Report on TWG Progress and Implementation of
the Joint Monitoring Indicators



Report prepared for the 14th Meeting of the GDCC











Prepared by the GDCC Secretariat
Cambodian Rehabilitation and Development Board
Council for Development of Cambodia

April 2009



Table of Contents



Introduction ...........................................................................................................................................

Implementation of TWG Action Plans for 2008 and 2009 .......................................................................

a. Action Plan Status
b. Commitments in the Accra Agenda for Action ..............................................................................................

Resourcing issues .....................................................................................................................................

Joint Monitoring Indicators (JMIs) .........................................................................................................
a. Progress in Implementing JMIs
b. Problems reported in JMI implementation




TWG Action Plans ..........................................................................................................................................
JMI implementation status


This report is prepared by the Cambodian Rehabilitation and Development Board of the Council for Development of Cambodia (CRDB/CDC) for the fourteenth meeting of the Government-Development Partner Coordination Committee (GDCC), held on 28th April 2009. Preparation and contents of this Report are informed by the questionnaires completed by Technical Working Groups (TWGs) and returned to CRDB/CDC as part of routine reporting between TWGs and CRDB/CDC in its role as the Secretariat of the GDCC.

In response to the partnership-based efforts of the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) and its development partners and their commitment to the principles of mutual accountability, the GDCC meeting is represents an important opportunity to reflect on what has been achieved since the second CDCF. Through the GDCC reporting mechanism, an overview is presented of activities and the achievements of the RGC and its development partners. For the 14th meeting of the GDCC, the Royal Government will take opportunities to outline their strategy orientation in responding to the global economic downturn and for that reason a clear report on the progress of activities implemented by the Technical Working Groups is required to review progress and to identify challenges in a mutual accountability framework.

The structure of this report is:

  1. The implementation of TWG Action Plans

  2. Implementation of the Accra Agenda for Action

  3. TWG resource mobilization issues

  4. Progress in implementing agreed JMI activities

The Report has three sections. Following this Introduction (Section I), Section II synthesizes overall progress in implementing Action Plans identified by TWGs and Section III presents progress of JMI implementation. Annexes one and two present further detailed information on TWG Action Plans and JMI implementation.

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II.      Implementation of TWG Action Plans for 2008 and 2009

a)        Action Plan Status

As the overall perspective, since the last GDCC meeting held in October 2008, implementation of 2008 TWG Action Plans has progressed well. Most of TWGs have completed the scheduled activity plan for 2008, while relatively few have remaining some on-going activities for continued monitoring in 2009.

Each TWG has developed, reviewed and monitored its own strategy, programme and other core activities. Capacity Building has been accelerated within TWGs. For instance, Harmonization and Alignment (H&A) of Donor Assistance with National Priorities of Health TWG has been established. At the same time, most of constraints related to alignment and ownership have been occurred where the progress of implementing 2008 Action Plan has been made. TWG on Education is, currently, encountering challenges in alignment where use of the government systems by development partners is limited. TWG on Agriculture and Water reported that there is the lack of funding resource for supporting the 5 National Programs, and the capacity of Task-Management Support Groups (TMSG) is limited. For TWG on HIV/AIDS, the challenges has raised during United Nations Joint Annual UNDAF Review 2008 related to increasing access and usage in preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV/AIDS (PMTCT) services for HIV positive pregnant women, their partners and their children. Cooperation with development partners in the revision of the draft of NSDP-MTR (2006-2010) within TWG on Planning and Poverty Reduction (PPR) was also sometimes challenging. In response to other challenges, two TWGs – TWG-Education and TWG-MA – suggested that ODA and NGO database should be strengthened by CRDB/CDC.

So most of these TWGs have completed their action plan, but there are some TWGs are on going in implementing their action plan such as F&E (National Forest Program Development), RWSSH (National RWSSH strategy), M.A (Strategic Budget Plan 2009-2011), Education (Capacity Development), Fisheries (Ownership, Alignment, and Harmonization Mechanism in place to encourage development partners support to the Fisheries Administration), D&D (RGC and DPs design the principle of engagement in support of D&D reform in Cambodia) and two activities from Land are on going, an approval of TWGL ToRs and the re-assessment of its role and responsibilities in light of effort that will lead to the design of PBA/LMADP structure. For the PFM, the Implementation of Consolidated Action Plan for Stage 2 (CAP 2) and Departmental Action Plans (DAP) and Ministry Action Plans (MAP) was delay for one year due to the transition from Stage 1 to Stage 2 took longer than previously anticipated. Otherwise, some activities in TWG’s action plan were not completed such as the risk management work in the Private Sector Development TWG.

For 2009 formulation of TWG Action Plans, most of TWGs have established the new scheduled action plan, while the rest have still followed up the same 2008 scheduled action plan – such as: TWG-F&E, TWG-Fisheries, TWG-LJR, TWG-Health, and TWG-IRI – with just updating progress activities. Moreover, most of 2009 Formulating TWG Action Plans of each TWG have been done on-schedule, while others have been done behind-schedule because of some challenges. For example, the lack of financial resource caused the completion of the design of Five National Program of TWG-AW to be delayed until mid 2009. For TWG-IRI, Lack of Budget repair in the WIM equipment caused the periodical report of overload situation and overload control activity (monthly report) planned to finish in quarter 3 of 2009 done behind the schedule.

However, strengthening ownership of TWGs through developed, review and monitored of their strategies and programmes as well as capacity building within TWGs based on the progress of Implementing 2008 Action Plan and Formulating 2009 Action Plan would align with NSDP goals and targets.

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b)     Commitments in the Accra Agenda for Action

TWGs were requested to report on any discussions they had regarding the Accra Agenda for Action (AAA), including the commitment to use country systems as a 'first option'. Most TWGs responded that they had discussed the AAA or otherwise routinely address aid effectiveness matters as follows: 


Details of AAA Discussion & use of national systems


Agreed on the concept of using government system as a first option; assigned staff members for the TMSG to monitoring board of SAW program design, and DT, members of the Program Design Team, which move from project to PBA.


