Minutes of
the Eighth Meeting of the
Government-Donor Coordination Committee (GDCC)
held on
5 October 2006,
8:30 am at CDC
1. H.E. Mr. Keat Chhon,
Chairman of the Government-Donor Coordination Committee (GDCC) opened the
meeting by welcoming all participants to the Eighth meeting of the GDCC.
He informed the meeting of the following points:
proposal to reform the Consultative
Group (CG) mechanism was endorsed by Samdech Prime Minister Hun Sen on
September 2006, paving the way for the first CDCF to be held in 2007.
As an
embodiment of the commitment to partnership and the principles guiding
the implementation of NSDP, the Declaration on
Enhancing Aid Effectiveness had been developed and revised, and
the signing ceremony would be held immediately after the meeting.
The work on
the Review of the GDCC-TWG mechanism
has been going on through the ad hoc group that was convened to discuss
the CDCF. This is a critical exercise in establishing well-functioning,
comprehensive and cohesive dialogue architecture.
survey was been finalized. This was a
time consuming exercise but worthwhile exercise and would give us
objective evidence that allows us to monitor our joint progress on aid
Several TWGs
had asked GDCC to take note of some of the constraints that they faced,
which were reported in the Overview of TWGs
Progress prepared by GDCC Secretariat. These included information
sharing and participation; the need to secure funding for programmes;
alignment issues; and concern on the Anti Trafficking Law.
The meeting
discussed on the following issues: Human Development; Decentralization
and De-concentration; the Anti Corruption Law; and other issues such as
land if time permitted.
Human Development
2. H.E. Ou Orhat,
Chair of Planning and Poverty Reduction TWG, delivered a
statement highlighting the following
Health, infant mortality came down to 95 per 1,000 live births in
2000 and to 65 in 2005. Maternal mortality similarly registered a rapid
decline from the highest level in 1979 to 437 per 100,000 births in 2000
but has not shown marked improvement in 2005. The number of births
attended by trained health personnel rose to 32% in 2000 and to 44% in
2005. The HIV-AIDS infection rate has been kept under check and after
reaching a peak of 3% in 1997 has declined to 1.9% in 2003.
Education, primary school enrollment of relevant age groups
increased to 84% in 2000 and stood at 91.3% in 2005. The proportion of
girls enrolled in and completing primary school in the cohort group has
increased steadily. The number of girls in higher educational levels also
shows clear growth although in a gradual manner.
Economic growth, carefully directed programs for infrastructure renovation
and improvement, improved and expanded irrigation systems, all these
positive developments are reflected in rapid decline in poverty.
3. A
Joint Statement on Human Development Indicators
was delivered by Mr. Douglas Gardner, United Nations Resident
Coordinator, making the following points:
Health, the demographic health survey shows that infant and child
mortality have been substantially reduced. But nearly 30,000 children
still die per year from largely preventable causes. Almost 70% of mothers
have achieved antenatal care. Proportion of deliveries attended by skilled
health personnel has only slowly increased from 32% in 2000 to 44% in
2005. Only 22% of deliveries take place in a health facility. Development
partners hold real concern that an unacceptable proportion of women are
dying or are at risk during pregnancy and childbirth with achievements of
2010 NSDP targets posing a significant challenge.
Water and Sanitation
is something of an "orphan" both in terms of investment and who is
responsible. Only 38% of the population has access to safe drinking water
and 22% to latrines. Development partners would welcome a focus on this
matter during the GDCC including the issue of arsenic contamination of
drinking water.
Education, it is encouraging that enrollment rates in primary
schools have increased and are close to targets. But the percentage of
children actually completing primary education is stagnant and well below
NSDP targets. Less than 50% of formally enrolled children complete primary
school. Development partners would strongly urge a spotlight on primary
school completion.
Development partners applauded the Law on Domestic Violence and
Protection of Victims promulgated last year. We suggested that in
addition to steps being taken on disseminating the law and training
judges, these be complemented with strategies and actions for the
provision of legal, health and counseling services as well as raising
awareness of young people on attitudes and the impact of violence.
Development partners share the RGC's concern on the increasing proportion
of husband-to-wife and mother-to-child transmission as the cause of new
infections of HIV/AIDS. Evidence of widespread infection with other
sexually-transmitted diseases is also a growing concern that calls fro a
rapid and effective response.
