Training of Law Enforcers


  • The Ministry of Women’s Affairs conducted two ToT trainers with police trainer on the DV as a social issue and the DV Law itself.

  • The Police Academy conducted a training on Domestic Violence to the first intake of Police Officers in May.

  • The National training Department together with Soros Foundation and CDP is conducting a training of trainers on DV in June.

  • Police training materials at the training were reviewed and further discussions to integrate domestic violence are on-going.

Judges and Court Clerks:

  • GTZ in cooperation with the Royal Academy of Judicial Profession conducted two training session for total 60 existing judges on the Law and especially the application of the Protection Order. Detailed procedures according to Civil Procedures are available. As long as not Protection Order Form has officially approved courts are instructed by MoJ to use the Urgent Order Form. In each Court there should be at least one Judge who is familiar with the mechanism and the procedures.

  • In April GTZ provided a training on the principles of the DV law and general DV Awareness to 62 Court Clerks.

  • In August GTZ and MWA provided a training on the principles of the DV law and general DV Awareness to 88 Court Clerks

Local authorities:

  • Ministry of Women’s Affairs and the Department of Local Administration of the Ministry of Interior staff have finalized the manual on DV and the Law. A national role out training to Commune Council ToT Training to PLAU, PDF and DFD started on the 26th of June and is still ongoing. (For all more than 20.000 beneficiaries such as all commune chiefs, all village chiefs, commune clerks and all women and children focal points).

  • Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Women’s Affairs draft a Sub decree to implement the Law on the local level to work on the procedures for the Administrative Decision. The draft is finalized but not adopted yet.


  • GTZ with support of CIM conducted a training to the Children’s and women’s Lawyers working group on the DV Law to 26 specialized lawyers.

  • Ministry of Women’s Affairs conducted training on the DV Law to selected legal NGOs.

Awareness and Dissemination:

  • The Ministry of Women’s Affairs presented the baseline survey on attitudes towards violence against women funded by GTZ, UNIFEM and EWMI. Several dissemination meetings with Line Ministries (Mol, M0J, MoH, MoS, MoE, MoWA) and NGOs were conducted

  • MWA produced a leaflet on the protection Order, Picture books and the Law and DV as a social issue (targeting literate people).

  • Ministry of Women’s Affairs and CIM produced a legal glossary on the DV law targeting legal professionals.

  • MWA printed the Law and with the attached glossary. 21.000 copies were distributed to Provinces (Courts, Governors, Provincial Department of Women’s Affairs, Commune Chiefs and Village chiefs). 4000 were distributed to NGOs and 5000 were distributed to Line Ministries.

  • MWA produced a Question and Answer Brochure on the Law on Prevention of Domestic Violence.

  • MWA produced three leaflets targeting men, women and young women with low literacy skills to inform them on the consequences of DV and how to change.

  • 6 Radio Programmes on DV by MWA are in production but have not been broadcast yet.

  • The Ministry of Women’s Affairs is currently working on radio drama production aiming at 9 programmes including call-in sections.

  • Ministry of Women Affairs is produced Billboards for National and Provincial Roads.

  • Ministry of Women’s Affairs has rented 10 buses of regular transport agencies to he painted with anti-violence slogans for 6 months starting October 2006.

Training and Workshops:

  • GTZ, MWA and NGO conducted two workshops on working with men to eliminate violence against women. One workshop was targeting MWA and NGO who are involved in law enforcement activities. Another workshop was involving media practitioners.

  • GTZ, MWA and NGO participated in a workshop how to produce materials for the community level materials (targeting low literate beneficiaries are still in production.

  • The Ministry of Women’s Affairs conducted a training Conference for staff members from all 24 provinces on DV and the DV Law.

  • MWA participated in a workshop how to produce materials for the community level - materials (targeting low literate beneficiaries).


  • A draft Prevention Plan has been drafted by a committee on the basis of workshops. The draft is still under discussion with relevant stakeholders.

  • The Ministry of Women’s Affairs plans to work on monitoring of DV cases. First discussion with Ministry of Interior (for Police Statistics). Ministry of Planning (for Commune Statistics) and Ministry of Justice (Court Statistics) have been conducted. The aim is to establish National Statistics.

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