Agreed during 2008 that the lead DP Facilitator would lead discussions among DPs to promote alignment around emerging national systems.


MoEYS has tried to insist that national systems be used. Routinely discusses aid effectiveness and has focused on increasing the use of RGC systems and two actions linked to JMI on aid effectiveness (joint review and coordinated CD)


Has introduced the concept of AAA and will hold further discussion to synthesise with on-going aid effectiveness efforts in line with H-A-R Action Plan.


Not yet discussed the AAA, but Danida-DFID-NZAID is organizing a consultation on improving M&E system in the framework of Natural Resource Management and Livelihood Program and prioritized activities.


Priorities have been agreed although use of national systems has not been discussed


AAA was presented and use of national systems to be addressed as part of PBA work


Has discussed the International Health Partnership at TWG level , which represents increased sector specific approaches to improve Harmonization & Alignment and Health System and AOP


AAA was discussed in context of PBA. Development partners did support PBA training for TWG-HIV/AIDS members and other National AIDS Authority sub-TWGs but are sometimes still inconsistent with AAA and they are still leading the government in the HIV/AIDS response. The 2009 TWG-HIV/AIDS Workplan has therefore outlined a response based on H-A-R Action Plan.


To be discussed at next TWG meeting


AAA has not yet been discussed


Discussed in the last TWG meeting on the role of development partners in supporting the reform and the need to strengthen national systems, particularly planning so that areas where national system may be used are more evident.

Mine Action

A workshop planed for Q3 will provide opportunity for detailed discussion


No discussion has taken place


Focused on budget integration, procurement procedures & line ministry action planning


Not reported


Not reported


AAA discussed as basis for partnership work and TWG role in implementing JMI No. 2


AAA implementation through developing a common sector strategy that all DPs can align around.

As part of the JMI exercise, an aid effectiveness JMI (JMI number two) was also agreed and priorities are identified in a separate paper prepared for the consideration of the 14th meeting of the GDCC. The activities identified in this aid effectiveness JMI also contribute to the RGC and development partner effort to accelerate implementation of the Paris Declaration and, in particular, to respond to the priorities articulated in the Accra Agenda for Action. In addition to the priorities identified by TWGs, a number of complementary aid effectiveness activities have therefore been identified to strengthen aid effectiveness implementation and to support TWG work. These include:

  1. Promoting the integration of central planning and budgeting processes, including aid management;

  2. Development and delivery of a training on 'Managing for Development Results', linked to identification and monitoring of JMIs, for key TWG members;

  3. Development of a 'partnering initiative' to strengthen and promote partnerships that enhance ownership and mutual accountability;

  4. Application of the Guideline on Technical Cooperation to promote more effective capacity development practices;

  5. A reflection on the use of national systems as a 'first option' and associated capacity development initiatives linked to the strengthening of these systems; and

  6. Maintaining efforts to ensure in-year and medium-term predictability of development assistance.

These initiatives, combined with the sectoral priorities identified during the JMI exercise comprise the national response to the Accra Agenda for Action.

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c)     TWG resourcing issues

Approximately half of the TWGs appear to be adequately resourced to manage their workload either utilizing their own resources or those provided from development partners. Some TWGs (e.g. P&H, PFM, Fisheries and F&E) receive support from development partners that explicitly supports the TWG secretariat as part of a broader effort to develop capacity and to strengthen national systems. This is considered to be a good practice and a model for other TWGs to follow.

Resources to manage the workload identified in the TWG Action Plans remained a challenge for nine TWGs in 2008, however. These TWGs therefore received support from CRDB/CDC through its Block Grant scheme. The table below details the types of support that was provided to ensure adequate support to TWG secretariats so that TWG activities can be implemented:

2008 Block Grant disbursements to TWGs (USD)








Grand Total

Agriculture & Water








Food Security and Nutrition
































Legal and Judicial Reform








Mine Action








Public Administrative Reform
















Total Disbursed








In 2009 these nine TWGs have made further requests for support, and PPR has also indicated that it may require support from CRDB/CDC to its secretariat. CRDB/CDC strongly encourages development partners working with all these TWGs to mobilise support so that secretariats can function efficiently, a need that is now more urgent as CRDB/CDC block grant funding will only be continued until end-2010. It should be noted that resources required to support TWGs are relatively modest and, particularly in those sectors that are otherwise well-supported by development partners, it should not be beyond either RGC or its development partners to ensure that these funds are mobilised.

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iiI.    joint monitoring indicators (JMIs)

a)     Progress in JMI Implementation

Progress is being made to meet the JMI targets agreed at the second CDCF in December 2008. The table below presents a summary of actions and status; further detail is provided in Annex II. For aid effectiveness, a separate list of priorities has been identified to meet the requirements of JMI number 2 and a separate paper has been submitted to the 14th meeting of the GDCC.

Summary of JMI Implementation Progress

JMI Target


Constraints to implementation

1. Implement MPSP with coordinated EDP support

AOP-2009 has been prepared

Preparation of NSDP Extension to 2013 is in the process.

Funding has not been committed

DPs support for international consultant to assist the work has not been secured

2. National aid effectiveness priorities are implemented and monitored in the context of a partnership-based approach

Priorities have been identified (see report prepared for 14th meeting of GDCC)


3. Increase promotion rate of students in primary education from 78.6% in SY2006-07 to 84% in SY 2008/09


The promotion rate increased from 78.6% (girl 80.2%) in SY 2006-07 to 81.1% (girl 82.7%) in SY2007-08.

Percentage of incomplete schools has been reduced from 21% in SY 07-08 down to 19.5% as of Dec 2008.

Procurement procedure for EFA FTI (Education For All Fast Track Initiatives) is too complicated.

