for the period of
DECEMBER 2004 - MAY 2005

1.    The main purpose of this report is to present a succinct summary of the progress that has been reported by the TWGs in implementing their Action Plans and issues raised by the TWGs that require decision/action by the GDCC. This report includes three tables. The first table presents for each TWG a summary of progress that has been made in implementing TWG's Action Plan and progress on any JMIs that are in the area of responsibility of the TWG. The operational issues that have been raised by the TWGs are highlighted in this table for decision/action by the GDCC. Table two, that is organized by JMIs agreed at the December 2004 CG Meeting, presents a summary of progress reported by concerned TWGs on each JMI. It highlights the institutional issues that have been raised by TWGs for decision/action by the GDCC. If these institutional issues can not be resolved at GDCC then they will be forwarded to higher levels for decision. Finally, the third table presents information on membership of each TWG that the Secretariat of GDCC had as of end of May 2005. In those instances where this information may be out of date, the TWGs are encouraged to provide updated information to the Secretary General of GDCC through the Chair of the TWG as soon as possible.

2.    Overall, the TWGs are making steady progress. In view of the fact that the newly established joint TWGs and the GDCC mechanism represent a fundamental change in the institutional set up for planning, managing and monitoring progress on the implementation of development assistance, it is not surprising that some TWGs are experiencing start up problems either in getting organized and/or securing resources to implement their planned activities. The Royal Government is confident, however, that as line ministries gain experience and the development partners adjust to working in an environment of joint/shared responsibility, the joint TWGs will find solutions to any problems that they may encounter, such as mobilizing resources to implement their Action Plan and/or support for capacity development of institution or institutions responsible for implementing the Action Plan.


Secretariat of GDCC
June 11, 2005


1.    TWG:  Agriculture and Water

TWGs Action Plan

Joint Monitoring Indicators

Progress in Implementing TWGs Action Plan Activities

Issues for GDCC Decision/Action


Status of Progress

Issues for GDCC Decision/Action

The TWG had planned to implement five activities. It has agreed to establish a Secretariat. The TWG has reported satisfactory progress on three activities.

Progress on two activities is reported to be not satisfactory. The TWG has highlighted:

  • the need for Secretariat to be fully functional as soon as possible;

  • the need for strengthened government leadership in the in the planned taskforces as well as decisions on membership of the taskforces; and

  • lack of clarity about the link between planning processes and how government/donors will work together on these processes.





The Chair of GDCC may wish to ask the Chair of the TWG and the Donor Lead Coordinator for the TWG to elaborate on the issues and options to move forward in this critical sector.

1.  Pass/enact key laws ....................     Joint development of a medium term sector strategy for agriculture, including irrigated agriculture, has been commenced by March 2005, with an overall policy and strategic framework completed by December 2005

2.   Maintain suspension/moratorium on ........ new economic land concessions pending completion of applicable review processes and/or  a legal framework.

3.  Increase transparency of state management of natural resources through immediate public disclosure of existing contracts and compliance status (royalties and other key provisions) of contracts governing economic land concessions, .......




The TWG has pointed out that:

  • developing an agricultural strategy requires a cross-ministry approach but mechanisms for this are not yet in place;

  • there is lack of clarity about links between planning processes and how government/donors will work together;

  • Strengthened government leadership is required.

In view of lack of progress to-date, the TWG has recommended that consideration should be given to reviewing the timeline and/or redefining objective to aim to develop program approaches for one or two key sub-sectors rather than whole sector strategy.

The TWG has reported that there is no suspension on new economic concessions. However, MAFF has cancelled economic land concessions of 16 companies covering 123, 680 ha, and plan to cancel contracts of another 13 companies with 103,150 ha of land concessions.

The TWG has reported that, "Recently, we have no public disclosure of existing contracts, however we provide if has required from contractors. Existing contracts have only paid deposit fee and they have not yet paid royalties.
With this regard, MAFF has requested to RGC to establish a committee to review the performances of land concession implementation".

It has also identified lack of legal framework and the absence of a committee to implement royalties as constraints.



The Chair of GDCC may wish to ask MAFF on how it plans to resolve the issues raised by the TWG.

The TWG has recommended:

  • Strengthen mechanism of implementation of land policy and land concessions policy frameworks.

  • Establish committee to review and evaluate the compliance status of contract land concession.

The Chair of GDCC may wish to ask the Chair of TWG on who should take the lead and responsibility for implementing the recommendations.


2.    TWG:  Decentralization and Deconcentration

TWGs Action Plan

Joint Monitoring Indicators

Progress in Implementing TWGs Action Plan Activities

Issues for GDCC Decision/Action


Status of Progress

Issues for GDCC Decision/Action

The TWG Action Plan had two activities on which satisfactory progress has been reported.








1.  The RGC National Policies, Strategic Framework, Action Plan finalized by end of March 2005 and submitted to COM for approval.

2.   The first draft prepared for consultation of the D&D organic Laws on the Management of Provincial & District, Municipalities and the Capital, produced within the D&D strategic framework.

The draft D&D National Strategic Framework was prepared, reviewed at highest levels of RGC, and discussed at a national workshop opened by Prime Minister and Chaired by Deputy Prime Minister. The final draft is now under preparation.

An Inter-ministerial Committee has been established and is now operational to formulate an Organic Law on sub-national governance system.



3.    TWG:  Education

TWGs Action Plan

Joint Monitoring Indicators

Progress in Implementing TWGs Action Plan Activities

Issues for GDCC Decision/Action


Status of Progress

Issues for GDCC Decision/Action

The TWG planned to implement
seven activities. Satisfactory progress is reported for all seven activities. 




Timely disbursements of the budget for Health and Education as agreed in the  PFM Action Plan.

The TWG has reported that as of April 30, 2005, the budget disbursement for 2004 was around 35%.
TWG has suggested more negotiations with MoEF to improve cash management system.



4.    TWG:  Forestry and Environment

TWGs Action Plan

Joint Monitoring Indicators

Progress in Implementing TWGs Action Plan Activities

Issues for GDCC Decision/Action


Status of Progress

Issues for GDCC Decision/Action

The TWG planned to implement fifteen activities. Ten of these activities are on-going and satisfactory progress is being made.

One activity, Tree planting for socio-economic purposes, is waiting for planting session to start.

Progress has been delayed in the following four activities due to lack of funds:

  • Sustainability increase forestry incomes and environmental services in consistent with the real forestry potentials. 

  • Assess and test out Partnership Forestry in pilot communes as an alternative form of forest management and mechanism for forest revenue to contribute to local development.

