This quarterly progress report from each Joint Technical Working Group is requested by the Secretariat of the Government-Donor Coordination Committee (GDCC) before 25 February 2005. It will be used to prepare a briefing note for the Second GDCC Meeting scheduled to be held on 7 March 2005. Please return the completed questionnaire to H.E. Chhieng Yanara at CDC in both soft and hard copy.
If Yes: When was the Action Plan approved by the TWG? (date / month / year) 19/11/2004
No, please go to Q8, but first please identify the methodology that is
planned to be employed by the TWG to monitor and report on progress made:
Activity (please use the same number as shown in Q5) |
Comments, if any |
List the 5 major output from the workplan and indicate timing | The TWG has not at present prioritized the work plan Part of next TWG meeting including identification of financial and human resource to carry out the tasks |
Activity |
Reasons for Delay | TWG's Recommendation |
Please use an extra sheet if you need more space. |
Activity |
Comments, if any |
i. Continue forest Crime Monitoring and Reporting, and SGS-Independent Monitor (1.2.1) | ongoing, until end of June 2005 |
iii. Studies of domestic demand for forest products and potential export markets (1.3.1) | Study initiated |
iv. Formulate National Community Forestry Program and develop community forestry (3.2.1) | Regional workshops held and draft NCFP expected to present in May 2005. |
v. Implement Overall Capacity Building program (4.1.1) | 2005 annual work plan prepared and discussed at Supporting Meeting in February 2005 |
vi. Studies of market and consumption conducted (5.1.1) | Studies conducted and the draft report prepared |
vii. Tree planting for socio-economic purposes and environmental services by multi stakeholders (5.1.2) | Planting plan being developed. No planting season yet. |
viii. Capacity Building (6.1) | Phase I Project completed in December 2004 and waiting for official approval of Phase II |
ix. Tree Seed and Forest Gene Conservation Program (6.2) | According to Work Plan, long-term donor needed to support the Program |
x. Learning and Capacity Development (6.3) | To be terminated in June 2005. |
xi. Independent Forest Sector Review including support to sector a program and support to a TWG Secretariat (6.4) | Reflection period of IFSR ongoing and TWG Secretariat being initiated. |
If Yes, please list the indicators below:
Joint Monitoring Indicator | Progress | Constraints | Recommendation |
a) Maintain suspension /moratorium on logging, transport of logs (except those which have been already inventoried and for which royalties have been paid in full) | Fulfilled. | ||
b) Increase transparency of state management of natural resources through - - - continued disclosure of status of review of forest concessions. | Status of forest concession review available at Public Affairs Unit of FA. | ||
c) Application of sustainable management planning, including ESIAs, investor evaluations, - - - etc. for private use/management of state managed natural resources (land, fisheries, forestry, and mines). | These planning procedures also applied to forest concession. | ||
d) RGC disclose the location and legal status and process for termination of mining concessions, Military Development Zones, economic land concession and other development arrangements situated on forest land or on protected areas and inconsistent with law governing management of these areas. | TWG-F&E not soly responsible for this. Other institutions to disclose this information to be able to review contracts. Ministry of National Defense confirmed that there are not military development zones in forests or protected areas. |
Note: The listed above are new activities to be initiated from the next quarter. |
Signature: |
Signature: |
![]() Donor Lead Facilitator |
Name: |
Ty Sokhun |
Name: |
Morgens L. Christensen |