Cambodia Development Cooperation
Forum (CDCF)
Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 4-5 December 2008
Deputy Prime Minister KEAT CHHON,
Minister of Economy and Finance
First Vice-Chairman, Council for the Development of Cambodia
Chairman, CDCF
Royal Government of Cambodia
Summary of Discussion
- Colleagues from the Government
- Honorable Ambassadors, Distinguished Representatives of Development
- Ladies and Gentlemen
We have had a particularly
productive discussion over the last two days. To summarise such a rich and
wide-ranging discussion is no easy task but, if you will allow me, I would
like to make a summary of the main conclusions of our meeting and to begin to
chart our next steps based on the Forum's theme of "Implementing the
Rectangular Strategy for Growth, Employment, Equity and Efficiency – Phase
Before beginning this
summary I would like to express my gratitude to
Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo HUN SEN, Prime Minister of the
Kingdom of Cambodia,
who provided us with a keynote address to guide our discussions, and to all of
you who have contributed in so many ways to ensuring that our dialogue has
been constructive and productive.
In his keynote address,
Samdech Prime Minister Hun Sen focused on the need to consolidate
and accelerate the achievements of the first phase of the Rectangular
Strategy. He emphasised the need to build partnerships – across Government,
with the private sector, with civil society and with development partners – to
meet Cambodia's
development challenges. Samdech Prime Minister emphasised that a
"culture of peace, security, social safety, democracy in Cambodia" laid the
foundation for creating the conditions for growth and improvements in social
welfare. This has been an important factor in the reduction of poverty levels
from 47% on 1994, to 35% in 2004, and a further reduction to 30% in 2007.
Continued progress would be dependent on further improvements in the
agricultural sector and the continuation of the Royal Government's ambitious
infrastructure investment programme.
Samdech Prime
also made it very clear that he sees "good governance as a prerequisite to
ensure sustainable development, equity, and social justice" and that the Royal
Government is "well aware that the Anti-Corruption Law is an indispensable
legal instrument to fight corruption effectively. In this context, the Royal
Government is strongly committed to ensure rapid conclusion and adoption of
this law" but "even in the absence of the Anti-Corruption Law, the Royal
Government has vigorously combated corruption". Measures taken by the
Government in land management, the protection of natural resources and the
people dependent on these resources for their livelihoods have been
established but need to be consolidated and extended. Reforms in the legal
sector would continue in line with the Rectangular Strategy – Phase II
commitments, together with continued reforms in Public Administration Reform,
Decentralisation and Deconcentration, and Public Financial Management.
Efforts during the Fourth
Legislature would therefore be concentrated on maintaining the momentum in
improving public service delivery, strengthening governance, enhancing the
public infrastructure as well as managing any adverse effects of the global
financial crisis. The "ten imbalances", referred to by Samdech Prime
Minister, require our attention and efforts in order for them to be
resolved and our challenge is to meet the demand for improved services,
stronger resource management and accountability. Samdech Prime Minister
concluded his remarks by acknowledging that partnership was an important
precondition for tackling each of the economic and social challenges that we
face. His observation that "Working together, building up confidence and
mutual understanding are the determining factors to achieve the objectives of
the Rectangular Strategy-Phase II” concisely established the context for
conducting the remainder of our meeting.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen
Many of these issues were
also addressed by Mr Qimiao Fan, Country Manager of the World Bank, in
his opening remarks on behalf of development partners. Mr Fan noted that this
second CDCF came at a critical point in
Cambodia's development. He
congratulated the Government on a fourth year of double-digit growth and a
further significant fall in poverty. But in today's challenging environment,
he observed that the Government will need to undertake broad and deep changes
to protect what has been gained and to sustain rapid growth. Cambodia faces
complex challenges: in taming inflation, fostering broad-based growth, raising
agricultural productivity and establishing a coherent safety net system.
Cutting across all these challenges are the need to integrate separate
institutions and processes for planning, budgeting and aid management, and the
need to strengthen transparency and accountability in the management of
Cambodia’s public finances and natural resources. Finally, it was encouraging
to note his assurance that development partners are committed to sustain the
quantity, and improve the quality, of the support they provide to the
Government for achievement of the National Strategic Development Plan and the
Cambodia Millennium Development Goals.
Our second CDCF has
provided us with an opportunity for dialogue at the highest level and I
believe this opportunity has been used most effectively. The Royal Government
has demonstrated its commitment at the highest political level to implementing
the Rectangular Strategy, to moving forward with its ambitious reform agenda,
and to mobilising domestic and external resources in an efficient and
effective manner. Our international development partners as well as our
counterparts from civil society have also contributed to our dialogue in each
our sessions and I am grateful to all participants for their constructive
engagement and insightful comments.