  • Studies of market and consumption conducted

  • Develop Management plans for protected areas.  

The Chair of GDCC may wish to seek clarification from the meeting on potential source(s) of funds for the planned activities.

Maintain suspension/moratorium on logging, transport of  logs (except those which have been already inventoried and for which royalties have been paid in full), and  new economic land concessions pending completion of applicable review processes and/or  a legal framework

Increase transparency of state management of natural resources through immediate public disclosure of existing contracts and compliance status (royalties and other key provisions) of contracts governing economic land concessions, mining concessions, fishing lots and continued disclosure of status of review of forest concessions

Application of sustainable management planning, including ESIAs, investor evaluations, consultation with local communities, public disclosure and comment period prior to entering into new contracts for private use/management of state managed natural resources (land, fisheries, forestry, and mines)

RGC disclose the location and legal status and process for termination of mining concessions, Military Development Zones, economic land concession and other development arrangements situated on forest land or in protected areas and inconsistent with law governing management of these areas


The TWG has reported that wood supply might not meet the increasing domestic demand due to logging moratorium
. The Forestry Administration (FA) is considering proposing annual bidding system for forest. The proposal will be presented to TWG at next meeting.

Information on forest concession review available at Public Affairs Unit of FA.

However progress is very slow in the forest concession review process. SFMP review team by WB to be dispatched soon.

TWG is not solely responsible fro this JMI. Concerned ministries are required to disclose information.
There are still difficulties in getting such information on development in forest areas. MAFF will request the Ministry of Defense for a list of military development zones situated on forest land or protected areas.

The Chair of GDCC may wish to ask  concerned ministries, including Ministry of Defense, to disclose information.


5.    TWG:  Fisheries

TWGs Action Plan

Joint Monitoring Indicators

Progress in Implementing TWGs Action Plan Activities

Issues for GDCC Decision/Action


Status of Progress

Issues for GDCC Decision/Action

The TWG has prepared an Action Plan and a Secretariat for the TWG within DoF is being established. Ten activities were scheduled to be carried out.

On seven of these activities, the TWG has reported satisfactory progress.

Slow progress has been made on the following two activities due to lack of resources:

  • Setting up Secretariat of the TWG within DoF. The TWG reports that not sufficient donor support has materialized to properly staff the Secretariat (translation services identified as a high priority need).

  • Identify funding short fall. A report has been prepared and presented to the TWG on May 17. DFID and DANIDA have promised additional funding. It is reported by the TWG that as of now the DoF lacks sufficient funds to carry out its Action Plan for 2005 that was approved by the TWG. The TWG also reports that allocated government budget is not yet received by DoF.

Work on one activity "conduct a peer review of ADB Tonle Sap Project" has not begun because of lack of donor funding. 



The Chair of GDCC may wish to ask the meeting to consider the issue of the reported lack of resources to implement some of the planned TWG activities, including the availability of resources allocated in the government budget.

Pass/enact key laws and sub decrees, governing natural resources management, including fisheries law and community fisheries sub decree (rollover), .........

Increase transparency of state management of natural resources through immediate public disclosure of existing contracts and compliance status (royalties and other key provisions) of contracts governing ..... fishing lots .....

Application of sustainable management planning, including ESIAs, investor evaluations, consultation with local communities, public disclosure and comment period prior to entering into new contracts for private use/management of state managed natural resources (land, fisheries, forestry, and mines).

Draft Fisheries Law has been sent to the National Assembly.

The Community Fisheries Sub-Decree was approved by the Council of Ministers on 20 May 2005 and is awaiting Royal consent.

The TWG has reported that names of existing concessions can be obtained from DoF and Donor and NGO representatives are welcome during the bidding process of new concessions.

The TWG has reported that DoF has organized fishing lots bidding every year in July and August.

The GDCC may wish to seek further clarification on the response from the TWG on this indicator.


6.    TWG:  Food Security and Nutrition

TWGs Action Plan

Joint Monitoring Indicators

Progress in Implementing TWGs Action Plan Activities

Issues for GDCC Decision/Action


Status of Progress

Issues for GDCC Decision/Action

The TWG had planned to implement seven activities.  Satisfactory progress has been made on five activities. The following two activities have encountered delays:

  • Streamline the existing key indicators that will be tracked by the TWG.  The TWG has reported that establishing appropriate indicators will be easier once the Food Security Atlas has been completed.

  • Through participation in the relevant working groups and sharing information on food security, advocate the pursuit of activities leading to improved FSN. The TWG has noted that little attention is given by the TWGs to the impact of their activities on FSN.

The TWG has reported that "Many TWGFSN members belong to other TWGs where they represent their ministries/ organization. This is a unique opportunity to ensure that indicators relevant to FSN are tracked by the relevant “active” WG, e.g. the TWG on agriculture to have an indicator on agricultural production; the TWG HIV/Aids to have an indicator on mortality rate; TWG on Health to have an indicator on mortality rate for children under 5; the TWG on Education to have an indicator on school attendance, disaggregated by sex, etc.".

The Chair of GDCC may wish to seek feedback from concerned TWGs.





7.    TWG:  Gender

TWGs Action Plan

Joint Monitoring Indicators

Progress in Implementing TWGs Action Plan Activities

Issues for GDCC Decision/Action


Status of Progress

Issues for GDCC Decision/Action

The TWG planned to implement eighteen activities.  Satisfactory progress has been made on twelve of these activities.

Progress has been delayed in five activities due to:

  • Lack of resources in the case of:

  • Promotion of MoWA Credit Program into MFI.

  • Gender responsive laws and legal code.

  • Support for victims including provision of shelter.

Information not available from MOH on:

  • Maternal mortality

  • Infant mortality.

No information of progress for activity 4.1 (Reproductive Health Promotion) has been reported

The Chair of GDCC may wish to ask the meeting about funding issues and availability of information on maternal and infant mortality from MOH.

  Gender, Poverty and HIV/AIDS to be treated as cross cutting issues to be addressed under the broader umbrella of formulating the next 5 year National Strategic Development Plan for 2006-2010

  Gender Equality: Put in place the Legal Framework for Protection

  • Draft Domestic Violence Law is adopted by the Council of Ministers and submitted to the National Assembly and a Prevention Plan adopted

  •  Draft Anti Trafficking Law is adopted by the Council of Ministers and submitted to the National Assembly and a Prevention Plan adopted.

 Work is on-going. TWG has reported that some ministries lack understanding of issues.