Development partners encourage future GDCC meetings and CDCF to regularly
review the status of human development with particular links being made to
the reforms in governance and to essential infrastructures supporting
social services.
4. Ambassador of the
United Kingdom, Mr. David Reader, delivered the
Bilateral Intervention on Human Development,
which highlighted the urgency to address the water and sanitation MDG:
Findings of a review of the rural water and sanitation sector recently
commissioned by DFID/UK show that over half of
does not have adequate safe water supply.
million Cambodians do not have access to sanitation services and a safe
means of disposal.
The rural and sanitation sector does not have the institutional capacity
or the finance to achieve the CMDGs.
There is a serious funding shortfall. Less than half the funding needed to
reach the sanitation CMDGs is available from donors with RGC contributing
only minor budget.
5. H.E. Keat Chhon:
Despite progress made, water and sanitation remain a challenge, and MEF is
now negotiating to secure a USD 40M loan from China Development Bank for
water and sanitation.
6. Dr. Michael
O'leary of the WHO, LDF of Health TWG: National budget allocated for
the health sector has fallen between 2005 and 2006, and urged continued
strong support for investment in the health sector.
7. Dr. Sok
Saravuth, Director of Budget, MEF: Well planned strategy is of utmost
importance in addressing the Health and Education concerns raised. He
urged PAP ministries to take this into account in program budgeting to
address these concerns. According to the available record, budget for
Health and Education has drastically increased: for Health, in 2005, it
was at 10% of total current budget; it reached 11.5% in 2006, and will
reach 12% in 2007. In Education, the allocation is 20% for 2007.
8. Representative
Significant success has been made by RGC in enrolling children in school.
Greater number of children from poor household and girls are entering
school. But many of them do not stay in school long enough to complete
primary education. Data from MOEYS shows that less than half of children
who started school complete the sixth grade, which is a great challenge.
Studies done in Cambodia have given us considerable knowledge on
strategies that would work to increase primary school completion such as
early child development for pre-school children, conditional cash transfer
for children, and so on. We at the same time also need to work to improve
the quality of primary education since staying longer in school will be
only valuable for children and their families if they learn and develop
skills while in school.
9. Representative
from NGO Medicam: Nutrition to improve child health remains a major
concern on which there is little progress, in particular issues of stunted
children and underweighted children. The health system has a major role in
service delivery. Good quality of service and accessibility has
significant impact on health. But service delivery is not the only
determinant of health. There are other social, environmental, economic
factors that substantially impact on health especially maternal and child
health. We would like to really advocate for social determinant of health,
and multiple sector intervention is really needed to improving health. In
addition to that, one needs to pay attention to the linkage between human
rights and social economic development.
10. H.E. Keat Chhon:
One thing that is to be answered is why maternal mortality rates have
not been reduced still further. I would like to put this issue on the
table. If there is any answer, this meeting will record it and we have to
address this issue.
11. Bettina Maas
of UNFPA: Access to skilled attendance is not the sole solution to
maternal morbidity and maternal health. Access to emergency care is
required and an assessment is being undertaken on how to improve access.
It also requires improvement in communication and recognition by the
community and the people themselves on how to change their behavior. It
requires improved status of women because maternal morbidity is linked to
improved women's status and educational attainment of girls.
12. H.E. Ing Kantha
Phavi, Minister of Women's Affairs:
MoWA has been working closely with the Ministry of Health to ease the
access of health information to the village level by creating mobile team.
A team was formed to locate health centers closer to the villages.
MoWA is collaborating with UNFPA, and MOH to upgrade trained midwives and
practitioner midwives because traditional midwifery is no longer
appropriate. The number of midwives has been decreasing in
Cambodia because young
women are not interested in becoming midwife because the work is hard, and
the salary is not appropriate.
Maternal mortality rate is linked to the status of women. We doing the
work of promoting and getting more women involved in the health
information campaign.