It is therefore useful to
reflect on what we have achieved over the last two days. There have been many
areas of agreement and consensus, which has been encouraging, but also areas
where the importance of continued policy dialogue has become evident to us
all. I believe this demonstrates that we are focusing on achieving results as
well as maintaining the principle of mutual accountability in our partnership.
Our second CDCF meeting
was pre-faced by the formal launch of the second platform of Public Financial
Management reform on 3rd December. The central importance of this
reform was made very clear in many of our sessions: it relates to the
financing and sustainability of NSDP and sectoral priorities; for managing the
fallout from the global economic downturn; to ensuring that there is
sufficient fiscal flexibility to ensure food security and longer-term rural
development; and to adequately resourcing our ambitious and multi-sectoral
reform programme. As Finance Minister, ladies and gentlemen, please allow me
to assure you that the success in implementing the PFM reform to date provides
a strong foundation on which to build and, together with my colleagues in the
Royal Government, we will ensure that the second platform is a success across
the whole of government, as instructed by Samdech Prime Minister.
Our first session
yesterday, December 4th, focused on the NSDP and its associated
financing framework. This provided an excellent vantage point from which we
could together overview the progress made towards achieving our national
goals, as well as to re-assert our resolve to maintaining these efforts and to
addressing new challenges. We heard that strong growth has delivered benefits
in terms of increased incomes as well improving social indicators. And
continued strengthening of the planning and budgeting function at central and
sectoral levels, together with effective macroeconomic management, will help
us maintain that momentum by ensuring prioritised spending and providing a
basis for improved monitoring of outcomes. Our main challenge, compounded by
the deteriorating global environment, is to diversify the economic base,
enhance productivity and job creation, especially in the agricultural and
rural sectors, and to mitigate the adverse effects amongst the poorest members
of our society. Maintaining growth, and ensuring its benefits are widely
shared, perhaps summarises very well the nature of our current challenge.
Improved integration of strategic planning, budgeting and aid management
processes are central to this challenge and we agreed that the three
responsible Technical Working Groups – Public Financial Management, Planning
and Poverty Reduction, and Partnership and Harmonisation – would work together
to strengthen and integrate planning, budget and MTEF processes as well as
their link to Budget Strategic Plans. For development partners, it becomes
imperative that current levels of support are consolidated and increased,
especially for rural development, if
Cambodia is to adequately rise to these challenges.
Our discussion continued
by looking more closely at macroeconomic developments, and we heard from
officials at the Ministry of Economy and Finance as well as from the IMF
Representative. Growth of ten and one-quarter per cent in 2007 is evidence of
an excellent performance, but the warning signs are already clear as we expect
growth to slow in 2008 – to between six-and-a-half and seven percent - and
2009, although it will remain relatively robust by regional and global
standards. It was agreed that this is not a time to delay reform, rather it
should remind us that we cannot waver from the path we have elected to follow
in recent years. A range of macroeconomic and financial sector measures have
therefore already been taken, including to: double the reserve requirement on
foreign currency and to increase banks' minimum capital requirement; enhance
revenue collection measures; to increase expenditure on social protection,
including fuel subsidies; to maintain investments in rural infrastructure;
and, to provide some fiscal relief in the garment and agricultural sectors.
Further measures are available to the government and continued monitoring of
the economic environment will ensure that we respond with resolve to protect
our hard-won gains in increasing incomes and reducing poverty. I must
emphasise that, in this increasingly complex environment, the maintenance of
fiscal discipline and prudent economic management, is essential, both to
maintain growth as well as to control inflation. The need to further improve
transparency in the management of public finances and in natural resources was
discussed. We noted that Platform II of the Public Financial Management reform
addresses revenue management and improved planning and budgeting processes,
while extractive industries, and procedures for managing them, are currently
being considered by a Government working group.
Drawing together the
threads of these first two discussions it was encouraging to see the degree of
consensus on maintaining our reform efforts. The importance of strengthening
the link between the core reforms and our work at sectoral level was
emphasised by both the Ministry of Planning and by the Ministry of Economy and
Finance and reflect very well Samdech Prime Minister's own view
communicated at the start of our meeting that the budget is "the key
instrument for implementing the development policy of the Royal Government".
