Joint Monitoring Indicators for 2nd CDCF Meeting (04-05 December 2008)

To be implemented and monitored in the period between the second and third meeting of the CDCF


Action Needed

Responsible Government Institution

Concerned TWG

Resource Required to Achieve Target


Amount               Source

Implementation and Management of the National Strategic Development Plan (NSDP)

1. Implement MPSP with coordinated EDP support



1.    MOP prepares a 2009 operational plan to implement the MPSP and EDPs provide to MoP an updated comprehensive mapping of existing EDP support (including e.g. a complete list of all EDP-supported project for MOP) and the completion status of the currently-conducted institutional capacity assessment and need/gap identification for MOP.

2.    Increased and better coordinated EDP support to MPSP implementation.




RGC budget and EDP support

2. National aid effectiveness priorities are implemented and monitored in the context of a partnership-based approach to the NSDP

1.    For the Royal Government, to consult internally and at a high level to identify a number of realistic, achievable and verifiable actions at central level and associated with identified sectors to ensure progress in advancing national aid effectiveness priorities and in meeting their international commitments

2.    For development partners, to consult internally and with their capitals/ headquarters at a high level (in light of the HLF on Aid Effectiveness), and with one another, to identify a number of realistic, achievable and verifiable actions that will ensure progress in advancing national aid effectiveness priorities and in meeting their international commitments; and

3.   For both the Royal Government and development partners, to come together in the first quarter of 2009 to negotiate a limited number of practical and verifiable actions that are based on the H-A-R Action Plan and represent a consensus for joint action.





NSDP Social Sector Priorities

3. Increase promotion rate of students in primary education from 78.6% in SY2006-07 to 84% in SY 2008/09


1.    Reducing the percentage of incomplete schools from 21% in SY 2007/08 to 18% in SY 2008/09 and deploying 95% of newly trained teachers to under-staffed schools and in remote areas.

2.    Revising grade promotion regulation and ensuring implementation of the regulations in education programs supported by development partners.





4. Increase the proportion of deliveries attended by skilled health personnel in the public sector to 50% by December 2009

1.   Recruitment and deployment of at least 79 midwives for 79 health centres that do not yet have any midwife by the end of 2009

2.   Provide salary incentives to midwives including to endorse the adapted midwife salary scale and compensation payments for professional related health risks as proposed by MoH. These are to be endorsed at a full session meeting of the Council of Ministers.

3.   MOH and Health Partners commit to increase both Government and total Health Partner funds to RMNCH in 2009, and to ensure that these resources are reflected in Annual Operational Plans at all levels.





5. Enhanced national response to HIV/AIDS epidemic

Increase the percentage of HIV-positive pregnant women who received anti-retrovirals from 30% to 40% by 2009 to reduce the risk of mother-to-child transmission

National AIDS Authority




6. A coherent and well-coordinated approach to mitigate the impacts of high food prices on household food security, and priority actions are implemented and regularly updated.

An integrated monitoring system to follow up the impact of high food prices on household food security is set up.





NSDP Economic Sector Priorities

7. Progressive implementation of the Strategy for Agriculture and Water

1.    Completing the design of National Programs 2, 3 and 4 by December 2008;

2.    Completing the design of National Programs 1 and 5 by June 2009;

3.    Implementation mechanisms (including management and funding arrangements) are designed and operational by June 2009;

4.    SAW providing strategic framework for all RGC and DP activities in agriculture and water sector;

5.   Continue to improve donor and government coordination: Ensure relevant stakeholders have up to date information on donor and government activities in the agriculture and water sectors by updating the project database on the TWGAW website twice each year (January and July) drawing data on donor activities from Cambodia ODA Database.






8. Implement the legal framework established by the Land Law

1.    Indigenous communal land:

a)   A sub-decree on the procedures for registration of lands of indigenous people’s communities is adopted in 2009 and a fully financed work and staffing plan is in place for scaling up indigenous communal titling to the communities

b) Interim protective measures to safeguard communal land are evaluated

2.    Land tenure - urban poor:

A Housing Policy that includes the provision of secure land tenure for the urban poor is drafted with high priority and given as input into the Comprehensive Land Sector Policy (“White Paper”).

3.    Land management:

A Spatial Planning Policy that spells-out the hierarchy of land use planning and zoning is drafted and given as input into the Comprehensive Land Sector Policy (“White Paper”), including a legal framework to support the implementation





CLP, MLMUPC, PHN Provincial Governor's office








For piloting: GTZ/DANIDA/ Dfid/NZAid

For full implementation DPs still to be decided







9. With the aim of stopping the loss of Cambodia's forest resources responding to CMDG and Rectangular Strategy to support Sustainable Forest Management for rural poverty reduction and climate change mitigation. The legal frameworks established by the Forestry Law, Protected Area Law, Land Law, Mining Law, and in particular the Sub-Decree on Economic Land Concessions must be fully implemented at all levels of Government agencies, whilst prioritizing the finalization of National Forest Program and Community Forestry development.

