Progress on TWG Action Plans for 2009

I.  Progress in Implementing TWG 2009 Action Plan


As the overall perspective, since the last 14th GDCC meeting held in April 2009, the implementation of TWG Action Plans for 2009 has been progressed well. Most of the Technical Working Groups (TWGs) have followed-up the activities and scheduled action plans for 2009 (TWGF&E, PSD, FSN, HIV/AIDS, Education, Fisheries, LJR, PAR, Health, D&D, IRI, Land, Gender) as they prepared for the last GDCC, while the rest have changed mostly the activities of their scheduled 2009 action plans (TWGAW, RWSSH, PPR, and MA); more activities have been established.


a. Common Progress:

Most progress has been made among TWGs in implementing 2009 action plans. Most of TWGs (TWGAW, F&E, PSD, FSN, HIV/AIDS, MA, Health, Fisheries, Land, and Gender) have and will fully complete their action plans on the schedule. In addition, they have and will complete and continue to implement their own core strategies, programs, and plans such as F&E (National Forest Program Development), PSD (Three-year rolling plan of trade related-reforms – Trade SWAP), FSN (Concept note for mapping exercise of Social Safety Net systems in Cambodia), HIV/AIDS (National Strategic Plan for Multi-sector Response to HIV/AIDS 2001-2015), PPR (NSDP update 2009-2013, PIP 2010-2012), MA (TWGMA Guideline), Education (Annual Operational Plan), Fisheries (Ownership, Alignment, Harmonization, Managing for Result, and Mutual Accountability), PAR (NPAR 2009-2013 Action Plan), D&D (National Program on D&D), IRI (Improvement of Road Maintenance Mechanism, Improvement of Overload Control Program and Implementation of Initial Road Safety Awareness Program), Land (Comprehensive Land Policy), and Gender (MoWA 5-year Strategic Plan), PFM (Consolidated Action Plan for stage 2), in which these action plans and strategies would encourage development partners to more support and align their resources with National Strategies and Plans. Above all, Coordination and partnership within TWGs and with development partners have been mostly established through regular meetings and workshops, and other TWG mechanisms.


b. Specific progress of TWGs (AW, Health, and Education)

For instance, the TWG on Agriculture and Water (TWGAW) has completed the National Five Programs, and the five programs would be harmonized under Strategy for Agriculture and Water (SAW). Moreover, the information on activities and project database of TWGAW in the website is updated regularly. Besides, capacity building has been accelerated within TWGs. Harmonization and Alignment (H&A) of Donor Assistance with National Priories of TWG-Health has been established and followed up, while the other strategies like Civil Society engagement and Key Strategic Issues have been identified and implemented. For TWG-Education, there are some on-going activities such as: Briefing on final draft of AOP 2010, timeframe and support needs for Education Congress 2010, modality and timeframe for formulation of a comprehensive mid-term CD plan, Monitoring actions for JMI and Monitoring progress of formulation of ESP/ESSP, review of JTWG annual work plan 2009 and 2010, and so forth; those activities need to be reported in September and November, 2009. Consequently, strengthening of each TWG’s ownership and leadership is becoming more progress.


c. Challenges:


Therefore, some TWGs (TWGRWSSH, PPR, Education, LJR, D&D and IRI) have remained some behind-scheduled activities because of some challenges. For instance, from January to April 2009 (during the 14th GDCC), the Technical Working Group on Education (TWG-Education) has remained some behind-scheduled activities - Agree on modality, process and timeframe of formulation of AOP 2010 in March 2009 and review budget disbursement and expenditure in 2008 - due to waiting for agreement of Aide Memoir on Education Congress, MoEYS next academic priority areas, and approved Budget Strategic Plan 2011 - 2013. Moreover, from May to November (during the 15th GDCC), TWG-Education has some behind-scheduled activities (Agree on modality, process and timeframe of formulation of ESP/ESSP 2011-2015 in May 2009, agree on modality, process and timeframe of AOP 2009 mid-term year review in May 2009, and discuss on aid effectiveness) because of waiting for the principles of ESP/ESSP that it should be aligned with Updated NSDP (2009-2013), the cancellation of process of mid-year review of AOP 2009, and waiting for aid effectiveness advisor.


TWG-RWSSH has also remained some behind-scheduled activities (7th TWG-RWSSH meeting held on September 01 2009, and involvement in the development of sector strategy for RWSSH) due to DP representatives were not available and the process of changing of consultant. For TWG-LJR, the Coordination and Cooperation with implementing ministries and DPs has encountered the challenge which causes its activity behind the schedule. In this case, the ability of line Ministries to participate in the existing reforms of this TWG are limited. Besides, the activity on Adoption of National Program in the 3rd quarter of 2009 of TWG D&D is behind the schedule due to NCDD communicated that the National Program will be adopted by end of year 2009 during the Consultative Workshop (draft 4a NP-SNDD 19-20 August). Furthermore, the coordinating the preparation of AOP 2009 to implement MPSP 2006-2010 of TWG on Planning and Poverty Reduction (TWG-PPR) is also behind the schedule. Development Partners have not provided any resource to implement MPSP 2006-2010. For TWG-IRI, the process of elaborating a directive that clearly shows a vision of road maintenance and necessary actions to reach the vision is behind the schedule because of the lengthy procedural steps for completion of different elements of the project (effectiveness, procurement, MBPI, reporting, the consultants scheduled to advise MPWT are not in place). Moreover, there has been slow progress in selection of consultant serviced by (IPA) of Road Asset Management Project.


