Rehabilitation and Development Board
September 2006
This is the unofficial
translation of the document that was approved by
Samdech Prime Minister on 28 September 2006
Samdech Hun Sen, Prime Minister of the Royal Government of Cambodia, in
his opening address at the Consultative Group (CG) Meeting held on 2 March
2006 in Phnom Penh, urged "all development partners to work closely with
government ministries in order to upgrade government ownership to a higher
level in the CG process".
In order to pursue practical action to realize this vision, the Cambodian
Rehabilitation and Development Board (CRDB) of the Council for the
Development of Cambodia (CDC) undertook a review of the CG process, in
consultation with some concerned Government ministries and agencies, and
development partners, to explore options for restructuring the process.
This was to enable and ensure that, in the context of strengthening
partnership, RGC can assume greater ownership and leadership in the
organisation and conduct of the periodic consultative mechanism. Such
progress towards greater and enhanced RGC leadership role is fully
consistent with, and advances the implementation of, the Rome and Paris
Following the Paris Peace Accord in October 1991, the donor community
convened the Ministerial Conference on the Rehabilitation and
Reconstruction of Cambodia (MCRRC), under the co-chairmanship of Japan and
UNDP, on 21-22 June 1992 in Tokyo. The meeting established the
International Committee for the Rehabilitation of Cambodia (ICORC) that
was to meet regularly for this purpose. After three ICORC meetings, the
Consultative Group mechanism chaired by the World Bank was adopted from
1996 with alternate meetings held in Tokyo and Paris.
Since 2002, CG meetings have been held in Phnom Penh, co-chaired by RGC
and the World Bank. Since the adoption of the CG mechanism in 1996, eight
CG meetings have been held, with the last three in Phnom Penh. CG is a
periodic, overarching, high profile and media-attracting event attended by
officials from capitals and headquarters of bilateral and multilateral
development partners and agencies.
Importance of the current CG format: CG meetings are widely viewed
as an important and useful forum for high-level government-donor
discussions regarding Cambodia's socio-economic development. Their value,
in particular, is to be found in:
Stock-taking and evaluation of Cambodia's
overall progress and challenges in a broader context and with a long-term
Analytical discussions on policy and reform
and future challenges and needs generally based on background documents
prepared by RGC and analytical and thematic papers prepared by development
partners (on macro-economic performance by World Bank, and on progress and
issues relating to sectoral/thematic areas by other relevant development
partners) to arrive at a common understanding of the overall situation,
challenges and future needs.
Among other matters, reviewing progress made
in regard to implementation of recommendations of the Paris Declaration
based on the report prepared by RGC on aid effectiveness matters.
Providing a high-level forum where policy
statements of significance are made by development partner
representatives. These bring to bear clear perspectives on Cambodia's
socio-economic development from our
partners, and provide an opportunity to discuss matters considered of
overarching importance relating to Cambodia.
Attendance by high level representatives from
the capitals and headquarters of development partners, including emerging
donors, with their field visits and discussions with other participants
affording them an opportunity for a better and clearer understanding of
progress on the ground. This is intended to provide a basis to make an
assessment that will inform the provision of further support that is fully
aligned with government development priorities.
Providing a forum for RGC representatives to
be exposed to, and to learn from, the wider development discourse,
enabling them to relate their own sectoral work to this 'larger canvas'.
Pledging of future aid by development
partners as a demonstration of their appreciation of the progress that has
been achieved, and commitment and trust in RGC's effort for the
development of Cambodia and its people. Pledges also serve the purpose of
informing the public in aid-providing countries and in the wider world of
the international community's commitment to the people of Cambodia.
Dissemination of the major points of
discussion on such issues to a wider audience, through the media both in
Cambodia and further afield.
Not the least, a ceremonial event which by
its nature attracts a high-level global profile, turning the media
spotlight on to Cambodia.
Since the 2002 CG meeting, which was held for the first time in Phnom
Penh, CG meetings have been co-chaired by RGC and the World Bank. The RGC,
in consultation with all development partners and especially with the
World Bank, sets the agenda and sends out invitations for the CG meeting
to the embassies and incountry development cooperation offices. The World
Bank, through its headquarters, also sends out information about the
meetings to its Board.