Slow progress could also be attributed by lack of incentives for the works related to Fast Track Initiative.

4. Increase the proportion of deliveries attended by skilled health personnel in the public sector to 50% by December 2009

The indicator for the JMI had reached 58% for 2008. Subsequently the target for 2009 was adapted to 65%.

AOP budget has been increased from $200M in 2008 to 223M in 2009


5. Enhanced national response to HIV/AIDS epidemic (coverage)

-Prophylaxis coverage was 27% in 2008.

-Test Coverage was 33% in 2008.

-As of 2008, 151 out of 956 public health facilities nationwide now provide PMTCT service.

-Shortage of reagent test

-Expansion of the PMTCT sites

6. A coherent and well-coordinated approach to mitigate the impacts of high food prices on household food security, and priority actions are implemented and regularly updated.

The National Seminar on Food Security and Nutrition under the theme “Social Safety Net” will be organized in June 2009.

An integrated monitoring system to follow up the impact of high food prices on household food security is set up.

Funding sources for the seminar have not yet been identified.


Time constraint.

7. Progressive implementation of the Strategy for Agriculture and Water

3 program designs are in the final stage.

2 programs  are expected by mid-2009

Support ownership from MAFF and MOWRAM.

8. Implement the legal framework established by the Land Law

Draft policy on registration of land of indigenous people drafted, pilots implemented. other activities on-going.


9. Legal frameworks established by the Forestry Law, Protected Area Law, Land Law, Mining Law, and in particular the Sub-Decree on Economic Land Concessions must be fully implemented whilst prioritizing the finalization of National Forest Program and Community Forestry development.

Progress is reported in all 4 areas covered by the JMI (see Annex II)

Difficulty of CF process due to large number of competing claims and number of RGC agencies involved

Fund disbursement is late and more fund needed.


Fund disbursement is late and more fund needed.

10. Reflect the priorities of the Fisheries sector to improve the livelihoods of rural communities in commune, district and provincial development plans as well as donor funding levels.

80% sector funding by PBA – DANIDA /DFID/NZaid and WAP jointly funded  Fisheries Administration Annual Action Plan

CamCode final draft has been made for public consultation


11. Mine casualty rate drops by 50 from previous year, and a decrease 7-10% of contaminated land

100 incidents to end-March, equal to 2008 rate. Land clearance on-track


12. Create an enabling environment for the development of the private sector

Trade Development Support Program launched in March 2009. The 3-year rolling plans are being developed.

The Sub-decree is submitted for approval to Sr. MoC.

No progress on priority legislation list. RGC will discuss jointly with development partners and the tax and law Working Group.

The RGC needs to finalize and pass a sub-decree to appoint the government Trade SWAp teams. This has been pending for more than a year.

13. Sustainability and Safety of National Road Network

Work on Preservation of Road Asset and implementation of Initial Road Safety Awareness Program at an early stage

Require long term human capacity development

14. Increase use of improved sanitation, hygiene and drinking water supply, especially rural

Preparation of National (RWSSH) Strategy is under way.


15. PAR - Improving the quality and delivery of public services

Work on Special Operating Agencies (SOAs), Priority Mission Groups (PMGs), and Merit Based Performance Incentives (MBPIs), and approval of policies relating to HRM, HRD, Deployment and Capacity Development is on schedule

Deployment of required resources

16. Establish a well functioning, transparent and accountable legal and judicial system that protects individual rights as defined in the Constitution

a.    Penal code - passed the IMM

b.    Statute of judges - at COM

c.     Organization. & Functioning of Courts – at COM

d.    Supreme Council Magistracy - at COM

Court registers -  pilot is being undertaken at Kandal and Siem Reap courts.

Training initiatives for judicial professionals are underway

MOJ, SCM and COJ have to take appropriate action to resolve issues that delay passage of draft laws

The extra work load of the new register is proving problematic, particularly as the old registers are also in use.


17.  Combat corruption

The draft of the Anti-Corruption Law has been placed with the Council of Jurists, Office of the Council of Ministers.


18. Preparations made for the full implementation of the RGC’s Strategic Framework for Decentralization and De-concentration (D&D) reforms

Preparations for provincial and district council election underway; elections scheduled for 17th May

2nd draft of national program document under review.


19. Continue implementation of Stage 2 of the PFM Reform

CAP2 has been implemented with consolidation of budget credibility work and early preparations for later platforms


20. Adopt gender laws and sub-decrees and relevant legal documents, and implement plans

On-track in all areas. National Action plan completed in February 2009.


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b) Problems reported in JMI implementation

The table above, combined with reports of TWGs on their progress in implementing their work plans, reveals a number of constraints in JMI implementation. These include the following:

  • The financial support is still problem, the funding has not been committed.

  • Fund disbursement is late.

  • International consultant to support the implementation is still needed.

  • Procurement procedure for EFA FTI (Education for All Fast Track Initiatives) is too complicated and caused slow cash disbursement, especially for school construction. Slow progress could also be attributed by lack of incentives for the works related to Fast Track Initiative.

  • Difficulty of process due to large number of competing claims and large number of government agencies involved in discussions.

  • Some TWGs also raise the time constraint in implementing JMI.

CRDB/CDC will prepare a training on results-based concepts and practices for later in 2009 that will help to improve the JMI identification, implementation and management process.