d. Specific Recommendations for GDCC consideration:


- TWGAW: Fund for implementation of the five programs is the main issue to consider.  The fund provided for the integration of these five programs into NSDP extension after harmonization may be delayed due to the endorsement of the new NSDP.  Further, it needs to improve the design of the CDC data base on the specific information linked to TWG.


-TWGD&D:  Even though the drafting of Law on Sub-National Finance has been entrusted to a joint working group of MEF and MoI; this group (MEF and MoI) has begun to meet but not regularly. The NCDD sub-Committee on finance has not yet met. In addition, a draft sub-decree on SN development plans has been prepared, but further discussion and revision is required. It should be increased inter-governmental and broader Cambodian stakeholder consultations on NP-SNDD draft for the remainder of 2009; and District fund does not yet appear to have begun in 2009. Unlikely that District Fund will be operational in 2010.


-TWGIRI: ADB has assured the budget for the remaining infrastructure provisions for the 7 permanent weigh stations financed by ADB, if and only if MPWT submits a sustainable medium-term weigh station operation program to ADB by September 2009 for review and approval. This program should include effective measures to resolve problem areas of operation, as observed, communicated to MPWT and discussed extensively with y ADB missions during the trail operations of 2008 and 2009. However, there have been the needs for DPs to support the MBPI program for the operation of the Permanent Weigh Stations to prevent truck overloading.


-TWGFSN: NSDP Secretariat should inform TWG-FSN Secretariat timely about all steps in the formulation process of NSDP update. Moreover, TWG-FSN will establish closer link with the NSDP Secretariat to ensure FSN inputs (on FSN and SSN) are well reflected in the document. It would be good if a more systematic coordination and close linkages between TWG-FSN and SNEC could be ensured. It should also be worth regularly inviting representative(s) of TWG-FSN to participating in meetings of the task force. CRDB should help identify or organize such kinds of trainings for all TWGs. At the same time, TWG-FSN will also try to look for appreciate trainings for its support staff.


-TWG-Fisheries: GDCC should provide regular information to TWGF Secretariat about all new DP programmes/projects in fisheries so that the TWGF can help ensure programme cohesion at the sector level.


-TWG-PPR: AOP for 2009 was prepared by MOP. However, it was not fully implemented because of lack of support from DPs.. DPs are needed to support the formulation and funding of a support program in order to implement MPSP.


- TWG LJR: All relevant institutions need to be involved in the LJR TWG (and at an appropriate level of representation).


- TWG Land: DPs support the RGC to move forward with legal and policy frameworks in order to accelerate the ongoing activity on preparation on comprehensive land and policy?


Annex I. Summary table of TWG 2009 Action Plan





2009 Action Plan



Formulation Action Plan raised at 14th GDCC



Updated Implementing Action Plan 2009  (15th GDCC)





1. A&W

• Continue to complete the design of National Program 1 and 5 by mid 2009


Behind schedule 



• Completing of the design of the Five Programs under SAW.


• Harmonizing of the five programs under SAW.


• Regularly update the information on activities and project database of TWGAW by posting twice each year in the website.




All are on-schedule



• Regularly update the information on TWGAW website





2. F&E

• Plays coordination role and information sharing for relevant institutions and organizations in forest sector


• Strengthen it leadership in development of strategies, policies and planning programs; and implementation of projects


• DPs provide support based on FA’s development strategies as well as RGC’s policies


• Coordination among DPs


• FA and DPs are more accountable for development results






All are on-schedule









• Plays coordination role and information sharing for relevant institutions and organizations in forest sector.


• National Forest Program (NFP) Development


• Strengthen it leadership in development of strategies, policies and planning programs; and implementation of projects.



• DPs provide support based on FA’s development strategies as well as RGC’s policies


• Coordination among DPs.


• FA and DPs have consencus in using jointly-agreed results-oriented reporting and assessment framework


• FA and DPs are more accountable for development results.




All are On-schedule



3. PSD

• Make progress in legal agenda to improve enabling environment for private sector.


• Adopt a 3-year rolling plan of trade-related reforms (“Trade SWAP”), with a detailed inter-ministerial action plan, a strong monitoring framework, and with indication of harmonized DP support


All are on-schedule

• Make progress in legal agenda to improve enabling environment for private sector.