Domestic Violence Law passed by COM and is now with the National Assembly.

Returned by MOJ to COM following review and amendments.

TWG has suggested "Development Gender Mainstreaming Action Groups and development of Action Plans in line ministries"
The Chair of GDCC may wish to seek clarification from TWG on who should take the lead and responsibility for implementing this suggestion.


8.    TWG:  Health

TWGs Action Plan

Joint Monitoring Indicators

Progress in Implementing TWGs Action Plan Activities

Issues for GDCC Decision/Action


Status of Progress

Issues for GDCC Decision/Action

The TWG has prepared an Action Plan and a new TWGH Secretariat has been formally established. Nine activities were planned to be carried out and the TWG has judged progress to be satisfactory.

However, the TWG has also identified delays and issues to move forward in the following areas:

  • Harmonisation and alignment in the health sector. More improvement needed in the technical quality of the Annual Operational Plan, no clear decision regarding MTEF and 3-year rolling plan, and a failure to produce the updated MTEF due to lack of data from partners.

  • Key strategic sector issues. Delay in moving forward on some priorities set during the JAPR.

  • Secretarial support to TWG. There is satisfactory partners commitment to build capacity, but the need remains in identifying links between TWGH and various working groups, and the peer review process.

  • MOH Budge disbursement. Need to have clear mechanism for common agreed figures between MOH and MOEF.

  • Monitor follow up of JSPR outcome. Delay in moving forward the priorities set during the JSPR.

The Chair of GDCC may wish to ask the TWG to elaborate on issues that GDCC could resolve.

Timely disbursements of the budget for Health and Education as agreed in the PFM Action Plan.



The issue has not been discussed by TWG.













9.    TWG:  HIV/AIDS

TWGs Action Plan

Joint Monitoring Indicators

Progress in Implementing TWGs Action Plan Activities

Issues for GDCC Decision/Action


Status of Progress

Issues for GDCC Decision/Action

TWG did not submit a completed questionnaire sent by CDC.

It has reported that TWG has been established and TORs finalized. It has provided information on "Progress on Defined Tasks" and reported satisfactory progress on these tasks.




Gender, Poverty and HIV/AIDS to be treated as cross cutting issues to be addressed under the broader umbrella of formulating the next 5 year National Strategic Development Plan for 2006-2010.




The TWG report includes a "Result Matrix for each relevant Line Ministry or Government Agency in the TWG on Planning" that identifies the following constraints to achieving goals:

  • Dissemination; awareness of key stakeholders, enforcement

  • Complex multi-sectoral process involving several ministries, and development partners.

  • Unwillingness of partners to share information; difficult to define HIV/AIDS portion in wider reproductive health/development programs.




10.    TWG:  Infrastructure Regional Integration

TWGs Action Plan

Joint Monitoring Indicators

Progress in Implementing TWGs Action Plan Activities

Issues for GDCC Decision/Action


Status of Progress

Issues for GDCC Decision/Action

The TWG planned to implement six activities.  Satisfactory progress has been made on three activities. On the following three activities delays have been reported:

  • Transport Sector Strategy, TSS, (MPWT). There is a delay in consultant selection, 2nd request has been submitted to ADB for re-advertisement

  • Road Maintenance Strategy (MPWT). It requires coordination with on-going JICA project. Completion is expected by the end of 2005.

  • Royal Decree of Rural Electricity of Renewal Power (MIME) was to be established in April 2005 with implementation of REF in May 2005. This process has been delayed because of difficulties in the selection of REF Board members from ministries and stakeholders.










11.    TWG:  Land

TWGs Action Plan

Joint Monitoring Indicators

Progress in Implementing TWGs Action Plan Activities

Issues for GDCC Decision/Action


Status of Progress

Issues for GDCC Decision/Action

The TWG has prepared an action plan with eight activities and has reported satisfactory progress on these activities.  






The TWG has highlighted parts of the JMI's that it believes fall within the area of this TWG.

i. Pass/enact key laws and sub decrees, governing natural resources management, including fisheries law, and community fisheries sub decree (rollover), state land management and economic land concessions sub decrees and enforcement of Article 18 of Land Law, that private sales transactions on state lands are illegal and hence should not be validated by officials. Joint development of a medium term sector strategy for agriculture, including irrigated agriculture, has been commenced by March 2005, with an overall policy and strategic framework completed by December 2005.

ii. Maintain suspension/moratorium on logging, transport of logs (except those which have been already inventoried and for which royalties have been paid in full), and new economic land concessions pending completion of applicable review processes and/or legal framework.

iii. Increase transparency of state management of natural resources through immediate public disclosure of existing contracts and compliance status (royalties and key provisions) of contracts governing land concessions, mining concessions, fishing lots and continued disclosure of status of review of forest concessions.

iv. Application of sustainable management planning, including ESIAs, investor evaluations, consultation with local communities, public disclosure and comment period prior to entering into new contracts for private use/management of state managed natural resources (land, fisheries, forestry, and mines).

v. RGC disclose the location  and legal status and process for termination of mining concessions, Military Development Zones, economic land concessions and other development arrangements situated on forest land in protected areas and inconsistent with law governing management of these areas.

Lack of Clarity on reporting responsibilities has been identified as a constraint on making progress.

The TWG has reported that the process will take time to acquire necessary knowledge and consent.  Discussion on article 18 is ongoing, however, the TWG would like clarification on the role of MLMUPC and MOI.







The Chair of GDCC may wish to seek clarification from the meeting on which ministries and agencies are responsible for different elements of the JMI's.

With respect to Article 18, the Chair of GDCC may wish to seek clarification from representatives of MLMUPC and MOI on the issue.


12.    TWG:  Legal and Judicial Reform

TWGs Action Plan

Joint Monitoring Indicators

Progress in Implementing TWGs Action Plan Activities

Issues for GDCC Decision/Action


Status of Progress

Issues for GDCC Decision/Action

The TWG had planned to implement six activities.  These activities have either been implemented or have made satisfactory progress.

The TWG has reported that, "Despite GDCC documents referring to the anti-corruption law as outside of the scope of this TWG, the LJR TWG agreed to maintain monitoring role for anti-corruption as it is not covered in other TWGs and will request a regular report from MoNASRI".


The existing draft law on anti-corruption shall be brought into compliance with international best practice [such as reflected in the United Nations Convention against Corruption or other instruments] – pending agreement on wording

Fundamental Legal Framework Adoption of the drafts of the 8 fundamental laws by the Council of Ministers and submission to the National Assembly as a matter of urgency:

 Drafting of the amendment of the draft anti-corruption law is underway within MoNASRI and is planned to be submitted to CoM by end August.


