14 June 2006

December 2005 – May 2006

Prepared by
Secretariat of GDCC

1.      Overview

1.      This report presents summary of the progress over the last six months (December 2005 – May 2006) that has been reported by TWGs in response to a questionnaire that was sent to them in mid May 2006. The questionnaire asked TWGs to provide information on:

  1. Progress made in implementing TWGs's Action Plan.

  2. Progress on Joint Monitoring indicators.

  3. Implementation status of the Action Plan on Harmonization Alignment and Results.

  4. Resources mobilized to implement TWGs Action Plan for 2006.

2.     Overall, the TWGs are making steady progress in implementing their Action Plans for 2006. Four TWGs – Agriculture and Water, Health, Land, and Mine Action – have reported that all their planned activities are on schedule. The remaining TWGs have reported delays in the implementation of some planned activities due to lack of resources needed to implement the activities or for a variety of operational reasons. The following TWGs have asked for GDCC intervention to address specific issues:

  • TWG - Education: has asked for the presence of senior officials with decision-making power from the MOEF at its meetings.

  • TWG – Fisheries: TWG has highlighted the following: (i) poor attendance of TWG members (especially donors) for regular meetings; (ii) attendance at TWG meetings of inappropriate representative (too junior) has caused difficulties that he/she does not engage in the debate on behalf of his/her organization. This is particularly the case with some donor representatives; (iii) lack of commitment among the TWG members to work through the thematic subgroups that have been created to carry out some activities in the TWG Action Plan outside the meeting. The intention is for these thematic sub-groups to debate a subject from the action plan and present back to the TWG meeting where the debate discussion would continue.

  • TWG - Forestry and Environment: has highlighted the following: (i) funding – TWG Work Plan is insufficiently covered, (ii) information sharing by stakeholders to TWG Secretariat needs attention and improvement; (iii) more donor back-up and attention for TWG meeting is required; and (iv) alignment of financial support through the TWG mechanism is required. Still much technical assistance and information is by-passing the TWG.

  • TWG - Gender: has asked that: (i) its members should be invited to join in the other TWG in the line ministries to work on the JMI indicator (in particular, MoJ, MoI, MoP); and (ii) all stakeholders whose work is related to Gender should send their update information to Ministry of women's Affairs to update the Gender Resource Mobilization Matrix.

  • TWG – Infrastructure and Regional Integration: is asking for GDCC's support to: (i) seek financial assistances for the implementation of the Road Safety Action Plans of the year 2006-2007 and the Civil Aviation Institutional Development Framework; and (ii) to coordinate with the NA to accelerate the promulgation of draft Laws of the infrastructures.

  • TWG – Legal and Judicial Reform: has highlighted two issues. First, that there is a need to take steps to enhance the effectiveness of the TWG process in this sector. Second, that "it would be useful to facilitate an exchange of experience between sectors on which TWG's operate more effectively and how this experience can be shared across sectors".

  • TWG – Planning and Poverty Reduction: has pointed out that an important element of NSDP implementation is for the line ministries to prepare sector and sub-national plans consistent with NSDP priorities. MOP has requested line ministries to undertake the activities and inform in case any assistance is needed from MOP. The respective TWGs should provide support to the line ministries in preparing sector and sub-national plans in time.

  • TWG – Public Administration Reform: has highlighted two issues: (i) the PAR TWG members recognize that the work required under the Joint Action Plan for 2006 is demanding and that there needs to be further discussion on the capacity and resources needed to meet all the priorities in the remaining time available and the PAR TWG members will work together to ensure there is a realistic plan for addressing these issues; and (ii) there is an ongoing systemic problem in resourcing PAR in an adequate, timely and predictable way. The TWG has yet to develop a solution.

  • ·   TWG – Public Financial Management: has highlighted the need for enhanced coordination among donors, TA providers and Government related to Public Financial Management reforms. Key areas related to this are: (i) need to ensure that PFM related reforms being considered and/or implemented in line ministries be endorsed by MEF. This is to ensure that the PFMRP is not compromised; (ii) need to ensure that PFM proposals from Donors that conflict with current Government policy and /or commitments be addressed in the first instance in the DPC and then in the TWG; and (iii) need to ensure that work of in-country TA are coordinated in way that ensures the delivery of consistent and non-conflicting advice.  

3.      In terms of progress on Joint Monitoring Indicators, overall, steady progress is being made. The following TWGs have highlighted some issues for GDCC consideration:

  • TWG – Education: with respect to the JMIs "on increase the net enrollment in primary schools" and "increase the survival rate for grade 1-6" it has asked GDCC to support the Ministry in taking forward its programs to address the issues of declining net enrollment ratio in primary schools and survival rates for grade 1-6 for female students.

  • TWG – Forestry and Environment: On the JMI "Independent Monitoring in the forestry sector (Subject to donor grant funding)", the TWG has reported that funds to implement this JMI are not available. On the JMI "Strengthen transparency by disseminating all relevant sector information on the activities of government agencies, including information on mining concession and military development zones, as well as donors and NGOs by periodically posting on TWG-F&E website", the TWG has reported that there has been no response from the Ministry of National Defense and has asked that the GDCC should direct this ministry to support the general development by TWG. It also noted that NGOs are still not fully providing information to TWG. 

  • TWG – Food Security and Nutrition: On the JMI "develop a social safety net policy to ensure Food Security and Nutrition for the most vulnerable groups of the population (JMI)", the TWG has reported funding for work on this JMI has not yet been identified.

4.    All TWGs have reported some progress in implementing the Action Plan on Harmonization, Alignment and Managing for Results. The Partnership and Harmonization TWG has reported that action is being taken to establish a system to coordinate and facilitate the implementation of the RGC's Action Plan on Harmonization, alignment and Results. The issue was discussed at the last P&H TWG meeting.

5.     With respect to mobilization of resources to implement their Action Plans for 2006, ten TWGs have reported that they have been able to mobilize the required resources. six TWGs – Education, Food Security and Nutrition, Fisheries, Forestry and Environment, Legal and Judicial Reforms, and Public Administration Reform – have reported that have not been able to mobilize resources to implement all planned activities in their Action Plan for 2006. One TWG did not provide a response to the question. The Private Sector Development TWG's issues will be discussed at the Government-Private Sector Forum meeting that will be held on 21 June 2006.

