing the Joint Monitoring Indicators (JMIs)
 (Download:  English)

Synthesis Report on Aid Effectiveness Priorities  (Download:  English)


CRDB/CDC Progress on TWG Action Plan for 2009  (Download:  English)

      Development Partner Statement on Land, Delivered by H.E. Ambassador Mann (Germany)  
English | Khmer
| (Download:  English | Khmer )

Intervention by H.E. Mr. Im Chhun Lim, Senior Minister, Minister of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction, the Royal Government of Cambodia
| English | Khmer | (Download:  English | Khmer )


Development Partner Statement on Governance and Accountability with a focus on Legal and Judicial Reform, Delivered by H.E. Ambassador Adamson (Australia)
| English | Khmer | (Download:  English | Khmer )


Intervention by H.E. Suy Mong Leang on Governance and Accountability with a focus on Legal and Judicial Reform | English | Khmer |  (Download:  English | Khmer)

    42. Update on the macro economy focusing on current status, measure taken to date and future
      option to maintain stability and promotion growth.

Presentation on Recent Macroeconomic Development by Dr. Hang Choun Naron, Secretary General, Ministry of Economy and Finance (Download:  English )


Development Partner Statement on Macroeconomic Development and Their Socio-Economic Impacts Delivered by H.E. Ambassador Desmazieres (France)
| English | Khmer | (Download:  English | Khmer )


Press Release   (Download:  Khmer )

Fourteenth Meeting of GDCC, 28 April 2009
  Minutes of the Fourteenth Meeting of the Government-Donor Coordination Committee (GDCC) on
28 April 2009
  Agenda  (Download:  English)
  Opening Remarks by Deputy Prime Minister H.E. Keat Chhon, Minister of Economy and Finance, First Vice Chairman of the Council for the Development of Cambodia
| English | Khmer | (Download:  English | Khmer )
    Session 1: Impact of the global economic crisis and the government responses specifically in the garment sector, social safety net, agriculture and foreign direct investment
    Impact of the global economic crisis and Government responses
      Overview presentation by Dr. Hang Chuon Naron, Secretary General, Ministry of Economy and Finance  (Download:  English)

Remarks by H.E. Qimiao Fan, Lead DPs Facilitator, Country Manager for Cambodia, World Bank  (Download:  English)


Development Partners’ Background Paper on Mitigating The Adverse Impact of the Economic Crisis | English | Khmer | (Download:  English | Khmer )


Government responses for specific sectors:

        Social Safety Nets:
        Brief Progress Report (January – 28 April 2009) of the Technical Working Group on Food Security and Nutrition, by Senior Minister H.E. Tao Seng Hour, Vice Chairman of the Council for Agricultural and Rural Development  (Download:  English)

Background Paper On Social Safety Net in Cambodia, Council For Agricultural And Rural Development, Technical Working Group on Food Security and Nutrition
(Download:  English)



        Presentation by H.E. Chan Tong Yves, Secretary of State, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and Co-Chairs of TWGAW (Download:  English)

PowerPoint Presentation  (Download:  English)

        Garment industry:

Presentation on developments in the garment industry in Cambodia and RGC’s policy responses By Senior Minister H.E. Cham Prasidh, Minister of Commerce
(Download:  English)


Measures in Garment Sector (Download:  English)

        Private sector promotion:
        Promotion of the Foreign Direct Investment, by Senior Minister H.E. Sun Chanthol, Vice Chairman of the Council for the Development of Cambodia  (Download:  English)
    Session 2: Progress in the implementation of the Joint Monitoring Indicators agreed at the 2nd CDCF and endorsement of the JMI on Aid Effectiveness (JMI target 2).
      Progress in JMI implementation and in identifying Aid Effectiveness priorities for 2009, by H.E. Chhieng Yanara, Secretary General, CRDB/CDC  (Download:  English)
      Report on TWG Progress and Implementation of the Joint Monitoring Indicators
(Download:  English)
      Development Partners’ Background Paper on the Progress in the Implementation of the Joint Monitoring Indicators | English | Khmer | (Download:  English | Khmer )
      Development Partners’ Background Paper on the JMI on Aid Effectiveness (target 2)
| English | Khmer | (Download:  English | Khmer )

Donor Consensus Statement of the Status of the Joint Monitoring Indicators, by US Ambassador Carol Rodley (Download:  English)

      Talking points on the JMI on Aid Effectiveness, delivered by Ricarda Rieger, Deputy Country Director, UNDP  (Download:  English)

Aid effectiveness priorities in Cambodia (Download:  English)

    Session 3: Update on the integration of planning, budgeting and aid management processes and NSDP extension to 2013.
      Progress regarding the Integration of Planning, Budgeting, and Cooperation Financing Management Processes and the Process of Preparation of NSDP, by H.E. Chhay Than, Senior Minister, Ministry of Planning  (Download:  English)
    Session 4: Any other business

Where there is fish, there is hope  (Download:  English)

Thirteen Meeting of GDCC, 28 October 2008

Minutes of the Thirteen Meeting of the Government-Donor Coordination Committee (GDCC) on 28 October 2008 (Download)

