First draft for discussion
Partnership and Harmonization Technical Working Group Background 2. In 2005 and 2006, the P&H TWG has worked to support CRDB/CDC in fulfilling its mandated task of building a partnership with all development partners; promoting harmonization and alignment of development partners' support with national development priorities; and contributing with the international community through the OECD/DAC for instance to advance the aid effectiveness agenda. At the Second High Level Forum held in Paris in March 2005, the international community reaffirmed the commitments previously embodied in such instruments as the OECD/DAC Best Practices Papers (2002) and the Rome Declaration (2003) to improve development effectiveness in the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness, with targets to be achieved, and monitored regularly, by 2010. 3. In 2006, RGC launched the NSDP as a unified development plan with targets and goals in the medium term towards achieving the CMDGs. Public investment forms the fundamental basis for achieving the Plan. Given that ODA still plays a major role in this regard, this has made effort for enhanced aid effectiveness all the more relevant. RGC clearly recognizes this and, in January, RGC approved the Strategic Framework for Development Cooperation Management (SFDCM). It sets out broad and long-term policy and institutional framework to maximize the effectiveness of ODA for poverty reduction. The Action Plan on Harmonization, Alignment and Results (2006-2010) was formulated based on Paris Declaration principles, and was approved by RGC in February 2006. It provides a roadmap to achieved desired aid effectiveness outcomes. 4. The GDCC and TWG mechanism was reviewed in mid-2006 with the view to rationalize, streamline and improve its efficiency and effectiveness. As a result, a set of broad guidelines has been prepared to help TWGs prioritize and manage their work and provide further clarification on the linkages between various tiers of the coordination mechanism. A landmark change was the transformation of the Consultative Group mechanism into the Cambodia Development Cooperation Forum (CDCF) to be effective from 2007. 5. In the international arena, CRDB/CDC has been actively worked with OECD/DAC in the aid effectiveness issues. At the second HLF in Paris in March 2005, Cambodia presented a report on progress toward enhanced aid effectiveness in Cambodia. Through the Working Party on Aid Effectiveness, CRDB/CDC has participated as a partner country in finalizing indicators and developing a framework for monitoring progress on the implementation of the Paris Declaration. In 2006, CRDB/CDC was able to lead the first round monitoring survey exercise with excellent support from all partners especially the P&H TWG. 6.
These major developments have provided a basis for reviewing the ToR of
the P&H TWG to enable it to review its mandate and prioritize its tasks.
The work to update the November 2004 ToR was carried out through a series
of discussions between CRDB/CDC, which chairs the P&H TWG, and the members
through the two co-facilitators (UNDP and DFID). The following sections
outline the mandate, priority tasks, and the organizational and
operational arrangements for the P&H TWG.
Organizational and Operational Arrangements 9. The organizational and operational arrangements for the P&H TWG are as follows:
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