Six Month Progress Report of the Joint
Technical Working Groups
For the Period: December 2005 - May 2006
This questionnaire on progress made by each Joint Technical Working
Group is requested by the Secretariat of the Government-Donor
Coordination Committee (GDCC). It should be completed and submitted to
the Secretariat of the GDCC before
29 May 2006.
It will be used to prepare a summary progress report for the seventh
GDCC Meeting scheduled to be held on 14 June 2006. Please return the
completed questionnaire to H.E. Mr. Chhieng Yanara at CDC/CRDB in both
soft and hard copies.
TWG: Agriculture and Water
A. Progress in Implementing TWG's Action Plans
Please list below activities in the Action Plans that
were scheduled to be implemented during the last six months (December
2005 to May 2006) and provide an update on implementation
status of these
Status |
On Schedule |
Behind Schedule |
If behind
schedule, reasons for delay/notes for CDC information |
Recommendations for GDCC Consideration, if any |
Further develop
the TWG as an effective vehicle for planning and coordination of the
work of MAFF, MOWRAM and Donors |
ü |
The TWG is
functioning effectively with regular meetings, a secretariat and
workpan in place. |
Jointly develop
(i) medium term strategy and (ii) sectoral program framework for
agriculture and water (intersection between MAFF and MOWRAM
mandates), building on existing MAFF and MOWRAM strategic documents
as well as recently released NSDP |
All key targets
have been met including preliminary planning activities; strategic
profiling; and development, translation, and consultation relating
to the Strategic Profiles and Strategy Options and Structure
reports. Input from a stakeholder workshop is being used to revise
the Strategy Report and re-plan the remaining process. Endorsement
of this approach is to be sought at the TWGAW meeting of 2 June.
Donors have contributed about $60,000 for this activity, although
$18,000 remains outstanding. (see JMIs below) |
Provision and
exchange of information related to TWGAW mandate and activities |
ü |
preparation has been undertaken for the TWGAW website, with the
provider having just been selected. Land concession information is
being made available through the MAFF website, and was last updated
in March (see JMIs below) |
Note: a small
delay has occurred in establishment of the TWGAW website, but this
has not impacted on land concession reporting. |
Understand and
enhance links between agricultural extension and water management
for agricultural activities |
There has been
good progress in agricultural extension and water management
studies, with the only minor outstanding issue being a study on FWUC
as vectors for which facilitation resources have not yet been
identified. |
sustainable management and development of irrigation activities |
The joint
review and sharing of experiences around management, operation and
maintenance of rehabilitated irrigation schemes has occurred,
culminating in a workshop and with a related report now in
preparation. |
Note: two mini-
projects have been postponed indefinitely due to the absence of
trainees to undertake them. |
Are there any other
issues affecting the implementation of TWG Action Plan that it would
like to submit for GDCC's consideration.
No issues identified.
B. Progress on Joint Monitoring Indicators
there are any Joint Monitoring Indicator(s) agreed at the 8th
CG Meeting held in March 2006 that fall within the mandate of this
TWG, please list the JMIs below and indicate progress that has been
made toward achieving the JMI targets.
Monitoring Indicator |
What is the
current implementation status? What are the constraints that you
are experiencing, if any? What recommendations do you have, for
GDCC consideration to resolve the identified constraints? |
develop a medium term strategy for agriculture and water building
on the NSDP and existing MAPP and MOWRAM strategy documents |
During this
period all key targets have been met, commencing with the
preparation of an initiative inception note with agreed TOR,
process, methodology and workplan. This was followed by strategic
profiling, informed by a three day retreat, assembly a Strategic
Profiles document, and a further Strategy Team Retreat. A donor
pledging meeting and other negotiations attracted over $60,000 in
resources for the progressing this initiative, although $18,000
remains to be identified. A report was developed addressing
strategy options and structure (Draft Report 1). This report,
along with the Strategic Profiles report, was translated and
distributed and a major stakeholder workshop held. On the basis
of input from this workshop, Strategy Report 1 is being revised
and a re-planning process undertaken. Endorsement of the report
and revised process is to be sought at the TWGAW meeting of 2
June. |
Establish a
mechanism and periodically disseminate information on economic
land concessions in accordance with the notice issued by the Prime
Minister of 30 June 2005.
During this
period, information on economic land concessions (ELCs) has been
disseminated through the MAFF website ( This
website is updated quarterly, with the last update being in March.
Also including background on ELCs, it lists 35 companies with
which concession contracts have been signed, and information about
5 which have not yet signed, spanning 12 provinces. Detailed
information is provided in relation to each company's concessions,
including for example disclosure of related legal papers and
rights, a location map and co-ordinates. Information on further
concessions is to be added in June .
The TWGAW website is now scheduled to be in operation by July, and
will include land concession information and create links to the
MAFF website. |
C. Implementation Status of the Action Plan on
Harmonization, Alignment and Results
actions have you taken to implement the updated Harmonization,
Alignment, and Results Action Plan?
What are the
constraints that you are experiencing, if any?
What recommendations
do you have, for GDCC consideration to resolve the identified
Action Taken
Update |
i.Within the
framework of NSDP, sector ministries and agencies develop sector
plans and prioritized results based programs, and a sector MTEF. |
Each ministry
has sectors plans which are being taken into consideration in
current joint strategic planning. MAFF has commenced work on an
ii All sector
plans and development programs/projects include an assessment of
the existing capacity gaps and a capacity development plan to fill
the gaps to achieve targeted development results. |
This action
is being considered in current joint strategic planning, and will
be integrated within the A&W Strategy. |
iii Each TWG
prepares a plan to increase delegated cooperation within their
sector/thematic area. |
As above. |
iv Each TWG
prepares a calendar of field missions, diagnostic reviews and
studies planned by donors participating in the sector/thematic
area of the TWG. |
This is
already underway, via information being gathered for the A&W donor
data base. |
Development partners ensure that the SOPs for loan assistance and
National Operational Guidelines for grant assistance are followed
in monitoring and reporting on their programs/projects to reduce
burden on RGC implementation institutions. |
Some donors
have already adopted SOPs which are being applied in the A&W
sector (including for, example, AFD and the World Bank).
vi Concerned
TWGs develop an implement an action plan to strengthen the
technical and policy capacity of relevant institutions to carry
out environmental analysis and to enforce legislation. |
MAFF and
MOWRAM have existing strategies in relation to this, and current
joint strategic planning efforts will explore ways to facilitate
their implementation. |
D. Resource Mobilization
Has the TWG
been able to mobilize the resources to implement its Action Plan for
yes £
resources of $18,000 are required and to be sought at the upcoming TWGAW
Report endorsed by:
