Six Month Progress Report of the Joint
Technical Working Groups
For the Period: December 2005 - May 2006
This questionnaire on progress made by each Joint Technical Working
Group is requested by the Secretariat of the Government-Donor
Coordination Committee (GDCC). It should be completed and submitted to
the Secretariat of the GDCC before
29 May 2006.
It will be used to prepare a summary progress report for the seventh
GDCC Meeting scheduled to be held on 14 June 2006. Please return the
completed questionnaire to H.E. Mr. Chhieng Yanara at CDC/CRDB in both
soft and hard copies.
TWG: Private Sector Development (PSD)
A. Progress in Implementing TWG's Action Plans
Please list
below activities in the Action Plans that were scheduled to be
implemented during the last six months (December 2005 to May 2006) and
provide an update on implementation
status of these
Activities |
Implementation Status |
On Schedule |
Schedule |
If behind
schedule, reasons for delay |
Recommendations for GDCC Consideration, if any |
ii. |
iii. |
iv. |
v. |
vi. |
vii. |
Are there any other
issues affecting the implementation of TWG Action Plan that it would
like to submit for GDCC's consideration.
B. Progress on Joint Monitoring Indicators
If there
are any Joint Monitoring Indicator(s) agreed at the 8th CG
Meeting held in March 2006 that fall within the mandate of this
TWG, please list the JMIs below and indicate progress that has been
made toward achieving the JMI targets.
Monitoring Indicator |
What is the
current implementation status? What are the constraints that you
are experiencing, if any? What recommendations do you have, for
GDCC consideration to resolve the identified constraints? |
1. To strengthen Trade Facilitation:
adopt and use a Single Administrative Document (SAD) under the
Asycuda system. |
discussion |
2. Adopt and publish the inter-agency administrative agreements
among all the relevant agencies on procedures and guidelines for
the inspection and clearance of imported and exported goods. |
discussion |
3. Draft and
adopt a sub-decree on trade facilitation through a risk management
approach to inspections and clearance of imports and exports of
goods, specifying the Customs and Excise Department (CED) as the
lead agency for all types of inspections (documentary, physical,
and electronic). |
discussion |
4. Prepare and adopt regulations (Prakas) clarifying registration
procedures and documentary requirements, specifying procedures for
amending Articles of Incorporation, clarifying the minimum
requirements for Articles of Incorporation based on the Law on
Commercial Enterprises, specifying requirements and procedures for
annual declarations, and establishing procedures for
decentralization of business registration. |
To be
finalized soon |
5. Streamline and simplify all license requirements impacting SMEs. |
To be
finalized soon |
6. Establish
and make fully operational the "one-stop service" (OSS) in all
Special Economic Zones (SEZs) consistent with the trade
facilitation reforms to reduce both the time for, and cost of,
trade clearance procedures, including the adoption of the SAD and
the adoption of a risk management approach to inspections and
clearance of goods. |
discussion |
C. Implementation Status of the Action Plan on
Harmonization, Alignment and Results
actions have you taken to implement the updated Harmonization,
Alignment, and Results Action Plan?
What are the
constraints that you are experiencing, if any?
What recommendations
do you have, for GDCC consideration to resolve the identified
Action Taken |
Update |
i. |
ii. |
iii. |
D. Resource Mobilization
Has the TWG
been able to mobilize the resources to implement its Action Plan for
yes £
If no, please answer
the following questions:
What is the
total amount of resources the TWG had estimated to implement its
Action Plan for 2006? (in USD).................
What is the
minimum additional amount that the TWG needs to implement its Action
Plan? (in USD)...................................
development partners do you think would be able to provide the
required resources?...................................................
Report endorsed by:
