Multi-year Indicative Funding Framework 2007
Funding Statement – United Nations

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am honoured on behalf of the UN agencies operating in Cambodia, to provide our collective pledge for 2007.

We do so in the context of what is now a Multi-year Indicative Funding Framework and in support of concerted efforts by Government to harmonise aid, to increase mutual accountabilities between partners and Government, and to implementation of a strategic approach to long term planning and resource mobilisation and management.

The UN reconfirms its commitment to the priorities outlined in the UN Development Assistance Framework 2006-2010. In short there remain:

  1. Good Governance and the promotion/protection of Human Rights

  2. Agriculture and rural poverty

  3. Capacity building and human resources development for the social sectors

  4. Support to the implementation and monitoring of the National Strategic Development Plan.

To ensure concrete results and to maximize effectiveness of our activities, we will work under the leadership of our national partners and in close harmonization with other development partners, civil society and the private sector.

In 2007 we are committing USD64 million for UN supported activities in Cambodia.

In addition to this pledge of resources from the HQ level, at the country level this level of support can be expanded as and when development partners chose to channel funds through UN programmes for joint investment in priority activities.

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