It is by strengthening these reforms, and the links between them, that we will
be assured of continued macroeconomic stability as well as enhanced
coordination of resource allocation for priority NSDP activities. This need
for broader and deeper reforms is especially critical given the rapidly
deteriorating global financial environment. There is also an important role
for development partners in maintaining their support and responding quickly
to any emerging needs, including to reinforce the provision of safety nets.
Moving to the next of our
thematic discussions, we considered actions that are necessary to promote
agricultural productivity and diversification as well as related activities to
ensure food security over the short and long term. We agreed that the
Strategy on Agriculture and Water is perhaps where leadership must be most
clearly demonstrated, and Government commitments to finalising all five
components and taking this strategy forward were enthusiastically received by
participants at this meeting. Beyond the need to ensure continued pro-poor
growth, changing patterns of food consumption and demand at home and abroad,
as well as changing trends in livelihood behaviour, informs the need for
diversification and my colleague from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry
and Fisheries emphasised technological change, infrastructure and provision of
a mix of public and commercial services - including extension, research,
credit facilities, post-harvest technologies - as playing a critical role in
the response. The importance of cross-sectoral collaboration, especially with
regard to land management and rural infrastructure was therefore made very
clear, and private sector partnerships were also emphasised.
Government and development
partners noted that significant progress has been made in reducing overall
poverty levels but at the same time recognized that significant parts of
population remain vulnerable to various economic and social shocks pushing
them to poverty and denying equal opportunities for participating in the
economic growth. These risks have been exacerbated by the recent inflationary
pressures and global financial crisis. To ensure the establishment and
effective use of a social safety net system, which as we heard is an important
part of a longer-term growth strategy, there are a range of actions required
at multiple levels: from the central government, at sectoral and sub-national
levels. We agreed that the first step is to undertake a mapping exercise to
determine the nature of existing safety net provision and to identify policy,
institutional and capacity gaps for developing a more systematic and
integrated social safety net system. To start this process, responsibility for
this mapping and scoping exercise is assigned to the Technical Working Group
on Food Security and Nutrition, with the understanding that to succeed, both
this initial analysis and subsequent safety net development will require the
intensive engagement of social sector ministries (for example, health and
A central theme in meeting
the challenges of implementing the NSDP in all priority sectors is in
consolidating public administration reform and in strengthening the capacity
of the public sector. We are therefore most grateful to my colleague, Deputy
Prime Minister SOK AN, who shared with us the Royal Government's
perspectives on progress made and the future direction of reform. After
Samdech Prime Minister, in his Opening Remarks to the first CDCF meeting
in June 2007, had directed that Government and development partners work
together to strengthen the current performance and incentive regimes, it was
most pleasing to note the substantial progress that has been achieved. Deputy
Prime Minister SOK AN also shared with us the objectives of the New
Public Administration Reform programme, which will focus on developing the
human and institutional context. A National Seminar is scheduled to be held in
January. Both government and development partners noted that this ambitious
and wide-ranging reform will continue to face a number of challenges,
including with regard to pay reform and performance management, which will be
an important part of the human resource and capacity development strategies.
During our discussion we were able to reflect on issues of remuneration
reform, which we acknowledge is a complex issue, but Deputy Prime Minister
SOK AN made very clear the Royal Government's position that development
partners must align their supplementation schemes with Sub-Decree 29.
Complementary reforms will also ensure consistency in strengthening the
legislative and judicial arms of Government. Finally, the Government's
commitment to passing and implementing the Anti-Corruption Law was discussed
and I hope the clear commitment expressed by Samdech Prime Minister in
his Opening Remarks to our meeting has provided sufficient assurance that
rooting out corruption is indeed high on the Government agenda during this
second phase of the Rectangular Strategy. As we discussed, focusing on other
fundamental laws will also be accorded a high level of priority.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen
We began our discussion
today by recognising that an effective response to rural, agricultural and
social safety net challenges emphasises the importance of enhanced public
sector management at sub-national level. The process of decentralizing service
delivery will be a long-term undertaking, and the capacity development
challenge is significant, but if we maintain the commitment demonstrated
previously I think our discussion highlighted that we can continue to make
good progress. Development partners indicated that their principal concerns
related to governance arrangements and we heard that these will be clarified
during the development of the National Programme for Sub-National Democratic
Development 2010-2019, which will consider functional assignments at each
level as well as local finance and budget; accountability and oversight; and
management and administration. As my colleague from the Ministry of Interior
emphasised, "this will not happen overnight", and the continued long-term
support from our development partners was acknowledged.