2.     Summary of Progress Reported by TWGs

i.        TWG:  Agriculture and Water

  • Implementation of TWGs Action Plan: The TWG planned to implement five activities and has reported that progress is on schedule on all activities.

  • Progress on Joint Monitoring Indicators: With respect to the JMI "Jointly develop a medium term strategy for agriculture and water building on the NSDP and existing MAPP and MOWRAM strategy documents" the TWG has reported that during this period all key targets have been met, commencing with the preparation of an initiative inception note with agreed TOR, process, methodology and work plan. This was followed by strategic profiling, informed by a three day retreat, assembly a Strategic Profiles document, and a further Strategy Team Retreat. A donor pledging meeting and other negotiations attracted over $60,000 in resources for this initiative, although $18,000 remains to be identified.   A report was developed addressing strategy options and structure (Draft Report 1). This report, along with the Strategic Profiles report, was translated and distributed and a major stakeholder workshop held.  On the basis of input from this workshop, Strategy Report 1 is being revised and a re-planning process undertaken. Endorsement of the report and revised process is to be sought at the TWGAW meeting of 2 June. 

On the JMI "Establish a mechanism and periodically disseminate information on economic land concessions in accordance with the notice issued by the Prime Minister of 30 June 2005", the TWG has reported that during this period, information on economic land concessions (ELCs) has been disseminated through the MAFF website ( This website is updated quarterly, with the last update being in March.  Also including background on ELCs, it lists 35 companies with which concession contracts have been signed, and information about 5 which have not yet signed, spanning 12 provinces. Detailed information is provided in relation to each company's concessions, including for example disclosure of related legal papers and rights, a location map and co-ordinates. Information on further concessions is to be added in June. The TWGAW website is now scheduled to be in operation by July, and will include land concession information and create links to the MAFF website.

  • Implementation status of the Action Plan on Harmonization, Alignment, and Results: The TWG has reported progress in the following areas:

  1. Within the framework of NSDP, sector ministries and agencies develop sector plans and prioritized results based programs, and a sector MTEF: the TWG has reported that each ministry has sectors plans which are being taken into consideration in current joint strategic planning. MAFF has commenced work on an MTEF.

  2. All sector plans and development programs/projects include an assessment of the existing capacity gaps and a capacity development plan to fill the gaps to achieve targeted development results: the TWG has informed this action is being considered in current joint strategic planning, and will be integrated within the A&W Strategy.

  3. Each TWG prepares a plan to increase delegated cooperation within their sector/thematic area: the TWG has informed this action is being considered in current joint strategic planning, and will be integrated within the A&W Strategy.

  4. Each TWG prepares a calendar of field missions, diagnostic reviews and studies planned by donors participating in the sector/thematic area of the TWG: the TWG has reported that this is already underway, via information being gathered for the A&W donor data base.

  5. Development partners ensure that the SOPs for loan assistance and National Operational Guidelines for grant assistance are followed in monitoring and reporting on their programs/projects to reduce burden on RGC implementation institutions: the TWG informs that some donors have already adopted the Standard Operating procedures for loan assistance (SOPs) which are being applied in the A&W sector (including for, example, AFD and the World Bank).

  6. Concerned TWGs develop an implement an action plan to strengthen the technical and policy capacity of relevant institutions to carry out environmental analysis and to enforce legislation: the TWG informs that the MAFF and MOWRAM have existing strategies in relation to this, and current joint strategic planning efforts will explore ways to facilitate their implementation.

  • Resources mobilized to implement TWGs Action Plan for 2006: the TWG has reported that it has been able to mobilize resources to implement its Action Plan for 2006.

ii.       TWG:  Decentralization & De-concentration

  • Implementation of TWGs Action Plan: Eight activities were planned to be implemented, satisfactory progress is reported on five activities. Work on three activities is behind schedule for various practical reasons. For example, the work on "Completion of the draft organic law(s) on sub-national democratic development by the first quarter" is behind schedule because of greater than expected technical and internal policy complications in the law; and the need to include and integrate considerable detail to avoid misunderstandings and ambiguity and to guide future long-term direction.

  • Progress on Joint Monitoring Indicators: With respect to the JMI "Preparation of the organic law on democratic development at sub-national levels" the TWG has reported that the Draft law is being translated and reviewed by MOI; and consultations with IMC are set to start in June. 

On the JMI "D&D and organic law implementation framework prepared", the TWG has reported that the draft implementation framework for the 4 phases is being discussed and finalized by MOI. The detailed preparatory phase component of the implementation framework is also being prepared for distribution to the stakeholders including the IMC and the donors.


On the JMI "Review and formulate D&D support program for reform and investment in local development "the TWG has reported that the preparatory work on Government SNDD program formulation is being started by MOI; and a UNDP-led donor program formulation design is being finalized.

  • Implementation status of the Action Plan on Harmonization, Alignment, and Results: No information is provided by the TWG.

  • Resources mobilized to implement TWGs Action Plan for 2006: the TWG has reported that it has been able to mobilize resources to implement its Action Plan for 2006.

iii.      TWG:   Education

  • Implementation of TWGs Action Plan:  Sixteen activities were planned to be implemented, satisfactory progress is reported on thirteen activities. Work on three activities is behind schedule for various practical reasons and specific actions are being taken to move forward. The TWG has asked for the presence of senior officials from the MOEF at its meetings.

  • Progress on Joint Monitoring Indicators: With respect to the JMI "increase the net enrollment in primary schools" the TWG has reported a slight decline in the female net enrollment ratio in primary schools from 90.7 percent in the school year 2004-05 to 89.7 percent in the school year 2005-06. This ratio was reported to have increased from 88.6 percent in the school year 2003-04 to 90.7 percent in 2004-05.  The TWG has noted the decrease in net enrolment ratio for females is disappointing. In particular, as this appears to be as a result of increasing drop-out rates, which have increased in all grades 1-6 compared to the previous year. It has also noted that between 2004-05 and 2005-06, gross enrollment in primary schools increased from 119.7 percent to 129.4 percent, indicating that significantly more children are accessing education services, but increasingly they are overage. Key reasons for this increase include: high rates of overage admission into grade 1, which has been persistently high (between 30%-60% over the last 5 years); and persistently high repetition rates, which though falling still contribute significant numbers of overage students. The TWG has noted that the MoEYS will focus on these important issues in its next annual policy review and requested that the GDCC support the Ministry in taking forward its programs to address these issues.