• Adopt a 3-year rolling plan of trade-related reforms (“Trade SWAP”), with a detailed inter-ministerial action plan, a strong monitoring framework, and with indication of harmonized DP support




All are on-schedule



4. FSN

• Develop a concept note for mapping exercise of the existing social safety net systems in Cambodia

• Conduct a mapping exercise of the existing social safety nets in Cambodia  (as requested by CDCF 12/2008)

• Organize a consultative workshop to discuss the findings of the mapping and scoping exercise and options for "social safety net policy" for Cambodia

• Assist in the Preparation of a policy note and an action plan on  a social safety nets for Cambodia

• Organize and conduct the 3rd high-level national Seminar on Food Security and Nutrition under the theme “Social Safety Net” and disseminate outcome

• Coordinate the analysis of the Impact of Global Economic Crisis IGEC on the food security sector in Cambodia and  possible response options

• Continue monitoring the progress of NSDP Update (2009 – 2013)

• Ensure effective linkages to other TWGs (TWGAW, Health, PPR, etc.)

• Coordinate with and assist "food security task force" from SNEC

• Coordinate with other partners on their new/upcoming projects to ensure complementarities (FAO, MAFF)

• Disseminate the Strategic Framework for Food Security and Nutrition (SFFSN) at central and decentralized level

• Maintain and improve the existing web-based information platform on FSN in CARD (FSNIS) and identify long term, project independent funding mechanism

• Strengthen the capacities of the secretariat of the TWG-FSN including trainings on aid effectiveness (SWAp/PBA etc)












All are on-schedule

• Develop a concept note for mapping exercise of the existing social safety net systems in Cambodia

• Conduct a mapping exercise of the existing social safety nets in Cambodia  (as requested by CDCF 12/2008)

• Organize a consultative workshop to discuss the findings of the mapping and scoping exercise and options for "social safety net policy" for Cambodia

• Assist in the Preparation of a policy note and an action plan on  a social safety nets for Cambodia

• Organize and conduct the 3rd high-level national Seminar on Food Security and Nutrition under the theme “Social Safety Net” and disseminate outcome

• Coordinate the analysis of the Impact of Global Economic Crisis IGEC on the food security sector in Cambodia and  possible response options

• Continue monitoring the progress of NSDP Update (2009 – 2013)

• Ensure effective linkages to other TWGs (TWGAW, Health, PPR, etc.)

• Coordinate with and assist "food security task force" from SNEC

• Coordinate with other partners on their new/upcoming projects to ensure complementarities (FAO, MAFF)

• Disseminate the Strategic Framework for Food Security and Nutrition (SFFSN) at central and decentralized level

• Maintain and improve the existing web-based information platform on FSN in CARD (FSNIS) and identify long term, project independent funding mechanism

• Strengthen the capacities of the secretariat of the TWG-FSN including trainings on aid effectiveness (SWAp/PBA etc)

• Develop and maintain a website of the TWG-FSN (hosted in FSNIS)

• Quarterly and annually prepare Progress Report to GDCC.




All are on-schedule





























Resource Tracking/mobilization

1-Conduct 2007-2008 National AIDS Spending Assessment

2-Conduct Costed operational plan of the National Strategic Plan for Preventing Mother-to-Child Transmission 2008-2015

3-Develop the Global Fund ATM round 9 proposal and preparation for National Strategy Application in 2010

4-Advocate for resources for more Preventing Mother-to-Child Transmission sites are functioning as the result of additional support

5-Recosting of the National OVC Action Plan

Program Operation/Strategies

-Implement the PMTCT strategic plan 2008-2015

Policy  and Program Development

-Develop the HIV and AIDS Strategic Plan 2009-2013 of the Ministry of Interior

-Commence development of the National Strategic Plan for a Multisectoral Response to HIV/AIDS 2011-2015








On schedule












Resource Tracking/mobilization

1-Conduct the second National AIDS Spending Assessment (2007 – 2008)

2-Draft Concept Note for priority setting of core fuctions for Global Fund Round 10 (a Five-Year Approach)

3-Conduct the AIDs 2031 projects; the international exercise carried out by a consortium of partners to help assess the long run projector of HIV/AIDS; and the long run cost and financing of HIV/AIDS in Cambodia.


Program Harmonization and Alignment with NSPII


1-New planned/ programs of development partners focused on areas requiring scale up to meet universal access target.

2-Conduct the study on Constraints and Bottlenecks to Researching Cambodia’s Universal Access Targets and Mitigation Measure Framework

3- Provided technical leadership and coordination support to faster the program scaling up to meet universal target.

4-NAA Policy Board organized meeting as scheduled.

5-The NAA Technical Advisory Board conducted series to meetings that align and harmonize the HIV/AIDS response with NSDPII.


Program Operation/Strategies

1-Continue to implement the PMTCT Strategic Plan 2008-2015.

2-Continue to implement the Strategic Plan on Women, the Girl Child and HIV/AIDS 2008 -2012

3-Continue to implement the National Plan of Action for orphan, children affected by HIV, and other vulnerable children in Cambodia for 2008-2010.

4-Continue to implement National Strategic Plan for Illicit Drug Use Related HIV/AIDS 2008-2010.

5-Continue to implement the National Strategic Framework and Operational Plan on STI and HIV, AIDS for men who have sex with men.