Specifically during the last CG meeting held on 2-3 March 2006, the
process of preparation and formulation of Joint Monitoring Indicators (JMIs)
that were to be submitted to the CG meeting, was led by RGC in discussion
with development partners through the TWGs and GDCC. Experience
increasingly gained from the CG process, as well as through leading the
GDCC, has provided RGC with the confidence and the ability to carry on the
CG work by itself in the future.
In many ways, the CG's evolution has mirrored the increased national
ownership and leadership in evidence elsewhere in the national development
and reform agenda. This is true in particular in the case of the NSDP,
which will inform the agenda of future annual consultations. It is
therefore natural that, at this stage of the evolutionary process, the
structure and management of dialogue reflects this enhanced ownership and
partnership that is embodied in the NSDP.
9. On
this basis, the RGC believes that, by moving to assume greater
responsibility for the consultative process, this will lead to a further
strengthening of RGC's ownership and leadership, while retaining the
fundamental characteristics of partnership that underpin RGC's relations
with its development partners. There is a consensus among most development
partners that a mechanism such as the CG should continue as a high level
forum to discuss overarching matters in a collective manner under full RGC
ownership and leadership, and this current RGC proposal is designed to
bring substance to this collective vision.
10. From the
Ministerial Conference on the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of
Cambodia in 1992 to the last CG meeting in 2006, the evolution of such
meetings, including selection of meeting venues, agendas to be discussed,
and decisions on leadership of the meeting, has provided an enabling
environment and a unique opportunity for RGC to gradually move towards
assuming greater ownership and leadership of the process. In particular
the last three CG meetings that were held in Phnom Penh enabled the
partnership between RGC and development partners to be strengthened in the
context of increasing RGC leadership of development processes.
Encouraged by these enabling in-country developments, and informed by the
experience that other partner countries, especially those in the region,
have had with their aid mobilization and consultation mechanism, RGC
has decided to transform the current CG meeting into the Cambodia
Development Cooperation Forum (CDCF) starting from 2007. In the
context of the NSDP, which was finalised in early 2006, the CDCF will
provide government, donors and civil society with an opportunity for
dialogue on public policy processes and the associated government
financing framework in the same effective manner as CG meetings.
Given its importance, the CDCF meeting should focus its attention on key
strategic policy issues or on broad areas where faster and critical
progress is necessary or where additional actions are needed. It is
necessary that effective use is made at the CG meetings of the valuable
time of the many high level participants. This relates in particular to
the discussion of Joint Monitoring Indicators (JMIs), which were mostly
derived from the action plans of TWGs and agreed upon in the CG meeting.
Deliberation on such indicators should no longer occupy the time of the
CDCF meetings since this can now be more efficiently done in the
Government Donors Coordination Committee (GDCC) meetings where RGC and all
development partners are represented and the opportunity for detailed
discussion can be facilitated more effectively. Once the set of the JMIs
is deliberated and agreed upon by the GDCC, it may be submitted for
endorsement by the CDCF meeting. While it is emphasised that the GDCC
provides an appropriate opportunity for deliberation on the JMIs,
provision can however be made, on an exceptional basis, for CDCF
discussion of JMIs that are felt to be either of critical importance or
cannot otherwise be agreed at GDCC level. This approach is consistent with
Samdech Prime Minister Hun Sen's suggestion at the opening of the
2006 CG Meeting.
13. The CDCF
represents a new phase in the chain of evolution of the participatory
mechanisms for Cambodia's development, evolving from the Ministerial
Conference for the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Cambodia (MCRRC),
through the International Committee on Reconstruction of Cambodia (ICORC)
and the Consultative Group (CG) meetings into the CDCF in 2007. In the
medium to long term period, the CDCF will ultimately move towards the
Cambodia Development Forum (CDF), which will serve as a consultation
mechanism for RGC, development partners and a broader range of
participants to facilitate dialogue and consultation on matters related to
both public and private sector development. The concept of a partnership
for development will therefore adopt an increasingly broad perspective as
key national constituencies are invited to participate in dialogue at the
highest level.
