5. Policy Directions in Aid Management
This chapter brings together the main themes identified earlier in the
Report so that a series of recommendations – proposed actions for both
Government and development partners – can be identified. Noting the
findings of the recent Evaluation and its Independent Review this chapter
also takes forward this work and prescribes a course of action in the form
a new Joint Monitoring Indicator (JMI).
In formulating policy recommendations it is necessary to acknowledge the
following contextual factors:
We are now beyond the mid-way point in NSDP and H-A-R Action Plan
implementation. Our challenge is to identify the more acute priorities
within the existing aid effectiveness framework and to focus
implementation and monitoring effort on a narrower range of priority
Accra provides
a global standard to guide Government and development partners12.
Dialogue is required to build
consensus on which of the new recommendations are applicable to the
Cambodia context and in which areas a 'de-linking' from the global
agenda may be appropriate.
Most technical criteria – policies, institutional frameworks, dialogue
mechanisms, resourcing – are in place. The post-Evaluation
prioritisation process must now engage senior management and
decision-makers to ensure high-level support for actions that are
relevant and achievable.
Remaining challenges extend beyond the immediate mandate
of aid effectiveness initiatives. Strengthening NSDP-budget linkages,
public service capacity and incentives, and service delivery require
continued implementation of the core reforms but with improved
integration of aid effectiveness practices that combine system-wide
objectives with sector-specific priorities.
This context informs a number of principles that are based on the five
main messages derived from the evidence and analysis presented earlier in
this Aid Effectiveness Report:
Prioritised actions
that are based on the existing aid effectiveness framework must be
integrated with the core reforms and have the explicit support and
commitment of senior officials in Government and development partner
Efforts to accelerate implementation of agreed aid effectiveness
priorities will require renewed efforts in partnership building,
increased mutual trust and understanding, and a set of competencies that
are better suited to working in a partnership-based capacity development
Cooperation within, among and between central agencies and line
ministries requires improved cooperation and multi-agency networking for
Government, development partners and the civil society agencies that
engage in these thematic areas.
An understanding of the current context, the analysis of the evidence
base, and an assumed consensus on these underlying principles then informs
the following policy recommendations:
I. Policy recommendations for the Royal Government
a) Identifying priority actions for aid effectiveness
agency (MEF, MoP, CRDB/CDC) linkages are to be strengthened through
coordination in the Supreme National Economic Council (SNEC) to ensure
agreed formats, schedules and cross-agency collaboration on NSDP-budget
programming, PIP and MTEF preparation, and links to external resource
management of ministries, agencies and departments will build on recent
progress in articulating clear aid management priorities that are based
on their broader sectoral objectives and plans. Specific requirements of
development partners, including concerning the use of technical
cooperation and using national systems, must be discussed more
extensively through the TWGs and GDCC.
Evidence of
the close relationship between leadership and capacity development
emphasises the promotion of a managerial model in implementing the
Government's reform agenda. A new mindset requires that senior
management provide clear direction at a ministry level for future
capacity development and an increased responsibility for management of
programmes. In the context of the core reform agenda, cooperation
across Government is required to ensure consistency in the
interpretation and application of Government policy on capacity
development, human resource management, financial incentives and
performance management, and the role of development partners in
supporting these reform objectives.
Principles on
'division of labour' (or 'complementarity') have been identified in this
Report. Senior management in each Ministry or agency that deals with
development partners will, at their discretion and with CRDB support,
provide clarification and further guidance through the TWG as regards
the specific application of these principles at the sector level.
b) Integrating aid effectiveness priorities with broader
reform and sectoral work
CRDB's national coordination role as a facilitator – through providing
training and block grant support – will continue to be based on
demand-led principles. Activities of the Government's TWG Network will
be extended to chairs and senior Government officials so that peer
exchange and mutual support may be provided at a senior management
Most of the specific actions that are required at either
central or sector level – plan-budget links, capacity prioritisation,
harmonised implementation arrangements, joint monitoring and mutual
accountability arrangements - are included in a typical programme-based
approach. Existing PBAs and those being developed are encouraged to
focus only on those critical activities that are relevant and
appropriate; the agenda should not become overloaded or too ambitious
and the level of sophistication should be of secondary importance to the
level of political level engagement.
TWG participation must be at a level that is sufficiently
senior and competent in the issues to ensure that dialogue is effective
and that Government decision-making can be facilitated. This applies in
particular to participation in cross-sectoral TWGs in which effective
participation from agencies other than those represented by the chair is
required. Where TWG participation is not feasible, routine Government
communication channels should be used to address aid management issues.
In the absence of effective programme-based support to
national priorities and a more efficient division of labour, senior
sector officials may identify the main providers of support in order to
focus their aid coordination activities. Table Ten shows that, in five
of the NSDP's most important sectors, the share of the five largest
development partners in total support to that sector in 2007 was at
least 50% of all aid. If efforts are focused on ensuring the
effectiveness and impact of funds provided by these development partners
then the coordination challenge is partially resolved.