On the JMI "increase the survival rate for grade 1-6", the TWG has reported that between school year 2004-05 and 2005-06, the survival rates for females have declined from 51.78 percent to 47.62 percent. The increase in drop-out rates over the last year has been identified as the key reason.  The TWG has noted that this issue will receive the highest consideration of the MoEYS at the next annual policy review. The policy review will look into existing studies and empirical data to identify strategies that will prevent drop out and minimize repetition, both of which will improve cohort survival rate from Grades 1-6. Possible key intervention strategies include: implementing early child development and school readiness programmes, completing incomplete schools, promoting right-age entry in Grade 1, providing school latrines and water facilities and expanding access to lower secondary schools.

  • Implementation status of the Action Plan on Harmonization, Alignment, and Results: The TWG has reported progress in the following four areas:

  1. MoEYS has developed a prioritized, results based sector policy in line with MTEF and NSDP: MoEYS and development partners jointly endorsed the ESP 2006-10 and supporting operational plan ESSP 2006-10. A mid-year review of the ESP/ESSP Policy action matrix will be conducted in July 2006.

  2. Capacity development issues are addressed in the formulation of sector plans:  these issues are being addressed in the formulation of the ESSP and the MoEYS is investigating the potential for initiating a MBPI scheme for priority areas.

  3. RGC and development partners use jointly agreed results-orientated reporting and assessment framework with manageable number of indicators: Annual Education Sector Performance Report and ESSP report against jointly agreed sector performance indicators, and joint assessments of progress guide the formulation of subsequent ESSPs. However, the number of indicators remains high.

  4. RGC and development partners are mutually accountable for development results: the TWG has agreed to jointly endorse ESP, ESSP and annual Sector Performance Reports. Potential MoEYS endorsement of donor report is under discussion within the TWG.

  • Resources mobilized to implement TWGs Action Plan for 2006: The TWG has reported that it has not been able to mobilize the resources needed to implement its Action Plan for 2006.

iv.     TWG:  Fisheries

  • Implementation of TWGs Action Plan: Eight activities were planned to be implemented, progress is reported to be on schedule on five activities. Work on three activities is behind schedule for various practical reasons. The TWG has highlighted the following issues for GDCC consideration: (i) poor attendance of TWG members (especially donors) for regular meetings; (ii) attendance at TWG meetings of inappropriate representative (too junior) has caused difficulties that he/she does not engage in the debate on behalf of his/her organization. This is particularly the case with some donor representatives; (iii) lack of commitment among the TWG members to work through the thematic subgroups that have been created to carry out some activities in the TWG Action Plan outside the meeting. The intention is for these thematic sub-groups to debate a subject from the action plan and present back to the TWG meeting where the debate discussion would continue.

  • Progress on Joint Monitoring Indicators: With respect to the JMI "Take appropriate action to reflect the priorities of the Fisheries sector to improve the livelihoods of rural communities in commune, district and provincial development plans as well as donor funding levels (8 iii), the TWG has reported that a Fisheries Forum meetings was held on 24th May 2006 that was attended by many DoF, donor and NGO representatives. The goal was "to ensure that the restructuring of the Department of Fisheries into the Fisheries Administration allows better integration between Fisheries Administration and local level planning, enabling the Fisheries Administration to be an effective service provider, in response to the needs of the rural poor who rely heavily on fish and aquatic resources for their livelihood. This must be consistent with achieving the goals of the National Strategic Development Plan 2006-2010 and Cambodian government's Rectangular Strategy." The outputs from the Fisheries Forum will feed into improved policy, planning, and operations of the Fisheries Administration, generally, and will form essential inputs to a wider programme of sector development being funded by the new Dfid/DANIDA Natural resources Management and Livelihoods Programme.

  • Implementation status of the Action Plan on Harmonization, Alignment, and Results: The TWG has reported that the updated Harmonization, Alignment and Results Action Plan has been embedded within the TWG Action Plan for 2006 and accepted by the TWG membership. The publication "Department of Fisheries Institutional review" has been disseminated to TWG members and relevant stakeholders. A discussion document "Adopting Programmatics Approaches for the Fisheries Sector in Cambodia" has been prepared and discussed at the March meeting of the TWG.

  • Resources mobilized to implement TWGs Action Plan for 2006: The TWG has reported that it has not been able to mobilize the resources needed to implement its Action Plan for 2006.

v.      TWG:  Forestry and Environment

  • Implementation of TWGs Action Plan:  Eighteen activities were planned to be implemented. Progress is reported on be on schedule on six activities without any reservations. Progress is reported on be on schedule but with some reservations concerned with lack of funding or practical considerations on six activities. Another six activities have been reported to be behind schedule: four because of funding issues and two for other reasons. The TWG has highlighted the following issues for GDCC consideration: (i) funding – TWG Work Plan is insufficiently covered, (ii) information sharing by stakeholders to TWG Secretariat needs attention and improvement; (iii) more donor back-up and attention for TWG meeting is required; and (iv) alignment of financial support through the TWG mechanism is required. Still much technical assistance and information is by-passing the TWG.

  •  Progress on Joint Monitoring Indicators: With respect to the JMI "Strengthening the enforcement of the Forestry Law, especially combating forest land clearing and encroachment" the TWG has reported that the RGC issued the order to provincial governors to take back the forest land. Lack of means and financial support for this activity for the FA.  

On the JMI "Rationalizing and reclassify national forest lands to ensure sustainable use of these resources by further forest demarcation/demarcation of protected areas", the TWG has reported that the budget plan for this activity was sent to MEF in January 2006.


On the JMI "Rationalizing and reclassify national forest lands to ensure sustainable use of these resources by further forest demarcation/demarcation of protected areas", the TWG has reported that the budget plan for this activity was sent to MEF in January 2006.


On the JMI "Completing Forest Cover Assessment 2005/2006", the TWG has reported that the work is on-going. No major problems.


On the JMI "Implementing Community Forestry program and develop Community Forestry ", the TWG has reported that the Community Forestry (CF) Guideline has been sent to MAFF for review and approval. Now there is a new CF project to be implemented by FA and RECOFTC.