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Annex One

Information on TWG Action Plans for 2008 and 2009



Status 2008


Status 2009


1. A&W

  • The design of National Program 2, 3 and 4 by the end of December 2008

  • Regularly update the information on TWGAW website


  • Continue to complete the design of National Program 1 and 5 by mid 2009

  • Regularly update the information on TWGAW website

Behind schedule


2. F&E

  • Plays coordination role and information sharing for relevant institutions and organizations in forest sector

  • Strengthen it leadership in development of strategies, policies and planning programs and implementation of projects

  • DPs provide support based on FA’s development strategies as well as RGC’s policies

  • Coordination among DPs

  • FA and DPs are more accountable for development results


 Still follow up the 2008 scheduled Action Plan


  • National Forest Program Development (70% completed)

  • FA and DPs have consensus in using jointly-agreed result-oriented reporting and assessment framework




3. PSD

  • Relevant agencies sign and implement the Service Level Agreements, attaching agreed-upon lists of prohibited goods between trade related agencies

  • Review implementation of risk management and act accordingly to reduce the inspection rate to 50% including in SEZs. Review to be conducted under the purview of the Sub-Steering Committee on Trade Development

  • Make specific recommendations on 20 priority licenses impacting on SMEs to ensure relevancy, efficiency, and cost effectiveness

Good Progress


No Progress


  • Make progress in legal agenda to improve enabling environment for private sector

  • Adopt a 3-year rolling plan of trade-related reforms (“Trade SWAP”), with a detailed inter-ministerial action plan, a strong monitoring framework, and with indication of harmonized DP support


4. FSN

  • Finalise and disseminate the Strategic Framework for Food Security and Nutrition 2008-2012 (SFFSN)

  • Provide and test guidelines for mainstreaming of FSN in strategy formulation, program design and decentralized planning process

  • Assist and support MoP in the development of 2nd Cambodian Nutrition Investment Plan (CNIP 2008-2013)

  • Assist MOH in promoting the enforcement of joint Prakas on the marketing of products for infant and young child feeding

  • Support further enforcement of sub-decree on universal salt iodization to combat IDD

  • Assist MoP/NSCFF in mobilizing funds for the implementation of national food fortification strategy/plan to combat micronutrient deficiencies

  • Assist in the coordination of pilots on food fortification with micronutrient (fish sauce-iron, sugar-vit A  etc)

  • Launch of updated Food Security Atlas of Cambodia

  • Assist in setting up a monitoring system on child feeding practices / child survival score card indicators

  • Support the implementation of a crop yield forecasting system and monthly crop monitoring forecasting bulletins of FIVIMS Secretariat in MAFF (inputs provided by MAFF/MoWRAM)

  • Improve the existing web-based information platform on FSN in CARD (FSNIS) and ensure long term, project independent funding mechanism.

  • Strengthen the capacities of the secretariat of the TWG-FSN

  • Assist in elaborating the annual report 2007 of implementation of CNIP

  • Review progress of SFFSN


Progress made

  • Develop a concept note for mapping exercise of the existing social safety net systems in Cambodia

  • Conduct a mapping exercise of the existing social safety nets in Cambodia  (as requested by CDCF 12/2008)

  • Organize a consultative workshop to discuss the findings of the mapping and scoping exercise and options for "social safety net policy" for Cambodia

  • Assist in the Preparation of a policy note and an action plan on  a social safety nets for Cambodia

  • Organize and conduct the 3rd high-level national Seminar on Food Security and Nutrition under the theme “Social Safety Net” and disseminate outcome

  • Coordinate the analysis of the Impact of Global Economic Crisis IGEC on the food security sector in Cambodia and  possible response options

  • Continue monitoring the progress of NSDP phase 2

  • Coordinate with and assist "food security task force" from SNEC

  • Coordinate with other partners on their new/upcoming projects

  • Disseminate the Strategic Framework for Food Security and Nutrition (SFFSN) at central and decentralized level

  • Maintain and improve the existing web-based information platform on FSN in CARD (FSNIS) and identify long term, project independent funding mechanism

  • Strengthen the capacities of the secretariat of the TWG-FSN including trainings on aid effectiveness



  • Resource Tracking/mobilization

1-Conduct the costing of operational plan for the revised National Strategic Plan II 2008-2010 taking into account the Universal Access targets and update situational response
2-Mobilize resource against identified gaps

  • Program Harmonization and Alignment with NSPII

  • Quality assurance and M&E

1-Develop the National HIV/AIDS Monitoring and Evaluation Guidelines.

2-Prepare the 2008 Country Progress Report on Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS

  • Policy and Program Development

1-Develop the National  Strategic Framework and Operational Plan on STI and HIV, AIDS for Men having Sex with Men (MSM) and National Strategic Plan for Illicit Drug Use Related HIV/AIDS
2- Develop the National Framework for the Private Sector Engaging in HIV/AIDS 2009-2010. Develop the National Strategic Plan on the prevention and control of HIV in entertainment workers, their clients and partners 2009-2010 developed and printed.

3-The Cambodian Red Cross Develops its HIV/AIDS workplace policy

4- The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport finalizes its workplace policy on HIV and AIDS.

5-The National Authority for Combating Drugs develops the operational framework for access by drug users to HIV Voluntary counseling and testing in closed setting.

6-The Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation develops the National Plan of Action for OVC



Resource Tracking/mobilization
1-Conduct 2007-2008 National AIDS Spending Assessment
2-Conduct Costed operational plan of the National Strategic Plan for Preventing Mother-to-Child Transmission 2008-2015
3-Develop the Global Fund ATM round 9 proposal and preparation for National Strategy Application in 2010
4-Advocate for resources for more Preventing Mother-to-Child Transmission sites are functioning as the result of additional support
5-Recosting of the National OVC Action Plan

Program Operation/Strategies
-Implement the PMTCT strategic plan 2008-2015
Policy  and Program Development
-Develop the HIV and AIDS Strategic Plan 2009-2013 of the Ministry of Interior
-Commence development of the National Strategic Plan for a Multisectoral Response to HIV/AIDS 2011-2015


On schedule

Program Harmonization and Alignment with NSPII
1-New planned /programs of development partners focused on areas requiring scale up to meet universal access targets
2-Functional Task Analysis of the national HIV/AIDS response mechanism




  • Outline of the National RWSSH Strategy

  • National workshop on the National RWSSH Strategy

  • Preparation of guidelines for the RWSSH sector

  • Adoption of National RWSSH Strategy (based on the draft MRD RWSS strategy document, 2001)



  • Develop a National (RWSSH) Strategy with clear objectives, strategies, targets, outcomes, and costing plans.