Fundamental legal framework
Drafting of Laws is progressing in CoJ and MoJ. Two subgroups have met and reported on progress.



13.    TWG:  Mine Action

TWGs Action Plan

Joint Monitoring Indicators

Progress in Implementing TWGs Action Plan Activities

Issues for GDCC Decision/Action


Status of Progress

Issues for GDCC Decision/Action

The TWG planned to implement six activities. Five of these activities have been achieved and progress is being made on the sixth activity.

The TWG is on track in achieving the main 2005 objective of a functional and fully resourced coordinating authority for the Mine Action sector in Cambodia.













14.    TWG:  Partnership and Harmonization

TWGs Action Plan

Joint Monitoring Indicators

Progress in Implementing TWGs Action Plan Activities

Issues for GDCC Decision/Action


Status of Progress

Issues for GDCC Decision/Action

The TWG Action Plan has five activities.  The TWG has reported satisfactory progress on all activities.









Implement--and monitor implementation progress on a six monthly basis—the Harmonization Action Plan and the Partnership Principles.


  • Cambodia's report on progress toward enhanced aid effectiveness was prepared and presented at the High Level Forum in Paris (28 February-2 March 2005).

  • The UNDP Support Program at CDC/CRDB has allocated resources for supporting TWGs that need assistance in implementing the Action Plan on Harmonization and Alignment.

  • The six-month progress report on the implementation of the Action Plan on Harmonization and Alignment is being prepared.





15.    TWG:  Planning and Poverty Reduction

TWGs Action Plan

Joint Monitoring Indicators

Progress in Implementing TWGs Action Plan Activities

Issues for GDCC Decision/Action


Status of Progress

Issues for GDCC Decision/Action

The TWG has reported that six activities have been implemented.  Satisfactory progress has been made on two activities while delays on the following four activities have been reported:

  • TA to support the preparation of NSD. The TWG has reported that recruitment of NSDP Advisor has not yet been finalized.

  • Organizing technical meeting to present and discuss NSDP related institutional arrangements and technical issues. Technical meetings with line ministries have been organized but they still seem to be struggling with filling up the Results Matrix.

  • Preparation of sectoral matrices. Work on consolidating matrices is delayed due to late submissions from line ministries.

  • Organizing consultation workshop (government, donors, NGOs, private sector) to discuss development priority goals and constraints to achieve these goals, listed in the results matrix. The consultation workshop will be organized once the consolidation of the matrix is completed.


The Chair of GDCC may wish to ask the Chair of the TWG whether or not the reported delays are likely to affect the time table for the preparation of NSDP.






16.    TWG:  Private Sector Development

TWGs Action Plan

Joint Monitoring Indicators

Progress in Implementing TWGs Action Plan Activities

Issues for GDCC Decision/Action


Status of Progress

Issues for GDCC Decision/Action

The TWG planned to implement four activities and has reported satisfactory progress on these activities.







1.   The Government will establish a single entry point, or Single Window, that will allow parties involved in trade to fulfill the documentary requirements for import or export in a single transaction.  Multiple interactions with agencies will be replaced by information sharing within Government.  This will be achieved as a key step toward an automated Single Window process including CED and other relevant agencies.

2.   The revised PPI process articulated in the draft Law on Concessions will be adopted by the Council of Ministers and submitted to the National Assembly during 2005.   Implementing Regulations will be issued by June 2005. Beginning June 2005, any new PPI deals will be done in conformity with the law as submitted to the National Assembly and the implementing regulations.

3.    The Council of Ministers will approve an SME development framework, including a definition of SMEs to be used among all Government agencies, developed by the SME committee and in coordination and consultation with other line ministries and private sector representatives.

4.   The draft Law on Commercial Arbitration is adopted by the Council of Ministers and submitted to the National Assembly.  As evidence that the law is implemented, at least one recognized arbitration center, with appropriately trained and respected staff and a roster of trained and respected arbitrators will have issued at least two arbitration judgments.

Draft Law on Concessions sent to COM on 11 Feb 2005. The Law is expected to be adopted by Parliament in 2005. However, until its adoption implementing regulation/Sub-Decree will not be issued.

The SME development framework sent to CoM on 09 May 2005.

The Draft on Commercial Arbitration adopted by Cabinet on 23 December 2004 and is now in the hands of Commission No. 9 of National Assembly.








17.    TWG:  Public Administrative Reform

TWGs Action Plan

Joint Monitoring Indicators

Progress in Implementing TWGs Action Plan Activities

Issues for GDCC Decision/Action


Status of Progress

Issues for GDCC Decision/Action

The TWG planned to implement ten activities. Satisfactory progress has been made on four of these activities. The TWG has reported less than satisfactory progress on the following six activities:

  • Technical agreement on strategy to phase out Salary Supplement Strategy ready for approval. Further consultation is needed.

  • Endorsement by PAR & Partnership TWGs on Salary Supplement phasing out Strategy. Endorsement will be sought in the next quarter.

  • Discussion and agreement on HRMIS strategy. Draft was circulated in December and comments have been recently received. Discussions are planned for June.

  • Discussion of merit based HR policy & programming options in Cambodia context. No time for discussion but draft HRM manual upholds principle of merit based HR policy

  • Strategy and action plan to streamline and strengthen HRM. To be carried out in next quarter.

  • Discussion on strategy for further strengthening of establishment management systems. To be carried out in next quarter.





















1. Agreement between government and donors on a strategy to phase out donor-funded salary supplements and redirect them in support of pay reforms in priority areas by June 2005.

2.  The Council of Ministers approve by November 2005 for implementation starting in January 2007, a phased medium-term civil service remuneration plan to improve civil service pay selectively to appropriate levels, that will allow the public administration to attract and retain talent. The plan shall be coherent among State institutions, sustainable and consistent with the RGC approved Medium-term Expenditure Framework

3.  Pilot implementation of pay and employment reform initiatives--that are fully consistent with each other-- and that reward performance and promote merit in at least 3 sectors or professional streams during 2006

4.  Gradual reduction of cash transactions in the payment of salaries through the use of the banking system and electronic transfers. Parameters and preparation of pilots for payments via electronic bank transfers completed by November 2005.

5.  A meritocratic human resource policy with a detailed and sequenced implementation plan will be adopted by the Council of Ministers.


Draft donor 2 track proposal tabled for discussion. Further consultation needed. Requisite TA to progress strategy in consultation with sectoral TWGs is being mobilized.