6-Continue to implement HIV and AIDS Strategic Plan 2009-2013 of the Ministry of Interior.


• Policy and Program Development

1-Commence development of the National Strategic Plan for a Multisectoral Response to HIV/AIDS 2011-2015.

2-Commence the development of guideline to implement the workplace policy on HIV/AIDS and the guideline to implement the school health policy in MoEYS.

3-Commence the revision of religious response to HIV/AIDS of Ministry of Cults and Religion.





All are on schedule





Program Harmonization and Alignment with NSPII

1-New planned /programs of development partners focused on areas requiring scale up to meet universal access targets

2-Functional Task Analysis of the national HIV/AIDS response mechanism







• Develop a National (RWSSH) Strategy with clear objectives, strategies, targets, outcomes, and costing plans.

• Host a national forum on developing the National RWSSH Strategy.

• Prepare RWSSH sector guidelines.

• Undertake a comprehensive donor mapping exercise (through WATSAN sector group)





All are on-schedule








• Conducted the TWG-RWSSH meeting on December, 2008 (5th meeting).

• Conducted the TWG-RWSSH meeting on

  30 March, 2009 (6th meeting).

• Participated in the GDCC meeting on

  September, 2009










• Conducted the TWG-RWSSH meeting on 01

  September, 2009 (7th meeting).

• Involved in the development of sector strategy for RWSSH.


Behind schedule




7. PPR


• Prepare AOP 2009 to implement MPSP 2006-2010 with more coordinated support from DPs

• Coordinating for PIP 2010-2012 formulation.

• Formulating and coordinating NSDP-Extension to 2013 and sharing the concept note to LMs/LAs and DPs

• Formulating the Public Investment Program 2010-2012 and sharing the draft with LMs/LAs and DPs for comments.



All are on-schedule

• Coordinating the preparation of NSDP Update 2009-2013 with an attempt to improve the integration of strategic, planning, budgeting and aid coordination process


• Coordinating the preparation of PIP 2010-2012 


• Coordinating the organizing of the inter-ministerial to discuss PIP 2010-2012 and the Launch of the RGC’s Circular on the Preparation of NSDP Update 2009-2013.

• Preparing Progress reports of TWG-PPR for CRDB/CDC

• Organizing TWG-PPR meetings



















• Coordinating the preparation of AOP 2009 to implement MPSP 2006-2010 with more coordinated support from DPs.



Behind schedule




8. MA


• The CMAA will consult stakeholders to set the vision and goals for mine action

• The CMAA will then request endorsement by the TWG of identified vision and goals.

• The CMAA will coordinate dialogue among stakeholders to define specific objectives and an activity in 5 pillars of MA resources requirements and needs for policy development, re-structuring within the sector.

• The CMAA will submit to the TWG to endorse the final NMAS before its actual implementation.







All are on-schedule


• Re-structure TWG-MA and its effective functioning with some change in membership


• Re-Structure TWG-Secretariat membership.


• Propose TWG-MA Guideline.


• Produce ToR for TWG Secretariat.


•TWG-MA Meeting with Development Partner


• Build MA Secretariat network


• Workshop on Aid Effectiveness for Mine Action.


• Formulating ODA Database






All are on-schedule










1.  Agree on how to use ODA Database (timing of data update, what reports to be generated from ODA/DB...), review the record of the database

2.  Explain formulation process of PIP 2010-2012

3.  Agree on JTWG annual work plan 2009

4.  Monitor preparation of Education Congress 2009

5.  Progress on MTR ESP/ESSP finalization




Conducted/reported in January 2009






January – April (during the last 14th GDCC)

• Agree on how to use ODA Database

• Explain formulation process of PIP 2010-2012

• Agree on JTWG annual work plan 2009

• Monitor preparation of education congress 2009 and the implementation of Program Budget

• Receive briefing from sub-TWGs (PFM, D&D)

• Monitor actions for JMI

• Share information about pipeline projects, major studies and missions.

• Review the budget of priority activities in 2009 through AOP to identify Funding gaps and possible resources.

• Monitor preparation of education congress 2009






On- schedule










6. Monitor actions for JMI






Reported in January 2009 and to be reported in May and September 2009




7. Agreed on modality, process and timeframe of formulation of AOP 2010

8. Review budget disbursement and expenditure in 2008

9. Review the budget of priority activities in 2009 through AOP to identify funding gaps and possible resources

10. Reflection on Education Congress 2009





To be conducted in March 2009








• Agree on modality, process and timeframe of formulation of AOP 2010 in March 2009

• review budget disbursement and expenditure in 2008





Behind schedule



11. Agree on modality, process and timeframe of formulation of the ESP/ESSP2011-2015

12. Agree on modality, process and timeframe of AOP 2009 mid-year review

13. Endorse the Education Congress report and its Aide Memoire that include sector performance analysis as inputs to NSDP Annual Progress Report



14. Mid-year review of SWPAM 2009

15. Discuss on aid effectiveness.

16. Establish Education Congress Preparation Committee





To be conducted in May 2009








To be conducted in July 2009






May – August (during the 15th GDCC)

• Agree on modality, process and timeframe of formulation of ESP/ESSP 2011-2015 in May 2009

• Agree on modality, process and timeframe of AOP 2009 mid-term year review in May 2009

• Discuss on aid effectiveness.





