Six Month Progress Report of the Joint
Technical Working Groups
For the Period: December 2005 - May 2006
This questionnaire on progress made by each Joint Technical Working
Group is requested by the Secretariat of the Government-Donor
Coordination Committee (GDCC). It should be completed and submitted to
the Secretariat of the GDCC before
29 May 2006.
It will be used to prepare a summary progress report for the seventh
GDCC Meeting scheduled to be held on 14 June 2006. Please return the
completed questionnaire to H.E. Mr. Chhieng Yanara at CDC/CRDB in both
soft and hard copies.
TWG: Education
A. Progress in Implementing TWG's Action Plans
Please list
below activities in the Action Plans that were scheduled to be
implemented during the last six months (December 2005 to May 2006) and
provide an update on implementation
status of these activities.
Activities |
Implementation Status |
On Schedule |
Schedule |
If behind
schedule, reasons for delay |
Recommendations for GDCC Consideration, if any |
i. Joint
Monitoring Indicators (JMI) |
1. Submit Annual workplan of
ü |
2. Submit JMI for the coming CG |
ü |
3. Submit Education sector
Progress/ Annual report to CG meeting |
ü |
4. Submit Quarterly/ Semester
Progress Report to CDC on JMI |
ü |
5. Regular meeting of the JTWG |
ü |
6. Endorsement of Education
Strategic Plan and Education Sector Support Program 2006-10 |
ü |
Endorsement of Education Sector Performance Report 2005
ü |
8. Review and agree upon the
scope and format of the ESSP Review / Congress 2006 |
ü |
9. Endorse Education Sector
Performance Report 2006 |
Oct 06 |
10. Agreed on Donor's report
2006 |
Oct 06 |
11. Conduct Joint ESSP 2007-2011
Review/ Congress |
Sept 06 |
12. Progress report on PAP
disbursement at Central Ministry and by Provinces |
ü |
13. Follow up on the phasing out
of individual development partner salary supplementation programs |
ü |
14. Report on PR, RR and DR and
Survival Rate |
ü |
Progress towards Education for All |
15. Follow up EFA-FTI request |
ü |
16. National EFA Mid decade
assessment |
ü |
Are there any other
issues affecting the implementation of TWG Action Plan that it would
like to submit for GDCC's consideration.
Request the presence of
senior official from the MOEF at the JTWG_ Ed meeting.
B. Progress on Joint Monitoring Indicators
If there
are any Joint Monitoring Indicator(s) agreed at the 8th CG
Meeting held in March 2006 that fall within the mandate of this
TWG, please list the JMIs below and indicate progress that has been
made toward achieving the JMI targets.
Monitoring Indicator |
What is the
current implementation status? What are the constraints that you
are experiencing, if any? What recommendations do you
have, for GDCC consideration to resolve the identified
constraints? |
i. Increase
the net enrolment in primary school (total, and by sex). |
school year 2004-05 and 2005-06 the net enrollment ratios in
primary schools were as follows:
Total net enrolment ratio decreased from 91.9% to 91.3%
Female net enrolment ratio decreased from 90.7% to 89.7%
Male net enrolment ratio increased from 92.1% to 93.0%
The decreases
in net enrolment in primary in total and for females are
disappointing. In particular, as this appears to be as a result of
increasing drop-out rates, which have increased in all grades 1-6
compared to the previous year. That said, the figures still show
some improvement on the 2003-04 the figures of: total NER 90.1%,
female NER 88.6%, and male NER 91.5%
In addition,
it should be noted that between 2004-05 and 2005-06, Gross
enrollment in primary school increased from 119.7% to 129.4%,
indicating that significantly more children are accessing
education services, but increasingly they are overage. Key reasons
for this increase include:
high rates of overage admission into grade 1, which has been
persistently high (between 30%-60% over the last 5 years)
persistently high repetition rates, which though falling still
contribute significant numbers of overage students.
will focus on these important issues in its next annual policy
review and request the GDCC support the Ministry in taking forward
its programs to address these issues |
Increase the survival rate from grades 1-6. |
2004-05 and 2005-06 the survival rates from grade 1-6 were as
Again the key
reason for this is the increase in drop-out rates over the last
year, and highlights that this issue will receive the Ministry's
highest consideration at the next policy review. The policy
review will look into existing studies and empirical data in
Cambodia to identify strategies that will prevent drop out and
minimize repetition, both of which will improve cohort survival
rate from Grades 1-6. Possible key intervention strategies
include: implementing early child development and school readiness
programmes, completing incomplete schools, promoting right-age
entry in Grade 1, providing school latrines and water facilities
and expanding access to lower secondary schools. |
C. Implementation Status of the Action Plan on
Harmonization, Alignment and Results
actions have you taken to implement the updated Harmonization,
Alignment, and Results Action Plan?