On target. Much will depend on revenue projections.

PMG/MBPI MOU signed between CAR and MEF for the PFM Reform Program.

Agreement reached between Treasury and CAR on use of private banking system.

Work is progressing well with drafting of HRM Manual that reflects merit based principles. Further work will depend on upcoming IDF study on managing and controlling the establishment.















18.    TWG:  Public Financial Management

TWGs Action Plan

Joint Monitoring Indicators

Progress in Implementing TWGs Action Plan Activities

Issues for GDCC Decision/Action


Status of Progress

Issues for GDCC Decision/Action

The TWG had planned to implement 136 actions. Out of these, work on 24 actions has been completed (18%), 98 actions are on going (72%), and 14 actions could not be started on time (10%).

The TWG has reported that operationalising the Multi-Donor Trust Fund and recruiting advisers/consultants has taken longer than expected. In addition, restructuring and organizational and management changes at MEF required adjustments of department action plans and division of labor.

On 27 Actions, less progress has been achieved than expected due to the need for more time-consuming yet constructive internal debate over cross-cutting issues (e.g. MBPI) and clearly conveying responsibilities to departments and some key departmental personnel. It has noted that improving inter-departmental and inter-ministerial coordination mechanism is necessary, and departments should be more proactive. 



Implement the RGC’s PFM reform program agenda: first 12 months of platform 1.


To implement the RGC's PFM reform program agenda, 136 actions planned. Of these 24 actions have been completed (18%), 98 actions are on going (72%), and 14 actions could not be started on time (10%). Of 98 actions whose implementation has been initiated on schedule, while progress on the other 27 (27.5%) actions has been considered below expectations.

The constraints that have effected the implementation include:

(i)    Reaching consensus on the MBPI and setting up the Multi-Donor Trust Fund have taken more time than expected;

(ii)   Recruiting advisers/consultants has been slower than anticipated;

(iii)   Restructuring of MEF’s Departments and changing management has caused a delay in implementing the action plan. 







TABLE 2:  2004 CG Joint Monitoring Indicators




Progress Reported by Concerned Joint TWG

Issues for GDCC Consideration

Session I: Promoting Good Governance

1) Fighting Corruption and Increasing Accountability: The key thrust of the RGC’s strategy to fight corruption is to take concrete actions that attack the roots of corruption (RS)

  1. Within the existing criminal law, reported cases of corruption shall be brought before the courts for investigation and hearing; a consistent and strategic approach shall be employed by law enforcement authorities to the prosecution of cases of corruption. Data shall be collected to enable monitoring of progress.

















































  1. The existing draft law on anti-corruption shall be brought into compliance with international best practice [such as reflected in the United Nations Convention against Corruption or other instruments] – pending agreement on wording





  1. The Government should commence preparatory work on establishing a legislative framework (such as a Freedom of Information Law) to facilitate access to information held by public authorities.  In the meantime, public authorities must change current practice by displaying a preparedness to share information with the general public and with other institutions in Government.  The different TWGs will monitor specific indicators of access to information (see Annex for examples).

The Ministry of National Assembly-Senate Relations and Inspection (MoNASRI) has provided update on the following two cases:

The Progress of the settlement on the missing food for work case

Related to that issue, the Royal Government had consulted on many occasions with the World Food Program (WFP) both technically and politically reaching a signing of memorandum of understanding on the 28 February 2005, agreeing on the missing of food for work worth $900,000 or 4,186 tons of rice. The Royal Government must pay back within 3 years (2005-2007), and for 2005 the Royal Government has already paid $300,000 to the WFP. Fifteen officials of WFP’s staff have been fired from their work. Two officials of the Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology have been reprimanded according to the status of civil servant and required them to return back 4,600 kilograms of rice.

The corruption cases of judges, prosecutors and court clerks

In the beginning of 2005, the Ministry of Interior raised several cases that the court released 274 criminals charged with armed robberies and killings, which the police confirmed with enough evidences that they were dangerous criminals. The Ministry also raised the cases of armed robbery at the jewelry stores in the Central Market, O Russey Market and Kompong Speu Market, whose 7 criminals were released by the court and rearrested by the police.

For the above cases, the Minister of Justice had used the injunction to file complains against several prosecutors and judges, whose evidences found the involvements. So far the Ministry of Justice has suspended two prosecutors, and the Supreme Council of Magistracy has also suspended two judges. Meanwhile, Battambang court is investigating and monitoring the other involvements.

The TWG on Legal and Judicial Reform has reported that drafting of the amendment of the draft anti-corruption law is underway within MoNASRI and submitted to CoM by end August.

The Ministry of National Assembly-Senate Relations and Inspection has reported that it is trying its best with the assistance of the legal expert from Pact, the coordination works from UNDP, other related stakeholders and Ministry officials have consulted with donors over the draft law submitting it to the Council Minister in the second half of 2005.

The Ministry of National Assembly-Senate Relations and Inspection has recommended that this issue should be handed over to a concerned Joint Technical Working Group.





































The Chair of GDCC may wish to seek feedback from relevant TWG on taking this responsibility.

(2) Legal and Judicial Reform and Protection of Human Rights: The RGC will promote LJRs and ensure the independence of the court system through the implementation of key policies and strategies …to strengthen the rule of law, promote social justice, reduce corruption, eliminate the culture of impunity, and strengthen the culture of peace and the primacy of law (RS)



In all benchmarks listed below, the law shall be consistent with the Constitution and international best practice (such as reflected in international human rights treaties, and by instruments such as the Basic Principles of the Judiciary and the Guidelines on the Role of Prosecutors) and prepared through a satisfactory participatory process.

Fundamental Legal Framework (new -  but includes laws from previous unmet benchmarks)
Adoption of the drafts of the 8 fundamental laws
by the Council of Ministers and submission to the National Assembly as a matter of urgency:

  1. Penal Code

  2. Code of Penal Procedures

  3. Civil Code

  4. Code of Civil Procedures

  5. Organic Law on the Organization and Functioning of Courts

  6. Law on the Amendment of the Supreme Council of Magistrates (reflecting transparency in appointment, promotion, transfer, remuneration and disciplining of judges and prosecutors, and ensuring the independence of Judges and Prosecutors) - rolled over

  7. Law on the Status of Judges and Prosecutors - rolled over

  1. Law on Anti-Corruption - rolled over

The TWG on Legal and Judicial Reform has reported that drafting of Laws is progressing in CoJ and MoJ. Two subgroups have met and reported on progress.