  • Host a national forum on developing the National RWSSH Strategy.

  • Prepare RWSSH sector guidelines.

  • Undertake a comprehensive donor mapping exercise (through WATSAN sector group)


  • RWSSH sector coordination and monitoring system development



7. PPR

  • Formulating and coordinating all activities relating to NSDP-MTR for 2008 and sharing the draft of NSDP-MTR with LMs/LAs and DPs for comments

  • Coordinating all activities for PIP 2009-2011 preparation and sharing the draft of the Public Investment Program 2009-2011 with LMs/LAs and DPs for comments


  • Prepare AOP 2009 to implement MPSP 2006-2010 with more coordinated support from DPs

  • Coordinating for PIP 2010-2012 formulation.

  • Formulating and coordinating NSDP-Extension to 2013 and sharing the concept note to LMs/LAs and DPs

  • Formulating the Public Investment Program 2010-2012 and sharing the draft with LMs/LAs and DPs for comments.


8. MA

  • Ensure the implementation, monitor, and evaluation of existing Mine Action/ERW policies, Action plan and the development of coherent 10 years National Strategy for Mine Action.


  • The CMAA will consult stakeholders to set the vision and goals for mine action

  • The CMAA will then request endorsement by the TWG of identified vision and goals.

  • The CMAA will coordinate dialogue among stakeholders to define specific objectives and an activity in 5 pillars of MA resources requirements and needs for policy development, re-structuring within the sector.

  • The CMAA will submit to the TWG to endorse the final NMAS before its actual implementation.

On schedule

  • Implement the Strategic Budget Plan 2009-2011 in order to reduce fragmentation and overlap.

  • Improve the quality and accuracy of data available on DP contribution to allow for more effective sectored planning

On- going

9. Education

  • Agreed on modality, process and timeframe of the Mid-term Review of ESP/ESSP 2006-2010

  • Review PIP 2009-2011 document and Review of budget disbursement and expenditure in 2007.

  • Implementation of H-A-R action plan in the education sector

  • Endorse the Education Congress report

  • Discussed alignment of AOP of technical departments within ESP/ESSP 2006-2010 

  • Finalized Capacity Development agreed on RGC-led for providing TC based on the CD Mid-term plan at central and provincial level.

  • Review progress report on PMG; status of existing aid modalities in the sector; status of TC through DPR and AMIS, and status of DP funds through DPR, AMIS and ODA database.








some more action plans are added:

  • JTWG annual Work plan 2009

  • Discuss on Aid Effectiveness – aid modality, PIUs, agree on priority actions to improve aid effectiveness, etc.

  • Establish Education Congress Preparation Committee


On- schedule

10. Fisheries






  • Continues to operate as an effective informing and influencing interface between FiA/DPs/NGOs

  • High level policy dialogue facilitated

  • MUTUAL ACCOUNTABILITY: FiA and development partners become more accountable for development results

  • MANAGING FOR RESULTS: FiA and development partners are facilitated in using jointly-agreed results-oriented reporting and assessment frameworks in order to manage resources and improve


Still follow-up the same scheduled 2008 Action Plan


  • OWNERSHIP: FiA is supporting in exercising effective leadership over its development policies, strategies and coordinates development actions.

  • ALIGNMENT: Development partners are assisted to base their overall support on Cambodia's

  • HARMONIZATION: Development partners' actions are facilitated to become more harmonized, transparent and collectively effective.

  • Mechanism in place to encourage development partners support to the Fisheries Administration.


11. LJR

  • Sub-group meetings

  • Monitoring


Still follow-up the same scheduled 2008 action plan


TWG meeting

Behind the schedule

12. PAR

Prepare for development of Performance and Accountability Instruments (SOAs, PMG, MBPIs)


  • Deploy performance and accountability instruments

  • Complete study on Labor Market and Fiscal spaces

  • Complete Policy Framework (HRM, HRD, CD, Redeployment, Compensation)


13. Health

Monitor Sector Performance

  • Review HSP2/Joint Annual Performance review (JAPR)

  • Monitor JMI linked to NSDP target

  • Reporting to Government-Donor Coordination  Committee (GDCC) and Cambodia Development Coordination Forum (CDCF)

  • Monitor progress of Health Strategic Plan (HSP2)

  • Progress of Annual Operational Plan (AOP) 2008

  • Progress of Sectoral Financing

  • Progress of Sub-TWGHs and National Programs

  • Progress of Pro-TWGHs

  • Progress of GFTAM and GAVI

Harmonization and Alignment

  • Progress of Merit Based Payment Incentive (MBPI)

  • H&A of Donor Assistance with National Priorities

  • International Health Partnership (IHP)

  • IHP proposal

Civil Society engagement

  • Ongoing CSO inputs to Government and national process

Key Strategic issues

  • Health Service Delivery

  • Health Financing

  • Human Resource for Health


Most of 2009 formulating action plan still follow-up the same schedule of 2008 action plan, but added some activities bellows:

  • Due to unexpected progress in 2008 the target was revised upwards at the JAPR 2009

  • The 2009 Pre-JAPR meeting was organized in February and the JAPR and NHC in March 2009

  • Progress update was made to the TWGH meeting in January 2009

  • Overall disbursement for 2008 was presented in TWGH meeting in January 2009

  • Health service progress update was made at TWGH meeting in January 2009

  • Additional midwives will be recruited in July 2009



14. D&D

  • Developed, agreed and resourced National Program Design Process and modalities

  • National and International TA have been contracted since September 15, 2008


  • Prepare all basic legal framework and other legal instrument

  • Adoption of National Program in the 3rd quarter of 2009

  • A well-placed consultation between the Government (MEF, MOI, NCDD, line ministries) to discuss central budget allocation mechanisms for provincial, district and local level institutions.


