Six Month Progress Report of the Joint Technical Working Groups
For the Period:  December 2005 - May 2006

This questionnaire on progress made by each Joint Technical Working Group is requested by the Secretariat of the Government-Donor Coordination Committee (GDCC). It should be completed and submitted to the Secretariat of the GDCC before 29 May 2006. It will be used to prepare a summary progress report for the seventh GDCC Meeting scheduled to be held on 14 June 2006. Please return the completed questionnaire to H.E. Mr. Chhieng Yanara at CDC/CRDB in both soft and hard copies.


TWG:  Forestry and Environment


A.    Progress in Implementing TWG's Action Plans

  1. Please list below activities in the Action Plans that were scheduled to be implemented during the last six months (December 2005 to May 2006) and provide an update on implementation status of these activities.


Scheduled Activities

Implementation Status

On Schedule

Behind Schedule

If behind schedule, reasons for delay

TWG Recommendations for GDCC Consideration, if any


Develop and implement National Forest Programme



Support process initiation late 2006

Need further donor support than from Danida


Practical implementation of forest demarcation and demarcation of protected areas



The budget plan for this activity has been sent to MEF since January 2006

Need donor support


Formulate National Forest Management Plans and manage the forests based on the plan



Task is big and takes time

- Upgrade quality of division plan
- Develop Natural Resource Management Plan
- Harmonize management with other sectors


Develop Management Plans for protected areas



Completed in Virachey National Park (NP). Other 3 NPs are on going; and the rest no fund to implement

Need budget


Forest cover assessment for 2005




Need more budget than from Danida


Studies domestic demand for forest products and potential export markets



To finalize the previous works



Continue Forest and Land  Crime Monitoring and Reporting



No fund for independent monitor (SGS)

Need budget


Define  management options for sustainable forest management in Cambodia



Proposal made will be started in 2007



Secure support and funding and implement the National Forest Gene Conservation Programs Action Plan 2006-2010



Some funding secure for 2006 - 2008

Support for 2 years in process


Implement National Community Forestry Program and develop community forestry




Need more budget


Assess and test out " Forest Partnership " in pilot communes as an alternative form of forest management and a mechanism for forest revenue to contribute to local development



Pilot in high value forest in Mondulkiri and management model from medium to degraded forest of most importance and urgently needed.



Small scale family business based on forest products promoted



Some activities made by NGOs. No national progress

No fund for extension by FA


Implement Overall Capacity Building Program



Capacity building project is on-going, but the rest no support to implement



Install web site for TWG-F&E



Completed and model adopted by other TWGs



Tree planting for socio-economic purposes and environmental services by multiple stakeholders



Not yet planting season. Producing 12.50 million seedlings



Processing techniques for value added products and innovative products promoted



No fund



Capacity building project for forestry sector phase II






Capacity building tree seed sector and apply for funding and continuation




Project terminates by 30 June 2006 and transfers to support TWG.

  1. Are there any other issues affecting the implementation of TWG Action Plan that it would like to submit for GDCC's consideration?

  1. Fund – TWG Work Plan is insufficient covered.

  2. Information sharing form stakeholders to TWG Secretariat needs attention and improvement.

  3. More donor back-up and attention for TWG meeting is required.

  4. Alignment of financial support through the TWG mechanism is required. Still much technical assistance and information is by-passing the TWG.

B.    Progress on Joint Monitoring Indicators

  1. If there are any Joint Monitoring Indicator(s) agreed at the 8th CG Meeting held in March 2006 that fall within the mandate of this TWG, please list the JMIs below and indicate progress that has been made toward achieving the JMI targets.


Joint Monitoring Indicator

What is the current implementation status? What are the constraints that you are experiencing, if any? What recommendations do you have, for GDCC consideration to resolve the identified constraints?


Strengthening the enforcement of the Forestry Law, especially combating forest land clearing and encroachment

-  The RGC issued the order to provincial governors to take back the forest land
   Lack of means and financial support for this activity for the FA


Rationalizing and reclassify national forest lands to ensure sustainable use of these resources by further forest demarcation/demarcation of protected areas

The budget plan for this activity has been sent to MEF since January 2006


Completing Forest Cover Assessment 2005/2006

On-going. No major problems


Implementing Community Forestry program and develop Community Forestry

The Community Forestry (CF) Guideline has been sent to MAFF for review and approval. Now there is a new CF project to be implemented by FA and RECOFTC.


Implementing capacity building for forestry sector program/tree planting for socio-economic purposes

-   Capacity Building: On schedule

-    Tree Planting: Statistics will be available after planting season


Independent Monitoring in the forestry sector (Subject to donor grant funding)

No fund for implementing.


Strengthen transparency by disseminating all relevant sector information on the activities of government agencies, including information on mining concession and military development zones, as well as donors and NGOs by periodically posting on TWG-F&E website

-      MIME has done the process (select a representative to be TWG-F&E member and will present a document on mining concession areas)

-      Ministry of National Defense: No response (GDCC should direct this ministry to support the general development by TWG)

-      NGOs still not fully providing information to TWG

C.    Implementation Status of the Action Plan on Harmonization, Alignment and Results

  1. What actions have you taken to implement the updated Harmonization, Alignment, and Results Action Plan? What are the constraints that you are experiencing, if any?

What   recommendations do you have, for GDCC consideration to resolve the identified constraints?


Action Taken



Development partners’ support is aligned with national development strategies, i.e. NSDP…

The NSDP is pointed out as the lead. In this regard we can only inform the forestry Administration as well as the TWG-F&E were unfortunately only to a limited extend given opportunity to involve in its formulation. So maybe a reflection on how the NSDP actually was produced, by-passing at least forestry and therefore probably also many other key institutions might be a relevant reflection before it is announced as the lead without the necessary reservations and safe guards.


Development partners make increasing use of strengthened Cambodian institutions, systems and procedures as they attain mutually agreed standards.

The Action Plan refers to partnerships and local priorities. However, the terminology used indicates a lot of donor language, more than usual, in this process.


RGC’s capacity to plan, manages, implement, and account for results of policies and programs strengthened with development partners’ support.

The Action Plan touches upon series of fundamentals of which have worked very efficient and productive.  The Forestry Administration has good experiences with implementation of individual projects. A quick abandon PIU/PMU mechanisms entirely could result in that government agencies loose opportunities for attracting and implementing donor supported projects.
It is recommended that real sector programme (with no parallel structures) through line agencies which will and can assist the government in its long term goals are promoted and that new methodologies are implemented in a controlled manner.

D.  Resource Mobilization

  1. Has the TWG been able to mobilize the resources to implement its Action Plan for 2006?

                                           £ yes               R no

If no, please answer the following questions:

  • What is the total amount of resources the TWG had estimated to implement its Action Plan for 2006? (in USD)................. 18.49 million

  • What is the minimum additional amount that the TWG needs to implement its Action Plan? (in USD) ..................................  5.33 million

  • Which development partners do you think would be able to provide the required resources? JICA, DANIDA, GTZ, FAO, UNDP, DFID, EU, AFD, USAID.

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