Behind schedule






• Endorse the Education Congress report and its Aide Memoir.

• Monitor implementation of Program Budgeting.

• Mid-term review of SWPAM 2009

• Establish Education Congress Preparation Committee.









17. Mid-year review of AOP 2009

18. Briefing on final draft of AOP 2010

19. Agree on framework, time frame and support needs for Education Congress 2010

20. Agree on modality, process and timeframe of formulation of a comprehensive mid-term CD plan






To be conducted in September 2009




September - November

• Briefing on final draft of AOP 2010

• Agree on framework, time frame and support needs for Education Congress 2010.

• Agree on modality, process and time frame of formulation of a comprehensive mid-term CD plan

• Monitor actions for JMI





To be reported in Sept 2009 (Ongoing)



21. Raise issues and suggestions to sector management on performance, incentives and carrier paths of teaching staff

22. Discuss on harmonizing salary supplementation

23. Receive a progress report on PMG and harmonization of salary supplement

24. Monitor progress of formulation of ESP/ESSP 2011-2015

25. Review JTWG annual work plan 2009 and agree on its 2010 plan



To be conducted in November 2009







• Raise issues and suggestions to sector management on performance, incentives and carrier paths of teaching staff.

• Discussion on harmonizing salary supplementation.

• Raise issues and suggestions to sector management on performance, incentives and carrier paths of teaching staff.

• Discuss on harmonizing salary supplementation

• Receive a progress report on PMG and harmonization of salary supplement

• Monitor progress of formulation of ESP/ESSP 2011-2015

• Review JTWG annual work plan 2009 and agree on its 2010 plan.





To be reported in November 2009



26. Receive briefing from sub-TWGs (PFM, D&D, and Teacher Training) and give relevant guidance for them

27. Share information about pipeline projects, schedules and outcomes of major studies and missions whenever available.




To be reported in each time



10. Fisheries






• Continues to operate as an effective informing and influencing interface between FiA/DPs/NGOs

• High level policy dialogue facilitated

• MUTUAL ACCOUNTABILITY: FiA and development partners become more accountable for development results

• MANAGING FOR RESULTS: FiA and development partners are facilitated in using jointly-agreed results-oriented reporting and assessment frameworks in order to manage resources and improve

• OWNERSHIP: FiA is supporting in exercising effective leadership over its development policies, strategies and coordinates development actions.

• ALIGNMENT: Development partners are assisted to base their overall support on Cambodia's

• HARMONIZATION: Development partners' actions are facilitated to become more harmonized, transparent and collectively effective

• MANAGING FOR RESULTS: FiA and development partners are facilitated in using jointly-agreed results-oriented reporting and assessment frameworks in order to manage resources and improve decision-making.

• Mechanism in place to encourage development partners support to the Fisheries Administration substantially increased in support of the implementation of the FiA










All are on-schedule

• Continues to operate as an effective informing and influencing interface between FiA/DPs/NGOs

• High level policy dialogue facilitated

• MUTUAL ACCOUNTABILITY: FiA and development partners become more accountable for development results

• OWNERSHIP: FiA is supporting in exercising effective leadership over its development policies, strategies and coordinates development actions.

• ALIGNMENT: Development partners are assisted to base their overall support on Cambodia's

• HARMONIZATION: Development partners' actions are facilitated to become more harmonized, transparent and collectively effective.

• MANAGING FOR RESULTS: FiA and development partners are facilitated in using jointly-agreed results-oriented reporting and assessment frameworks in order to manage resources and improve

• Mechanism in place to encourage DPs support to the FiA substantially and increased in support of the implementation of the FiA.












All are on-schedule



11. LJR





• Action Plan 2009 (last progress report for 14th GDCC meeting:


• Sub-group activities



TWG meeting










• Coordination and Cooperation with implementing ministries and Development partners.



Behind schedule



• Coordination and Cooperation among TWGs and with Development Partners.


• Two monthly TWG/LJR meeting.



• Joint meeting and Workshop  


• Quarterly report has been submitted to CRDB/CDC regularly.