Twelfth Meeting of GDCC, 4 March 2008
    Opening Remarks of the Chairman of GDCC, H.E. Senior Minister KEAT CHHON, M.P., Minister of Economy and Finance, First Vice-Chairman of the CDC  (Download)
    Council for Administrative Reform, Talk points by H.E. Ngo Hongly, Secretary General (Download)
    Public Administration Reform, Statement on behalf of Development Partners (Download)
    Legal and Judicial Reform and Anti-Corruption, Development Partners' Consensus Statement by H.E. Ambassador Joseph Mussomeli, Embassy of the United States | English | Khmer|
(Download: English | Khmer )
    Human Development - NSDP Social Sector Priorities, Joint Donor Statement By Dr. Suomi Sakai, United Nations Resident Coordinator a.i. | English | Khmer| (Download: English | Khmer )
    MoEYS Statement on Education — NSDP Social Sector Priorities (Download)
    Speech of H.E. Prof. Eng Huot, Secretary of State, Ministry of Health  (Download)
    Progress Report in the Health Sector, Technical Working Group of Health, Ministry of Health (Download)
    HIV/AIDS Technical Working Group Chair's Response to the Joint Donor Statement on Human Development, delivered by Dr. Suomi Sakai, UN Resident Coordinator a.i  (Download)

Statement by the TWG on D&D, Ngan Chamroeun, Deputy Director General, Directorate of Local Administration, Ministry of Interior  (Download)

    Speech of H.E. Chhann Saphan, Secretary of State of Land Management, Urban Planning, and Construction and Chairman of Technical Working Group for Land | English | Khmer|
(Download: English | Khmer )
    Statement on the Land Sector by Mr. F.X. Ernest Loignon, Chargé d'affaires, Embassy of Canada | English | Khmer| (Download: English | Khmer )
    Report on TWG Progress to the 12th Meeting of GDCC (Download)
Eleventh Meeting of GDCC, 8 October 2007
    Minutes of the Eleventh Meeting of the Government-Donor Coordination Committee (GDCC) on 8 October 2007  (Download)
Tenth Meeting of GDCC, 22 May 2007
    Minutes of the Tenth Meeting of the Government-Donor Coordination Committee (GDCC) on 22 May 2007  (Download)

Ninth Meeting of GDCC, 12 February 2007
    Opening Remarks of the Chairman of GDCC, H.E. Senior Minister KEAT CHHON, M.P., Minister of Economy and Finance, First Vice-Chairman of the CDC  (Download)
    Minutes of the Ninth Meeting of the Government-Donor Coordination Committee (GDCC) on 12 February 2007  (Download)
    Opening Statement by H.E. Douglas Gardner, UN Resident Coordinator | English | Khmer|
(Download: English | Khmer )
    Legal and Judicial Reform: Statement By H. E. Mr Yvon ROE D’ALBERT, Ambassador of France
| English | French | Khmer | (Download: English | French | Khmer|)
    The Anti-corruption Law: Delivered by U.S. Ambassador Joseph A. Mussomeli, On Behalf of the Donor Community “Taking Stock of Joint Monitoring Indicators for Corruption” (Download)
    Public Administration Reform: Joint Development Partner Statement on Public Administration Reform, Delivered by H.E. Lisa Filipetto, Ambassador of Australia | English | Khmer|
(Download: English | Khmer)
    Public Administration Reform: Speaking Notes by H.E. NGO HONGLY, Secretary General, Council for Administrative Reform (Download)
    Statement by H.E. Ou Orhat, Secretary General, MOP, Chairman, TWG PPR (Download)
    Statement on the Land Sector: H.E. Donica Pottie, Ambassador of Canada
| English | Khmer| (Download: English | Khmer)
    Issues related to land: Report by H.E. Im Chhunlim, Senior Minister, Minister of the Ministry of Land Management Urban Planning and Construction | English | Khmer| (Download: English | Khmer )
    Joint donor statement on “Economic and Social Land Concessions” by H.E. Pius Fischer, Ambassador of Germany | English | Khmer| (Download: English | Khmer)

Update on JMI for TWG-Gender, chaired by H.E Minister Ing Khanta Phavi (Download)

