Cambodia Development Cooperation Forum (CDCF)
Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 4-5 December 2008
Deputy Prime Minister KEAT CHHON, M.P.
Minister of Economy and Finance
First Vice-Chairman, Council for the Development of Cambodia
Chairman, CDCF
Royal Government of Cambodia
Closing Remarks
- Colleagues from the Government
- Honorable Ambassadors, Distinguished Representatives of Development Partners
- Ladies and Gentlemen
Many thanks to Mr Qimiao Fan, Country Manager of the World Bank, for
providing the summary view of our development partners as we bring our meeting
to a close. I would also like to personally thank Mr Fan for agreeing to
perform the function of Lead Development Partner Facilitator for the duration
of our meeting. Many of the views he has expressed certainly resonate strongly
with my own and, I am sure, with those of my colleagues in the Royal
Government. This shows that, in many policy areas, we have a similar view of
the challenges we face and the measures we must take to ensure that we stay on
track to reach our development goals.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen
Please allow me to say that it has once again been a sincere privilege to
chair this meeting of the Cambodia Development Cooperation Forum. I feel that
this CDCF modality, which has now provided the format for our last two
high-level meetings, bears the hallmark of strong Government ownership and
committed partnership. I am sure you would agree that this provides an
excellent platform for our collaboration together in the years ahead.
The Royal Government therefore remains committed to conducting regular
high-level and policy coordination consultations with our partners as we
consider this to be an integral part of our development management strategy.
As many of our discussions over the last two days have adequately emphasised,
we must acknowledge – for better or for worse - the close ties that exist
between all countries in this globalised world, and we must ensure that we can
maximise the benefits by learning from one another and supporting each other
so that each of us can meet our global commitments and play our part on the
world stage. It is perhaps also opportune to reaffirm the commitment of
Government to making the TWG-GDCC structure an increasingly effective
mechanism for dialogue, partnership-building and for supporting the
implementation of the NSDP.
I thank each of you for participating in such a constructive manner and
ensuring that, even where we have some difficult decisions to make, we know
that everyone here is committed to the development of our country. At this
stage, I would particularly like to thank my colleague and alternate chair,
Dr. Aun Porn Moniroth, and also Chhieng Yanara and his staff at
the Cambodian Rehabilitation and Development Board, as well as the
interpreters, who, as usual, have performed tirelessly to facilitate good
communications. I would also like to thank the TWG Chairs and other Government
colleagues from the Technical Working Groups. These TWGs, which of course
include facilitation and representation from our development partners, as well
as from NGOs and civil society organisations, deserve much of the credit for
preparing the statements and analytical work that has informed much of our
discussion. I therefore thank each of you - Government, development partner
and civil society colleagues - for your contributions.
Finally, ladies and gentlemen, I have two short administrative announcements:
First, I would like to propose that, subject to discussion and
agreement within Government and with our development partners, we
provisionally set the date for our next CDCF meeting for May 2010.
Second, following the closing of this meeting, a Press
Conference for the CDCF chair will be organized in this room.
Excellencies, Ladies
and Gentlemen
This brings us to the end of our meeting and I thank you once again for your
participation. For those of you who have traveled to join us here in Phnom
Penh for this second CDCF meeting, please allow me to wish you a safe journey
home. Our second Cambodia Development Cooperation Forum is formally closed.