Aid effectiveness priorities in Cambodia The 2008 Aid Effectiveness Report (AER) analysed and assessed progress in implementing the commitments made by both the Royal Government and its development partners in the Paris Declaration (2005) and in the Cambodia Declaration on Enhancing Aid Effectiveness (2006). The AER reflected on a body of evidence that included data from the ODA Database; the results of two rounds of Paris Declaration monitoring; reports from TWGs; and an evaluation of H-A-R Action Plan implementation that was conducted in 2008. The discussion that took place at the second CDCF meeting in December 2008 was informed by the recommendations of the AER and also by the 3rd High-level Forum on Aid Effectiveness and its associated Accra Agenda for Action (AAA). Recognising the need for accelerated implementation of aid effectiveness commitments, together with the need to prioritise and focus on actions that would impact positively on development results, a Joint Monitoring Indicator (JMI) on aid effectiveness was agreed in the context of a partnership-based approach to the NSDP:
Criterion for identifying priorities was established as follows:
The aid effectiveness priorities and associated actions detailed in the table overleaf have been identified by respective RGC Ministries and agencies during a series of internal meetings and consultations with development partners in the period December 2008 – April 2009. While some of these priorities need to be further discussed within RGC and with development partners active in those sectors so that further specific and concrete actions can be confirmed they are felt to represent a relevant and achievable set of actions that, if implemented, will make a significant contribution towards achieving the development results identified in the NSDP. Once endorsed by the GDCC, these priorities are therefore to be regarded as an annex to the table of JMIs agreed at the December 2008 CDCF meeting. They also constitute the response to the AAA that seeks to accelerate implementation of global aid effectiveness commitments. Implementation is expected to be carried forward by RGC Ministries and agencies working with development partners in the respective Technical Working Groups. Implementation arrangements, monitoring and evaluation is therefore to be associated with routine TWG work and JMI reporting to the GDCC.
RGC Aid Effectiveness Priorities for
2009 |
RGC Ministry/Agency |
Priority Action |
Aid effectiveness justification/rationale |
Status (Next steps required) |
1. Ministry of Planning
1. PR Policy-making process are two-fold:
2. Development of partnership principles |
1. Tasks related to PR policy-making process are two-fold:
2. To promote partnership, results and mutual accountability |
Dialogue within the TWG-PPR is required to reach consensus on DPs supports. Timelines for DPs supports shall be agreed between RGC and DPs. |
P&H |
Facilitate all RGC agencies and TWGs in implementing priorities identified in this matrix |
CRDB/CDC and associated P+H TWG is to play a coordinating role and opportunity for dialogue and information sharing |
Reports prepared by CRDB/CDC to GDCC will be used to monitor overall progress |
NSDP Social Sector aid effectiveness priorities |
3. Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports |
Education |
1. Implementation of an analytical joint annual sector review and development of a timely, comprehensive and accurate Annual Operation Plan (AOP) 2. Coordination of capacity development initiatives |
The joint review and comprehensive AOP provides the essential foundations for ensuring that all aid effectiveness principles can be established. Indicators and resource needs are proposed as follows
4. Ministry of Health |
Health |
Implement AOP 2009 & 3YRP
2. Implement IHP workplan
The AOP provides the basis for ensuring effective use of all resources based on sector priorities and the 3YRP improves predictability of resources for subsequent years. The JAPA facilitates joint resource allocation for the AOP. Coordinating support at sub-national level is critical to the delivery of effective health services and complementary to the well-established central TWG mechanism. The International Health Partnership provides further structure and support consistent with AE and system strengthening already well established in the health sector. Additional outputs and activities are already defined. |
5. NAA |
NAA's coordination function needs to be strengthened to ensure the sustainability of the national response. A functional analysis of current organisational arrangements has been proposed |
To promote ownership through a coherent national response and coordination mechanism
Dialogue between NAA and other RGC stakeholders is required to identify need/scope for functional review |
6. CARD |
1. Conducting a Mapping and Scoping exercise on existing Social Safety Nets in Cambodia 2. Disseminating Strategic Framework for Food Security and Nutrition |
This will allow for activities within a comprehensive, cross-sectoral approach to be identified with gaps identified so that effective resource mobilisation can follow |
The TWG has met and this work is on-going |
NSDP Economic Sector aid effectiveness priorities |
A & W |
1. Finalizing,
integrating and prioritizing the five programs under the SAW. |
1. The SAW programs
will serve as the national framework for A&W Sector development, clearly
indicating the priorities that need to be addressed. |
- Mobilize
financial resources to recruit TA to speed up the completion of priority
actions |
8. Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning & Construction |
1. Improve PBA in Land Administration , Management, Distribution Program (LAMDP)
2. Partnership Principles between RGC and DPs within framework of LAMDP
3. Further preparation on Comprehensive Land Policy
4) Prepare monitoring and evaluation mechanism for land sector |
Avoid work overlapping , reduce the cost and burden in order to improve aid effectiveness
2. Waiting for signature by Cambodia and DPs
9. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries |
Forestry and Environment |
1. Build Up Capacity for Planning, Implementing, Monitoring, and Evaluation and strengthening M&E system within FA. 2. Develop and Implement National Forest Program (NFP).