12. PAR

• Deploy performance and accountability instruments

• Complete study on Labor Market and Fiscal spaces

• Complete Policy Framework (HRM, HRD, CD, Redeployment, Compensation)


-Preparation of NPAR (2009-2013) Action Plan

-Deployment of Performance and Accountability Instruments

-Complete study on Labor Market and Fiscal spaces

-Complete Policy Framework (HRM, HRD, Capacity Development, Redeployment)

All are on-schedule



13. Health


Monitor Sector Performance

• Review HSP2/Joint Annual Performance review (JAPR)

• Monitor JMI linked to NSDP target

• Reporting to Government-Donor Coordination  Committee (GDCC) and Cambodia Development Coordination Forum (CDCF)

• Monitor progress of Health Strategic Plan (HSP2)

• Progress of Annual Operational Plan (AOP) 2008

• Progress of Sectoral Financing

• Progress of Sub-TWGHs and National Programs

• Progress of Pro-TWGHs

• Progress of GFTAM and GAVI

Harmonization and Alignment

• Progress of Merit Based Payment Incentive (MBPI)

• H&A of Donor Assistance with National Priorities

• International Health Partnership (IHP)

• IHP proposal

Civil Society engagement

• Ongoing CSO inputs to Government and national process

Key Strategic issues

• Health Service Delivery

• Health Financing

• Human Resource for Health

• Regular update on TWG-Health on: planning for pandemic Avian Influenza, International Health Regulation, sector specific fact sheets, etc.


Some additional activities:

• Due to unexpected progress in 2008 the target was revised upwards at the JAPR 2009

• The 2009 Pre-JAPR meeting was organized in February and the JAPR and NHC in March 2009

• Progress update was made to the TWGH meeting in January 2009

• Overall disbursement for 2008 was presented in TWGH meeting in January 2009

• Health service progress update was made at TWGH meeting in January 2009

• Additional midwives will be recruited in July 2009














All are on-schedule


Monitor Sector Performance

• Review HSP2/Joint Annual Performance review (JAPR)

• Monitor JMI linked to NSDP target

• Reporting to Government-Donor Coordination  Committee (GDCC) and Cambodia Development Coordination Forum (CDCF)

• Monitor progress of Health Strategic Plan (HSP2)

• Progress of Annual Operational Plan (AOP) 2008

• Progress of Sectoral Financing

• Progress of Sub-TWGHs and National Programs

• Progress of Pro-TWGHs

• Progress of GFTAM and GAVI

Harmonization and Alignment

• Progress of Merit Based Payment Incentive (MBPI)

• H&A of Donor Assistance with National Priorities

• International Health Partnership (IHP)

• IHP proposal

Civil Society engagement

• Ongoing CSO inputs to Government and national process

Key Strategic issues

• Health Service Delivery

• Health Financing

• Human Resource for Health

• Regular update on TWG-Health on: planning for pandemic Avian Influenza, International Health Regulation, sector specific fact sheets, etc.












All are On-schedu;e



14. D&D


• Prepare all basic legal framework and other legal instrument

• Adoption of National Program in the 3rd quarter of 2009

• A well-placed consultation between the Government (MEF, MOI, NCDD, line ministries) to discuss central budget allocation mechanisms for provincial, district and local level institutions.



• Prepare all basic legal framework and other legal instrument





• Adoption of National Program in the 3rd quarter of 2009


• A well-placed consultation between the Government (MEF, MOI, NCDD, line ministries) in April 2009 – ahead of the 2010 budget formulation process - to discuss central budget allocation mechanisms for provincial, district and local level institutions.

Behind schedule


Behind schedule



15. IRI

(i) Preservation of  Road Asset by:

    (i-1)  Improvement of Road Maintenance Mechanism

       •   To elaborate a directive that clearly shows a vision of road maintenance and necessary actions to reach the vision

       • To effectively implement the road maintenance guidelines

       • To study the strategy and process of transforming the force account and its possible impact


    (i-2)  Improvement of Overload Control Program














(i) Preservation of  Road Asset by:

    (i-1)  Improvement of Road Maintenance Mechanism

       •   To elaborate a directive that clearly shows a vision of road maintenance and necessary actions to reach the vision



       • To effectively implement the road maintenance guidelines














       • To study the strategy and process of transforming the force account and its possible impact


    (i-2)  Improvement of Overload Control Program


          •  To produce periodical report of overload situation and overload control activities (monthly report)

          • To set up a work procedure for overload control by  weigh stations and portable weigh scales, by utilizing the draft guidelines for overload control by portable weigh scales




















          •  To produce periodical report of overload situation and overload control activities (monthly report)





          • To set up a work procedure for overload control by  weigh stations and portable weigh scales, by utilizing the draft guidelines for overload control by portable weigh scales

          • To ensure operational budget for overload control activities




          • To ensure operational budget for overload control activities


(ii). Implementation of Initial Road Safety Awareness Program








(ii). Implementation of Initial Road Safety Awareness Program



16.  Land

• Improve PBA in Land Administration, Management, Distribution Program (LAMDP)


• Partnership principles between RGC and DPs within framework of LAMDP


• Further preparation on Comprehensive Land Policy


• Prepare monitoring and evaluation mechanism for land sector






All are on-schedule

• Improve PBA in Land Administration, Management, Distribution Program (LAMDP)

     • Land Administration Sub-Sector Program (LASSP)

     • Land Management Sub-Sector Program (LMSSP)

     • Land Distribution Sub-Sector Program (LDSSP)


• Partnership principles between RGC and DPs within framework of LAMDP - (Waiting for signature by DPs)


• Further preparation on Comprehensive Land Policy


• Prepare monitoring and evaluation mechanism for land sector




All are On-schedu;e



17. Gender

Strategic information sharing, reporting and monitoring on gender issues Regular briefings to TWG-G on key strategic gender issues and indicators in the NSDP (incl. the development and implementation of GMAP.