Under the CDCF, RGC will assume full ownership and leadership of this new
mechanism through a consultative process that will further strengthen
mutual accountability as the foundation of an authentic partnership with
development partners. Accordingly, the Senior Minister, Minister of
Economy and Finance and First Vice Chairman of the CDC, will be the
Chairman of the first CDCF in 2007.
15. The
World Bank has traditionally been the organiser and Chair of the CG
meetings for many countries. As Chair and then co-Chair for the past eight
CG meetings for Cambodia, the World Bank has helped Cambodia evolve its
own role in the process. This support from the World Bank has been
important and has provided RGC with an opportunity to gain experiences in
setting its vision as articulated in paragraphs 10-12. Based on this
positive evolution, the RGC, with its sufficient experience and capacity,
is now in a position to assume complete ownership and leadership of the
new consultation mechanism. RGC is fully committed and determined to
continue to maintain the substance and enhance the quality and credibility
of the process. The RGC therefore appreciates and acknowledges the
role that the World Bank has played and looks forward to continuing to
work closely with all development cooperation partners in moving forward
the development and reform process in Cambodia.
16. RGC proposes that the
CDCF will proceed as follows:
The first CDCF, which will be chaired by RGC,
shall be held in 2007.
The Cambodian Rehabilitation and Development
Board shall be the designated coordinating agency of the RGC to play the
lead role in all aspects of preparation and organisation of the CDCF.
As per consensus expressed at the
consultation meeting held on 23 August 2006, the World Bank will function
as the Lead Donor Facilitator (LDF) to dialogue with RGC before, during
and after the CDCF.
RGC will finalise the date, agenda, format,
procedures and participants of each CDCF in consultation and agreement
with development partners through the LDF.
The LDF shall provide advisory support to the
secretariat (CRDB) for the conduct of the CDCF meeting.
All development partners could provide
logistical and financial support to the secretariat of the CDCF for the
preparation and organization of the CDCF.
RGC will continue to provide background
documents for consideration at the CDCF. These will include: The Annual
Progress Report on NSDP implementation; Public Investment Programme;
Annual Development Cooperation Report; An update on progress in
Development Cooperation Effectiveness; JMIs Progress Report; Specific
Reform programmes; etc.
Development partners would continue to
provide background documents containing their independent analysis and
assessment of progress and challenges in Cambodia, such as: the analytical
macro-economic assessment by the World Bank; sectoral/thematic assessment
by other relevant development partners or NGOs) to arrive at a common
understanding of the overall situation, future needs and challenges.
At the opening ceremony of the CDCF, the LDF
shall be accorded a seat on the dais along with Government Senior
Officials. The Chair shall invite the LDF to address the CDCF after the
welcoming remarks of the Chair and before the keynote address of Samdech
Prime Minister that will guide the discussion of the meeting. The address
of the LDF to be prepared in consultation with other development partners
shall reflect an assessment by the development partners on the overall
progress made by RGC in the implementation of reform programs during the
year and the challenges ahead.
After the opening session, the LDF would
assume a similar role to that of other participants.
The development partners could, as now, agree
upon any one of them to be the lead discussant for relevant agenda items.
Other development partners will present their own views as hitherto.
CRDB, working with the LDF, will prepare and
circulate pledge sheets in advance of the CDCF and will collect the
completed forms before the CDCF. During the pledging session of the CDCF,
the pledge sheets will be updated and finalized based on formal
announcement by development partners. These total pledge amounts will be
announced by the Chair at the end of the CDCF.
CRDB will prepare a Press Release in
consultation and agreement with development partners through the LDF and
will circulate it among participants before the closing session.
The Chair of the CDCF shall summarise the
discussions at the meeting at the closing session, and the LDF will be
invited to occupy a seat on the dais and to provide observations or
remarks based on the discussion in the sessions before the closing remarks
by the Chair.
The LDF and representatives of other
development partners will be invited to join the press conference
organised by CRDB and to be addressed by the Chair at the end of the
Role and Functions of LDF
Linkages among CDCF, GDCC
and TWGs
Chronology of
Aid-Mobilisation Meetings for Cambodia
Annex - 1
Role and Functions of
Lead Donor Facilitator (LDF)
for Cambodia Development Cooperation Forum (CDCF)
It has been agreed that
the World Bank will function as the Lead Donor Facilitator (LDF) for the
Cambodia Development Cooperation Forum (CDCF) process. The functions of
LDF are briefly outlined in paragraph 16 of the note and are elaborated
below as they relate to CDCF.