RGC and DPs design the principle of engagement in support of D&D reform in Cambodia


15. IRI

Preservation of Road Asset by:
1. Implementation of Road Maintenance Mechanism

  • To elaborate a directive that clearly shows a vision of road maintenance and necessary actions to reach the vision.

  • To effectively implement the road maintenance guidelines

  • To study the strategy and process of transforming the force account and its possible impact

2. Improvement of Overload Control Program

  • To produce periodical report of overload situation and overload control activities (monthly report)

  • To set up a work procedure for overload control by  weigh stations and portable weigh scales, by utilizing the draft guidelines for overload control by portable weigh scales

  • To ensure operational budget for overload control activities

3. Implementation of Initial Road Safety Awareness Program - The RAMP Road Safety Program commences. The Road Safety Week on 7-12 April 2009 is under preparation. The ToR and the Video spot script are being prepared



Most of 2009 formulating action plan still follow-up the same schedule of 2008 action plan and plan to finish on-schedule

Except: 2. Improvement of Overload Control Program

  • To produce periodical report of overload situation and overload control activities (monthly report)




16. Gender

  1. Strategic information sharing, reporting and monitoring on gender issues

  2. Harmonization and alignment

  3. TWG-G operation and reporting


  1. Strategic information sharing, reporting and monitoring on gender issues

  2. Harmonization and alignment

  3. TWG-G operation and reporting


17. PFM

Continue strengthening key activities to  sustain the budget credibility (platform 1)
Preparing the departmental action plans (DAPs) and the ministry action plans (MAPs) and preparation for stage 2


Implementing Consolidated Action Plan for Stage 2, Departmental Action Plans and Ministry Action Plans

1-year delay due to pace of transition from stage 1 to 2

18. Land

1. Approval of TWGL ToRs
2. Establishment of TWGL Secretariat and implementation of workplan.
3. TWGL will re-assess its role and responsibilities in light of effort that will lead to the design of PBA/LMADP structure.
4. Global Donor Platform for Rural Development October 2007 field visit to assess its facilitation services for TWGL.


On-going Completed



  1. Improve PBA in Land Administration, Management, Distribution Program (LAMDP)

  2. Partnership principles between RGC and DPs within framework of LAMDP

  3. Further preparation on Comprehensive Land Policy

  4. Prepare monitoring and evaluation mechanism for land sector


19. P&H

Providing advisory support to CRDB
Support CRDB/CDC in building partnerships to strengthen line ministries' capacity
Support CRDB/CDC in coordinating and monitoring the implementation of RGC's H-A-R Action and JMIs
Support preparation of the AER
Support development of the ODA Database
Promotion of global best practices and lessons learned
Identify aid effectiveness issues for in-depth study


Identify aid effectiveness priorities to guide RGC Ministries/agencies and DPs
Develop approach to reduce fragmentation (incl DoL)
Improved delivery of TC
Promote the strengthening and use of country systems (AAA)
Strengthen integration between central planning, budgeting and aid management
Induction resource
Partnering initiative
JMI training


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Annex Two

JMI Implementation Status


Action Needed

Responsible Government Institution

Concerned TWG


Constraints to implementation

1. Implement MPSP with coordinated EDP support



  1. MOP prepares a 2009 operational plan to implement the MPSP and EDPs provide to MoP an updated comprehensive mapping of existing EDP support (including e.g. a complete list of all EDP-supported project for MOP) and the completion status of the currently-conducted institutional capacity assessment and need/gap identification for MOP.

  2. Increased and better coordinated EDP support to MPSP implementation.



AOP-2009 has been prepared

Preparation of NSDP Extension to 2013 is in the process.

Funding has not been committed





DPs support for international consultant to assist the work has not been secured

2. National aid effectiveness priorities are implemented and monitored in the context of a partnership-based approach to NSDP

For both the Royal Government and development partners, to come together in the first quarter of 2009 to negotiate a limited number of practical and verifiable actions that are based on the H-A-R Action Plan and represent a consensus for joint action.



Priorities have been identified (see report prepared for 14th meeting of GDCC)


3. Increase promotion rate of students in primary education from 78.6% in SY2006-07 to 84% in SY 2008/09


  1. Reducing the percentage of incomplete schools from 21% in SY 2007/08 to 18% in SY 2008/09 and deploying 95% of newly trained teachers to under-staffed schools and in remote areas.

  2. Revising grade promotion regulation and ensuring implementation of the regulations in education programs supported by development partners.



The promotion rate increased from 78.6% (girl 80.2%) in SY 2006-07 to 81.1% (girl 82.7%) in SY2007-08.


Percentage of incomplete schools has been reduced from 21% in SY 2007-08 down to 19.5% as of December 2008.

Procurement procedure for EFA FTI (Education For All Fast Track Initiatives) is too complicated and caused slow cash disbursement, especially for school construction.

Slow progress could also be attributed by lack of incentives for the works related to Fast Track Initiative.

4. Increase the proportion of deliveries attended by skilled health personnel in the public sector to 50% by December 2009

  1. Recruitment and deployment of at least 79 midwives for 79 health centres that do not yet have any midwife by the end of 2009

  2. Provide salary incentives to midwives including to endorse the adapted midwife salary scale and compensation payments for professional related health risks as proposed by MoH. These are to be endorsed at a full session meeting of the Council of Ministers.

  3. MOH and Health Partners commit to increase both Government and total Health Partner funds to RMNCH in 2009, and to ensure that these resources are reflected in Annual Operational Plans at all levels.



The indicator for the JMI had reached 58% for 2008. Subsequently the target for 2009 was adapted to  65%.