Regular briefings to TWG-G on strategic issues relating to the Joint Monitoring Indicator (JMI) and annual targets relating to the JMI..


Regular updates to TWG-G on CEDAW implementation and reporting. (Consultation on content of the  RGC 2009 CEDAW report )

Support follow-up on the implementation of the recommendations in the Cambodia Gender Assessment “A Fair Share for Women”.


Consultation on the MoWA 5 year strategic plan - Neary Rattanak 3


Proactive sharing of relevant information and documents in a timely manner.


2. Harmonisation and alignment

Consultation and planning for Programme Based Approach to gender mainstreaming.


Appoint gender focal points in all relevant Technical Working Groups and develop two-way communication/advocacy and reporting mechanism.


Support reporting on the gender information in the ODA database at CDC and further development of MOWA management information system.

3. TWG G operation and reporting


Capacity development of the TWG-G secretariat.

(Clear division of labour among MOWA departments supporting the Secretariat.)


Establish relevant sub-groups and ad-hoc teams for effective functioning of TWG Gender. 


Develop and endorse TWG-G work plan.


Prepare the progress report on


Review and comment on CDC reports and engage with CDC on gender and aid effectiveness.














All are on-schedule

Strategic information sharing, reporting  and monitoring on gender issues

• Regular briefings to TWG-G on key strategic gender issues and indicators in the NSDP.


• Regular briefings to TWG-G on strategic issues relating to the JMI and annual targets relating to the JMI.

• Regular updates to TWG-G on CEDAW implementation and reporting. Support follow-up on the implementation of the recommendations in the Cambodia Gender Assessment “A Fair Share for Women”.

• Consultation on the MoWA 5 year strategic plan - Neary Rattanak 3

• Proactive sharing of relevant information and documents in a timely manner.


2. Harmonisation and alignment

• Consultation and planning for Programme Based Approach to gender mainstreaming.


• Appoint gender focal points in all relevant Technical Working Groups and develop two-way communication/advocacy and reporting mechanism.

• Support reporting on the gender information in the ODA database at CDC and further development of MOWA management information system.

3. TWG G operation and reporting


• Capacity development of the TWG-G secretariat.

(Clear division of labour among MOWA departments supporting the Secretariat.)

• Establish relevant sub-groups and ad-hoc teams for effective functioning of TWG Gender. 

• Develop and endorse TWG-G work plan.

• Prepare the progress report on

• Review and comment on CDC reports and engage with CDC on gender and aid effectiveness.













All are on-schedule


II. Issues and Needs raised by TWGs:


Most of TWGs (A&W, PSD, Education, Fisheries and D&D) have raised issues and their needs for GDCC’s consideration. For instance, the below table would reveal any issues encountered by each TWG in detail, as well as, address their needs in order to mitigate the issues.


Any Issue(Yes/No)

Reason of the Issues

Needs for GDCC’s Consideration

1. AW


The process of moving AW activities from project to program-based approach, particularly for the soft components of the programs, is gradually progress.

Consultation Workshop would be needed to organize, in which several key speakers from other sectors of government and DPs will be invited.

2. F&E




3. PSD


Lack of resource to support activities of staff.

Resource needs to be mobilized to support the activities of the TWG-PSD Secretariat and staff.

4. FSN












7. PPR




8. MA




9. Education


Capacity of staff, especially TWG Secretariat members, related to aid effectiveness is limited.

- MoEYs staff capacity, especially TWG Secretariat members, on aid effectiveness should be strengthened.


-Aid Effectiveness advisor is needed.

10. Fisheries


Fragmentation: DP’s support is still not fully coordinated to achieving development objective of the sector.

In the future, support of the DPs to the sector should be discussed and approved by the TWG-Fisheries.

11. LJR




12. PAR




13. Health




14. D&D


- Capacity of sector TWGs (Health Education, PFM, etc) to monitor and support work of D&D Working Group is limited, and the reports on the preparation of D&D reforms submitted by those sector TWGs are not regular.


-DPs seem not to align their resources with sector strategies.

- Sector TWGs (Health, Education, PFM, etc) should monitor and support the work of D&D Working Group, and they should report regularly on the preparation for implementation of the D&D reform.


- DP should work to align sectoral strategies for emerging the structure of sub-national governance.

15. IRI

No Confirmation

No Confirmation

- Request the calling for DP’s support to the MBPI program for operation of the Permanent Weigh Stations.


-The annual budget is approved by USD 0.7 million.

16. Land


No Confirm

No Confirmation

17. Gender




18. PFM




19. P&H




However, strengthening ownership of TWGs through developed, review and monitored of their strategies and programs as well as capacity building within TWGs based on the progress of Implementing 2008 Action Plan and Formulating 2009 Action Plan would align with NSDP goals and targets.