Preparation leading up to the CDCF:
Prepare and send out
information about the CDCF to the World Bank Board.
Facilitate and communicate the agreement of development partners to CRDB
in matters relating to date, agenda, format, procedures and participants
of the CDCF.
Organize and host the Heads of Delegation dinner the day before the CDCF,
attended by high level RGC and donor/Embassy/NGO representatives
Informed by the agenda, and in consultation with CRDB, prepare analytical
reports, such as the macro-economic assessment.
Coordinate with development partners who wish to produce analytical
reports related to sector or thematic issues including NGO papers.
Discuss with development partners and inform CRDB about the nomination of
the lead donor discussant for relevant agenda items.
Coordinate presentations of development partners and circulation of their
draft presentations and statements.
Assist and agree the format of the draft pledge sheet prepared by CRDB.
CRDB will circulate the agreed pledge draft sheet in advance of the CDCF
and will collect the completed forms to tally the total of pledges, update
and finalize the pledge during the CDCF to be announced by the Chair at
the end of the CDCF.
B- During the CDCF:
Prepare in consultation
with development partners an address covering progress and challenges
since last CG meeting and deliver its at the opening of the CDCF.
Assist the Chair in conducting the meeting as may be required by emerging
circumstances at the meeting.
Take detailed notes for the Report of Proceedings.
Work with and assist CRDB in consolidating the pledge sheet during the
pledging session and then assist in finalizing it.
Work with and assist CRDB in preparation of RGC Chair’s summary of the
discussions and agreements to be presented at the concluding session of
the CDCF.
Work with and assist CRDB to prepare a Press Release which would be
circulated for comments by participants before the closing session.
Deliver observations or remarks based on the discussion in the sessions
before the closing remarks by the Chair.
Assist in the collection of all RGC, donor and NGO statements and other
documents for the Report of the Proceedings.
Work with and assist CRDB in organizing and facilitating the Press
Conference to be chaired by the Chair of CDCF.
C- After the CDCF
Work with CRDB to ensure
that the pledge sheet and all statements are final and accurate.
Prepare the “Report of Proceedings” for its Board which includes all
presentations made at the CG meeting, summary of all discussions, Pledge
sheet, Press Release, list of participants, agenda, etc. NOTE: CRDB
also will produce and circulate, as now, a “compendium” of all documents
and will also place it on its website.
Upload all public documents on the World Bank website.
Activities |
Responsible Party |
Preparation leading up to the CDCF |
RGC-CRDB prepares and
sends out formal invitation to all in-country development
partners |
ü |
Prepare and send out
information about the CDCF to the World Bank Board |
ü |
RGC-CRDB proposes the
date and prepares draft agenda, format, procedures and list of
participants of the CDCF for discussion and agreement with
development partners through the LDF |
ü |
Organize and host the
Heads of Delegation dinner the day before the CDCF, attended by high
level RGC and donor/Embassy/NGO representatives (optional) |
ü |
Host a dinner reception
on the first day of the CDCF. Two luncheons will be provided during
the CDCF. |
ü |
Preparation of
Government background documents (Annual Progress Report on NSDP
implementation; Public Investment Program detailing funding
requirement needs; Annual Development Cooperation Report; An update
on progress in Development Cooperation Effectiveness; JMIs Progress
Report; Specific Reform programs; etc) for consideration at the CDCF |
ü |
CRDB coordinates
government presentations for relevant agenda items. |
ü |
Prepare main analytical
report such as macro-economic assessment. Coordinate with other
development partners who wish to produce reports related to sector
or thematic issues including NGO papers |
ü |
Discuss and agree on
the lead discussant for relevant agenda items among development
partners. Coordinate their presentations and circulate their draft
presentations and statements |
ü |
CRDB, as the GDCC
secretariat, produces JMIs progress report and, in consultation with