    OVERVIEW OF TWGs PROGRESS, March 2006 -January 2007 (Download)
Eighth Meeting of GDCC, 05 October 2006
    Opening Remarks of the Chairman of GDCC, H.E. Senior Minister KEAT CHHON, M.P., Minister of Economy and Finance, First Vice-Chairman of the CDC (Download)
    Minutes of the Eighth Meeting of the Government-Donor Coordination Committee (GDCC) on 05 October 2006  (Download)
      Agenda Item 1. Human Development
    Statement by H.E. Ou Orhat, Secretary of State, Ministry of Planning, Human Development in Cambodia | English | Khmer | (Download: English | Khmer )
    Joint Statement on Human Development Indicators by Mr Douglas Gardner, United Nations Resident Coordinator  | English | Khmer | (Download: English | Khmer )
    Presentation by H.E. Dr. lng Kantha Phavi, Minister of Women’s Affairs  (Download)
    Activities on Implementing the Law on Prevention of Domestic Violence  (Download)
      Agenda Item 2. Decentralisation and Deconcentration
    Summary Progress Report of the TWG on D&D  (Download)
    Intervention on Decentralisation and Deconcentration, Presented by Sweden  (Download)
      Agenda Item 3. The Anti-Corruption Law
    Progress on the Anti-Corruption Joint Monitoring Indicators, Presented by Ministry of National Assembly-Senate Relations and Inspection  (Download)
    Statement By H.E. TAKAHASHI FUMIAKI, Ambassador Extraordinary And Plenipotentiary Of Japan To The Kingdom Of Cambodia  (Download)
      Agenda Item 4. Any other Business
    Intervention on Land Conflicts by H.E. Pius Fischer, Ambassador of Germany (Download)
      Declaration on Enhancing Aid Effectiveness
    Declaration by the Royal Government of Cambodia and Development Partners on Enhancing Aid Effectiveness  (Download)
      Cambodia Development Cooperation Forum (CDCF)
    The Cambodia Development Cooperation Forum, Objectives and Procedures  (Download)
    Intervention on the Restructuring of the CG to form the CDCF by H.E. David Reader, Ambassador of United Kingdom  (Download)
      Other Documents
    OVERVIEW OF TWGs PROGRESS, December 2005 - May 2006  (Download)
    The Government-Donor Coordination Committee (GDCC) and Technical Working Groups (TWGs) in Cambodia  (Download)

Seventh Meeting of GDCC, 14 June 2006
    Opening Remarks of the Chairman of GDCC, H.E. Senior Minister KEAT CHHON, M.P., Minister of Economy and Finance, First Vice-Chairman of the CDC (Download)
    Minutes of the Seventh Meeting of the Government-Donor Coordination Committee (GDCC) on 14 June 2006  (Download)
    OVERVIEW OF TWGs PROGRESS, December 2005 - May 2006  (Download)
    Six Month Progress Report of the Joint Technical Working Groups for the Period: December 2005 - May 2006
    Remarks of Douglas Gardner UN Resident Coordinator | English | Khmer |
(Download : English | Khmer )
    Donor Statement On The JMIs And Status Of The Legal And Judicial Reform by French Ambassador  (Download)
    Speaking Notes, H.E. Ngo Hongly, Secretary General, Council For Administrative Reform
| English | Khmer |  (Download : English | Khmer )
    Introductory Remarks of H. E. Ou Orhat, Secretary of State, Ministry of Planning, Chairman of TWG-PPR  (Download)
    Statement on Natural Resources, Agriculture, Land and Forestry delivered by Pius Fischer Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany on behalf of development partners  (Download)
    Statement by HE Prum Sokha, Secretary of State, Ministry of Interior and Chairperson of the Task Force of the Inter-Ministerial Committee to Draft the Organic Law | English | Khmer |  (Download : English | Khmer )

Sixth Meeting of GDCC, 15 February 2006
    Opening Remarks of the Chairman of GDCC, H.E. Senior Minister KEAT CHHON, M.P., Minister of Economy and Finance, First Vice-Chairman of the CDC (Download)
    Minutes of the Sixth Meeting of the Government-Donor Coordination Committee (GDCC) on 15 February 2006  (Download)
    ANNEX 1: Draft Joint Monitoring Indicators for discussion at the 6th GDCC Meeting (Download)
    ANNEX 2: Statement by Donor Representatives and  Chair of Decentralization & Deconcentration (Download)
    ANNEX 3: Revised Joint Monitoring Indicators after the  6th GDCC Meeting  (Download)

Fifth Meeting of GDCC, 12 December 2005
    Opening Remarks of the Chairman of GDCC, H.E. Senior Minister KEAT CHHON, M.P., Minister of Economy and Finance, First Vice-Chairman of the CDC (Download)
    OVERVIEW OF TWGs PROGRESS IN 2005  (Download)
    Minutes of the Fifth Meeting of the Government-Donor Coordination Committee (GDCC) on 12 December 2005  (Download)

ANNEX 1: Statements by Donor Representatives (Download)


ANNEX 2: Statement by H.E. Prum Sokha, Secretary of State, Ministry of Interior, on Decentralization & Deconcentration (Download)



Fourth Meeting of GDCC, 15 September 2005

Opening Remarks of the Chairman of GDCC, H.E. Senior Minister KEAT CHHON, M.P., Minister of Economy and Finance, First Vice-Chairman of the CDC (Download)


Summary of TWG's Progress Reports for the period of June - August 2005 (Download)


Minutes of the Meeting (Download)

Third Meeting of GDCC, 14 June 2005
    Summary of TWG's Progress Reports for the period of December 2004 - May 2005 (Download)
    Minutes of the Meeting (Download)

Second Meeting of GDCC, 07 March 2005
    Briefing Note for the Meeting (Download)
    Individual TWG Quarterly Progress Reports
    Minutes of the Meeting (Download)

First Meeting of GDCC, 02 December 2004
    Minutes of the Meeting (Download)