Nation Religion King |
Ministry of Land
Urban Planning and Construction
Phnom Penh, Feb.07-2OO7 |
The Joint Monitoring Indicators that has been
agreed upon at the eighth Consultative Group Meeting under the competences
of the Ministry of Land Management Urban Planning and Construction and the
Council of Land Policy are:
of legal framework implementing Sub-decree No. 118 on State Land
Implementation of article 18 of the 2001 land law,
Adoption of
the strategy of the Royal Government on indigenous peoples,
the living standard of 500 poor families by granting social land
concession as well as other supports and reserving at least 10,000
hectares of land for social land concession purpose,
and implementing the policy on land management and related legal
framework in order to enhance the use of land in a sustainable manner,
Expansion of
the land registration by:
Delivering land titles of
at least 300,000 titles in 2006
Enhancing the land dispute
resolution by the Cadastral Commission of at least 450 cases amongst 800
cases in 2006
Modifying the cadastral fee
scheme in providing land registration service and disseminating the
cadastral fee and land transaction taxes, and
Producing state land
mapping of 5 districts and publicizing the mapping result.
Completion of legal
framework implementing Sub-decree No.118 on State Land
As of the day of report, the
achievements accomplished are as follows:
Prakas No.42 dated
March 10, 2006; on identification, mapping and classification of state
Decision No. 52 dated
December 25, 2006; on the criteria for state land classification
annexing to the Prakas No. 42 dated March 10, 2006; on identification,
mapping and classification of state land.
Besides, there are two pending legal texts,
they are:
Implementation of article 18 of the 2001
land law
An instructive circular to implement this
article has been drafted and approved by plenary session of the Council of
Ministers on February 9, 2007. As this circular comes into force, the
Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction will continue
to provide training to relevant officials and widely disseminate this
Adoption of the strategy of the Royal
Government on indigenous peoples
The preliminary draft of
the policy on the registration and the right to use of indigenous
communal land has been drafted. A regional and national consultation
workshops and the international forum have been held, respectively on
late-December 2006, late January and early February 2007; with the
participation of around 400 participants of whom are senior governmental
officials representing indigenous people, all relevant institutions,
civil society, representatives of indigenous people, national and
international organizations. Based on the result of these regional and
national consultation workshops, the General Secretariat of the Council
for Land Policy will develop the policy reflecting the feedbacks
collected. Thereafter, the draft policy will be put for further comments
from the Council of Land Policy in this March 2007 before sending to the
Council of Ministers for the approval.
In parallel with the
preparation of this policy, as there is no law on the recognition of
indigenous by-law and the community as legal entity to be ready for land
registration as collective title; the inter-ministerial working group
has supported the three targeted piloting indigenous villages in
issuance their by-law of indigenous peoples which is a principle element
for indigenous community be formed and recognized. As a result, two
by-law of two different targeted piloting villages - namely, Tampuon
Community in La’In village, Kaun Mom district and Tampuon Community in
La’En Kren village, Ou’Chum district, Ratanakiri province — have been
formally registered at and recognized by the Ministry of Interior
already. Whilst the other community in Andong Kraleng village has
finished already and is preparing other support documents before
applying for its recognition to the Ministry of Interior.
Addressing the question of
“what strategy does the Government have to protect indigenous community
land prior the registration is carried out?” The feedbacks received from
the regional and national workshop recommend that the procedures and
mechanism set forth in the Sub-decree No. 118 on state land management
should be applied. According to the said Sub-decree, the Provincial
State Land Management Committee and especially the District Working
Group on state land shall proceed the identification, mapping and
classification of state land. The preliminary result of this process
will be publicly displayed to people in the respective community in
order to show them about the land that they have traditionally and
currently used with the knowledge of neighboring communities, people and
local authorities. After all differences have been solved, the
Provincial State Land Management Committee could issue a temporary
decision on “reserving such land for future request for registration by
indigenous community”. This reserved land can not be sold, exchanged,
alienated by or to any individual or company. At the mean time, the
community should take all efforts to complete the legal requirements for
the registration.
