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OWNERSHIP: RGC exercises effective leadership over its development
policies, strategies, and coordinates development actions |
Results | Actions Needed | Responsible RGC Institutions | Lead Development Partners | Milestones | Timing |
a) National Strategic Development Plan targets are achieved. (Indicator # 1) |
2. Based on prioritized programs of sector ministries/agencies, the three year rolling PIP is updated annually to feed into the national budget preparation process. |
Lead Facilitator(s) of PPR TWG |
Three year rolling PIP prepared and made available to MEF for preparation of National Budget 2007. |
SeptJune 2006 and in subsequent years |
b) CDC/CRDB -- RGC's focal point for resource mobilization and aid coordination -- leads the processes of resource mobilization and aid coordination with all development partners. |
1. CDC/CRDB provides technical support to sector ministries and agencies on aid coordination and aid management issues based on needs identified and support requested by the Chair of the TWGs. |
CDC/CRDB with resources of the Multi-Donor Support Program delivers the support requested by Chairs of the TWGs. |
On-going. |
1. Development partners' support is aligned with national development strategies, i.e. NSDP.. | |||||
2. Development partners align their development programs and projects to finance and implement agreed sector plans and prioritized sector programs included in the three year rolling PIP. | MOP, MEF, CDC/CRDB and Chairs of TWGs |
Lead donor Facilitator(s) of TWGs
All new ODA supported programs/projects fully aligned with PIP. |
Dec 2006
2. Development
partners make increasing use of strengthened Cambodian institutions,
systems and procedures as they attain mutually agreed standards. |
a) National public financial management and procurement systems that adhere to broadly accepted good practices. (Indicator # 2) |
1. MEF continues to implement the PFM reform program with targeted capacity development support from development partners to strengthen its PFM and procurement systems based on international best practices. |
Lead Facilitator(s) of PFM TWG. |
Quarterly progress reports provided to GDCC. |
On-going |
1. Development partners and MEF establish mutually agreed framework to carry out reliable assessments of the PFM and procurement systems and make use of this assessment to increasingly rely on these Government systems as mutually agreed standards are attained. |
Lead Facilitator(s) of PFM TWG. |
2. First assessment carried out. |
3. Development partners provide periodic reports to GDCC on the use of PFM and procurement systems. |
June 2007 onwards | ||||
c) Development partners release aid disbursements according to agreed schedules in annual or multi-year framework. (Indicator #7) |
1. Each development partner provides to CDC/CRDB reliable indicative commitments of aid over a multi-year framework and disburses aid in a timely and predictable fashion according to agreed schedule. |
Data on indicative commitments provided. |
on-going |
d) The number of parallel PIU/PMUs for day-to-day management and implementation of external funded projects and programs steadily reduced. (Indicator #6) |
2. Implement the agreed strategy. |
Chair of TWGs |
Lead Facilitator(s) of TWGs
1. Strategy implemented.
October 2006 onwards
3. CDC/CRDB and development partners secure an agreement that no new parallel PIU/PMUs will be established under new programs and projects. | CDC/CRDB | Lead Facilitator(s) of TWGs | 1. Agreement secured. | DecJune 2006 | |
RGC’s capacity to plan, manage, implement, and account for results of
policies and programs strengthened with development partners’ support. |
a) Capacity development issues are addressed in the formulation of Sector Plans and ODA supported programs/projects with development partners' financial support to achieve targeted development results. (Indicator#4). |
2. Each sector TWG prepares and implements a capacity development program
for their sector ministry/agency to fill identified capacity gaps. |
Chair of TWGs
Lead Facilitator(s) of TWG
Actions to strengthen capacity of sector ministries/agencies included in TWGs Action Plans. |
Starting with TWG Action Plans for 2006.
3. Development partners provide financial support for the application of MBPI/PMG schemes as an element of the capacity development strategy. |
CAR, MEF, CDC/CRDB Concerned sector ministry/agency
Lead Facilitator(s) of TWGs
1. Formalities to implement MBPI/PMG schemes in Education, Health, CDC, Land and MOP completed. |
Dec June 2006
2. Implementation of MBPI/PMG scheme expanded to other key sectors. | On-going | ||||
4. Development partners untie aid. | |||||
a) Increasing proportion of aid is untied. (Indicator #8) |
1. CDC/CRDB with support from development partners carries out a survey to collect information on the proportion of aid delivered through “untied-aid” modality and based on survey findings, formulate and implement a strategy, jointly with development partners, to increase the proportion of untied ODA. |
Lead Facilitator(s) of P&H TWG
Dec 2006.
Dec 2007
HARMONIZATION: Development partners' actions are more harmonized,
transparent and collectively effective. |
1. Development partners implement common arrangements and simplify procedures. | |||||
2. Strategy implemented.
On-going starting in 2007
2. Each TWG prepares a plan to increase delegated cooperation within their sector/thematic area. | Chair of TWG |
Lead Facilitator(s) of TWGs |
Periodic reports on cases of delegated cooperation provided by TWGs to GDCC. |
b) Steadily decreasing number of separate, duplicative donor missions and diagnostic reviews and studies. (indicator # 10). |
Chair of TWGs |
1. Development partners provide an annual report to CDC/CRDB on progress made to implement their country action plans that have been prepared as part of the follow up to the Paris Declaration. |
Each development partner. |
CDC/CRDB makes available to OECD/DAC Joint Venture on Monitoring of Paris Declaration periodic progress reports based on information provided by development partners. |
On-going |
Promoting a harmonized approach to environmental assessments and other
cross-cutting issues such as gender equality and other thematic issues. |
2. Concerned TWGs develop and implement an action plan to strengthen the technical and policy capacity of relevant institutions to carry out environmental analysis and to enforce legislation. | Chair of concerned TWGs |
Lead Facilitator(s) of concerned TWGs.
Periodic progress reports provided to GDCC. | On-going | |
b) RGC's sector ministries and development partners adopt harmonized approaches to tackle cross-cutting issues, such as gender equality. |
1. Concerned ministries and donors develop common guidelines to tackle cross-cutting issues e.g. gender, HIV/AIDS. |
Sector ministries |
Common procedures to tackle cross-cutting issues developed and endorsed by RGC and donors. |
DecJune 2006 |
SECTION D: MANAGING FOR RESULTS: Managing resources and improving decision-making for results. | |||||
a) RGC and development partners use jointly agreed results-oriented reporting and assessment frameworks that have a manageable number of indicators to monitor progress against key dimensions of national and sector development strategies.(Indicator #11) |
2. Development partners ensure that the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for loan assistance and National Operational Guidelines (NOG) for grant assistance are followed in monitoring and reporting on their programs/projects to reduce burden on RGC implementing institutions. |
Chair of TWGs |
All development partners
Chair of TWGs provide periodic reports to GDCC on development partners compliance with SOPs and NOGs.
ACCOUNTABILITY: RGC and development partners are accountable for development results. |
a) RGC and development partners are mutually accountable for development results. |
2. CDC/CRDBRGC and development partners jointly carry out a review of the effectiveness of the TWG mechanism. | CDC/CRDB |
Lead Facilitator(s) P&H TWG
Survey completed and recommendations submitted to GDCC. | June 2006 | |
Home | 8th CG Meeting | 7th CG Meeting | Partnership and Harmonization TWG | GDCC | Policy Documents Guidelines | Donor Dev. Coop. Pgm. | NGO |