development partners and through the TWGs, facilitates the drafting
of new JMIs for discussion and agreement at the GDCC meeting. These
JMIs are then endorsed at the CDCF |
ü |
CRDB, working with the
LDF, will prepare and circulate pledge sheets in advance of the CDCF
and will collect the completed forms before the CDCF. |
ü |
B- During the CDCF |
Prepare an address
covering progress and challenges since last CG meeting in
consultation with development partners and deliver it at the opening
of the CDCF |
ü |
CRDB and LDF to take
detailed notes of proceedings |
ü |
ü |
Presentation of JMIs as
agreed in the GDCC meeting for endorsement by CDCF |
ü |
Update the pledge sheet
during pledging session and finalize it based on formal announcement
by development partners. |
ü |
ü |
Preparation of Chair’s
summary of the discussions and agreements to be presented at the
concluding session of the CDCF. |
ü |
ü |
Prepare draft Press
Release and circulate for comments to CDCF participants |
ü |
ü |
Provide observations or
remarks based on the discussion in the sessions before the closing
remarks by the Chair |
ü |
Prepare Chair' Closing
Remarks of the CDCF |
ü |
Collect all RGC, donor
and NGO statements and other documents for the Report of the
Proceedings |
ü |
ü |
Organize and facilitate
the Press Conference |
ü |
ü |
C- After the CDCF |
Ensure that the pledge
sheet and all statements are final and accurate |
ü |
ü |
Prepare a “Compendium
of CDCF” which includes all presentations made at the CG meeting,
summary of all discussions, Pledge sheet, Press Release, List of
Participants, agenda, etc. Upload all public documents on website |
ü |
ü |
Annex - 2
TWGs and GDCC as regular mechanisms for in-country coordination, review
and monitoring to ensure optimal and effective utilisation of all external
assistance and RGC funds to achieve desired impact for meeting overall
goals and targets specified in NSDP. Briefly,
TWGs: As the title clearly
suggests, they are "technical" and operational forums to discuss, agree
upon and pursue clearly defined and measurable targets at the sector
level, contributing in turn to those at national level.
It is a high-level RGC-DP forum in the
country for dialogue and information sharing on policies, reform programs
and specific activities covering cross-cutting issues.
It is also a forum for discussion matters of
key concern and importance related to the socio-economic development of
Meeting not more than three times a year, it
will also serve as a forum to develop and agree on a set Joint Monitoring
Indicators (JMIs), before submission for endorsement by the annual
Cambodia Development Cooperation Forum and follow up progress made.
CDCF’s role will continue in substance what was achieved by CG so far. It
is an important and overarching forum for a higher level (than GDCC)
governmentdonor discussions regarding Cambodia's socio-economic
development from a more broad, deep and longer range perspective, both
past and the future. It will meet at more spaced out and periodic
intervals. In addition to matters of overarching importance to Cambodia
for its socio-economic development it will also consider progress in aid
effectiveness on the basis of a special paper prepared by CRDB. CDCF will
indicate major and critical areas where GDCC has to more closely monitor
progress by developing suitable JMIs. It is also a forum for aid-mobilisation
through pledging of future aid by development partners.
Annex 3
Chronology of
Aid-Mobilisation Meetings
2006: |
21-22 Jun
8-9 Sep
10-11 Mar
14-15 Mar
11-12 Jul
1-2 Jul
25-26 Feb
24-25 May
12-13 Jun
20-21 Jun
6-7 Dec
2-3 Mar |
Ministerial Conference on Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of
Cambodia, Tokyo, 21-22 June 1992 – co-chaired by Government of Japan
and UNDP
ICORC-1: International Committee on Reconstruction of
Cambodia: Paris: Chaired by France and facilitated by UNDP.
ICORC–2: Tokyo: Chaired by Government of Japan
ICORC–3: Paris: Chaired by Government of France
CG-1: Consultative Group Meeting: Tokyo: co-chaired by World
Bank and Japan (host)
CG–2: Paris: Chaired by World Bank
CG–3: Tokyo: Chaired by World Bank
CG–4: Paris: Chaired by World Bank
CG–5: Tokyo: Chaired by World Bank
CG-6: Phnom Penh: Co-Chaired by World Bank and RGC
CG-7: Phnom Penh: Co-Chaired by World Bank and RGC
CG-8: Phnom Penh: Co-Chaired by World Bank and RGC |