5.01     In the previous chapters, this document has provided an update on new data emerging, developments that have occurred and the progress made since the NSDP was approved by the Council of Ministers in early 2006. It has also indicated revised overall goals and targets for 2010 as found necessary including resource requirements. In addition, it has highlighted that inputs for the monitoring of NSDP implementation need to be prepared with more detailed and clearer analysis of causes for success or failure in order to render the progress report a tool for providing policy-decision makers with relevant policy recommendations to be taken to achieve the sectoral goals and targets. The NSDP Monitoring Framework will be reviewed periodically to ensure necessary modifications on the basis of experience gained.

5.02     As noted in the NSDP, there are some imponderable external and internal factors that could adversely impinge upon successful and orderly implementation of various strategies, plans and actions envisaged under the NSDP and the sectoral strategies and sub-plans prepared under its ambit. These are:

  • Expected resources not being available, particularly from EDPs.

  • Global oil and gas prices continuing at excessive level (more than double of 2004), pushing inflation up to high levels.

  • World and regional political and social situation deteriorating due to sudden acts of terrorism.

  • International Trade barriers not being removed at the expected rate.

  • Outbreak of diseases like avian flu or other new ones.

  • Natural calamities occurring beyond normal levels such as repeated drought or flood affecting crop production and damaging physical infrastructure and property.

5.03     The road ahead is challenging and difficult. RGC is however confident that it could implement NSDP in full subject to changes to be made from year to year to take account of ongoing realities, and that the needed resources would be available in full. RGC hopes to receive full cooperation from all stakeholders (EDPs, civil society and internally from all ministries and agencies) in realising the goals of NDSP to improve the lives of all Cambodians, particularly in rapidly reducing poverty levels. 

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