On the JMI "Implementing capacity building for forestry sector program/tree planting for socio-economic purposes", the TWG has reported that the capacity building work is on schedule. Statistics on tree planting will be available after planting season.


On the JMI "Independent Monitoring in the forestry sector (Subject to donor grant funding)", the TWG has reported that funds to implement this JMI are not available.


On the JMI "Strengthen transparency by disseminating all relevant sector information on the activities of government agencies, including information on mining concession and military development zones, as well as donors and NGOs by periodically posting on TWG-F&E website", the TWG has reported that MIME has done the process (select a representative to be TWG-F&E member and will present a document on mining concession areas). There has been no response from the Ministry of National Defense and has asked that the GDCC should direct this ministry to support the general development by TWG. NGOs are still not fully providing information to TWG.

  • Implementation status of the Action Plan on Harmonization, Alignment, and Results: The TWG has reported progress in the following areas:

  1. Development partners’ support is aligned with national development strategies, i.e. NSDP: The TWG has noted that "NSDP is pointed out as the lead. In this regard we can only inform the forestry Administration as well as the TWG-F&E were unfortunately only to a limited extend given opportunity to involve in its formulation. So maybe a reflection on how the NSDP actually was produced, by-passing at least forestry and therefore probably also many other key institutions might be a relevant reflection before it is announced as the lead without the necessary reservations and safe guards".

  2. Development partners make increasing use of strengthened Cambodian institutions, systems and procedures as they attain mutually agreed standards:  the TWG has noted that "the Action Plan refers to partnerships and local priorities. However, the terminology used indicates a lot of donor language, more than usual, in this process".

  3. RGC’s capacity to plan, manages, implement, and account for results of policies and programs strengthened with development partners’ support: the TWG has noted that "the Action Plan touches upon series of fundamentals of which have worked very efficient and productive.  The Forestry Administration has good experiences with implementation of individual projects. A quick abandon PIU/PMU mechanisms entirely could result in that government agencies loose opportunities for attracting and implementing donor supported projects. It is recommended that real sector programme (with no parallel structures) through line agencies which will and can assist the government in its long term goals are promoted and that new methodologies are implemented in a controlled manner".

  • Resources mobilized to implement TWGs Action Plan for 2006: The TWG has reported that it has not been able to mobilize the resources needed to implement its Action Plan for 2006.

vi.     TWG:  Food Security and Nutrition

  • Implementation of TWGs Action Plan:  Ten activities were planned to be implemented, satisfactory progress is reported on five activities. Work on two activities is reported to be behind schedule. Three activities have been delayed because the source of funding for these activities has not yet been identified.

  • Progress on Joint Monitoring Indicators: With respect to the JMI "Develop a Nutrition Surveillance System to monitor FSN", the TWG has reported that it has discussed the rationale for and objectives of a nutritional surveillance system (NSS) and experiences from other countries presented.  A task force from various line ministries and NGO to develop the design and implementation mechanism of a NSS will be established in the next months. Search for funding is still ongoing.

On the JMI "develop a social safety net policy to ensure Food Security and Nutrition for the most vulnerable groups of the population (JMI)", the TWG has reported that it has discussed the rationale for and objectives of a safety net policy, with NCDM as the main actor. However, funding has not yet been identified. 

  • Implementation status of the Action Plan on Harmonization, Alignment, and Results: The TWG has reported that it has coordinated the missions of donors in the area of FSN, taken action to avoid duplication in the areas of FSN information management, and a large scale national program for food security and poverty reduction has been developed in coordination with Agriculture and water TWG.

  • Resources mobilized to implement TWGs Action Plan for 2006: The TWG has reported that it has been able to mobilize resources for some activities. However, it is still looking for resources to implement some its activities, including one that relates to one of the two JMIs in this area.

vii.     TWG:  Gender

  1. Implementation of TWGs Action Plan: Thirty-two activities were planned to be implemented. Progress is reported to be on schedule on twenty one activities although in some cases lack of resources and operational constraints are being experienced. Progress on six activities is reported to be behind schedule for various reasons. No progress on five activities because of lack of information from various sources. The TWG has asked that: (i) its members should be invited to join in the other TWG in the line Ministries to work on the JMI indicator (in particular, MoJ, MoI, MoP); (ii) draft of the Organic Laws should be circulated formally to TWGG for comments regarding Gender and Gender Budgeting; and (iii) all stakeholders whose work is related to Gender should send their update information to Ministry of women's Affairs to update the Gender Resource Mobilization Matrix.

  • Progress on Joint Monitoring Indicators: With respect to the JMI "Support and Monitor implementation of Domestic Violence Prevention Plan", the TWG has reported that the draft National Prevention Plan against  Domestic Violence  is finished and waiting for consultation with  all stakeholders.

  • On the JMI "Adoption of Anti-Trafficking Law "the TWG has reported that the draft Anti Trafficking Law is subject of discussion with regard to the definition of Trafficking, currently under TWG on Legal & Justice system reform. MoWA requested  MoJ to  follow the definition of trafficking  as stated in the UN Protocol.

On the JMI "Engendering organic law with gender and gender budgeting. "the TWG has reported that the draft Organic Law has not been made available to TWGG for comments.

  • Implementation status of the Action Plan on Harmonization, Alignment, and Results: the TWG has reported progress in the following areas:

Section C: Harmonization

  1. Development partners' actions are more harmonized, transparent and collectively effective.

  2. RGC's sector ministries and development partners adopt harmonized approaches to tackle cross-cutting issues, such as gender equality.

The TWG has reported that the MoWA developed Gender Mainstreaming Guideline to establish GMAG and provides TA for development of gender mainstreaming strategy in 7 Ministries (See above).

Section D: Managing for results

  1. Managing resources and improving decision-making for results.

  2. RGC and development partners' use jointly agreed results-oriented reporting and assessment frameworks that have managerial number of indicators to monitor progress against key dimensions of national and sector development strategies (Indicator #11)

The TWG has reported that to harmonize with NSDP, MoWA used the framework from the Ministry of Planning to prepare its Action Plan for 2007.  All departments of Women's Affairs have completed the Action Plan for 2006 and 2007  with the Financial and Technical support from UNDP/PGE/MoWA.