Promoting the living
standard of 500 poor families by granting social land concession as well
as other supports and reserving at least 10,000 hectares of land for
social land concession purpose
A. Promoting the living standard of
500 poor families by granting social land concession:
The indicator has pointed out the
implementation of two piloting social land concession projects in two
districts, Memot of Kampong Cham province and Kratie of Kratie province;
so-called “Land Allocation for Social and Economic Development - LASED”.
Unfortunately, after trainings were provided to officials in charge of
project implementation of the two targeted provinces, the World Bank - one
of only two biggest development partners supporting this project -
suspended its fund and as a result, the project is no longer as smooth as
it was planned. Despite such suspension, Ministry of Land Management Urban
Planning and Construction and especially the inter-ministerial working
group have carried on their works by identifying the poor families as
original plan of 500 families targeted for social land concession as well
as the finding of land for distribution by identification and
classification such land as private state land, as follow:
in Chorm Commune, Memot
district, Kampong Cham province; 990 hectares of state land have been
identified and classified as private state land.
in Angkrang commune and
Sambok commune, Kratie district, Kratie province;
4,500 hectares of state land have been identified and classified as
private state land.
currently, the technical
team of the Ministry is undertaking the registration such private state
land of the two targeted provinces.
At the same time, the Ministry has taken all
of its efforts to issue other legal instruments supporting this social
land concession program. i.e. issuing a Joint Prakas No. 507 dated
December 26, 2006; between the Ministry of Land Management Urban Planning
and Construction and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery on
mechanism for agricultural dissemination to farmers under the sodal land
concession frame and another draft decision [Seckdei Samrach] on the form
of application requesting for social land concession, form of social land
concession contract, and other forms needed, as annexes to the Prakas No.
200, dated November 19, 2003; on the guideline for implementing Sub-decree
on Social Land Concession; has been drafted.
B. Reserving at least 10,000
hectares of land for social land concession purpose:
In principles, the Royal Government pays
attention to landless families by committing to find land of at least
10,000 hectares for implementing the policy of land distribution in 2007;
by undertaking the following measures:
Cut some part of the forest
land of over 200,000 hectares that have been confiscated from the
anarchic illegal holders of state land for the social land concession
purpose (now, it is waited for the circular on the measures against
illegal holding of state land - implementing article 18 of the land
law.. to come into force)
Cut some part of the
economic land concession that have been withdrawn or cancelled for using
in the implementation of social land concession program in the form of
building partnership between large-scale agro-industrial and small size
agriculture that Ministry of Land Management Urban Planning and
Construction and Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery; are
currently studying different actual sites.
Preparation and implementing the policy
on land management and related legal framework in order to enhance the
use of land in a sustainable manner
Sub-decree on State Land
Management is in place and other related legal texts for implementing
this sub-decree (as above mention).
Dissemination workshops was
held on the process of identification, mapping and classification of
state land and other related legal frameworks with the participants of
101 officials, of whom are provincial/municipal governors, involving
line ministries and institutions, provincial/municipal cabinet officers,
and director and deputy director of provincial/municipal Departments of
Land Management, Urban Planning, Construction and Cadastral. Besides, at
the provincial level, dissemination workshops were organized with more
than 500 participants, whom are officials from related provincial
departments, district authorities, district office of land management
and cadastral as well as some commune councils members from 13 provinces
(Kampong Chain, Takeo, Banteay Meanchey, Battambang, Kandal, Preah
Vihear, Kampot, Kampong Thom, Prey Veng, Pursat, Ratankiri, Kep, and
Mondullkiri provinces).
For technical aspects, the
Ministry cooperates with all stakeholders to accelerate:
District/Khan strategic
development plan of 15 districts/khan, they are: Kampong Trach district,
Pohnea Krek district, Stuong district, Phnom Prek district, Khan Mean
Chey, Peam Ror district, Chantrea district, Snoul district, Steng Treng
district, Koh Thom district, Keo Seima district, Chorm Ka’san district,
O’Chrow district, and Boreibow district.