(3) Public Administration Reform:
The RGC recognizes that the strengthening of institutional capacity is crucial to sustainable development.  The administrative system and the civil service must be neutral, transparent, professional, responsive and responsible (RS)

1.  Agreement between government and donors on a strategy to phase out donor-funded salary supplements and redirect them in support of pay reforms in priority areas by June 2005. (Ref. to RGC’s Action Plan for Harmonization and Alignment, Section D.1.c and NPAR priorities section 2.1.3)

2. The Council of Ministers approve by November 2005 for implementation starting in January 2007, a phased medium-term civil service remuneration plan to improve civil service pay selectively to appropriate levels, that will allow the public administration to attract and retain talent. The plan shall be coherent among State institutions, sustainable and consistent with the RGC approved Medium-term Expenditure Framework. (Ref. to NPAR priorities section 2.1.1, 2.1.3 and 5.1 and PFM Consolidated Action Plan measures 2.3 and 2.4).

3. Pilot
implementation of pay and employment reform initiatives--that are fully consistent with each other-- and that reward performance and promote merit in at least 3 sectors or professional streams during 2006

4. Gradual reduction of cash transactions in the payment of salaries through the use of the banking system and electronic transfers. Parameters and preparation of pilots for payments via electronic bank transfers completed by November 2005 (Ref. to NPAR priorities section 2.1.2 and PFM Consolidated Action Plan 7.12).

A meritocratic human resource policy with a detailed and sequenced implementation plan will be adopted by the Council of Ministers.

The TWG on PAR reports that draft donor "2 track" proposal was tabled for discussion. Further consultation needed. Requisite TA to progress strategy in consultation with sectoral TWGs is being mobilized.

The TWG on PAR reports progress to be on target. Much will depend on revenue projections.

The TWG on PAR has reported that PMG/MBPI MOU signed between CAR and MEF for the PFM Reform Program.

The TWG on PAR has reported that agreement reached between Treasury and CAR on use of private banking system.

The TWG on PAR reports that Work is progressing well with drafting of HRM Manual that reflects merit based principles. Further work will depend on upcoming IDF study on managing and controlling the establishment. 



(4) Decentralisation & Deconcentration (D&D): Decentralization must be implemented in conjunction with de-concentration to build capacity at the municipal, provincial and district levels (RS)

1.   The RGC National Policies, Strategic Framework, Action Plan finalized by March 2005 and
submitted to Council of Ministers for approval.

2.  The first draft prepared for consultation of the D&D organic Laws on the Management of Provincial & District, Municipalities and the Capital, produced within the D&D strategic framework.

The TWG on D&D has reported that the draft D&D National Strategic Framework was prepared, reviewed at highest levels of RGC, and discussed at a national workshop opened by Prime Minister and Chaired by Deputy Prime Minister. The final draft is now under preparation.

The TWG on D&D has reported that an Inter-ministerial Committee has been established and is now operational to formulate an Organic Law on sub-national governance system.



(5) Public Financial Management :
The maintenance of strict budget discipline is crucial to ensure a favourable macroeconomic and financial environment to consolidate the foundation for sustainable and equitable economic growth (RS)

  1. Implement RGC's PFM reform agenda: first 12 months of platform 1.

The TWG on PFM has reported that to implement the RGC's PFM reform program agenda, 136 actions planned. Of these 24 actions have been completed (18%), 98 actions are on going (72%), and 14 actions could not be started on time (10%). Of 98 actions whose implementation has been initiated on schedule, while progress on the other 27 (27.5%) actions has been considered below expectations.

The constraints that have effected the implementation include:

(iv)   Reaching consensus on the MBPI and setting up the Multi-Donor Trust Fund have taken more time than expected;

(v)    Recruiting advisers/consultants has been slower than anticipated;

(vi)   Restructuring of MEF’s Departments and changing management has caused a delay in implementing the action plan. 


Session II: Accelerating Growth and Improving Rural Livelihoods

    Cross-cutting for Agriculture and Natural Resources Management: It is necessary to enhance and broaden the base for economic growth by opening and utilizing the potentials in other sectors, especially in the high potential agricultural and agro-industrial sectors, so that the nation will obtain larger positive windfall gains in the improvement of the livelihoods of the rural people (RS)



  1. Pass/enact key laws and sub decrees, governing natural resources management, including fisheries law and community fisheries sub decree (rollover), state land management and economic land concessions sub decrees and enforcement of Article 18 of Land Law, that private sales transactions on state lands are illegal and hence should not be validated by officials.  Joint development of a medium term sector strategy for agriculture, including irrigated agriculture, has been commenced by March 2005, with an overall policy and strategic framework completed by December 2005

The TWG on Land has noted that there is lack of clarity on reporting responsibilities on indicators 1-5 in this area that is a constraint on making progress.

The TWG on Agriculture has pointed out that:

  • developing an agricultural strategy requires a cross-ministry approach but mechanisms for this are not yet in place;

  • there is lack of clarity about links between planning processes and how government/donors will work together;

  • Strengthened government leadership is required.

In view of lack of progress to-date, the TWG has recommended that consideration should be given to reviewing the timeline and/or redefining objective to aim to develop program approaches for one or two key sub-sectors rather than whole sector strategy.

The Chair of GDCC may wish to seek clarification from the meeting on which ministries and agencies are responsible for different elements of the JMI's to respond to concerns raised by TWGs.

Cross-cutting for Agriculture and Natural Resources Management:  continued















































(ii) Private Sector Development: The RGC considers the private sector as the engine of economic growth, while the Government plays its role as the strategist in creating an environment conducive to enhanced private enterprise and the manager of the development process (RS)





  1. Maintain suspension/moratorium on logging, transport of  logs (except those which have been already inventoried and for which royalties have been paid in full), and  new economic land concessions pending completion of applicable review processes and/or  a legal framework





  1. Increase transparency of state management of natural resources through immediate public disclosure of existing contracts and compliance status (royalties and other key provisions) of contracts governing economic land concessions, mining concessions, fishing lots and continued disclosure of status of review of forest concessions










  1. Application of sustainable management planning, including ESIAs, investor evaluations, consultation with local communities, public disclosure and comment period prior to entering into new contracts for private use/management of state managed natural resources (land, fisheries, forestry, and mines)


  1. RGC disclose the location and legal status and process for termination of mining concessions, Military Development Zones, economic land concession and other development arrangements situated on forest land or in protected areas and inconsistent with law governing management of these areas 



  1. The Government will establish a single entry point, or Single Window, that will allow parties involved in trade to fulfill the documentary requirements for import or export in a single transaction.  Multiple interactions with agencies will be replaced by information sharing within Government.  This will be achieved as a key step toward an automated Single Window process including CED and other relevant agencies.


