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4.5.1 RESULTS OF THE SURVEY 115. A total of 6,397 Cambodian nationals were employed in 2002 by the 93 out of 147 programs/projects supported by multilateral and bilateral donors and by 67 out of 77 NGOs that have provided data in response to the CBP Survey (Table 21). It is notable that 54 out of 147 bilateral and multilateral projects (37 per cent) reported that they did not employ any Cambodian personnel. For NGO projects only 10 out of 77 NGOs (13 percent) reported not employing any Cambodian personnel (see table 24). 116. Of the 6,397 national personnel employed:
117. The total expenditure on the 6,397 national personnel employed to support the implementation of these programs totaled just under 21.5 million US dollars, representing 8.1 percent of the total program expenditure in 2002. The average cost per person employed was 3,355 US dollars in 2002. There are significant differences in the average wage cost among the different categories of donors. The UN agencies have the lowest costs at 2,837 per person. The highest average cost per person of 4,652 US dollars is reported by the IFIs, ADB and the EC programs/projects followed by bilateral donors ($3,572) and the NGOs (3,449). The data on the duration of employment does not fully account for these differences (Table 22). The UN agencies that have the lowest average cost also have the highest proportion of national staff, 86.8 percent that are employed for 10-12 months, as compared to 47.8 percent for programs supported by IFIs, ADB and EC. 118. Overall, nearly 90 percent of the national personnel, employed by projects for which data has been provided, were employed for a period of 10 to 12 months. This implies a long-term employment relationship with the donor programs/projects. It should be noted, however, that more than one-third of the programs supported by IFIs, ADB and EC did not report the duration of employment of their national staff. Similarly, nearly two-thirds of the programs supported by bilateral donors did not provide information on the duration of employment. A detailed tabulation of the data for multilateral and bilateral donor supported programs on the duration of employment by function performed by the national personnel is presented as Annex 4. These data show that there are no major variations in the duration of employment by function performed. In the case of NGOs, nearly all of the 3,787 national personnel were employed for 10-12 months, indicating that NGOs employ national staff on a long-term basis for their programs. 119. A higher proportion of NGOs, 87 percent, employ national personnel to implement their programs than programs supported by IFIs, ADB and EC (84.2 percent), the UN agencies (67.2 percent), or the bilateral donors (52.5 percent) (Table 23). A significantly higher proportion of NGOs spent more than 100,000 US dollars in 2002 on the employment of Cambodia nationals, 45.5 percent, than the IFIs, ADB and EC programs (31.6 percent), the UN agencies (10.4 percent), or the bilateral donors (4.9 percent). TABLE 23: RANGE OF EXPENDITURE ON THE EMPLOYMENT OF NATIONAL PERSONNEL
120. Nearly one-fourth of the programs/projects have reported employing between 2 and 5 national personnel. A larger proportion of UN agencies and bilateral programs/projects employ less than five national personnel than do NGOs or the IFIs, ADB and EC programs (Table 24). Nearly one-fourth of the NGOs have reported employing more than 50 national personnel, as compared to 3.0 percent of UN agencies. None of the bilateral programs/projects have reported employing more than 50 national personnel.
121. There is a wide variation in the monthly salary reported in the survey to have been paid to national personnel in what appear to be similar job titles (Table 25). The IFIs, ADB & EC programs employ a slightly higher proportion of national personnel as Program Directors/Managers/Coordinator, Technical Experts/Specialist/Engineers, and Consultants (15.5 percent) than bilateral donors supported programs (14.5 percent) or the UN agencies (5.8 percent). Nearly 70 percent of the national personnel employed by UN agencies were field staff, and another 16.5 percent were reported as support staff. In the case of IFIs, ADB and the EC and the bilateral programs the majority of the national personnel were employed as what has been reported as support staff, who were paid between 50 to 1,000 US dollars per month. In the case of NGOs, the majority (55.2 percent) of the 3,787 national personnel employed were field staff such as health workers, community development workers and technical assistants directly implementing projects at the field level. Another 19.4 percent were employed as program/technical officers, and 22.2 percent as support staff.
122. It
should be noted that this study was not meant to be a salary survey.
However, the data collected does provide a picture of the salaries that
were actually paid to national personnel in 2002 (Table 26). These data
show that over 80 percent of the national personnel employed by UN
agencies supported programs were paid between 100 and 300 US dollars per
month. The bulk of these were employed in de-mining operations. Only 2.1
percent were paid over 1,000 US dollars per month. In the case of IFIs,
ADB and EC, just under two-thirds were also paid between 100 and 300 US
dollars per month. In the case of bilateral donors supported programs
nearly half were paid between 500 and 1,000 US dollars per month. In the
case of NGOs, half were paid between 100 and 300 US dollars per month and
another one-third between 300 and 500 US dollars per month. |
1 Excludes UNICEF that did not provide sufficient detail on salary levels. According to data provided all national personnel employed were paid between 227-2,558 US dollars per month. |