Related to violence against women, the National Action Plan to Combat
Violence Against Women, especially on the part of domestic violence is not
yet finalized, but we are almost at the end of the process.
is one of the first countries to include violence against women as an
indicator in measuring country's development. Drafting of a prevention
plan is part of CMDGs, and in order to draft this national action plan, a
wide range of governmental and non governmental actors are needed. In
November 2005, MoWA called an advisory board. Members of the board come
from several line ministries such as MoWA, Minstrt if Information, MoI,
MoJ, and other government institutions and NGOs. In line with the
participatory approach, members addressed relevant topics in the following
areas: information and awareness, social services for victims and legal
issues. MoWA reviewed the recommendations and prepared the first draft
plan, which has been submitted to the advisory board for consultation.
Though the consultation may be time consuming and are still on-going, this
is an important process because this is an important national planning
effort to prevent violence based on consensus from a wide range of
governmental and non governmental actor.
MoWA added an introductory section to the National Prevention Plan, which
introduced the definition of violence and prevention. Moreover, it
provides an overview of the situation of women and the prevalence of
violence in
organized three seminars to raise awareness. As the next step, once the
draft plan is agreed by the advisory board, discussions with all partners
are needed.
Policy recommendations have been developed, but specific indicators and
activities have to be further developed to allow for monitoring of the
implementation of the action plan. The challenges in implementing the
national action plan are required funds. Though we have funds from GTZ,
UNFPA, IOM, UNDP, more are needed to expand the scale of the
MoWA is collaborating with MoJ on the draft of the Anti Trafficking Law to
ensure that the draft is complying with the Penal Code, because some
inconsistencies have been discovered, and the UN Protocol on Cross
National Crime on Trafficking. We hope the new draft will come out at the
end of the year or in early 2007.
and Deconcentration
13. H.E. Prum Sokha,
Chair of D&D TWG, outlined progress over
the last nine months which highlighted three major components:
Completion of the draft Organic Law in mid May. It has been translated
into Khmer. MOI has been reviewing the law and has presented summaries in
various forum with partners in the government and non government sectors
at national and local levels.
The Preliminary Implementation Framework identifies the main components,
priorities and sequencing of activities for the reform and implementation
of the Organic Law and associated policies.
Additional steps that have been taken to advance the national policy on
sub national democratic development, particularly the creation by Royal
Decree of the National Committee to Manage Decentralization and
Deconcentration (NCDD).
14. Representative of
delivered an Intervention on D&D with the
following key messages:
The creation by Royal Decree of the NCDD is a critical step to prepare for
a new phase of D&D reforms.
Good governance is central to NSDP, and D&D are considered key in
improving sub national governance and development, which in turn are
expected to enhance the well being of
Cambodia citizens
particularly the poor. There is a strong interdependence between D&D and
RGC's agenda on anti corruption, public administration and public finance
D&D TWG has been inactive since its first meeting in February this year.
Following the establishment of the NCDD and in order to make further
progress on effective support to a complex reform agenda, the donor
community currently engaged in D&D and those wanting to participate in it
is looking forward to an improved engagement and dialogue with NCDD and
its partners under the auspices of the D&D TWG. A starting for
reengagement would be to review the current status of the JMIs and to
agree on a D&D Action Plan.
15. Nisha Agrawal
of the World Bank: We have been supporting the D&D program and
welcome the setting up of the NCDD. The future steps depend on the Organic
Law. There have been consultations on summary features of the Law. We hope
the government is committed to having consultation with all stakeholders
on the full law before it is submitted to NA. We hope that with the
setting up of NCDD and responsibilities within MOI clarified, we can start
having a much more regular dialogue through the D&D TWG.
Anti Corruption Law
16. Representative
from the Council of Ministers briefed the meeting of the recent
restructuring and strengthening of the Anti Corruption Unit through Sub
Decree 84 dated 22 August 2006. The purpose is to strengthen the
implementation of RGC's Rectangular Strategy, which consider good
governance as its core, the second Governance Action Plan 2005-2008, and
Public Service Delivery Policy, and in time when corruption has become
more complex. The ACU has four sub units: Finance, Administration and
Human Resource; Education, Prevention and Cooperation; Investigation; and
Law Enforcement. The four sub units function in a coherent manner and in a
way that supports each other. Tasks of the ACU shall comprise collection
of corruption related information, which ensures the anonymity of
information source; take action on corruption; prepare an action plan to
combat corruption in line with second GAP; receive complaints; and conduct
investigation and send the issue to court for prosecution. To enable the
ACU to effectively implement its tasks, support from development partners
and other government ministries/agencies in terms of funds and logistics
are needed.