III. Resource Mobilization


a. Resources to manage the workload identified in its Annual Work plan and priority activities identified in CDCF’s JMI


Based on the TWG progress reports, resources to manage the workload identified in the TWG 2009 Action Plans remained a challenge for majority of TWGs. Currently, there are eight TWGs (TWG- AW, PSD, HIV/AIDS, PPR, PAR, D&D, IRI, Land, and Gender), which have insufficient resources to implementing their Action Plan and to accelerating their operational works. However, some TWGs (RWSSH, MA, Education, Fisheries, LJR and Health) have the sufficient resources to improve their operational works, policies and strategies, especially their hold functioning.


For instance, TWG-PPR has insufficient resources to accelerate its operational work due to the lack of attention of development partners. Some of them need support as the Block Grant from CRDB/CDC. For example, TWG-Health and RWSSH have mentioned that most of their resources depend on the Block Grant Support from MDSP/CRDB. Besides, TWG-F&E has just partly-sufficient resource to manage its workload, due to the funding of development partners is not fully supported. In this case, development partners provided fully fund to support JMI 9.1 (Implement all provisions of the applicable laws and regulations, including establishing and making public the log book of Economic Land Concessions, Mining Concessions and other concession forms under the jurisdiction of MAFF, MoE, MIME.), but not fully support JMI 9.2 and 9.3 (9.2. At least 1,000 Km of forestland boundary and two more protected areas demarcated both on the map and ground, 9.3. At least 100 Community Forestry Sites and 10 Community Protected Areas officially approved). In addition, TWG-IRI needs technical support to produce road map in sector of TWG-IRI; therefore, the initial resources is interested by JICA, but it needs to discuss more on some issues occurred.


b. Challenges in securing resources for TWG Annual Work Plan and resolutions


Most of challenges in securing resources have been occurred among TWGs (AW, F&E, RWSSH, PPR, Education, IRI and Land), while other TWGs have not yet confirmed about their challenges (TWG-PSD, FSN, PAR and D&D). The main challenges in securing resources of those TWGs usually come from DPs sides; those challenges are caused by the use of external resources provided by DPs. Some DPs provides assistance to TWGs with different ways and conditions; that it may challenge the sustainability of work of those TWGs. For instance, TWG-PPR has mentioned the challenge in securing TWG resources is caused by the limited support from DPs. Furthermore, most of TWGs have not raised resolutions in securing their resources. Therefore, TWG-Land, for its resolution, has mentioned that Block Grant Support as MBPI component would be requested. The Ownership of line Ministries within the TWG-IRI in producing the Roadmap of their relevant sector is the key challenge in securing its resources. However, JICA will support to improve the issue.


In-hand resources to manage the workload (Sufficient/In sufficient)

Reason in case of insufficient resources

Challenges in securing resources

Solution in securing resources

1. AW


No confirmation

Challenges has been occurred


2. F&E

Partly sufficient

JMI 9.4 was fully funded by DPs, but JMI 9.2 and 9.3 were partly funded

There are limited funds and few active DPs supporting the forestry sector.

Some DPs are waiting for NFP approval

3. PSD


No confirmation



4. FSN







No confirmation




Sufficient –

-The ongoing work of strategy development is sufficiently resourced.


-The functioning of the actual TWG meetings and secretariat has so far been dependent on block grant support from MDSP/CRDB.



100% of resources broad to bear for the TWG and its plan are external resources (DP’s resources) that ultimately cause challenge the sustainability of the work.





Caused by DPs

Lack of support from DPs


8. MA

Sufficient –


- The government has assigned one additional assistant to TWG Secretariat under the government funding to deal with increased workload as well as to improve coordination among stakeholders and ensure sustainable operational work of the Secretariat.





Sufficient –


-MoEYS, in cooperation with DPs, had developed education policies and strategies toward achieving the JMI indicatiors.


The support from DPs comes from different ways and condition.



Need: The support by DPs should be aligned with the Ministry structure and towards to the single ministry’s priority.

10. Fisheries





11. LJR





12. PAR


No confirmation



13. Health

Sufficient –

-Incentive support from CRDB/CRDB for TWG focal person at the Department of International Cooperation.




14. D&D


In-sufficient human resources





Technical support to produce road map in sector of TWG-IRI (the initial resources is interested by JICA, but the discussion on the issue is required)

Ownership of line Ministries within the TWG-IRI in producing the Roadmap of their relevant sector is the key challenge.

JICA will support to improve the issue.

16. Land


No confirmation

-TWG-Land Coordinator is contracted only one-year term by Canadian Cooperation Office (CCO), and the possibility of extension is unclear



-TWG Needs to make a request for MBPI under Block Grant Support to secure the existing Government human resources within the secretariats.

17. Gender


-The workload is heavy and the Secretariat is restructuring.


-Need: Allocation of staff time is necessary.



- Funding is secured for most activities. Application to CDC has being prepared for Training on PBA.


18. PFM


The existing resources are not allowed for some categories of spending such as supporting the government staff who are requested to provide trainings under the capacity building plan of PFMRP.



19. P&H





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