Government-donor Coordination Committee (GDCC)
5 October 2006
Intervention on Decentralisation and Deconcentration
Presented by Sweden
In the past months we have seen some critical steps being taken by the RGC
to prepare for a new phase of D&D reforms. Maybe most important is the
establishment by a Royal Decree of the National Committee for the
Management of D&D Reforms (18 August). The merging of the various mandates
of former committees into one administrative structure, with one committee
and one secretariat, the General Department of Local Administration, is a
commendable progress in creating conditions for efficiency in the design
and implementation of the reforms.
We understand the RGC faces two immediate challenges in implementing D&D.
First, RGC must minimize disruption to current arrangements for delivering
support to sub-national levels, while implementing significant reforms
defined by the Strategic Framework for D&D, the future national program
and the organic law. At the same time preparations for the second national
Commune Council election are in full swing.
The urgent work on the NCDD Annual Work Plan and Budget for 2007 has
progressed quickly. The estimated resources amount to some $ 57 Million
out of which 74 % is allocated for sub-national investments. 37% of these
resources come from RGC while the rest are contributions from some 15
development partners.
As development partners we are impressed with the way the NCDD Secretariat
has managed to get on top of the situation and are engaging in a dialogue
with donors on how to align a wide range of support projects to the 2007
Work Plan and Budget.
Good governance is central to the NSDP, and decentralisation and
deconcentration are considered key in improving sub-national governance
and development, which in turn are expected to enhance the well-being of
Cambodian citizens, particularly the poor. Tehre is strong interdependence
between D&D and RGC’s agenda on anti-corruption, public administration and
public finance reform.
The success of the D&D reforms will fully depend on leadership, strong
intergovernmental cooperation, coherence between the key governance reform
agendas and the way dialogue is pursued between various stakeholders,
including the donor community. It is now essential that words are followed
by action. That adequate government powers, expenditure responsibilities
and resources are being devolved to lower levels and reliable mechanisms
to ensure transparency and downward accountability are developed.
The conduct of free and fair commune council elections in 2007, with
guaranteed participation of all eligible citizens, is crucial for the
credibility of the D&D reforms.
The D&D TWG has been inactive since its first meeting in February this
year. Following the establishment of the NCDD and in order to make further
progress on effective support to a complex reform agenda, the donor
community currently engaged in D&D and those wanting to participate in it
is looking forward to an improved engagement and dialogue with the NCDD
and its partners under the auspices of the D&D TWG. We are confident that
this is also the wish of the RGC and we stand ready for the resumption of
these broader dialogues in the coming weeks.
A starting point for re-engagement would be to review the current status
of the Joint Monitoring Indicators and to agree on a D&D Action Plan and
how we best can jointly monitor and support its implementation in the TWG
D&D Forum.
As development partners we will strive to ensure our actions are more
harmonised, aligned with national development strategies, transparent,
collectively effective and we will make increasing use of strengthened
Cambodian institutions, systems and procedures as they attain mutually
agreed standards.
Thank you.