17. Representative of
MONASRI submitted the draft Anti Corruption Law to the COM on
12 January 2006. It
was reviewed by OBSESS and the Council of Jurists, and was subsequently
revised on 17 March 2006 in collaboration with the Ministry of Justice, to
ensure its consistency with other laws in force. The revised draft law was
scheduled for a review by an inter-ministerial meeting on 12 September
2006. However, the meeting was postponed because the draft law was not
deemed ready for discussion in the inter-ministerial meeting. The draft
law then was referred back to MOJ and MONASRI for further revision. A
working group of MOJ and MONASRI with support from French experts have met
three times since then. The latest draft was finalized on 29 September
2005. It is scheduled to arrive at the MONASRI on 5 October 2005, then it
will be submitted to COM for inter-ministerial review before submission
for approval by COM.
MONASRI has prepared a priority action plan to formulate the draft Anti
Corruption Law, and the draft law on access to information to complement
the draft Anti Corruption Law. MONASRI is seeking support from partners in
drafting the draft law on access to information. MONASRI working group has
met with Japanese experts on the draft Law on Inspection and was suggested
that the drafting be undertaken following the adoption of the Anti
Corruption Law.
18. Ambassador of
delivered a statement on behalf of
development partners in Cambodia stressing the following points:
Development partners express deep concern that the Royal Government has
not yet submitted the draft law on anti-corruption to the National
Assembly, which was supposed to be done by the end of June 2006.
Development partners urge the Government to promptly enact the
anti-corruption law and provide clarifications, if any, as to the
obstacles that are faced in the process such as issues of consistency with
the existing legal system and laws.
There is need for the anti corruption law to satisfy established
international practices and well-functioning practices of other countries.
But development partners reiterate that consistency and coherence within
Cambodian legal system is of utmost importance as a fundamental basis for
the country's nation-building and development.
There is a need for the newly created Anti-Corruption Body to be
harmonised with existing anti-corruption institutions in the country in
terms of purposes and jurisdiction.
19. Representative of
Ministry of Justice:
Consistency with the existing Cambodian legal system has been considered a
basis for preparing the anti corruption law. Three main issues have been
emphasized in the recent draft: the anti corruption body; its
independence; and constitutionality of the draft law and its consistency
with the current Penal Code.
Effectiveness and independence of the anti corruption body have been
ensured. Its secretariat has been entrusted with the judicial policy role
as well as prosecutorial power for investigation and indictment.
The Penal Code currently under the drafting process contains stipulations
on corruption, which cover the crime in a more comprehensive manner than
the initial draft law on anti-corruption. To address this, MOJ and MONASRI,
with support from French cooperation, agreed to revise the draft anti
corruption law to include provisions from the draft Penal Code that
provide for a number of crimes considered as corruption.
20. Representative
from Council of Ministers:
The Anti Corruption Unit is RGC's commitment to fight against corruption
when the law is still being drafted.
Once the anti corruption law comes into force, the Anti Corruption Unit
may be transformed or phased out upon consideration by RGC.
Land Reform
21. Ambassador of
Mr. Puis Fischer, delivered an Intervention
on Land Conflicts highlighting the following points:
Clarification is needed on the recent creation of the National Authority
for the Resolution of Land Disputes and its relationship with the
jurisdiction of cadastral commissions and the courts.
Development partners urged the Government to further consider as priority
enforcement of measures to protect indigenous lands and communities
through moratorium on economic land concessions that involve these lands.
Development partners recognize that there has been some progress with
regard to land registration and increased transparency through disclosure
of some information on economic land concessions. Development partners
urged RGC to speed up progress on social land concessions and step up
efforts to stop land grabbing and illegal dealing in lands to enforce land
rights for all Cambodians.
