Six Month Progress Report of the Joint Technical Working Groups
For the Period:  December 2005 - May 2006

This questionnaire on progress made by each Joint Technical Working Group is requested by the Secretariat of the Government-Donor Coordination Committee (GDCC). It should be completed and submitted to the Secretariat of the GDCC before 29 May 2006. It will be used to prepare a summary progress report for the seventh GDCC Meeting scheduled to be held on 14 June 2006. Please return the completed questionnaire to H.E. Mr. Chhieng Yanara at CDC/CRDB in both soft and hard copies.

TWG: Decentralization and  Deconcentration

A.    Progress in Implementing TWG's Action Plans

  1. Please list below activities in the Action Plans that were scheduled to be implemented during the last six months (December 2005 to May 2006) and provide an update on implementationstatus of these activities.

Scheduled Activities

Implementation Status

On Schedule

Behind Schedule

If behind schedule, reasons for delay

TWG Recommendations for GDCC Consideration, if any

ii. Completion of the draft organic law(s) on sub-national democratic development by the first quarter


Draft law submitted to MOI mid-May;
Translation of the law in progress

-greater than expected technical and internal policy complications in the law
- the need to include and integrate considerable detail to avoid misunderstandings and ambiguity and to guide future long-term direction.


iii. Consultations on the draft law with the IMC Task Force (TF) and other stakeholders (including the TWG on D&D)

Draft law and summaries being reviewed by MOI and consultations to commence as soon as MOI completes translation and review




iiii. Formulation by MoI of the preliminary and provisional framework/outline for implementation of D&D and organic laws


Preliminary draft of the implementation framework being reviewed MOI;
Preparatory phase component of the implementation framework set to be distributed to stakeholders by 1st week June



iv. Review and formulation of D&D support programs of donors to consider the organic laws and the recommendation of the independent study  

On-going; review and/or program design missions being deployed




v. Preliminary and provisional transition arrangements for support programs

Preparatory work on Government SNDD program formulation being started on




vi. Completion of the independent study


Report submitted April 28, 2006



vii. Review and decisions on the study by MoI

Review, discussion and decision on study by IMC done on May 18, 2006




viii. Preliminary implementation arrangements

Incorporated into the preparatory phase implementation plan




  1. Are there any other issues affecting the implementation of TWG Action Plan that it would like to submit for GDCC's consideration. 


B.    Progress on Joint Monitoring Indicators

  1. If there are any Joint Monitoring Indicator(s) agreed at the 8th CG Meeting held in March 2006 that fall within the mandate of this TWG, please list the JMIs below and indicate progress that has been made toward achieving the JMI targets. 

Joint Monitoring Indicator

What is the current implementation status? What are the constraints that you are experiencing, if any? What recommendations do you have, for GDCC consideration to resolve the identified constraints?

i. Preparation of the organic law on democratic development at sub-national levels - 1st draft of the law being reviewed by the MOI; translation of the law in progress

- Draft law being translated and reviewed by MOI;
- Consultations with IMC set to start in June

ii. D&D and organic law implementation framework prepared

- Draft implementation framework for the 4 phases being discussed and finalized by MOI;
- Detailed preparatory phase component of the implementation framework being prepared for distribution to the stakeholders including the IMC and the donors

iii. Review and formulate D&D support program for reform and investment in local development

- Preparatory work on Government SNDD program formulation being started on by MOI;
- UNDP-led donor program formulation design being finalized

C.    Implementation Status of the Action Plan on Harmonization, Alignment and Results

  1. What actions have you taken to implement the updated Harmonization, Alignment, and Results Action Plan? What are the constraints that you are experiencing, if any?

What   recommendations do you have, for GDCC consideration to resolve the identified constraints?

Action Taken








D.  Resource Mobilization

  1. Has the TWG been able to mobilize the resources to implement its Action Plan for 2006?

                                                R yes               £ no

If no, please answer the following questions:

  • What is the total amount of resources the TWG had estimated to implement its Action Plan for 2006? (in USD).................

  • What is the minimum additional amount that the TWG needs to implement its Action Plan? (in USD)...................................

  • Which development partners do you think would be able to provide the required resources?...................................................

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