In summarizing the
discussions related to these two key reform programmes I am sure that each of
us would readily acknowledge the complexity and difficulty of change and
reform. Change is never easy; it must be nurtured, consolidated and sustained
over the long-term. But this process is made less difficult when the
overarching vision is clearly articulated, which I believe is the case with
the Rectangular Strategy. I therefore hope that our discussions have added
further clarity and helped to establish a common understanding on which we can
base our future partnership and cooperation.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen
The principles of
ownership and partnership are the hallmarks of our CDCF model. I believe that
the first day of our discussion emphasised renewed commitment at the highest
level. This then allowed our dialogue to turn to the theme of partnership. My
colleague Chhieng
Yanara presented
to you a set of clear and concrete recommendations for how we can make our
partnership more effective and meet the commitments we made in Accra.
Principally the approach that has been set out is to focus more intensively on
working together at sector level, and with closer collaboration between the
central agencies, to identify priority initiatives that are relevant, have
high-level support and are likely to contribute to the realization of our
development goals. Many of the initiatives are closely aligned with the PFM
and Public Administration reforms and I therefore welcome this more integrated
approach. I was very pleased to receive the development partner response to
this innovative and more focused response and I look forward to this sharper
and more results-based focus delivering quick results early in 2009. The GDCC
meeting will of course provide us with an opportunity to reflect on this
important initiative: I need not remind everyone here that working more
effectively and efficiently will be an important determinant of our success in
responding to the global challenges before us as well as implementing the
longer-term goals outlined in the NSDP.
During our presentation
and discussion on the Joint Monitoring Indicators (JMIs) it was also most
pleasing to observe the progress that has been made in establishing an
improved understanding of the JMIs purpose and process. The remaining
challenges that have been identified appear to me to be mainly of a technical
nature so I hope the CDC proposal, in its capacity as national aid
coordination focal point, to provide training and support will represent an
effective response. Most important, I hope that our subsequent TWG and GDCC
dialogue will demonstrate that we are making progress in implementing these
critical activities across all priority sectors and thematic areas.
The aid effectiveness and
partnership discussions brought us to our final session, ladies and gentlemen,
in which we reviewed the indicative financing projections for 2009, as well as
the medium-term outlook for 2010 and 2011. I believe we have now moved well
beyond the old-style formal pledging context, and we now make use of
established procedures to collect information that makes a more relevant and
timely contribution to our planning and budgeting process. Let me be clear: it
is the budget that allows us to plan, finance and operationalise the
activities required to implement the NSDP and it is essential if this exercise
is to be comprehensive and effective that we have improved information on the
intentions of our development partners. It is disingenuous to call for
accelerated budgetary reform on the one hand, while not providing adequate
information to that process on the other. I therefore believe this shift to
more routine, predictable and transparent medium-term projections is a very
important evolution in our development partnership and I wish to acknowledge
the tremendous progress that has been made. The commitment we all made in
Accra to precisely
this principle is welcomed by the Royal Government and the usefulness of such
an exercise in Cambodia is I hope clear to everyone after all the discussions
we have had regarding the centrality of the budget and associated PFM reforms.
The Multi-Year Indicative Financing Framework process identified a total
resource availability of 951.5 million Dollars in 2009, increasing to
approximately 1 billion Dollars once the existing commitments of some partners
who were unable to participate in the this projections exercise are taken into
account. On behalf of the Royal Government, let me express my profound
appreciation for these indications of support.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen
I hope this provides a
useful summary of our discussions and I trust that you have found our dialogue
to be as fruitful as I have. In my view we have taken several concrete and
important steps, both towards accelerating progress where we are clearly of
the same mind and, perhaps more important, to brokering a consensus and
charting a way forward where we have not always shared a common view. I
believe it is a testament to the enduring strength of our partnership that we
have been able to have this dialogue. It is also evidence of a growing
realisation of the mutual accountability that must exist in any real
partnership. In this regard, all of the agreements reached at our meeting over
the last two days will be taken forward through our Joint Technical Working
Groups and progress will be monitored by the Government-Development Partner
Coordination Committee.
Before finishing my
remarks, I must also express my sincere gratitude to colleagues in Government,
in particular to Deputy Prime Minister SOK AN, the Senior Ministers and
Ministers, and other Government colleagues who made presentations and
contributed to our discussions. I must also acknowledge the role of the World
Bank which, as in previous years, has facilitated the contribution of
development partners both before and during the meeting. Please therefore
allow me to pause here and to ask Mr Qimiao Fan, Country Manager of the
World Bank, to say a few words on behalf of development partners.