  • Resources mobilized to implement TWGs Action Plan for 2006: the TWG has reported that it has been able to mobilize resources to implement its Action Plan for 2006.

viii.    TWG:  Health

  • Implementation of TWGs Action Plan:  The TWG planned to implement twenty one activities and has reported that progress is on schedule on all activities.

  • Progress on Joint Monitoring Indicators: With respect to the JMI " Further develop the Public Administration to serve people better and to become an effective development partners", the TWG has reported that Institutional Development Work plan will be finalized in July as an input for MTR. Merit Based Payment Initiatives design is being developed and discussed by MoH, CAR and health partners and preparatory activities to formulate draft joint Government-Donor action plan for phasing out of salary supplements.

On the JMI "increase the proportion of deliveries attended by skilled health personnel", the TWG has reported that data collection and analysis is in progress: HIS, CDHS & Midwifery Review

  • Implementation status of the Action Plan on Harmonization, Alignment, and Results: the TWG has reported progress in the following areas:

Section B: Alignment (3. a)

  1. All sector plans and development programs/projects include an assessment of the existing capacity gaps and a capacity development plan to fill the gaps to achieve targeted development results.

The TWG has reported that functional analysis has been carried out followed by training on Performance Management System for senior management level

  1. Each sector TWG prepares and implements a capacity development program for their sector ministry/agency to fill identified capacity gaps.

The TWG has reported that Performance Management System at central level is being implemented.

Section C: Harmonization:

  1. Each TWG prepares a plan to increase delegated cooperation within their sector/thematic area.

The TWG has reported, "TWGH work plan 2006 & JAPR; 9 Sub-TWGH identified; Pro-TWGHs in the process of establishing secretariat and revising membership".

  1. Each TWG prepares a calendar of field missions, diagnostic reviews and studies planned by donors participating in the sector/thematic area of the TWG.

The TWG has provided the following information, "Sectoral Joint Annual Performance Review providing guidelines for consolidated annual planning process. Joint Review Mission from MoH and HSSP partners May/June 2006; HSSP MTR combined with Health Sector MTR – September 2006".

Section D: Managing for results

a.2.   Development partners ensure that the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for loan assistance and National Operational Guidelines (NOG) for grant assistance are followed in monitoring and reporting on their programs/projects to reduce burden on RGC implementing institutions.

The TWG has reported that "HSSP implementing SOP".

  • Resources mobilized to implement TWGs Action Plan for 2006: the TWG has reported that it has been able to mobilize resources to implement its Action Plan for 2006

ix.     HIV/AIDS

  • Implementation of TWGs Action Plan: The TWG planned to implement four activities, satisfactory progress is reported on two of these activities. One activity is behind schedule because of delay in recruitment of technical advisor/coordinator and another because of on-going discussions to harmonize M&E systems across sectors and programs. The TWG has also reviewed its TORs and membership and reduced the number of members to 23. A Secretariat for the TWG has been established.

  • Progress on Joint Monitoring Indicators: With respect to the JMI " NSDP monitored annually", the TWG has reported that the National Strategic Plan for a Comprehensive & Multi-Sectoral Response to HIV/AIDS 2006-2010 (NSPII) was officially launched in February 2006 and widely disseminated. The NSPII priorities are in line with the HIV/AIDS programme priorities identified in the NSDP. Key indicators for measuring progress have been identified and will be reviewed annually. 

On the JMI " increasing coverage of effective drug & HIV/AIDS prevention, comprehensive care and support, and effective mitigations interventions", the TWG has reported that OVC task force has been established by MoSVY in collaboration with NAA to develop framework and action plan to address needs of orphans and vulnerable children. The Cambodia Continuum of Care programme has been further expanded: VCCT centres from 109 in December 2005 to 112 in Q1 2006; Comprehensive care and support is now provided in  34 centres and pediatric AIDS care in 12    Number of PLWH on ART treatment has been increased from 12355 as of 31 December 2005 to 14310 in Q1 2006. Cambodia has been successful in obtaining funds from the GFATM round 5 to further expand prevention, care and support for people living with HIV and for impact mitigation efforts.

  • Implementation status of the Action Plan on Harmonization, Alignment, and Results: the TWG has reported that the National Strategic Plan for a comprehensive & multi-sectoral response to HIV/IADS 2006-2010 has been developed and disseminated to ensure that the "National Strategic Development Plan targets are achieved". It has also reported that Cambodia has been successful in obtaining fund from GFATM round 5 and currently developing proposals for GFATM round 6. Development partner and Government worked collaboratively to develop the proposals demonstrating that "development partners base their support on NSDP priorities and PIP".

  • Resources mobilized to implement TWGs Action Plan for 2006: the TWG has reported that it has been able to mobilize resources to implement its Action Plan for 2006.

x.        TWG:  Infrastructure and Regional Integration

  • Implementation of TWGs Action Plan: Eleven activities were planned to be implemented, satisfactory progress is reported on eight activities. Work on three activities is behind schedule for various practical reasons and specific actions are being taken to move forward. The TWG is seeking GDCC's support to: (i) seek financial assistances for the implementation of the Road Safety Action Plans of the year 2006-2007 and the Civil Aviation Institutional Development Framework; and (ii) for GDCC to coordinate with the NA to accelerate the promulgation of draft Laws of the infrastructures.

  • Progress on Joint Monitoring Indicators: With respect to the JMI "Reach agreement on a clear transparent mechanism for budget allocation and disbursement and monitoring for repair and maintenance of roads", the TWG has reported that the MEF has introduced its new disbursement procedures and proposed a joint MPWT- MEF maintenance mechanism which is being studied by MPWT and JICA Study Team. 

On the JMI "Submit Draft Road Law to CoM for approval", the TWG has reported that the draft Road Law has been completed and is pending comments by Ministry of Justice before sending to CoM in June 2006.


On the JMI "Submit Telecom law to CoM for approval", the TWG has reported that the CoM approved the final draft of Telecom Law on 31 March 2006 and the Telecom Law has been submitted to NA on 20 April 2006


On the JMI "Submit Water Supply and Sanitation Law (WSSL) to CoM for approval", the TWG has reported that the Draft WSSL has been submitted to CoM in March 2005. OBSESS reviewed the draft in November 2005; and in early May 2006 CoM has requested MIME to revise 17 points. 