22. The Chair of
Land TWG:
Following adoption of Land Law in 2001, cadastral commissions have been
established since 2002 down to the district level. At the district and
provincial levels, once land disputes occur, cadastral commissions shall
play coordinating/reconciliating not adjudicating function. Adjudicating
function rests only with the cadastral commission at the nation level, but
a clear body of rules on this role has been established and followed
before exercising this function. So far, 6-7 cases have been heard by the
National Cadastral Commission. As per the JMI, 450 cases successfully
resolved out of 800 cases handled in 2006, 219 cases have been resolved as
of July, 211 cases were rejected and 20 cases were withdrawn.
Resolution of land conflicts through the cadastral commissions, at all
levels, is time-consuming. To speed up progress, RGC has established the
National Authority for the Resolution of Land Disputes. There is no
overlap of role and function of these different bodies dealing with the
resolution of land disputes. The National Authority shall resolve only
cases that are not being heard by the cadastral commissions or cases that
are submitted by the National Cadastral Commission.
Lands illegally grabbed have been reclaimed which cover more than 199,000
ha. A circular has been prepared to implement Article 18 of the 2001 Land
The process of indigenous land registration is under preparation. Policy
on protection of indigenous lands and community is being prepared. A
statute on indigenous people has not been completed by MOI to define
identity of indigenous people and communities, although two villages in
Rattanakiri have been selected as pilot cases. Protection of indigenous
land also involves Forestry Law (article 37) which mandates an adoption of
a sub-decree on the definition/demarcation of forest land for indigenous
communities. Once there is regulation on identity of indigenous
communities and their land, MLMUPC will develop regulations to implement
the Policy for the protection of indigenous people and carry out land
registration process.
Two villages, in Kratie and Kompung Cham, have been selected to pilot
effort to implement social land concession by granting by the end of the
year land to 500 families. Through a participatory approach, an
environmental impact assessment has been conducted, location determined,
and targets identified participating in social land concession. But there
is problem of funding shortage for the task, and a number of difficulties
with rules/principles suggested by the World Bank.
23. As an embodiment
of the commitment to partnership and the principles guiding the
implementation of NSDP, the Declaration on
Enhancing Aid Effectiveness were signed between the Royal
Government of Cambodia and 14 development partners: Australia, Canada,
Denmark, France, Germany, Japan, New Zealand, Sweden, United Kingdom,
United States, Asian Development Bank, the European Commission, UN System,
and the World Bank.
24. The Seventh GDCC
meeting adjourned at 12:30 AM.
List of Participants
H.E. Mr. Keat Chhon, Senior Minister, Minister of Economy
and Finance, Chairman of GDCC
H.E. Mr. Chhieng Yanara, Deputy Secretary General of CDC, Secretary
General of GDCC
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Mr. Eang Savet, Deputy Director
Mr. Sam Nuov, Deputy Director
Mr. Chan Danith, Forestry TWG
Mr. Tith Bone, Officer
Mr. Sok Srun, Officer
Ministry of Commerce
Mr. Sok Sopheak, Deputy Director General
Ministry of Economy and Finance
H.E. Mr. Kong Vibol, Secretary of State, Vice Chairman of
Mr. Sok Saravuth, Director
Mr. Long Sophat, Officer
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
H.E. Mr. Mak Vann, Secretary of State
H.E. Mr. Nath Bunroeun, Under Secretary of State
Mr. Suong Sarun, Deputy Director General
Mr. Sok Rithy, Deputy Director
Mr. Kuy Phalla, Deputy Director
Mr. Oung Borat, Staff
Daisuke Kanasawa, Adviser
