CRDB/CDC sections on NSDP Update (2009-2013)
For discussion at P+H TWG (17 September 2009)


  1. The structure of the NSDP is based on the RS-II, which it is intended to operationalise.

  2. The sections relevant to CRDB/CDC therefore follow this structure and include contributions to larger sections on: (a) planning/budget integration; (b) partnership mechanisms; (c) aid effectiveness priorities.

  3. These sections may appear incomplete but they are contributions to larger sections. The style is intended to be consistent with the broader NSDP text.

Integration of planning and budgeting – section that covers CRDB/CDC only

The Cambodian Rehabilitation and Development Board of the Council for Development of Cambodia (CRDB/CDC), as the Government agency mandated to mobilise and coordinate development cooperation resources, will contribute to the integration effort by strengthening its capacity to collect, collate and analyse information on funds provided by development partners and NGOs. The principal tool for undertaking this task is the Cambodia ODA Database, which has been adapted to become more compatible with the formats and structure of the Public Investment Programme and the national budget. CRDB/CDC's efforts to further strengthen its capacities will be directed toward three primary tasks: (i) further customisation of the ODA Database to provide formats readily accessible to MoP and MEF counterparts for the PIP and budget; (ii) continuing outreach work with development partners and NGOs to ensure timely, accurate and complete information; and (iii) supporting line ministries and TWGs in their efforts to use this information to strengthen their own planning and coordination processes as well as meeting their obligations to report to the national level. CRDB/CDC's work will be undertaken in consultation with central and line agencies and will be consistent with on-going PFM reforms.

The Strategic Framework for Development Cooperation Management (2006-2010) establishes the role of CRDB/CDC in formalizing agreements with development partners. This includes negotiating resources and their allocations and signing agreements with all multilateral and bilateral development partners. To ensure that complete and accurate information on external assistance is available to be incorporated into the national planning and budgeting exercises, it is essential that all development partners comply with the RGC's established procedures for programming their funds.

Partnership mechanisms & aid effectiveness – section that covers CRDB/CDC only

The current Government-Development Partner Coordination Committee (GDCC) and Technical Working Group (TWGs) mechanisms will continue to provide the principal modes of dialogue between the Royal Government and its development partners. Their performance and structure will be monitored and reviewed at regular intervals to ensure that their contribution to resource mobilisation, capacity building and development results is maximised. Through the use of these mechanisms, the Government's continued commitment to the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness (2005) will be strengthened by the relevant and prioritised implementation of the commitments included in the Accra Agenda for Action (2008). Based on the experience of implementation of the Harmonisation, Alignment and Results Action Plan to date, and noting the global commitments of Cambodia and its development partners, the priorities for the period 2009-2013 are anticipated to be:

a)  Identifying and implementing relevant and prioritised actions at sector level

Experience of implementing the Harmonisation, Alignment and Results Action Plan emphasised the need to effectively integrate effective working practices at sector level. A narrower set of aid effectiveness actions were identified in the 2009-2010 JMIs that are endorsed at the highest level; relevant to sector needs; and, realistic and achievable. This prioritised and contextualized approach will continue to guide aid effectiveness policies.

b) Focus on effective capacity development

All externally-sourced technical cooperation should be primarily directed to develop national capacities and systems, together with human resources, in a manner that is consistent with the National Public Administration Reform (2009-2013). The 2008 Guideline on Technical Cooperation prepared by CRDB/CDC should be used to manage these resources at sectoral level as well as to guide support to the core RGC reforms.

c) Use of programme-based approaches

Programme-based approaches can be employed more effectively than previously to promote ownership, partnership and results. All modalities of assistance can be more closely coordinated through PBAs to: (i) support comprehensive planning and budgeting; (ii) alignment with national priorities; (iii) coordinate capacity development to strengthen national systems and human resources; (iv) minimise the adverse affect of fragmented and diverse funding sources; (v) coordinate appraisal, monitoring and evaluation systems, reducing the number of repetitive and supply-led consultancies and studies and focusing more on achieving agreed results; and (vi) provide a mechanism for enhanced mutual accountability by including all relevant RGC, national and international stakeholders.

d) Investing in partnerships

The RGC proposal to regularly review and monitor the GDCC and TWG mechanisms, as well as its willingness to consolidate CDCF and the Private Sector Forum, is an indication of commitment to inclusive, robust and results-focused dialogue. Further investments in these mechanisms will be made to strengthen partnerships, including working with all development partners to ensure that appropriate resources and competencies are in place to make effective use of these opportunities to review progress, identify challenges and respond in a partnership-based and results-focused manner.

The successful implementation of these actions principally requires action at sector level by all RGC Ministries and agencies. CRDB/CDC will continue to play a lead coordination role and will provide support to both RGC and development partners so that effective working practices can contribute to the desired development results.

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