  1. The revised PPI process articulated in the draft Law on Concessions will be adopted by the Council of Ministers and submitted to the National Assembly during 2005.   Implementing Regulations will be issued by June 2005. Beginning June 2005, any new PPI deals will be done in conformity with the law as submitted to the National Assembly and the implementing regulations.


  1. The Council of Ministers will approve an SME development framework, including a definition of SMEs to be used among all Government agencies, developed by the SME committee and in coordination and consultation with other line ministries and private sector representatives.


  1. The draft Law on Commercial Arbitration is adopted by the Council of Ministers and submitted to the National Assembly.  As evidence that the law is implemented, at least one recognized arbitration center, with appropriately trained and respected staff and a roster of trained and respected arbitrators will have issued at least two arbitration judgments.

The TWG on Fisheries has reported Draft Fisheries Law has been sent to the National Assembly. The Community Fisheries Sub-Decree was approved by the Council of Ministers on 20 May 2005 and is awaiting Royal consent.

The TWG on Land has reported that the process will take time to acquire necessary knowledge and consent.  Discussion on article 18 is ongoing, however, the TWG would like clarification on the role of MLMUPC and MOI.

The TWG on Forestry and Environment has reported that progress on this indicator has been met. It has also noted that wood supply might not meet the increasing domestic demand due to logging moratorium. The Forestry Administration (FA) is considering proposing annual bidding system for forest. The proposal will be presented to TWG at next meeting.

The TWG on Agriculture has reported that there is no suspension on new economic concessions. However,

MAFF has cancelled economic land concessions of 16 companies covering 123, 680 ha, and plan to cancel contracts of another 13 companies with 103,150 ha of land concessions.

The TWG has reported that, "Recently, we have no public disclosure of existing contracts, however we provide if has required from contractors. Existing contracts have only paid deposit fee and they have not yet paid royalties.
With this regard, MAFF has requested to RGC to establish a committee to review the performances of land concession implementation".

It has also identified lack of legal framework and the absence of a committee to implement royalties as constraints.

The TWG on Forestry and Environment reports that this indicator has been met. It is also noted that Information on forest concession review available at Public Affairs Unit of FA.

The TWG on Fisheries has reported that names of existing concessions can be obtained from DoF and Donor and NGO representatives are welcome during the bidding process of new concessions.

The TWG on Forestry and Environment has reported that this indicator has been met. It notes, however progress is very slow in the forest concession review process. SFMP review team by WB to be dispatched soon.

The TWG on Fisheries has reported that DoF has organized fishing lots bidding every year in July and August.


The TWG on Forestry and Environment reports that it is not solely responsible for this JMI. Concerned ministries are required to disclose information. There are still difficulties in getting such information on development in forest areas. MAFF will request the Ministry of Defense for a list of military development zones situated on forest land or protected areas.





The TWG on Private Sector Development reports that draft Law on Concessions sent to COM on 11 Feb 2005. The Law is expected to be adopted by Parliament in 2005. However, until its adoption implementing regulation/Sub-Decree will not be issued.



The TWG on Private Sector Development reports that the SME development framework was sent to CoM on 09 May 2005.




The TWG on Private Sector Development reports that the Draft on Commercial Arbitration was adopted by Cabinet on 23 December 2004 and is now in the hands of Commission No. 9 of National Assembly.

Session III: Supporting Human Development

Gender, Poverty, and HIV/AIDS
  1. These will be treated as cross cutting issues to be addressed under the broader umbrella of formulating the next 5 year National Strategic Development Plan for 2006-2010










  1. Gender Equality: Put in place the Legal Framework for Protection

  • Draft Domestic Violence Law is adopted by the Council of Ministers and submitted to the National Assembly and a Prevention Plan adopted

  • Draft Anti Trafficking Law is adopted by the Council of Ministers and submitted to the National Assembly  and a Prevention Plan adopted

The TWG on Gender has reported that some ministries lack understanding of issues. It has suggested "Development Gender Mainstreaming Action Groups and development of Action Plans in line ministries".

The TWG on HIV/AIDS report includes a "Result Matrix for each relevant Line Ministry or Government Agency in the TWG on Planning" that identifies the following constraints to achieving goals:

  • Dissemination; awareness of key stakeholders, enforcement

  • Complex multi-sectoral process involving several ministries, and development partners.

  • Unwillingness of partners to share information; difficult to define HIV/AIDS portion in wider reproductive health/development programs.

The TWG on Gender has reported that Domestic Violence Law was passed by COM and is now with the National Assembly.


The TWG on Gender has reported that the draft Anti Trafficking Law was returned by MOJ to COM following review and amendments.

Health & Education 1. Timely disbursements of the budget for Health and Education as agreed in the PFM Action Plan.

The TWG on Education has reported that as of April 30, 2005, the budget disbursement for 2004 was around 35%. TWG has suggested more negotiations with MoEF to improve cash management system.

The TWG on Health has not yet discussed the issue.

Session IV:  Increasing Aid Effectiveness

Harmonisation & Alignment
  1. Implement--and monitor implementation progress on a six monthly basis—the Harmonization Action Plan and the Partnership Principles

  • Cambodia's report on progress toward enhanced aid effectiveness was prepared and presented at the High Level Forum in Paris (28 February-2 March 2005).

  • The UNDP Support Program at CDC/CRDB has allocated resources for supporting TWGs that need assistance in implementing the Action Plan on Harmonization and Alignment.

  • The six-month progress report on the implementation of the Action Plan on Harmonization and Alignment is being prepared.