AOP budget has been increased from $200M in 2008 to 223M in 2009



5. Enhanced national response to HIV/AIDS epidemic

Increase the percentage of HIV-positive pregnant women who received anti-retrovirals from 30% to 40% by 2009 to reduce the risk of mother-to-child transmission

National AIDS Authority


-Prophylaxis coverage was 27% in 2008.

-Test Coverage was 33% in 2008.

-The data in the first quarter of 2009 is not released yet.

-As of 2008, 151 out of 956  public health facilities nationwide now provide PMTCT service.


-Shortage of reagent test

-Expansion of the PMTCT sites

6. A coherent and well-coordinated approach to mitigate the impacts of high food prices on household food security, and priority actions are implemented and regularly updated.

An integrated monitoring system to follow up the impact of high food prices on household food security is set up.



The National Seminar on Food Security and Nutrition under the theme “Social Safety Net” will be organized in June 2009.

An integrated monitoring system to follow up the impact of high food prices on household food security is set up.

Funding sources for the seminar have not yet been identified.


Time constraint.

7. Progressive implementation of the Strategy for Agriculture and Water

  1. Completing the design of National Programs 2, 3 and 4 by December 2008;

  2. Completing the design of National Programs 1 and 5 by June 2009;

  3. Implementation mechanisms (including management and funding arrangements) are designed and operational by June 2009;

  4. SAW providing strategic framework for all RGC and DP activities in agriculture and water sector;

  5. Continue to improve donor and government coordination: Ensure relevant stakeholders have up to date information on donor and government activities in the agriculture and water sectors by updating the project database on the TWGAW website twice each year (January and July) drawing data on donor activities from Cambodia ODA Database.




3 programs (Food Security Support Program, Cambodia Agriculture and Agribusiness Support Program, Water Resources, Irrigation and Land Management Program) designs are in the final stage.

2 programs (Institutional Capacity Building and Mgt Support Program, Cambodia Agricultural and Water Resources Research, Education and Extension Program) are expected by mid-2009

 Support ownership of MAFF and MOWRAM.

8. Implement the legal framework established by the Land Law

  1. Indigenous communal land:

  1. A sub-decree on the procedures for registration of lands of indigenous people’s communities is adopted in 2009 and a fully financed work and staffing plan is in place for scaling up indigenous communal titling to the communities

  2. Interim protective measures to safeguard communal land are evaluated

  1. Land tenure - urban poor:
    A Housing Policy that includes the provision of secure land tenure for the urban poor is drafted with high priority and given as input into the Comprehensive Land Sector Policy (“White Paper”).

  2. Land management:
    A Spatial Planning Policy that spells-out the hierarchy of land use planning and zoning is drafted and given as input into the Comprehensive Land Sector Policy (“White Paper”), including a legal framework to support the implementation





CLP, MLMUPC, PHN Provincial Governor's office







Draft policy & sub-decree on registration of land of indigenous people finalized. Cabinet meeting April 24, 2009 approved policy &  sub-decree on registration of land of indigenous people community

Pilot projects have been implemented in two provinces, Rattanakiri and Modulkiri

2. Based on previous documents provided by UNHABITAT, GS-CLP will redraft housing policy.



3. Preliminary spatial planning policy has been drafted and waiting for comments from General Department of Land Management (GDLM), then it will be further discussed internally within the ministry.


9. With the aim of stopping the loss of Cambodia's forest resources responding to CMDG and Rectangular Strategy to support Sustainable Forest Management for rural poverty reduction and climate change mitigation. The legal frameworks established by the Forestry Law, Protected Area Law, Land Law, Mining Law, and in particular the Sub-Decree on Economic Land Concessions must be fully implemented at all levels of Government agencies, whilst prioritizing the finalization of National Forest Program and Community Forestry development.

  1. Implement all provisions of the applicable laws and regulations, including establishing and making public the log book of Economic Land Concessions, Mining Concessions and other concession forms under the jurisdiction of MAFF, MoE, MIME.


  1. At least 1,000 Km of forestland boundary and two more protected areas demarcated both on the map and ground.




  1. At least 100 Community Forestry Sites and 10 Community Protected Areas officially approved.




  1. Finalize and approve the National Forest Program in September 2009; and start its implementation by the end of 2009.





























- MAFF: 65 granted ELCs to companies registered in logbook. MAFF publicizes ELC information in the website is updated every semester.

- MoE: N/A

- MIME: 100 exploration licenses given to 67 companies and only few companies are conducting feasibility studies.


Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) will have completed temporary marking in approximately 250 km by end of May. 1 Protected Area, Botum Sakor National Park, is in the preparation phase of demarcation.


124 CFs cover 145,039 ha are approved by MAFF and 50 CFs getting community forest agreement (Community Forest Area).

10 Community Protected Areas are currently in the preparation phase of establishment


National Forest Program development is in progress and expected to finalize on time as scheduled.










Difficulty of process due to large number of competing claims and large number of government agencies involved in discussions in areas where farms or houses border forest.

Fund disbursement is late and more fund needed. To achieve rapid progress, focus strategically on securing the least difficult areas first – especially larger roads with forest on both sides, Focus on provinces with well established working groups. Form dedicated teams.


10. Take appropriate action to reflect the priorities of the Fisheries sector to improve the livelihoods of rural communities in commune, district and provincial development plans as well as donor funding levels.

  1. At least 80% of the FiA Annual Plan funded by development partners through Sector Wide Programmatic support by end of 2009.

  2. CamCode agreed, approved and operational by end of 2009.



DANIDA/DFID/NZaid and WAP jointly funded to the FiA in implementing the Fisheries Administration Annual Action Plan 2009 using a common programmatic support.

The final draft has been made by the FiA and the public consultation will be conducted.


11. Casualty rate drops by 50 from previous year, and a decrease 7-10% of contaminated mine/ERW land

  1. Ensure the implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of existing mine action/ERW policies, action plan and the development of a coherent 10 years National Strategy for Mine Action.

