1. H.E Chhieng Yanara, Chairman of the Meeting and Secretary-General of CRDB/CDC, welcomed all participants. In his Opening remarks he noted that the Cambodia Development Cooperation Forum (CCDF) would comprise an important part of Government's work in 2007. His Excellency expressed thanks to all partners, in particular to those that had provided support to the Multi-Donor Support Program (MDSP) and to Anne Isabelle Degryse-Blateau (UNDP) and Helen Appleton (DFID) for co-facilitating the P&H TWG. 2. There were seven agenda items for discussion:
3. Progress review of the P&H TWG in 2006: The P&H TWG report for 2006 was presented to the meeting and was endorsed. 4. Proposal to redraft P&H ToR and draft workplan 2007: These two agenda items were combined. The existing ToR, which was drafted in 2004 needed to be modified to reflect the new mandate of CRDB with reference to the revised government sub-decree, transformation of the CG into CDCF, and the draft TWG Guideline.
Based on some clarifications related to division of labour, the status of the TWG Guideline and partnerships with other parts of Government, the Workplan was endorsed by the meeting. 5. PIU Strategies: Helen Appleton (DFID) presented the subgroup work regarding PIU strategy. Three tasks were given to the subgroup: (i) identification of mechanism for integrating PIUS, currently parallel or mostly parallel, (ii) identification of mechanism for monitoring H-A-R Action Plan, and (iii) development of the Annual Progress Report for the H-A-R Action Plan. The subgroup identified all tasks of the TWGs in the H-A-R Action plan, cross-referenced those tasks with the Guideline, and fitted the PFM programme to the PIU matrix as a case study. The subgroup recommended that each TWG should list their PIUs in the sector for information sharing and coordination, then each PIU should be matched against the PIU matrix before identifying a Government-led and TWG-supported process for their integration. The TWG proposed that the sub-group continue their work to continue to deliberate on conceptual and definitional issues and to develop a Strategy. The TWG Guideline should be used to mandate the integration of PIUs. The subgroup also recommended that TWG reporting to the GDCC should form basis for monitoring the H-A-R Action Plan. This proposal was endorsed by the TWG members. 6. Proposed TWG Guideline: His Excellency addressed the significance of the TWG Guideline. The Guideline clearly stated that TWG is the body to support ministries/agencies, and the TWG does not substitute for the ministries' responsibilities. The Chairman agreed with the request to await Japan's comments based on their earlier inputs (but not substantive changes to the draft Guideline) until the end of the week, so that the Guideline can be approved by Government before the February 2007 GDCC meeting. 7. Concept Note of the Aid Effectiveness Report (AER): The Chairman presented the structure of the Aid Effectiveness Report and the concept note. The final draft of the AER will be submitted for group discussion by the end of April but is dependent on data being provided by donors as part of the on-going ODA Database exercise. It was noted that the AER places more emphasis on empirical evidence and qualitative and quantitative data. The Chairman reminded the DPs of the deadline to fill out the ODA database questionnaire, which is the 15th of February. The Concept Note was then adopted by the meeting after some clarifications and suggestions from the development partners related to the presentation of total and sectoral allocations. 8. Any Other Business The Chairman briefed TWG members on the overall progress of CRDB/CDC in formulating its Capacity Development Strategy and in establishing an MBPI scheme. Given the fully-funded MDSP program, CRDB would also seek to expand its support to other ministries regarding their capacity in aid coordination and management — MoP and MoH were proposed by TWG members (currently MoEYS, MAFF and MoWA are supported). The forthcoming Programme Executive Group (PEG) meeting to be held on the 13th of February will discuss MDSP related matters with funding partners. 9. To conclude the meeting, the Chairman expressed thanks to all participants for their participation 10. The Meeting ended at 17H00 with agreement on the P&H TWG progress report, its ToR, its workplan for 2007, and the concept note of the AER. The TWG Guideline is pending for Japan's comments by the end of the week. ************* List of Participants