On the JMI "Prepare draft of Cambodia National Wood Energy Statistic & Wood Energy Policy ", the TWG has reported that an Inter-ministerial Technical Working Group has been established; the first meeting of the Inter-ministerial Technical Working Group was convened on 29 March 2006 to commence the draft action plan.

  • Implementation status of the Action Plan on Harmonization, Alignment, and Results: No information is provided by the TWG.

  • Resources mobilized to implement TWGs Action Plan for 2006: No information is provided by the TWG.

xi.      TWG:  Land

  • Implementation of TWGs Action Plan: Three activities were planned to be implemented. Progress is reported to be on schedule on all three activities, although on one activity some delays are being experienced because of practical reasons.

  • Progress on Joint Monitoring Indicators: With respect to the JMI "Complete preparation of regulations to enforce State Land  Management Sub-Decree (4 iv c)", the TWG has reported that Prakas Nr. 42 DNS.BK on State Land Identification, Mapping and Classification issued on 10 March 2006. Criteria for State Land Classification as an annex to Prakas Nr. 42 is still under discussion in MLMUCP. Joint Prakas on State Land Use Planning with MoI and MLMUPC planned to start drafting.

On the JMI "Elaborate and Implement Article 18 of the Land Law. (4 iv d)", the TWG has reported that the draft Circular on Illegal State Land Holding, Article 18 completed, now under discussion in MLMUPC. Policy issues including institutional arrangements still to be solved.


On the JMI "Adopt RGC's strategy and regulations for the indigenous people (4 iv e)", the TWG has reported that the Draft Policy for Preparation of Sub-Decree on Registration of Land of Indigenous Communities revised and under further discussion.


On the JMI "To improve the livelihoods of the rural poor, 500 eligible households are settled on social land concessions with livelihood support and at least 10,000 hectares of suitable land confirmed as available for social land concessions. (8 iv)", the TWG has reported that preparatory work is done in two pilot projects, one in Kratie District, Kratie Province and one in Memot District, Kp. Cham Province. A total of around 4,500 ha is surveyed and natural resource assessment has been done. Training on land identification and selection of target land recipients has been done. In general it is very difficult to find free land. Most of the land is already occupied by people with unclear legal status. State Land classification issues and Article 18 issues need to be solved before land distribution process can start on a larger scale. 


On the JMI "Develop and implement a Land Management Policy and associated legal framework to improve sustainable utilization of land resources. (11 iii)", the TWG has reported that the amendment of Law on Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction from 1994  is in the drafting process.


On the JMI "Strengthen and expand the scope of land registration by issuing 300,000 land title certificates in 2006 (11 iv)", the TWG has reported that during the first quarter of 2006 94,571 land titles were distributed. This means very good progress.


On the JMI "increasing the percentage of cases successfully resolved by the cadastral commission: 450 cases successfully resolved out of 800 cases handled in 2006", the TWG has reported that as of April 31 at total of 101 cases have been resolved out of 354 received. This output can be considered as normal.


On the JMI "Revision of cadastral service fee structure, especially for sporadic and subsequent registration, public dissemination of the new fee structure and stamp duty for subsequent registration.", the TWG has reported that while discussions are on the way, the time limit of June 2006 cannot be reached. There are policy and institutional issues involved which have to be resolved first.


On the JMI "State land mapping conducted in five districts and results placed in a publicly accessible state land data-base. ", the TWG has reported that preparation are ongoing.

  • Implementation status of the Action Plan on Harmonization, Alignment, and Results: With respect to a PBA for Land the TWG has reported that TWG Land Taskforce on PBA is supported by Global Donor Platform on Rural Development to further harmonize activities in the land sector. GDPRD facilitator came twice to work with stakeholders on PBA development.  TWG Land Donor Facilitators and TWG deputy chair went to the annual meeting of GDPRD to discuss support for PBA Land in Cambodia. As a result GDPRD is planning to support PBA Land in Cambodia for up to 2 to 3 year by providing international and national facilitators.

  • Resources mobilized to implement TWGs Action Plan for 2006: the TWG has reported that it has been able to mobilize resources to implement its Action Plan for 2006.

xii.      TWG:  Legal and Judicial Reform

  • Implementation of TWGs Action Plan: The TWG had planned to implement four activities and has reported satisfactory progress on three. One activity, "Bi-monthly meetings of TWG" is reported to be behind schedule. However, it has also noted that instead a number of bilateral meetings have been held. The TWG has highlighted two issues for GDCC consideration. First, that there is a need to take steps to enhance the effectiveness of the TWG process in this sector. Second, that "it would be useful to facilitate an exchange of experience between sectors on which TWG's operate more effectively and how this experience can be shared across sectors".

  • Progress on Joint Monitoring Indicators: The TWG has provided the following information with respect to status work on various laws:

Penal Code Draft ready to go into inter-ministerial meeting
Code of Penal Procedures

MOJ is drafting the additional chapter on thetransitional period

Civil Code Draft ready to go into the inter-ministerial meeting
Code of Civil Procedures

Debate at the Plenary session of the National Assembly is just finished

Organic Law on the Organization and Functioning of the Courts
Draft is finalizing by MOJ

 Law on the Amendment of the Supreme Council of Magistracy

Draft is finalizing by MOJ and SCM
Law on the Statute of Judges and Prosecutors

Draft ready to go into the inter-ministerial meeting

Law on Anti-Corruption

Draft ready to go into the inter-ministerial meeting

Develop a clear policy framework on access to information

Process is studied by MNASRI with the assistance of PACT

Complete the Draft Law Against
Trafficking in Person and Sexual

Exploitation and submit to COM. MOJ is in charge of drafting it
  • Implementation status of the Action Plan on Harmonization, Alignment, and Results: The TWG has identified that it has taken two actions. First to "increase the meeting with donors" it has reported that "CLJR had a meeting with the donor community. CLJR is preparing updated status of implementation of Action Plan to send to donors". Second "Increase meetings with implementing agencies (ministries and institutions involved )"it has reported " Meetings with ministry of Education, MOJ, MOI, MOWA, MLMUC, UNDP,EWMI, AUSAIUPD, JICA, FRANCE, etc.".