Twelve. Share of support (%) provided by the five largest partners to
selected sectors in 2007
Health (incl HIV/AIDS) |
Agriculture |
Transport Infrastructure |
Education |
Water & Sanitation |
33.5 |
Japan |
10.3 |
China (L) |
42.3 |
(L) |
15.3 |
5.8 |
Global Fund |
21.1 |
8.1 |
Japan (L) |
37.9 |
Japan (L) |
13.1 |
France (L) |
4.6 |
13.6 |
Australia |
6.5 |
(L) |
8.5 |
Sweden (D) |
7.7 |
World Bank (L) |
3.5 |
United Kingdom (D) |
9.5 |
France (L) |
3.8 |
Republic of Korea (L) |
6.4 |
World Bank (L) |
7.3 |
1.4 |
Japan |
7.4 |
(L) |
3.6 |
World Bank (L) |
1.6 |
EC |
6.8 |
Japan |
1.0 |
sub-total |
85.0 |
sub-total |
32.2 |
sub-total |
96.7 |
sub-total |
50.2 |
sub-total |
16.4 |
Total sector aid |
152.1 |
Total sector aid |
43.3 |
Total sector aid |
99.2 |
Total sector aid |
88.2 |
Total sector aid |
17.4 |
5 largest (% share) |
56% |
5 largest (% share) |
74% |
5 largest (% share) |
98% |
5 largest (% share) |
57% |
5 largest (% share) |
94% |
Note. 'D' denotes some or all funds delegated to other implementing
partners. 'L' denotes some or all funds are loans
c) Strengthening partnership-based competencies
The approach to development partner cooperation outlined in the NSDP
represents a shift away from traditional management of individual
projects towards support directed at achieving broader sector-level
results. Requisite skills therefore need to build on existing technical
management capacities towards convening a broader range of partners in
implementing coordinated activities that will address sector priorities
and objectives. The ability to build trust, establish common
understanding, participate in constructive dialogue and negotiation, and
to demonstrate leadership and an ability to effectively communicate
national policy is therefore essential to managing aid so that it
achieves the desired results. Many of these attributes imply engagement
at a political level.
Where language barriers preclude effective and sufficiently broad
engagement, increased use of translation and interpreter services is to
be provided. The funding of these services is to be negotiated with the
TWG's development partner lead facilitator or, as last resort, through
access to the TWG block grant that is managed by CRDB/CDC.
II. Policy recommendations for Cambodia's development
a) Identifying priority actions for aid effectiveness
the extent of commitment and specific priority of each development
partner will inform the identification (and likelihood of actual
implementation) of a more narrowly defined set of agreed actions. Based
on the response of each development partner's capital/HQ and the formal
position taken after the High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness and the
associated Accra Agenda for Action, each development partner in Cambodia
is therefore requested to confirm the commitments made by their
capital/HQ and the required actions as they relate to Cambodia.
Development partners are to make clear the reasons for
future non-compliance with the Cambodia Declaration on Aid Effectiveness
and their global commitments. Noting the use of national systems as
'first option' in the Accra Agenda for Action, development partners are
requested to present a common position on the assessment and use of
national systems at central and sectoral level and to support the
development and implementation of capacity development programmes where
national systems are considered to require further strengthening.
Principles on
'division of labour' (or 'complementarity') have been identified in this
Report. Senior management in each development partner agency is
requested to engage positively and apply these principles in the event
that Government officials indicate their desire for a more rationalized
and less fragmented profile of support.
b) Integrating aid effectiveness priorities with broader
reform and sectoral work
Development partner staff should become better informed
of the overall context, the core reform agenda of the Government and the
manner in which they should subsequently support programmes at central
or sectoral level. This includes approaches to strengthening national
systems (financial management, procurement, monitoring etc), capacity
development (reference to broader public administration reform) and
support to performance incentive schemes.
Development partner
participation in TWGs should be at a sufficiently senior and competent
level and should recognise the leadership of Government. Although this
recommendation has been made previously, there is still some
misunderstanding about the role of TWGs, which is to convene dialogue,
exchange information, foster trust and a common understanding, and to
provide a forum for making proposals that may then be referred to
Government for a decision13.
The context of reform may imply that projects and
programmes are increasingly developed in a change management context,
rather than as discrete projects with limited reference to the broader
national reform and capacity development priorities of Government.
c) Strengthening partnership-based competencies
Development partner
agencies are requested to exchange information and examples of good
practice on their own induction procedures with a view to each
development partner being better able to brief new staff. This will
ensure that they are aware of national aid effectiveness policies and
the related practices that this implies.