Urban Land Use Planning of
13 districts, they are: Neakleurng, Baweit, Kampong Trach, Kratie,
Chlong, Stengtreng, Anlong Veng, Poipet, Nimith, Mondul Seima, Ch’ba
Morn, Samrong Tong, and Khan Steng Haw.
Participatory land use
planning in the framework of natural resource management project at the
community level and Seila Program in 244 villages of 45 communes
including preliminary land use maps in 345 communes.
Training course on the
sketching of land use map in 56 communes/sangkat.
Expansion of the land registration by
A. Delivering of at least 300.000
land titles:
In 2006, some 318,255 land titles have been
issued. Among these, 282,276 titles have been handed out to the people
while other remaining 35,979 titles that have been already signed are in
the process of delivering to the people.
B. Enhancing the land dispute
resolution by the Cadastral Commission of at least 450 cases
amongst 800 cases in 2006:
Some 291 cases of land dispute are completely
solved, equal to 64.67% because some parties do not keen on with the
conciliation done by lower level while other prefer win-lose decision
rather than a conciliation offered. In total, the Cadastral Commission,
from the date of its establishment till today, has achieved solving 1,246
land cases involving 6,641 families and 2,395 hectares of land. Plus the
disputes solved under the process of systematic land registration, the
land disputes that have been solved are of 2,979 cases involving the
people of 10,000 families.
C. Modifying the cadastral fee
scheme in providing land registration service and disseminating
the cadastral fee and land transaction taxes:
Passage and dissemination
of guideline on the management of cadastral fee collection and decision
No. 51 dated December 21 on the provision of cadastral service.
Passage and dissemination
of decision No. 42 dated October 10, 2006; on the establishment of
receiving complaint mechanism and resolving disputes for the Land
Management and Administration Project, LMAP, and decision No. 43 dated
October 23, 2006; on the code of ethics for officials working under LMAP
In order to assure the
transparency in relation to the land transaction taxes; the Council of
Land Policy, with the green light from the Government, now is drafting
the policy on land valuation (inter-ministerial working group for
drafting this policy established).
D. Producing state land mapping of
5 districts and publicizing the mapping result:
This work is initiated from the district
strategic development plan with 5 steps in order to find state land that
have been used before producing formal state land mapping:
Step 1: providing training to officials in
charge especially at district level.
Step 2: workshop to collect data and data analysis.
Step 3: consultation workshop over the preliminary draft of strategic
development plan.
Step 4: Draft the strategic development plan and disseminate to the
Step 5: Final workshop held in order to present the result and seeking for
After the 5 steps are taken, concrete state
land database would be incorporated into the overall map. Base on this,
Ministry of Land Management Urban Planning and Construction is currently
accelerating the process of step 4 of the district strategic development
plan of 5 targeted districts/khan, includes: Khan Daun Penh in Phnom Penh,
Pohnea Krek district in Kampong Cham, Kampong Trach district in Kampot,
Phnom Prek district in Battambang, and Stuong district in Kampong Thom
Accelerate and issue the
Sub-decree on the registration and right to use of indigenous communal
Accelerate the preparation
of the Policy on Land Valuation.
Continue to accelerate the
preparation and implementation of policy on management and use of land
in a sustainable manner.
Accelerate the preparation
and adoption of district strategic development plan and producing the
state land mapping of the 5 targeted districts.
Continue to accelerate the
land dispute resolution as set out under the indicator.
Increase the dissemination
of cadastral fee scheme and transaction taxes to all relevant
Accelerate the social land
concession program in accordance with the National Strategic Development
Plan, NSDP, 2006-2010; reaching at 10,000 families.
Carry on the piloting
project of land allocation for social and economic development purpose
in the two targeted area for some 500 families.
Accelerate the finding of
land for implementing the social land concession of 10,000 hectares out
of the land that have been confiscated from the anarchic illegal holders
of state land and/or economic land concession that have been withdrawn
or cancelled.
Senior Minister, Minister of the Ministry of
Land Management Urban Planning and Construction