Joint Monitoring Indicators for 1st CDCF Meeting (19-20 June 2007)
To be implemented and monitored in the period between the first and second meetings of the CDCF

Target Action Needed Responsible Government Institution Concerned TWG Resources Required to Achieve Target
  Amount  Source
Implementation and Management of the National Strategic Development Plan (NSDP)
1. Approve final Ministry of Planning Strategic Plan (MPSP)

1.  Approve final MPSP as a strategic document to be implemented with coordinated EDP support.

2.  Bring together the NSDP APR and the alignment section of the CDC AER to document and assess progress on key NSDP indicators and resources committed/aligned to NSDP priorities.




TWG-PPR to be determined


2. National aid effectiveness priorities are implemented and monitored in the context of a partnership-based approach to the NSDP

1.  Strengthening Ownership, Managing for Results and Mutual Accountability. Development partners: (i) report to CDC on details of all new and on-going support; (ii) provide up-dated information in the CDC Database; and (iii) hold periodic consultations with CDC to validate data and to assess progress in implementing H-A-R priority actions;



Fully resourced


2.  Promoting Harmonisation and Alignment. Progress in implementing the H-A-R Action Plan and TWG Guideline is reported by TWGs and consolidated as a background document for each GDCC meeting;


3.  Managing for Results. The H-A-R Action Plan is augmented with a set of indicators, the Aid Effectiveness Report assesses progress in H-A-R Action Plan implementation and is presented to CDCF.

NSDP Social Sector Priorities
3. Improved opportunities for primary

1. Increase the net enrolment in primary school (total, and by sex).

2. Increase the survival rate from grades 1 to 6.

MOEYS TWG Education    
4. Increase the proportion of deliveries attended by skilled health personnel in the public sector to 45% by December 2007 (38% in December 2006)

1.  Recruitment and deployment of at least 68 midwives for 68 health centres that do not yet have any midwife by the end of 2007

2. Provide salary incentives to midwives – an incentive based on the number of deliveries was adopted under the Inter-Ministerial Prakas of the MEF and the MoH No 268, April 2 2007 and the adapted midwife salary scales and compensation payments for professional related health risks as proposed by MoH are to be endorsed at a full session of the Cabinet of Ministers.

MoH TWG Health
5. Enhanced national response to HIV/AIDS pandemic

Increase coverage of effective drug & HIV/AIDS prevention, comprehensive care and support, and effective mitigations interventions.

6. Food security and nutrition integrated into relevant sector

Under RGC leadership, a Strategic Framework to mainstream food security and nutrition is developed by TWG-FSN and endorsed by relevant ministries.


NSDP Economic Sector Priorities
7. Implement and monitor a partnership-based approach to agriculture and water sector priorities.

1. Progressive implementation of the Strategy for Agriculture and Water, as required by the NSDP:

a)  Reaching agreement by the end of June 2007 on a Statement of Principles to guide donors and Government agencies working the in agriculture and water sectors

b)  Obtaining approval by MAFF, MOWRAM and donors on the terms of reference for the design of the 5 National Programs under the SAW, by July 2007

c)  Completing the design of two National Programs by the end of December 2007, and

d)  Completing design of all 5 National Programs by the end of July 2008.

2. Improved donor and government coordination

a)  Ensure relevant stakeholders have up to date information on activities by posting twice each year (at end June and end December) on the TWGAW website an updated project database listing the donor and government activities in the agriculture and water sectors.



8. Implement the legal framework established by the Land Law

1. To adopt RGC's Policy on Registration and Use Rights of Indigenous Communal Land and pilot interim protective measures (identification, mapping, classification and provisional endorsement of indigenous land legal claims) to safeguard the indigenous community's land in two provinces within the framework of provincial level state land management committees and district working groups as per Sub-Decree #118).

2. To improve the livelihoods of the rural poor, i.e. 500 eligible households are settled on social land concessions with livelihood support and at least 10,000 hectares of suitable land confirmed as available for social land concessions

9. With the aim of stopping the loss of Cambodia's forest resources, the legal frameworks established by the Forestry Law and in particular the Sub-Decree on Economic Land Concessions must be fully implemented at all levels of Government agencies.

1. Implement all provisions of the sub-decree on ELCs, including establishing and making public log book of ELCs, including those issued at provincial level, and review a minimum of 5 economic land concessions over 10,000 hectares, taking appropriate action consistent with Chapter 6 of the Sub-Decree on ELCs.

2. Rapid implementation across Cambodia of forest demarcation in accordance with the sub-decree No. 53, dated 1 April 2005.



10. Take appropriate action to reflect the priorities of the Fisheries sector to improve the livelihoods of rural communities in commune, district and provincial development plans as well as donor funding levels.

1. Cambodian Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CamCode) drafted by the end of 2007

2. Work with the government agencies/ revenue authorities and donors to ensure the FiA is adequately funded including the revenue from the sector to carry out its mandate with reference to Article 14 of the Fisheries Law.

3. Donors in fisheries use the planning, accounting and monitoring systems of the Fisheries Administration to be in line with MTEF and MBPI by the end of 2007.

MAFF TWG-Fisheries
11. Further reduction of 70-80 landmines/ERW casualties and a decrease 5-10% of contaminated mine/ERW land

1.  Ensure the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of existing mine action/ERW policy, strategy, and action plans.