  2. Implement the Strategic Budget Plan 2009-11 in order to reduce fragmentation and overlap

  3. Improve the quality and accuracy of data available on DP contributions to allow for more effective sectoral planning



There were a total 266 of casualties during 2008.

From January to end of March 2009, there were 100 victims, which is equal the rate of the same period last year.

During 3 months (January to March) over 10 sq km has been cleared by four de-mining operators. At this phase, the priority area of 427 sq km will be reduced by the end of the year 2015 as planned.


12. Create an enabling environment for the development of the private sector

  1. Make progress in the legal agenda to improve the enabling environment for the private sector (list to be agreed based on list from the think tank on legal reform; appropriately reviewed by the private sector through the Working Group on Law, Tax, and Governance)

  2. Adopt a 3-year rolling plan of trade-related reforms (“Trade SWAP”), with a detailed inter-ministerial action plan, a strong monitoring framework, and with indication of harmonized DP support






1. No progress




2. Trade Development Support Program, which supports the Trade SWAp, was launched in March 2009. The 3-year rolling plans are being developed.


The Sub-decree is submitted for approval to Sr. MoC. Upon his approval, it will be circulated to stakeholders for the last update of members’ name.

TWG will meet by May 2009 with private sector to discuss this. RGC will first send a preliminary list of economic regulations and laws that are being discussed and this will be discussed jointly with development partners and the tax and law Working Group.

The RGC needs to finalize and pass a sub-decree to appoint the government teams working on the three pillars of the Trade SWAp. This has been pending for more than a year.

Afterward, the Sub-decree will be signed by Somdech PM.

13. Sustainability and Safety of National Road Network


  1. Preservation of  Road Asset by

  1. Improvement of Road Maintenance Mechanism

  2. Improvement of Overload Control Program

  1. Implementation of Initial Road Safety Awareness Program



Early stage

Require long term human capacity development

14. Increase use of improved sanitation, hygiene and drinking water supply, especially rural

  1. Develop and adopt a rural water supply and sanitation (RWSS) strategy and budget that is based on the official RWSS policy and aligned to the NSDP



Preparation of National (RWSSH) Strategy is under way.


15. Improving the quality and delivery of public services

  1. Deployment of performance and accountability instruments through the implementation of Special Operating Agencies (SOAs), Priority Mission Groups (PMGs), and Merit Based Performance Incentives (MBPIs)

  2. Approval of policies relating to HRM, HRD, Deployment and Capacity Development.



on schedule




On schedule

Deployment of required resources

16. Establish a well functioning, transparent and accountable legal and judicial system that protects individual rights as defined in the Constitution

  1. LJRS Strategic Objective 2. Complete the drafting and approval of the four remaining fundamental Laws (Penal Code, Law on the Statute of the Judges, Law on Court Organization and Functioning, Law on the Amendment of the Law on the Organization and Functioning of the Supreme Council of the Magistracy).

  2. Implementation of the framework for legal and judicial reform through

  1. implementation of court registers in all four model courts

  2. Ongoing training of judicial professionals to improve the supply of judicial services and the functioning of the courts.



- Penal code - passed the IMM

- Statute of judges COM

- Organization. & Functioning of Courts - COM

-  Supreme Council Magistracy- COM


A pilot is being undertaken at Kandal and Siem Reap courts.  Plans for expanding the register to the model courts are included in their strategic plans.

MOJ, SCM and COJ have to take appropriate action to resolve issues that delay the passage of the three draft laws that promote the independence of the judiciary so these drafts can proceed to debate at the National Assembly.

The extra work load of the new register is proving problematic, particularly as the old registers are also in use.

Provision of sufficient staff and/or incentives to ensure the registers are fully implemented

17.  Combat corruption

  1. After approval of the Penal Code, finalize and approve the draft Anti-Corruption Law based on best international practices, and submit to the National Assembly and Senate for approval.

  2. Prepare an implementation plan to enforce and manage the implementation of the Anti-Corruption Law.

  3. Disseminate information on reported cases on corruption and conviction on semi-annual basis.

  4. Develop a clear policy framework on Access to Information.




The draft of the Anti-Corruption Law has been placed with the Council of Jurists, Office of the Council of Ministers.


18. Preparations made for the full implementation of the RGC’s Strategic Framework for Decentralization and De-concentration (D&D) reforms

  1.  New provincial councils and district councils established based on the enacted Organic Laws by end 2009.

  2. National program for D&D designed, modalities developed, approved, resourced and completed by end 2009.



Preparations for provincial and district council election underway; elections scheduled for 17th May


2nd draft of national program document under review.





19. Continue implementation of Stage 2 of the PFM Reform Program with the objective of improving accountability for effective financial management.

Continue implementing the PFMRP by:

a)    Implement and monitor stage 2 consolidated action plan; and

b)    Achieve agreed milestones and indicators under stage 2 performance monitoring framework.



-CAP 2 has been implemented from January 2009; the timeframe of the PFM stage 2 which was previously set from 2008 to 2012 has begun from January 2009 to December 2012.

-some progress have been made in achieving  four objectives for sustaining the budget credibility

-Activities to reach objective of the PFM Platform 2 have been progressively carried out

-Activities to support later platforms have been implemented


20. Adopt laws and sub-decrees and relevant legal documents, and implement plans against all forms of violence and exploitation against women and children, according to international standards

1. Sub-decree on the administrative decision on domestic violence revised and adopted and a working group established for training and implementation of the Sub-decree.

2. A common framework for monitoring the enforcement of the Law on suppression of human trafficking and sexual exploitation developed.

3. National Action plan to combat violence against women revised and adopted.

4. Policy and legislation on labour migration reviewed. Specific targets include: Adopt comprehensive Strategy Paper on Migration that links Migration with Trafficking, Smuggling and the Labour Law Reform and closes existing legal gaps to enhance legal protection of migrants.





MOWA & IM Group



On-track in all areas. National Action Plan completed in February 2009.


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