AS OF 31 MAY 2005


Chair/Co-Chairs Lead Donor Facilitator


Royal Government

Bilateral & Multilateral Donors

Agriculture & Water

H.E. Mr. Chan Tong Yves
     Secretary of State
     Ministry of Agriculture,
     Forestry and Fisheries

H.E. Mr. Veng Sakhon

     Secreatry of State
     Ministry of Water
     Resources and

Mr. Julien Calas

Ms. Fleur Davies



Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Ministry of Commerce
Ministry of Economy and Finance
Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction
Ministry of Rural Development
Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology
Council for Agriculture and Rural Development
Australia          EC

Canada           ADB
Japan              FAO

New Zealand   IFAD

Germany        UNDP
Denmark        WB

France           WFP

Decentralization & De-concentration H.E. Mr. Chhieng Yanara
     Deputy Secretary
     Council for the
     Development of

Mr. Nigel Coulson

Ministry of Economy and Finance
Ministry of Interior
Ministry of Planning
Ministry of Rural Development
Ministry of Women's Affairs
Council for Administrative Reform
Canada          UNDP

Denmark        WB
Education H.E. Mr. Pok Than
     secretary of State
     Ministry of Education,
     Youth and Sports

Mr. Etienne Clement

Ministry of Economy and Finance
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Ministry of Information
Ministry of Interior
Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training
Ministry of Planning
Ministry of Social Affairs and Veterans
Ministry of Women's Affairs
Council for Administrative Reform
Council for the Development of Cambodia
Canada          ADB

Japan             COHCHR
USA               UNESCO
Belgium          UNICEF
Sweden          WB

UK                 WFP
NGO Education Partnership Representatives
     Wathanak Pheap
     World Education
     New Humanity

Mr. Nao Thuok
Director of Department
     of Fisheries
     Ministry of Agriculture,
     Forestry and Fisheries

Mr. Chris Price

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Ministry of Commerce
Ministry of Economy and Finance
Ministry of Environment
Ministry of Interior
Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction
Ministry of National Defense


Japan             EC

Denmark        ADB
UK                 FAO



Oxfam GB
Food Security and

H.E. Mr. Nouv Kanun
     Secretary General
     Council for Agriculture
     & Rural Development
H.E. Mr. Nhek Samoeun
     Secretary of State
     Ministry of Planning

Mr. Thomas Keusters
Mr. Tsukasa Komoto

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction
Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology
Ministry of Women's Affairs

Australia         EC

Canada          UNDP

Japan             UNICEF
German          WHO




Oxfam GB
Hellen Keller

Partners for Development

Forestry H.E. Mr. Ty Sokun
Director of Forestry
     Ministry of Agriculture,
     Forestry and Fisheries

Mr. Mogens Christensen

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Ministry of Commerce
Ministry of Economy and Finance
Ministry of Environment
Ministry of Interior
Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction

Japan              EC

USA                ADB
Denmark         FAO

Germany         WB

Gender H.E. Dr. Ing Kanthaphavi
     Ministry of Women's

Ms. Ricarda Rieger
Mr. Juro Chikaraishi

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Ministry of Commerce
Ministry of Economy and Finance
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Interior
Ministry of Justice
Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training
Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction
Ministry of Rural Development
Ministry of Tourism
Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology

Japan              EC

USA                ADB
Germany         UNDP




NGO Forum


H.E. Dr. Nuth Sokhom
     Ministry of Health

Mr. James Tulloch

Ministry of Health

Canada           ADB
France            UNFPA
Germany         UNICEF
UK                  WB
USA                WHO

HIV/AIDS H.E. Dr. Hong Sun Huot
     Senior Minister,
     National Aids Authority

Mr. Rodney Hatfield

National Aids Authority USA               FAO
UK                 ILO


Infrastructure and
Regional Integration
H.E. Mr. Sun Chan Thol
     Ministry of Public Works
    and Transportation

Mr. Juro Chikaraishi
Mr. Goffeau Alain

Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy
Ministry of Rural Development
Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology
State Secretariat of Civil Aviation

Japan            ADB

Korea            WB

Land H.E. Mr. Chhan Saphan
     Secretary of State

Mr. Franz-Vlker Muller

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Ministry of Commerce
Ministry of Economy and Finance
Ministry of Environment
Ministry of Interior
Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction
Ministry of Rural Development
Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology
National Cadastral Commission

Australia        ADB

Canada          FAO
Japan            UNOHCHR

Denmark       WB



NGO Forum

Oxfam GB

Legal & Judicial
H.E. Mr. Sam Sok Phal
     Vice Chairman
     Council of Jurists

 Mr. Douglas Gardner
Mr. Dominique Dordain

Ministry of Commerce
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Ministry of Justice
Ministry of Women's Affairs
Anti Corruption Unit
Council for Legal and Judicial Reform
Cambodian Bar Association
National Police Commission
Royal School of Administration
Supreme Council of Magistrate
Supreme Court
Australia         EC
France           COHCHR

Japan             UNDP

PACT (Anti-corruption Sub-WG)

Mine Action H.E. Mr. Prak Sokhon
     Secretary of State
     Council of Ministers

Ms. Beate Trankmann

Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction
Australia         UNDP

Canada          UNICEF
Japan             EC
Partnership and
H.E. Mr. Chhieng Yanara
     Deputy Secretary
     Council for the
     Development of

 Mr. Douglas Gardner

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Ministry of Environment
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction
Ministry of Planning
Ministry of Rural Development
Ministry of Women's Affairs
Council for Administrative Reform
Council for the Development of Cambodia
Australia         EC

Canada          ADB

Japan             UNDP
Denmark        WB




Planning and Poverty
H.E. Mr. Ou Orhat
     Secretary of State
     Ministry of Planning

 Mr. Douglas Gardner
RC UN Systems
Ms. Nisha Agrawal

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Ministry of Commerce
Ministry of Cults and Religious Affairs
Ministry of Economy and Finance
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Ministry of Environment
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy
Ministry of Information
Ministry of Justice
Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training
Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction
Ministry of National Assembly-Senate Relations and Inspection
Ministry of Planning
Ministry of Post and Telecommunication
Ministry of Public Works and Transportation
Ministry of Rural Development
Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation
Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology
Ministry of Women's Affairs
National Aids Authority
Supreme National Economic Council National Bank of Cambodia
National Committee for Disaster Management
State Secretariat of Civil Aviation
State Secretariat of Public Service
NGO Forum
Private Sector
H.E. Mr. Keat Chhon
Senior Minister
     Ministry of Economy
    and Finance

Public Administration Reform

H.E. Mr. Ngo Hong Ly
     Secretary General
     Council for
     Administrative Reform

Ms. Kate Elliot
Mr. R. Taliercio

Council for Administrative Reform

Australia           UNDP
Denmark          WB


Public Financial
H.E. Dr. Aun Porn Monirath
     Secretary of State
     Ministry of Economy
    and Finance

Mr. Robert Hagemann

Ministry of Economy and Finance
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Justice
Ministry of National Defense
Ministry of Post and Telecommunication
Ministry of Rural Development
National Bank of Cambodia
Australia           EC

Japan              ADB

France             IMF

Sweden           UNDP
UK                   WB

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