Remarks of Douglas Gardner
UN Resident Coordinator (delivered on behalf of development partners)
at GDCC Meeting on June 14, 2006


H.E. Keat Chhon
Senior Minister of Economy
and Finance and First Vice Chairman of CDC

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

On behalf of your development partners, I wish to share the following comments on the national response to the issue of corruption. Having provided input at earlier GDCC’s and CG’s, today we address this topic through four appreciative inquiries to understand better the status of developments.:

  1. Could an update on the draft law’s status and the probability of its submission (as per the JMI) to the National Assembly for debate and enactment be provided? Due to the importance of this issue, we would encourage that this law be advanced to meet the agreed JMI time frame and “international best practices” as mentioned in the NSDP (2006-20 10).

  2. Could the status and your views be advised on the inclusion in the draft law of four points considered critical to the success of the law during its implementation: ie: the Independence of the Anti-Corruption Body, the Powers of the Investigative authority, Asset Declaration, and Criminal Offences?

  3. Earlier versions of the draft law had provisions related to private sector corruption. These provisions were absent from the draft as of 17 March, 2006 -- but may have been reinstated in a later version. Could the thinking on this issue of private sector corruption and its status in the present draft law be clarified?

  4. Could you advise the government officials and institutions with whom we should be working on the draft law? There were some recent changes and we would be grateful for your advise on this.

In conclusion, The Prime Minister has spoken out regularly on the issue of fighting corruption including his most recent remarks at the inauguration of the MONSARI building on May 29, 2006. Many of your development partners were there. His comments were clear and encouraging. Building on that speech and other key policy directives on corruption. including the Rectangular Strategy and the NSDP, our hope is that through the implementation of an effective law on corruption, Cambodia can register significant gains in such diverse areas as: poverty reduction; increased investments and related jobs for young people; increased Government revenues to pay teachers and health workers; increased integrity on land issues; and more on a long list.

We not only encourage this draft law to be passed but also stand ready to help in its implementation if the Government should so wish.                         Thank you.

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