1. Capacity and performance indicators will provide the basis for mobilizing, coordinating and monitoring resource allocation, as well as results. 2. NFP is the internationally recognized tool for sustainable forest management. It will become a framework for DPs’ supports, alignment and harmonization. |
- They are in
progress. - Dialogue with the TWG is required for further assistant to implement NFP. |
10. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (Fisheries Administration) |
Fisheries |
1. Improve M&E system
These priorities are linked to the fisheries JMI that proposes a programme-based approach to sector management. M&E capacity and performance indicators will provide the basis for monitoring resource allocation as well as results |
- TA is required to
support M & E System |
11. CMAA |
Mine Action |
Support the development of a Mine Action Strategic Plan (MASP)
1. The NMAS will define Cambodia’s strategic vision and goals for mince Action in order to contribute to the achievement of the goals set by Rectangular Strategy Phase II, The NSDP 2013, MDG 9 and the Anti-Personal Mine Ban Treaty.
2. The NMAS will define specific objectives and activities for de-mining, MRE and Victim Assistance with corresponding resources requirements. It will serve as a basis for DP alignment.
3. The Strategy will look at addressing aid coordination and management needs and challenges in the sector.
4. The NMAS will be in line with the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness and the Accra Agenda for Action. It will lay the foundation for a Program Based-Approach and a more coherent capacity development support to the mine action activity. |
- The CMAA will
consult stakeholders to set the vision and goals for mine action (define
the needs and challenges to be addressed by MASP). Q2 A detailed and incremental approach will support M&E across the MA sector. |
12. Private sector TWG |
1. Make progress in legal agenda to improve enabling environment for private sector (list to be agreed based on list from the think tank on legal reform; appropriately reviewed by the private sector through the Working Group on Law, Tax, and Governance) 2. Adopt a 3-year rolling plan of trade-related reforms (“Trade SWAP”), with a detailed inter-ministerial action plan, a strong monitoring framework, and with indication of harmonized DP support |
Create an enabling environment for the development of the private sector
TWG will meet by May 2009 with private sector to discuss this. RGC will first send a preliminary list of economic regulations and laws that are being discussed and this will be discussed jointly with development partners and the tax and law Working Group. The RGC needs to finalize and pass a sub-decree to appoint the government teams working on the three pillars of the Trade SWAp. This has been pending for more than a year.
NSDP Infrastructure Sector aid effectiveness priorities |
13. Ministry of Public Works & Transport |
Infrastructure |
Continued mapping of support as a basis for enhanced information sharing and coordination |
Promote RGC ownership and promote DP alignment with RGC priorities, enabling efficient resource allocation and basis for M&E. |
IRI TWG will provide a venue for continuing mapping work |
14. Ministry of Rural Development - Ministry of
Public Works and Transportation |
1. RWWSH Strategy Development
This will promote RGC ownership and promote DP alignment with RGC priorities as well as provide a framework for resource allocation. A mapping of DP assistance will provide the basis for improving alignment, as well as allowing for improved RGC monitoring of project delivery |
Discussion will be conducted within TWG on including a section of Partnership Principle in Strategy.
NSDP Governance and cross-sector aid effectiveness priorities |
15. CAR/OCM |
RGC Capacity Dev't Strategy
The RGC Capacity Development Strategy will advise DPs on practices to follow to ensure coordinated and effective support to Public Administration Reform programme |
Series of consultations with Ministries, development partners and stakeholders. The TC Guideline prepared by CRDB/CDC may be used as an input to guide DP support |
16. Council of Legal and Judicial Reform |
Legal and Judicial Reform
General secretariat of the Council for Legal and Judicial Reform (GSCLJR) coordination and monitoring function need to be strengthened to ensure the effectiveness and sustainability of the implementation of the LJR action plan. |
Dialogue within RGC and between RGC and DPs to establish and maintain coordination mechanisms.
17. Ministry of Interior |
D&D |
Finalize national program on D&D
Draft of National Program on D&D will be submitted to Council of Ministers for approval and finalized not over June 2009. This will promote national ownership and inform the basis for DP engagement in the reform |
Dialogue within the TWG is required to reach consensus on this priority Indicators and timelines must be agreed between RGC and DPs. |
18. MEF |
Implementation of PFMRP is on-going and comprises an important component of the overall contribution to aid effectiveness. |
Identified in PFMRP |
19. MoWA |
Gender |
1. Facilitated consultation and expert roundtables on MoWA 5 year Strategy (Neary Rattanak 3).
1. This will provide quality assurance, promote broader RGC ownership (beyond MoWA) and promote DP alignment with RGC priorities as well as provide a framework for resource allocation.
2. Enhance ownership; ensure national priorities, use of national systems, and promote harmonization and a focus on managing for development results instead of project approaches with high transaction and coordination costs for MoWA. |
1. Draft strategy available, and internal MOWA and provincial consultations completed.