1.    Implement all provisions of the applicable laws and regulations, including establishing and making public the log book of Economic Land Concessions, Mining Concessions and other concession forms under the jurisdiction of MAFF, MoE, MIME.

2.     At least 1,000 Km of forestland boundary and two more protected areas demarcated both on the map and ground.

3.    At least 100 Community Forestry Sites and 10 Community Protected Areas officially approved.

4.     Finalize and approve the National Forest Program in September 2009; and start its implementation by the end of 2009.

















Danida, Dfid, NZAid,



10. Take appropriate action to reflect the priorities of the Fisheries sector to improve the livelihoods of rural communities in commune, district and provincial development plans as well as donor funding levels.

1.    At least 80% of the FiA Annual Plan funded by development partners through Sector Wide Programmatic support by end of 2009.

2.    CamCode agreed, approved and operational by end of 2009.





Danida/Dfid/ NZAid/JICA/ Worldfish Center and others


11. Casualty rate drops by 50 from previous year, and a decrease 7-10% of contaminated mine/ERW land

1.    Ensure the implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of existing mine action/ERW policies, action plan and the development of a coherent 10 years National Strategy for Mine Action.

2.    Implement the Strategic Budget Plan 2009-11 in order to reduce fragmentation and overlap

3.    Improve the quality and accuracy of data available on DP contributions to allow for more effective sectoral planning



$2.9 Millions

$22 Millions



12. Create an enabling environment for the development of the private sector

1.    Make progress in the legal agenda to improve the enabling environment for the private sector (list to be agreed based on list from the think tank on legal reform; appropriately reviewed by the private sector through the Working Group on Law, Tax, and Governance)

2.    Adopt a 3-year rolling plan of trade-related reforms (“Trade SWAP”), with a detailed inter-ministerial action plan, a strong monitoring framework, and with indication of harmonized DP support








NSDP Infrastructure Sector Priorities

13. Sustainability and Safety of National Road Network


1.   Preservation of  Road Asset by

a)   Improvement of Road Maintenance Mechanism

b)   Improvement of Overload Control Program

2.    Implementation of Initial Road Safety Awareness Program



US$ 0.23 mil

Initial budget financed by ADB/RAMP

14. Increase use of improved sanitation, hygiene and drinking water supply, especially in rural areas

1.    Develop and adopt a rural water supply and sanitation (RWSS) strategy and budget that is based on the official RWSS policy and aligned to the NSDP




ADB, UNICEF and others

NSDP Governance and Cross-Sectoral Priorities

15. Improving the quality and delivery of public services

1.    Deployment of performance and accountability instruments through the implementation of Special Operating Agencies (SOAs), Priority Mission Groups (PMGs), and Merit Based Performance Incentives (MBPIs)

2.    Approval of policies relating to HRM, HRD, Deployment and Capacity Development.





16. Establish a well functioning, transparent and accountable legal and judicial system that protects individual rights as defined in the Constitution

1.   LJRS Strategic Objective 2. Complete the drafting and approval of the four remaining fundamental Laws (Penal Code, Law on the Statute of the Judges, Law on Court Organization and Functioning, Law on the Amendment of the Law on the Organization and Functioning of the Supreme Council of the Magistracy).

2.   Implementation of the framework for legal and judicial reform through

a)   implementation of court registers in all four model courts

b)   Ongoing training of judicial professionals to improve the supply of judicial services and the functioning of the courts.







2a) tbd from model court business plans


1.MoJ, France





2b) MOJ, RAJP, JICA, France

17.  Combat corruption

1.   After approval of the Penal Code, finalize and approve the draft Anti-Corruption Law based on best international practices, and submit to the National Assembly and Senate for approval.

2.   Prepare an implementation plan to enforce and manage the implementation of the Anti-Corruption Law.

3.   Disseminate information on reported cases on corruption and conviction on semi-annual basis.

4.  Develop a clear policy framework on Access to Information.






18. Preparations made for the full implementation of the RGC’s Strategic Framework for Decentralization and De-concentration (D&D) reforms


1.    New provincial councils and district councils established based on the enacted Organic Laws by end 2009.

2.     National program for D&D designed, modalities developed, approved, resourced and completed by end 2009.










19. Continue implementation of Stage 2 of the PFM Reform Program with the objective of improving accountability for effective financial management.

Continue implementing the PFMRP by:

a)    Implement and monitor stage 2 consolidated action plan; and

b)    Achieve agreed milestones and indicators under stage 2 performance monitoring framework.





20. Adopt laws and sub-decrees and relevant legal documents, and implement plans against all forms of violence and exploitation against women and children, according to international standards

1.    Sub-decree on the administrative decision on domestic violence revised and adopted and a working group established for training and implementation of the Sub-decree.

2.    A common framework for monitoring the enforcement of the Law on suppression of human trafficking and sexual exploitation developed.

3.    National Action plan to combat violence against women revised and adopted.


4.    Policy and legislation on labour migration reviewed. Specific targets include: Adopt comprehensive Strategy Paper on Migration that links Migration with Trafficking, Smuggling and the Labour Law Reform and closes existing legal gaps to enhance legal protection of migrants. 






MOWA with Interministerial Group







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