Policy changes included
in the Accra Agenda for Action, e.g. related to conditionality and use
of Government systems, require changes to development partner policy if
they are to be implemented in Cambodia. Additional and consequent
changes will then be required to ensure that development partners have
the requisite skills and associated performance incentives, e.g. for
multi-stakeholder negotiation that replaces project conditionality, and
for supporting improved capacity development practices as a result of a
commitment to using national systems.
Development partners are encouraged to reflect on the
historical legacy and cultural traditions of Cambodia that may require
them to tailor their standard corporate approach to interacting with
national counterparts.
III. Joint responsibilities and a focus for mutual
a) Identifying priority actions for aid effectiveness
Priorities need to be based on a nationally agreed
framework but applied according to the conditions at the level of
implementation. To promote national ownership, most priorities are
expected to manifest themselves in supporting the development of national
systems and strengthening the links between planning, financial
management, implementation and monitoring.
When developing a plan or strategy, a basic framework that
builds on existing capacities and political level leadership is preferred
to pursuing an excessively complicated and poorly-integrated solution that
may only be understood by a narrow cadre of technical experts.
An improved 'division of labour'
implies actions for Government and its development partners. Government
officials in each sector are invited to indicate their readiness to take
this work forward, requesting CRDB to facilitate with analysis and
application of the guiding principles if necessary.
b) Integrating aid effectiveness priorities into broader
reform and sectoral work
Aid effectiveness work must become part of the routine work of both
Government and development partner staff. It should not be the preserve
of a narrow range of specialists. Global and national principles of
effective aid should be tested and challenged for relevance and
Where programme-based approaches are in place they must evolve beyond
common arrangements for planning to reflect all financing – domestic and
external – in annual operational plans so that comprehensive programming
and capacity development can proceed and provide a foundation for making
increased use of Government systems in the future.
A number of processes – dialogue mechanisms, incentive
systems, capacity and reform issues - on both Government and development
partner sides may now need to be addressed at a more senior, rather than
technical, level. Continuing to pursue technical fixes to non-technical
problems may result in an inefficient use of resources and difficulties in
maintaining cooperative partnerships.
c) Strengthening partnership-based competencies
Trust, common
understanding, productive dialogue and effective partnerships are not
one-off investments, especially where personnel changes are frequent.
Both Government and development partners need to continuously invest in
building trust and a common understanding if desired results are to be
realised. For this reason the TWG Network will be expanded in 2009 to
deliver support to TWG chairs and lead development partner facilitators
and efforts to strengthen the GDCC dialogue will be maintained.
Where there is evidence of a stronger lead by Government
(as reported in the Independent Review) and a 'catalytic partnership' (as
reported by the technical cooperation study), then this should be used as
a basis for developing and consolidating programmatic and capacity
development approaches around the Government's position. This common area
of cooperation should then provide a foundation for further dialogue and
subsequent progress in other areas.
Further work must be undertaken at TWG and GDCC level to
ensure a consistent approach is taken to identifying, agreeing and
monitoring the JMIs. Currently the JMIs comprise a mix of outcome, output
and process-level indicators that make it difficult to make a clear
assessment of the link between intended activity and desired results.
Joint monitoring of policy implementation
Routine monitoring of the H-A-R Action Plan and JMI implementation has
previously been managed through the GDCC mechanism and the recommendations
in this Report are therefore also to be incorporated into a JMI. The
broad, and unavoidably general nature of the recommendations provided so
far can then be understood as an intermediate step towards the
identification of more specific and relevant actions for each sector. The
proposed JMI is therefore as follows:
Taking note
of: a) the Rectangular Strategy (Phase II); b) the NSDP MTR; c) the H-A-R
Action Plan and the Cambodia Declaration on Enhanced Aid Effectiveness; d)
the Evaluation of Aid Effectiveness (self-assessments and Independent
Review); e) the recommendations made in the 2008 Aid Effectiveness Report;
f) the dialogue at CDCF; and g) the Accra Agenda for Action, the Royal
Government and its development partners agree to:
For the Royal Government, to consult internally and at a
high level to identify a number of realistic, achievable and verifiable
actions at central level and associated with identified sectors to ensure
progress in advancing national aid effectiveness priorities and in meeting
their international commitments;
For development partners, to consult internally and with
their capitals/headquarters at a high level (in light of the HLF on Aid
Effectiveness), and with one another, to identify a number of realistic,
achievable and verifiable actions that will ensure progress in advancing
national aid effectiveness priorities and in meeting their international
commitments; and
For both the Royal Government and development partners, to
come together in the first quarter of 2009 to negotiate a limited number
of practical and verifiable actions that are based on the H-A-R Action
Plan and represent a consensus for joint action.
the national aid coordination focal point, will facilitate this process in
collaboration with the Partnership and Harmonisation TWG. The agreed
actions will be presented at a meeting of the GDCC and shall then be
incorporated retrospectively into the 2009-2010 JMI matrix as a mutual
commitment to the implementation of the H-A-R Action Plan and commitments
made in the Cambodia Declaration on Enhanced Aid Effectiveness.
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