  • Resources mobilized to implement TWGs Action Plan for 2006: The TWG has reported that it has not been able to mobilize the resources needed to implement its Action Plan for 2006.

xiii.    TWG:  Mine Action

  • Implementation of TWGs Action Plan: The TWG planned to implement four activities, satisfactory progress is reported on all four activities.

  • Progress on Joint Monitoring Indicators: There are no JMIs in this area.

  • Implementation status of the Action Plan on Harmonization, Alignment, and Results: In column on "Action Taken" the TWG has listed two activities. First, "Mine Action sector strategy and funding framework developed in 2005" and has reported the following update "initial study for a specific national strategy on unexploded ordnance has been completed as scheduled and presented to the TWG in April 2006. The strategy will be developed in the 2nd and 3rd quarter of 2006 as scheduled". Second, "New multi-donor program signed on 21 December 2005" and provided the following update "Clearing for Results is a pooled funding arrangement in support of national mine action priorities, including capacity development for the CMAA (project implementation is entirely based on Government staff with some technical assistance).

  • Resources mobilized to implement TWGs Action Plan for 2006: the TWG has reported that it has been able to mobilize resources to implement its Action Plan for 2006.

xiv.   TWG:  Partnership and Harmonization

  • Implementation of TWGs Action Plan: Three activities were planned to be implemented. Progress is reported to be on schedule on two activities. Progress is reported to be behind schedule on one activity, "CDC/CRDB and development partners secure an agreement that no new parallel PIU/PMUs will be established under new programs and projects (B.2.d.3)" because substantive discussions on this topic have not yet taken place. The TWG has reported that  as part of work on completing the OECD/DAC questionnaire on monitoring progress on Paris Declaration's Indicators, a small group of donor representatives has been tasked by CDC/CRDB to prepare an explanatory note, including the issue of  PIU/PMUs for review and approval by CDC/CRDB to facilitate the completion of the survey questionnaire.

  • Progress on Joint Monitoring Indicators: With respect to the JMI ".Implement the RGC’s Strategic Framework for Development Cooperation Management (SFDCM).", the TWG has reported that the SFDCM including the National Program to implement the SFDCM was approved by RGC on 27 January 2006.  The National Program is being implemented through a Multi Donor Support Program for Aid Coordination. Several donors have made pledges but, except for UNDP, no contribution has been made so far.

On the JMI "Prepare progress report on a six month basis the implementation of RGC's Action Plan on Harmonization, Alignment and Results", the TWG has reported that the Action Plan on Harmonization, Alignment and Managing for Results (H-A-R) based on the Paris Declaration was approved by RGC on 14 February 2006 after extensive consultation with donors and line ministries. Mechanism to follow up the implementation of the H-A-R Action Plan will be discussed at the P&H TWG meeting on 31 May 2006.

  • On the JMI " Review and strengthen aid coordination mechanisms including CG, GDCC and TWGs.", the TWG has reported that a review of the GDCC-TWG mechanism is being carried out by CDC/CRDB through an independent consultant. Once finished, the Review will document experiences and lessons learned so far in the operation of TWGs, GDCC and CG and outline the way forward.

  • Implementation status of the Action Plan on Harmonization, Alignment, and Results: the TWG has reported that action is being taken to establish a mechanism to coordinate and facilitate the implementation of the RGC's updated Action Plan on Harmonization, alignment and Results. An important agenda item of the P&H TWG meeting held on 31 May 2006 was to discuss and agree on a mechanism to coordinate and facilitate the implementation of the RGC's Action Plan on Harmonization, alignment and Results 2006-2010.

  • Resources mobilized to implement TWGs Action Plan for 2006: the TWG has reported that it has been able to mobilize resources to implement its Action Plan for 2006.

xv.     TWG:  Planning and Poverty Reduction

  • Implementation of TWGs Action Plan:  Seven activities were planned to be implemented. Progress is reported to be on schedule on six activities. Progress is reported to be behind schedule on one activity, "Organize NSDP launching and dissemination" because MOP has been waiting for formal approval of NSDP by Senate. The National Assembly has approved the NSDP on 8 May. The TWG has pointed out that an important element of NSDP implementation is for the line ministries to prepare sector and sub-national plans consistent with NSDP priorities. MOP has requested line ministries to undertake the activities and inform in case any assistance is needed from MOP. The respective TWGs should provide support to the line ministries in preparing sector and sub-national plans in time.

  • Progress on Joint Monitoring Indicators: With respect to the JMI " NSDP monitored annually" , the TWG has reported that the NSDP Monitoring Framework has been developed through interaction within Government and has been forwarded to EDPs to be discussed in the TWG core group meeting. The framework includes the time frame of reporting progress (using reporting format that covers core indicators and qualitative assessment) by LMs and agencies and preparation of NSDP annual progress report reviewing NSDP implementation.

  • Implementation status of the Action Plan on Harmonization, Alignment, and Results: the TWG has reported that action was taken to prepare NSDP monitoring framework through collaboration within government with comments from development partners during TWG core group meeting.

  • Resources mobilized to implement TWGs Action Plan for 2006: the TWG has reported that it has been able to mobilize resources to implement its Action Plan for 2006.

xvi.    TWG:  Private Sector Development

The progress and issues related to private sector development will be discussed at the Government-Private Sector Forum meeting on 21 June 2006.

xvii.   Public Administration Reform

  • Implementation of TWGs Action Plan: Eight activities were planned to be implemented. Progress is reported to be on schedule on five activities. Work on three activities is behind schedule for various practical reasons. For example, the work on "Complete information gathering on salary supplementation" is behind schedule because some donor responses were delayed. CAR will prepare a report on the responses and write to TWGs on action planning stage. The TWG has highlighted two issues: (i) the PAR TWG members recognize that the work required under the Joint Action Plan for 2006 is demanding and that there needs to be further discussion on the capacity and resources needed to meet all the priorities in the remaining time available and the PAR TWG members will work together to ensure there is a realistic plan for addressing these issues; and (ii) there is an ongoing systemic problem in resourcing PAR in an adequate, timely and predictable way. The TWG has yet to develop a solution.

