This quarterly progress report from each Joint Technical Working Group is requested by the Secretariat of the Government-Donor Coordination Committee (GDCC) before 25 February 2005. It will be used to prepare a briefing note for the Second GDCC Meeting scheduled to be held on 7 March 2005. Please return the completed questionnaire to H.E. Chhieng Yanara at CDC in both soft and hard copy.
Health |
If Yes: When was the Action Plan approved by the TWG? (date / month / year) 17/Nov/2004
No, please go to Q8, but first please identify the methodology that is
planned to be employed by the TWG to monitor and report on progress made:
Please use an extra sheet if you need more space. |
Activity (please use the same number as shown in Q5) |
Comments, if any |
Please use an extra sheet if you need more space. |
Activity |
Reasons for Delay | TWG's Recommendation |
Please use an extra sheet if you need more space. |
Activity |
Comments, if any |
Budget disbursement discussed at monthly meeting during preparation for CG Benchmark 2004 Regular updating of HSSP and on preparations for the Joint Sector Performance Review in March. |
TWGH Meeting 10 Feb 2005 discussed on the Report of Study on Streamlining Planning Process in the Health Sector. During two meetings of the TWGH the integration of the National Health Congress and the Joint Annual Performance Review into the Joint Annual Performance Review were discussed, including the programme for the event, based on an extensive partner consultation by a consultant. |
TWGH discussed on: - Report Labour Market Survey including pay and conditions, dual clinical practice and other income; - Outcomes of a Child Survival Partnership (CSP) workshop held in Dec 13-15 2004 and participated by over 60 NGOs, representatives from MoH and provinces, as well as bilateral/multilateral agencies; - Tobacco Control in Cambodia; - An ongoing initiative supported by WHO and The Columbia University for the macroeconomic and health processes in Cambodia aiming at producing discussion papers and reports for HSSC co-ordination process and for presentation in international forum. - Report of the inter-Governmental Working Group for the review of IHR |
MOH and WHO have agreed to implement the TOR for the functioning of the TWGH in February-early March. That will take forward the stakeholder consultation on the implementation of the Work-plan 2005, the composition and the functioning of the Secretariat for the TWGH, etc., addressing several of the practical issues and constraints. The outcome can be discussed during the TWGH meeting early March. |
If Yes, please list the indicators below:
Joint Monitoring Indicator | Progress | Constraints | Recommendation |
Not yet discussed | Incomplete 2004 information | Include in TWGH meeting March. |
Recruitment policy in progress | Priority at JAPR for continued support to implementation | |
Consensus building process in MoH; Health Partners survey finalized. | ||
ToR developed on consensus building for functioning of TWGH and identification of resources. | Identifying consultant | Present consultancy outcome at TWGH meeting March. |
Signature: |
Signature: |
![]() Donor Lead Facilitator |
Name: |
H.E. Nuth Sokhom |
Name: |
Mr. Jim Tulloch |