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
Prince Sisowath Chivan Nariddh, Secretary of
Mr. Chea Sam Ang, Deputy Director General
Ministry of Health
Dr. Char Meng Chuor, Deputy Director General
Ministry of Interior
H.E. Mr. Prum Sokha, Secretary of State
Mr. Ngan Cham Roeun, Deputy Director General
Mr. Chan Dara, Deputy Director
Mr. Tep Phearun, Assistant
Ministry of Justice
H.E. Mr. Phov Samphy, Assistant to Minister
Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and
H.E. Mr. Chhan Saphan, Secretary of State
Mr. Sar Sovann, Deputy Director General
Ministry of National Assembly, Senate Relation and
H.E. Mr. Prak Ham, Secretary of State
Mr. Keo Kong, Deputy Director General
Mr. Khiev Kim Heng, Deputy Director
Mr. Tao Sandy, Deputy Chief
Ministry of Planning
H.E. Mr. Ou Orhat, Secretary of State
H.E. Mr. Tuon Thavrak, Director General
Mr. Theng Phagnathun, Director
Ramanathan Natarajan, Adviser
Ministry of Public Works and Transport
H.E. Mr. Sun Chanthol, Minister
Mr. Pheng Sovicheano, Deputy Director General
Mr. Tatsuo HARADA, JICA Expert
Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology
H.E. Mr. Veng Sakhon, Secretary of State
Ministry of Women's Affairs
H.E. Dr. Ing
Kantha Phavi, Minister
H.E. Ms. Chan Sorey, Secretary of State
Ms. Anna Collins Falk, Senor Adviser
Ms. Nhean Sochetra, Director
Office of the Council of Ministers
H.E. Mr. Chhoeuy Roeun, ACU
Mr. Nuon Sothimon, Office Chief
Cambodia Mine Action Authority
Mr. Kong Vathana, Officer
Council for Administrative Reform
H.E. Mr. Chhuon Chham, Deputy Secretary General
ED Attridge, Adviser
Council for Legal and Judicial Reform
H.E. Mr. Suy Mong Leang, Director
Mr. Ly Chhe, Deputy Director
National AIDs Authority
H.E. Mr. May Sam-Oeun, First Vice Chair
H.E. Mr. Hor Bun Leng, Deputy Director General
Development Partners
Asian Development Bank
Allain Goffeau, Acting Country Director
H.E. Ms. Lisa Kim Felipetto, Ambassador
Peter Lindenmayer, First Secretary, AusAID
Stephen Close, Senior Program Officer
H.E. Ms. Donica Pottie, Ambassador
Michael Rymek, Head of Aid, CIDA
H.E. Mr. Mogens Laumand Christensen, Minister Counselor
European Commission
Daniel Costa
Liobet, Chargé d'affair a.i
Bou Noeun, Programme Officer
Ngy Kimsong, Programme Officer
Kiet Leang Hour, Programme Officer
H.E. Mr. Yves Terracol, Director, AFD
Guillaume Prevost, Counselor, French Embassy
Dominique Freshlon, Counselor, French Embassy
Conan Heve, Programme Officer
Celine Azaij, French Embassy
H.E. Mr. Pius Fischer, Ambassador
Daniel Haas, First Secretary, German Embassy
Thomas Engelhardt, Director, GTZ
Volker Muller, GTZ
International Monetary Fund
John G. Nelmes, Resident Representative
H.E. Mr. Takahashi Fumiaki, Ambassador
Norio Maruyama, Minister
Kazuhior YONEDA, Resident Representative, JICA
YUKAI Hikoyuki, Deputy Resident Representative, JICA
Emi Morikawa, Adviser
EiiChiro Hayashi, Aid Coordination Adviser, JICA
Koizumi Yukihiro, JICA
Nhean Tola, Programme Officer, JICA
Keiji Ito, Programme Officer, JICA
Shinji Asankma, Adviser, JICA
H.E. Mr. Shin Hyun-Suk, Ambassador
New Zealand
Lynn de Silva, First Secretary, NZAID Manager
Erik Illes, First Secretary, SIDA
Eva Smedberg, Counselor, SIDA
United Kingdom
H.E. Mr. David Reader, Ambassador
Clair Moran, Country Manager
Tom Wingfield, Adviser, DFID
Hellen Appleton, Adviser, DFID
United States
Piper Campbell, Chargé d'affair
UN Agencies
H.E. Mr. Douglas Gardner, UN Resident Coordinator
Teruo Jinnai, Representative, UNESCO
Perseveranda So, UNICEF
Bettina Elke Maas, Representative, UNFPA
Margaret Picken, Country Director
Ann Lund, UN Coordination Specialist
Michael J. O'Leary, Representative
Coco Ushiyama, Country Director a.i
World Bank
Nisha Agrawal, Country Manager
Mia Hyun, Poverty Specialist
Lou Saun, Lead Economist
Non Governmental Organizations
Chhith Sam Ath, Executive Director, NGO Forum
Sin Somuny, Executive Director, MEDICAM
GJs Koop, Advisor, NGO Forum