  • Progress on Joint Monitoring Indicators: With respect to the JMI "Implement the approved "Joint Government-Donor Strategy for Phasing Out Salary Supplementation Practices in Cambodia" by: (a) implementing approved sectoral action plans; and (b) establishing Priority Mission Groups (PMGs), and PMG/Merit Based Pay Initiatives (PMG/MBPIs) in MEF, MOH, and at least one other ministry/agency", the TWG has reported that responses to information questionnaire have been received from some but not all donors, despite follow up. Danida has recently agreed to resource data entry in relation to the response that have been made. The slow response rate has delayed action planning, which is now underway in Education, Health and PAR sectors but needs to proceed more generally.  MBPI proposal for Health has been developed but has yet to be submitted to CAR.  Other possible MBPI  proposals are at early stages in consideration in five other Ministries.

On the JMI "Improve pay and employment conditions in the civil service by developing and implementing:  (a) a medium term strategy and action plan to enhance remuneration; and (b) a redeployment policy and action plan", the TWG has reported that two studies on remuneration and employment issues are to be conducted over the next two months before the policy development work is undertaken.


On the JMI "Design and implement an HRM policy and action plan to improve merit and performance management by introducing an HRM Guide and further developing the Human Resource Management Information System (HRMIS) for the Civil Service", the TWG has reported that the draft HRM Policy Outline and HRM Guide have been developed. Resources are being negotiated for further policy development work through AusAID. However, implementation of these new arrangements, planned for  later in the year, has yet to be resourced.


On the JMI "Enhance service delivery though developing a One Window Offices (OWOs) policy, legal framework and implementation plan, including establishment of at least 5 OWOs across Cambodia", the TWG has reported that a draft Anukret on One Window Offices has been prepared and extensively consulted on within Government.  Implementation of planned One Window Offices later this year has yet to be fully resourced.

  • Implementation status of the Action Plan on Harmonization, Alignment, and Results: The TWG has reported progress in the following areas:

  1. Within the framework of NSDP, sector ministries and agencies develop sector plans and prioritized results based programs, and a sector MTEF: the TWG has noted that the National Public Administration Reform Plan is in place. Governance Action Plan No 2 recently agreed by Government.  CAR Work Plan is also in place.

  2. All sector plans and development programs/projects include an assessment of the existing capacity gaps and a capacity development plan to fill the gaps to achieve targeted development results:  the TWG has noted that CAR Capacity Plan developed and is being implemented, with support from CIDA.

  3. Concerned TWGs develop an implement an action plan to strengthen the technical and policy capacity of relevant institutions to carry out environmental analysis and to enforce legislation.: the TWG has noted that this is part of the CAR Capacity Plan.

  • Resources mobilized to implement TWGs Action Plan for 2006: The TWG has reported that it has not been able to mobilize the resources needed to implement its Action Plan for 2006.

xviii.  TWG:  Public Financial Management

  • Implementation of TWGs Action Plan: The TWG had planned to implement 254 actions of which progress is on schedule on 217 (85 percent). Progress on 37 actions is behind schedule for the following main reasons:

  1. It is taking longer than expected to coordinate within MEF departments and between MEF and relevant institutions.

  2. Certain activities are pending completion of pre-requisite activities.

  3. Procurement for services has taken longer time than planed (e.g. in selection of appropriate consultants).

  4. Requirement to meet emerging needs for additional technical assistance within the context of a capacity development strategy.

The TWG has recommended that:

  1. To further improve coordination both within MEF’s departments and with related institutions, and decision making process.

  2. To finalize TA coordination and recruitment strategy.

  3. To develop fast track procurement of goods and services in priority activities.

  4. To finalize the action plan and time frame of the priority areas (capacity development, streamlining of payment process, revenue forecasting, budget integration, cash management and MBPI administration) need to be completed for the Platform 1, as agreed during the annual review.

The TWG has also highlighted the need for enhanced coordination among donors, TA providers and Government related to Public Financial Management reforms. Key areas related to this are: (i) need to ensure that PFM related reforms being considered and/or implemented in line ministries be endorsed by MEF. This is to ensure that the PFMRP is not compromised; (ii) need to ensure that PFM proposals from Donors that conflict with current Government policy and /or commitments be addressed in the first instance in the DPC and then in the TWG; and (iii) need to ensure that work of in-country TA are coordinated in way that ensures the delivery of consistent and non-conflicting advice.  

  • Progress on Joint Monitoring Indicators: With respect to the JMI "Continue implementing the RGC's PFM Reform Program (complete Stage1/Platform 1 and begin implementing the action plan for Stage 2) and monitor impact through the agreed PFM Performance Management Framework/Indicators" the TWG has reported that: (i) the draft of action plan to complete Stage 1/ Platform 1 and for stage 2 were done and are going to be finalized and implemented until the end of 2006; (ii) following the Annual Review retreat of the PFMRP, revised PFM PI’s for 2006 have been drafted. MEF consultation internally and with development partners is ongoing. Discussion with key stakeholders on PI Indicator # 4, related to PFM related indictors for MoH and MoEYS, has commenced; and (iii) revising Consolidated Action Plan (CAP) and developing strategic plan for completing Platform 1 and preparing action plan for Platform 2.  

  • Implementation status of the Action Plan on Harmonization, Alignment, and Results: The TWG has reported progress in the following areas:

  • Building on established donor coordination arrangements between donors, government and TA providers: the TWG has reported that the coordination committees generally functioning well. There remains some room for improvement in donor and TA coordination related to FMIS issues.

  • Progressed fund pooling arrangements under the PFMRP though the MDTF and the future PFMAP- IDA grant:  the TWG has reported that SWAp like arrangements established to allow pooling of funds under one special account.

  • All performance results targets used by development partners are founded on PFMRP performance monitoring framework: the TWG has reported that Poverty Reduction Support Operation (PRSO), MDTF, and Public Financial Management and Accountability Project (PFMAP) Indictors aligned with PFMRP.

  • Harmonized procurement and financial management manuals: the TWG has reported that Training on manual/s has been delivered.

  • Harmonization of and integration of donor project reporting and administration: the TWG has reported that building on work of CDC, Department of Investment and Cooperation (DIC) is mobilizing TA to support development of systems to develop and automate a harmonized approach to donor project reporting and administration.

  • Resources mobilized to implement TWGs Action Plan for 2006: the TWG has reported that it has been able to mobilize resources to implement its Action Plan for 2006.

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