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The Government of the Kingdom of Denmark has agreed within an amount of Danish Kroner 31 million to support on a grant basis the implementation of the projects; 1) Community Forestry Project Phase II by Concern Cambodia; 2) Mainstreaming Natural Resource and Environment Management through Seila; 3) Integrated Pest Management Farmer Training Project -Phase II The Royal Government of Cambodia and the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark have agreed that the projects be carried out in accordance with the following provisions of this Agreement and the Project Documents attached. The Projects is part of the Danish Environmental Assistance to the Kingdom of Cambodia, the strategic framework for which is described in the Natural Resource and Environment (NRE) Programme Document 2001-2005, signed on 5th June 2001. The general provisions of the present agreement are set forth in the Agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark and the Royal Government of Cambodia on Development Co-operation dated 5th June 2001. Article 1 Definitions For the purpose of this agreement, unless otherwise stated, the terms listed below mean the following:
Article 2 Objectives of the Projects |
Article 3 Outputs of the Projects In order to achieve the above-mentioned immediate objectives, the projects outputs will be achieved as described in the relevant Project Documents. Article 4 Documentation
The Project Documents are attached as
Annex A. The Project Documents will be reviewed and updated in
connection with joint project reviews. |
Article 6 Obligations of Denmark Denmark will provide the following for the implementation of the projects, as listed below and further specified in the project documents. Any proposal for additional components or for reallocation between the above components is subject to approval by both parties. Unspent balance or savings from the project funds may not be spent by the projects without approval of the Competent Authorities. Surplus derived from exchange rate changes and interest accrued from the remittances shall be returned to Denmark. Community Forestry Project Phase II, Concern Cambodia.
The Danish Parliamentary Finance Committee provides for 2,903,000 Danish Kroner as a contingency budget and covers the above projects as the Danish Financial Committee of the Parliament collectively approves these. Total Danida Inputs: 31 million DKK kroner |
Article 7 Obligations of Both Parties Both parties will: |
If misuse of funds within the project is discovered, appropriate authorities i.e. the Criminal Investigation Department or Inspectorate of the Royal Government of Cambodia will be asked to investigate the matters. The Royal Government of Cambodia will, if and when it is deemed appropriate, take action against suspects including immediate interdiction or suspension of such persons from work, to avoid their interference with the investigations. Where project funds have been lost in such a manner as described above, the Royal Government of Cambodia will repay such funds to the projects, in order to ensure that planned activities will not be disrupted. Article 8 Shipment All shipment covered by this agreement will be in keeping with the principle of free circulation on ships in international trade in free and fair competition. Article 9 Importation, Import Taxes and other Public Charges and Fees The Royal Government of Cambodia shall secure timely importation and clearance through customs of goods covered by this Agreement, including materials to be imported by the consultants/contractors according to specifications in the Work Contracts. The Parties shall ensure that the Danish grant is not used for payment of any import duty, tax, national or other public charge such as import surcharges, duties to compensate for domestic excise taxes, charges or deposits in connection with the issuance of payments, work permits, licenses or import licenses for all equipment, materials, supplies and spare parts supplied by Denmark to the activities agreed upon. Article 10 Status of Expatriate Personnel
Article 11 Conditions for Expatriate Institutions and Consulting Companies When institutions, consulting companies or other legal persons from other countries than Cambodia or other organisations of an international character are engaged by Denmark to perform tasks in Cambodia with reference to this agreement the conditions for expatriate personnel under this Agreement shall apply to their personnel as well as their spouses and dependants. Article 12 Study Visits and other Activities outside Cambodia For personnel from Cambodia participating in study visits, courses and similar professional activities outside Cambodia, organised by Denmark or any institution contracted by Denmark within this Agreement, the following shall apply: In the case of illness or accident during the stay abroad, Denmark shall arrange for such medical treatment that must be given before the return to Cambodia, according to the opinion of a physician consulted by Denmark. All costs associated with the treatment shall be financed from the funds made available by Denmark to Cambodia under this Agreement, if the need for the treatment could not have been foreseen at the time of departure for the visit. Insurance coverage for death and disability shall be arranged by the Royal Government of Cambodia. Article 13 Liability Denmark shall:
The Royal Government of Cambodia shall: a) indemnify Denmark, the responsible agencies and the project personnel under the present agreement against any claim brought forward by a third party in respect of liability resulting from acts or omissions by the responsible agencies or the project personnel in the performance of their duties, except where such claims or liabilities arise from gross negligence or wilful misconduct of the responsible agencies or the project personnel. Article 14 Information, Monitoring and Evaluation
Article 15 Project Reporting The following procedure shall be used for project reporting:
Article 16 Transfer of Ownership The agencies responsible for the implementation of the different project components shall maintain updated inventories of all equipment provided to the projects by Denmark, e.g. vehicles, computers, furniture and tools. Equipment, material supplies and facilities financed by Denmark, which are used during the implementation of the projects, e.g. vehicles, computers, furniture and tools, remain the property of Denmark, until such time as the Parties may agree otherwise. Transfer of ownership of the above-mentioned assets to Cambodia may take place during the project period. Before project termination, the parties will assess and agree on final transfer of such assets, which can be justified on the basis of a final request from the receiving institution. Any remaining property will be disposed of by Denmark. Article 17 Suspension If serious irregularities or suspicion thereof within the projects have been ascertained, either Party may suspend project implementation, wholly or in part, until the suspending Party decides to resume implementation. Either party may cancel the agreement if, with respect to any contract to be financed by Denmark, it determines that corrupt or fraudulent practices were engaged in by representatives of the donor country, the recipient country, or of a beneficiary of the funds during procurement or during the execution of the contract without the party in question having taken timely and appropriate action satisfactory to the party wishing to rescind the agreement in order to remedy the situation. Either party reserves the right to suspend or terminate the projects and its activities, wholly or in part, if representatives of the donor country, the recipient country, or of a beneficiary of the funds during procurement or during the execution of the contract engages in violations of legal principles as stipulated in international agreements and conventions signed by Denmark, without the party in question having taking timely and appropriate action satisfactory to the party wishing to rescind the agreement to remedy the situation. Article 18 Accounting Procedures and Audit
Article 19 Other Stipulations A Service Contract may be entered into between Denmark and a consultant for provision of the technical assistance, based on Denmark’s contract conditions currently in force. Article 20 Entry into Force This agreement shall enter into force on the date of the signature. Article 21 Project Duration The Projects will have a duration as specified in the Project Documents. In case of delays in the project implementation, the project duration may be extended by mutual agreement and within the agreed budget. Article 22 Settlement of Disputes
Article 23 Termination This agreement shall remain in force for the duration of the projects. The Parties may terminate a project by agreement through an exchange of letters or unilaterally by a notice of termination. Such notice will come into effect six months after having been received by the other Party. In witness hereof, the Parties hereto, acting through their representatives duly authorised for this purpose, have caused this Agreement to be signed in two originals in the English language in Phnom Penh on 4th December 2002.