What are the
constraints that you are experiencing, if any?
What recommendations do
you have, for GDCC consideration to resolve the identified constraints?
Action Taken |
Update |
i. MoEYS has
developed a prioritized, results based sector policy in line with
MoEYS and
development partners jointly endorsed the ESP 2006-10 and
supporting operational plan ESSP 2006-10. A mid-year review of the
ESP/ESSP Policy action matrix will be conducted in July 2006.
ii. Capacity
development issues are addressed in the formulation of sector
plans |
development issues are addressed in the formulation of the ESSP
MoEYS is investigating the potential for initiating a MBPI scheme
for priority areas |
iii. RGC and
development partners use jointly agreed results-orientated
reporting and assessment framework with manageable number of
indicators |
Education Sector Performance Report and ESSP all report against
jointly agreed sector performance indicators, and joint
assessments of progress guide the formulation of subsequent ESSPs.
However, the number of indicators remains high. |
iv. RGC and
development partners are mutually accountable for development
results |
JTWG has
agreed to jointly endorse ESP, ESSP and annual Sector Performance
Reports. Potential MoEYS endorsement of donor report is under
discussion within JTWG |
D. Resource Mobilization
Has the TWG
been able to mobilize the resources to implement its Action Plan for
yes R
If no, please answer
the following questions:
What is the
total amount of resources the TWG had estimated to implement its
Action Plan for 2006? (in USD) the total annual budget for PAP 2006
was 116,505,000,000 Riels (US $29,126,250). Recurrent budget for
MoEYS in 2006 is 442,000,000,000 Riels (US $110,500,000). Unicef/Sida:
USD 5.4M, DFID: USD 1,503,278.80
What is the
minimum additional amount that the TWG needs to implement its Action
Plan? (in USD)...................................
development partners do you think would be able to provide the
required resources?...................................................
Report endorsed by:

TOR of the
Joint Technical Working Group in Education Sector (JTWG-Ed):
Role, Responsibility and Membership
Role and Responsibility
1.1 Role
A Joint Technical Working
Group in Education Sector (JTWG-Ed) is mandated as a core group of both
parties, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MOEYS) and Development
Partners to in charge of managing the performance of the Education
Sector in achieving Education For All (EFA), the Cambodia Millennium
Development Goal (CMDG), the Rectangular Strategy of the Royal
Government of Cambodia, the Harmonization and Alignment Principles as
well as, the Education Strategic Plan (ESP) and Education Sector Support
Program (ESSP), which are the main agreed key concerns of all partners.
JTWG-Edu provides guidelines to a Small Working Group (SWG), acting as
its secretariat.
1.2 Responsibility
In fulfilling its mandate the JTWG-Ed has a number of
primary duties, as follows:
Reviewing the Education Sector Policies, Strategies and
Programs when it is needed in order to response to the current
development of the country and the available resources allocated by
all sources.
Encouraging and mobilizing the available financial, technical,
material resources to support Education Sector in an effective
Reviewing and ratifying the MoEYS’s medium term ESP in liaison
with external Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) Ministries and
donor/NGO partners.
Co-ordinating and managing the production and dissemination of the
Quarterly, Annually Joint Monitoring Indicators (JMI) against the
Consultative Group (CG) benchmark.
2 Membership
letter of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport No 3890
on 28 December 2004 and No 436
on 09 February 2005 which composed of (1). MOEYS Senior Officials and
staff. (2). ESWG representatives and (3). NEP representative (See
Workplan of Joint Technical Working Group (JTWG-Ed)
Descriptions |
Jan |
Feb |
Mar |
Apr |
May |
Jun |
Jul |
Aug |
Sep |
Oct |
Nov |
Dec |
I. Joint Monitoring
Indicator (JMI) |
1. Submit Annual
workplan of JTWG to CDC |
2. Submit JMI for
the coming CG |
3. Submit Education
sector Progress/ Annual report to CG meeting |
4. Submit
Quarterly/ Semester Progress Report to CDC on JMI |
5. Regular meeting
of the JTWG |
26 |
16 |
25 |
6. Endorsement of
Education Strategic Plan and Education Sector Support Program
2006-10 |
7. Endorsement of
Education Sector Performance Report 2005 |
8. Review and agree
upon the scope and format of the ESSP Review / Congress 2006 |
9. Endorse
Education Sector Performance Report 2006 |
10. Agreed on
Donor's report 2006 |
11. Conduct Joint
ESSP 2007-2011 Review/ Congress |
12. Progress report
on PAP disbursement at Central Ministry and by Provinces |
13. Follow up on
the phasing out of individual development partner salary
supplementation programs |
14. Report on PR,
RR and DR and Survival Rate |
ii. Progress
towards Education for All |
15. Follow up
EFA-FTI request |
16. National EFA
Mid decade assessment |