2.  Ensure timely disbursement of RGC and development partner funds.

3.  Improve mechanism to monitor the use of resources and their impact in a transparent, efficient and effective manner.

12. Create an enabling environment for the development of the private sector

1. Relevant agencies (i.e. MOC, MoH, MAFF, MIME and MEF) to sign and implement the Service Level Agreements, attaching agreed – upon lists of prohibited goods between trade related agencies.


2. Review implementation of risk management and act accordingly to reduce the inspection rate to fifty percent including in SEZ’s. Review to be conducted under the purview of the Sub-Steering Committee on Trade Development.


3. Make specific recommendations on 20 priority licenses impacting on SMEs to ensure relevancy, efficiency, and cost effectiveness

NSDP Infrastructure Sector Priorities
13. Sustainability of the National and Rural Road Network

1.  Develop Action Plans for the Establishment of the Road Network Maintenance Management Systems by June 2008.

2.  Preserve Road Assets by (i) piloting and review of out-sourcing of 3 periodic road maintenance contracts (June 2008); and (ii) improving and developing Overload Control Programs (June 2008).

14  Increase use of improved sanitation, hygiene and drinking water supply, especially in rural areas

Develop and adopt a rural water supply and sanitation (RWSS) strategy and budget that is based on the official RWSS policy and aligned to the NSDP

MRD A sub-working group is to be established under a relevant TWG to be identified
NSDP Governance and Cross-Sectoral Priorities
15. Further develop the Public Administration to serve people better and to become an effective development partner.

1. Implement the approved "Joint Government-Donor Strategy for Phasing Out Salary Supplementation Practices in Cambodia" by:

a. implementing approved sectoral action plans; and

b. establishing Priority Mission Groups (PMGs), and PMG/Merit Based Pay Initiatives (PMG/MBPIs) in MOH, and at least one other ministry/agency.

2. Improve pay and employment conditions in the civil service by developing and implementing:

a. a medium term strategy and action plan to enhance remuneration; and

b. a redeployment policy and action plan.

3. Design and implement an HRM policy and action plan to improve merit and performance management by introducing an HRM Guide and further developing the Human Resource Management Information System (HRMIS) for the Civil Service.

4. Enhance service delivery though developing a One Window Offices (OWOs) policy, legal framework and implementation plan, including establishment of at least 5 OWOs across Cambodia.

16. Establish a well functioning, transparent and accountable legal and judicial system that protects individual rights as defined in the Constitution

1.   LJRS Strategic Objective 2. Complete the drafting and approval of the remaining fundamental Laws (Penal Procedure Code, Penal Code, Civil Code, Law on the Statute of the Judges, Law on Court Organization and Functioning, Law on the Amendment of the Law on the Organization and Functioning of the Supreme Council of the Magistracy).

2.  LJRS Strategic Objectives 2 & 7. Review and finalise guidelines for the legislative drafting process that draws on lessons from past experience. Guidelines should seek to inform externally mobilised TA, with an emphasis on building the capacity and ownership of the relevant Ministry’s legal unit.

3.  LJRS Strategic Objectives 7 & 4. Ongoing training and transparent selection of judicial professionals to improve the supply of judicial services and the functioning of the courts.

17.  Combat corruption

1.   Finalize and approve Anti-Corruption Law, based on best international practices.

2.   Prepare an implementation plan to enforce and manage the implementation of the Anti-Corruption Law.

3.   Disseminate information on reported cases on corruption and conviction on semi-annual basis.

4.   Develop a clear policy framework on Access to Information.




18. Preparation made for full implementation of the RGC's Strategic Framework fro Decentralisation and Deconcentration (D&D) reforms.

1. Continue preparation and initiate broad stakeholder consultations on the organic laws on democratic development at sub-national level during Q4 of 2007.


2. National programme design process and modalities developed, agreed, and resourced for implementation to begin in 2nd quarter of 2008.


3. RGC and development partners design the principles of engagement in support of D&D reform in Cambodia.

19. A more credible budget and more effective financial accountability

  Continue implementing the PFMRP by:

a)  sustaining actions already implemented and completing the remaining key actions necessary for Platform 1;

b)  preparing the consolidated action plan for implementation of Stage 2/Platform 2), including to make recommendations on the endorsement of EITI; and

c)   continue monitoring impact through the agreed PFM Performance Indicators.

20. Adopt laws and sub-decrees and relevant legal documents, and implement plans against all forms of violence and exploitation against women and children, according to international standards

1. Sub-decree on the administrative decision on domestic violence adopted.

2. Law on suppression of human trafficking and sexual exploitation adopted, and in compliance with the UN Protocol on trafficking and UN convention on transnational organized crime, and the Cambodian draft penal code.

3. National Action plan to combat violence against women implemented. The specific target for 2007 is to establish a working group in MoI/DOLA for training materials on the Sub-decree.

4. Policy and legislation on migration reviewed. Specific targets for 2007 include: Adopt comprehensive Strategy Paper on Migration that links Migration with Trafficking, Smuggling and the Labour Law Reform and closes existing legal gaps to enhance legal protection of migrants.


TWG Gender    

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