1.       This report presents a consolidation of progress that has been made by TWGs for the period January – September 2006 and that has been reported by TWGs to the Secretariat of GDCC. For the purpose of reporting on progress, a questionnaire was developed and sent to all Chairs of TWGs in mid-August. The questionnaire asked TWGs to provide information on:

  1. Progress in implementing TWGs Action Plan.

  2. Progress on Joint Monitoring Indicators.

  3. Implementation status of the Action Plan on Harmonization, Alignment and Results.

  4. Resource mobilization.

2.       The first part of this Report presents an overview of the progress made by all TWGs with respect to the implementation of their Action Plans, progress toward the JMIs, the implementation status of the H-A-R Action Plan, and resource mobilization issues. The second part of the Report documents in detail progress as reported by each TWG to the GDCC secretariat. The annex presents the status of the progress report submission of TWGs and relevant reporting.

Progress Against Action Plans
3.       Overall, the TWGs are making steady progress in implementing their Action Plans for 2006. Five TWGs (Agriculture and Water, Legal and Judicial Reform, Mine Action, Partnership and Harmonization, and Planning and Poverty Reduction) have reported satisfactory progress on all activities that were planned to be implemented. The remaining TWGs have reported partly achieved progress or delay in implementation of their planned activities due to lack of resources needed for implementation and/or for a variety of operational reasons.

4.        In implementing their activities, four TWGs (Food Security and Nutrition, Forestry and Environment TWG, Infrastructure and Regional Integration, and Public Administration Reforms) have reported that they are facing financial constraints, and have highlighted the need for budget, and in the case of PAR, more support, to implement the agreed activities. Three TWGs (Education, Fisheries, and Gender) have requested for higher level representatives from concernedministries/agencies and donors' agencies to participate in the TWGs. The Gender TWG has asked through GDCC that the Legal and Judicial Reform TWG consider the Anti Trafficking Law as a priority
because this is one of the JMIs. The Planning and Poverty Reduction TWG highlighted the need for alignment of support to the NSDP priorities and the PIP. The following points were raised and/or recommended by the TWGs as to address challenges in implementing their work programmes:

  1. The D&D TWG asked GDCC to take cognizance of the creation by royal decree signed on August 18, 2006, of the National Committee for the Management of D&D (NCDD), which takes over the responsibilities of the Inter Ministerial Committee (of the drafting the organic law) and the National Committee to Support Communes (NCSC), and also oversee other D&D related activities, including the implementation RGC's Strategic Framework for D&D. It has also asked GDCC to advise donors to submit their D&D support programs for review by the NCDD to ensure their consistency and alignment to the Strategic Framework for D&D. Through the GDCC forum, other TWGs, donors and ministries need to consider and align, as appropriate, their activities in accordance with the Strategic Framework for D&D.

  2. The Education TWG requested the presence of senior officials from the Ministry of Economy
    and Finance at the Education TWG meeting.

  3. The Fisheries TWG highlighted the poor response from donors regarding requests for information, and in particular the poor attendance at the TWG meeting from donor members. This has led to the implementation of some activities being delayed.

  4. The Forestry and Environment TWG highlighted the critical need for fund to implement several planned activities. In addition, information sharing, coordination and cooperation with all stakeholders need to be enhanced.

  5. The Food Security and Nutrition TWG asked GDCC to help lobby donor for funding to the National Programme for Household Food Security and Poverty Reduction (NPHFSPR), with a needed fund of US$ 51million for 2007–2011, that has been formulated with FAO’s support, and approved by MAFF in August 2006.

  6. The Gender TWG suggested that strong commitment from senior management of line ministries is necessary for the development of a gender strategy and for its implementation. Specifically with regard to the Anti Trafficking Law, it has been suggested by the Gender TWG that GDCC should encourage the TWG on Legal and Judicial Reform to consider this law as their priority because it is one of the JMIs under their responsibility. In addition, other TWGs should encourage their representatives to attend the Gender TWG, and representatives of the Gender TWG should participate in all other TWGs.

  7. The Infrastructure and Regional Integration TWG has requested GDCC to assist in appealing for financial support for the implementation of the Road Safety Action Plan and in acceleration of the promulgation of the Draft Law on Water Resources Management by the National Assembly.

  8. The Planning and Poverty Reduction TWG requested GDCC to once again remind all ministries and agencies as well as development partners about the need to: (i) adhere to the NSDP priorities; (ii) align all external assistance to PIP priorities; and (iii) provide full data on disbursements for the previous year by 30 June of the following year.

  9. The Public Administration Reform TWG pointed out that more support is needed from individual TWGs for implementation of the Strategy on Phasing Out of Salary Supplementation given little progress in implementing actions planned under the Strategy for Phasing Out of Salary Supplementation. Greater and more timely support is needed from TWGs. The TWG also reported that resources to support the JMIs have yet to be fully deployed. Consultations are needed on the resources required to support implementation of the civil service policy framework in 2007 and beyond.

  10. The PFM TWG will (i) prepare a list of delayed activities and their pre-requisite activities and send it to the Coordination Group to take action; (ii) further develop effective TA selection and coordination; and (iii) DP is working to improve the approval process.

Joint Monitoring Indicators
5.       Overall, steady progress is being made. The following TWGs have highlighted some issues for GDCC consideration:

  1. Education TWG: The TWG reported disappointing progress with regard to the two JMIs that fll within the mandate of the TWG. There were decreases in the net enrollment ration in primary schools in total and for female. The survival rates from grade 1-6 have also decreased. The key reason for this is the increase over the last years in the drop-out rates against the previous year.

  2. Forestry and Environment TWG: Although progress on JMIs has been made, the TWG pointed out to the lack of budget needed to implement the JMIs.

  3. The Gender TWG has asked for closer cooperation between the MoI and MoWA with regard to the Anti Trafficking Law.

  4. The PAR TWG noted little progress in implementing action planning under the Strategy for Phasing Out Salary Supplementation, and has asked for greater and timely support from TWGs.

Harmonisation, Alignment and Results Action Plan
6.       Actions have been taken by the majority of TWGs to address the harmonization and alignment issues as guided by the H-A-R Action Plan. To some extent, a few TWGs (Fisheries, Health, and HIV/AIDS) have made the implementation of activities related to harmonization and alignment part of their Action Plan. Specifically, the Partnership and Harmonization TWG reported that action is being taken to establish a mechanism, building on the existing structure and practices, to coordinate and facilitate the implementation of the H-A-R Action Plan.

Resource mobilization
7.       Resource mobilization continues to be an issue for a number of TWGs with respect to the implementation of their Action Plan and the JMIs. Nine TWGs have reported that sufficient resources have been mobilized for the implementation of the Action Plan; five TWGs reported the need for resources; and three TWGs did not report on this matter.

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