Actions Needed

Responsible RGC Institutions

Development Partners



Coordinate and facilitate the implementation of the RGC's Action Plan on Harmonization, alignment and Results. (item # 1 in P&H TWG TORs)

Prepare bi-annual reports on progress made in the implementation of the Action Plan which will be presented at the CG meeting. (item #  6 in P&H TWG TORs)

Establish a mechanism to coordinate and facilitate the implementation of the RGC's Updated Action Plan on Harmonization, Alignment and Managing for 2006-2010.


Lead Facilitator(s) P&H TWG

Mechanism to coordinate and facilitate the implementation of the RGC's Action Plan on Harmonization, Alignment and Results to be discussed at the P&H TWG meeting on 31 May 2006


RGC and development partners jointly assess and report on a regular basis progress in implementing RGC's Action Plan on Harmonization, Alignment and Results (E.a.1)

CRDB/CDC Line ministries/agencies CDC/CRDB

All development partners


Report prepared and presented to GDCC.





Development partners provide an annual report to CDC/CRDB on progress made to implement their country action plans that have been prepared as part of the follow up to the Paris Declaration (C.1.c.1)


Each development partner.

CDC/CRDB makes available to OECD/DAC Joint Venture on Monitoring of Paris Declaration periodic progress reports based on information provided by development partners.

First Annual Report by March 07 and annually thereafter

Promote and facilitate the implementation of best practices that are being recommended by the international community and lessons learned in the management of development programs in Cambodia. (item # 2 of P&H TWG TORs)

Disseminate information on harmonization and alignment issues discussed in the international community, including information on best practices. (item # 5 of P&H TWG TORs)

Development partners review their country assistance strategies and policies to align their assistance with NSDP priorities and sector development plans (B.1.a.1)

CRDB/CDC and Chair of TWGs


All development partners

Review of development partners' country assistance strategies completed.

June 2006



Each development partner provides to CDC/CRDB reliable indicative commitments of aid over a multi-year framework and disburses aid in a timely and predictable fashion according to agreed schedule (B.2.c.1)


All development partners

Data on indicative commitments provided.


CDC/CRDB with support from development partners carries out a survey on number of existing PIU/PMUs, and develop a strategy to integrate parallel PIU/PMUs in the government' structure (B.2.d.1)


Lead Facilitator(s) of P&H TWG

 Survey completed and strategy developed and agreed with development partners.

September 2006



CDC/CRDB and development partners secure an agreement that no new parallel PIU/PMUs will be established under new programs and projects (B.2.d.3)


Lead Facilitator(s) of TWGs

Agreement secured.

June 2006

CDC/CRDB with support from development partners carries out a survey to collect information on the proportion of aid delivered through “untied-aid” modality and based on survey findings, formulate  and implement a strategy, jointly with development partners, to increase the proportion of untied ODA (B.4.a.1)


Lead Facilitator(s) of P&H TWG

Survey completed and a strategy outlined.


Dec 2006


CDC/CRDB and development partners jointly set targets on the portion of ODA that is to be delivered through Sector/thematic Programs, and other Program Based Approaches (PBAs) to be reached by 2010 in the framework of NSDP, and develop and implement a strategy to reach the agreed targets (C.1.a.1)

Chair of P&H TWG


Lead Facilitator(s) of P&H TWG


1. Agreement on targets reached and a strategy developed.


Dec 2006


Each TWG prepares a calendar of field missions and diagnostic reviews planned by donors participating in the sector/thematic area of the TWG (C.1.b.1)

Chair of TWGs

Lead Facilitator(s) of TWGs

Periodic reports provided by TWGs to GDCC.


Development partners provide an annual report to CDC/CRDB on progress made to implement their country action plans that have been prepared as part of the follow up to the Paris Declaration (C.1.c.1)


Each development partner.

CDC/CRDB makes available to OECD/DAC Joint Venture on Monitoring of Paris Declaration periodic progress reports based on information provided by development partners.


Development partners ensure that the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for loan assistance and National Operational Guidelines (NOG) for grant assistance are followed in monitoring and reporting on their programs/projects to reduce burden on RGC implementing institutions (D.a.2)

Chair of TWGs

All development partners

Chair of TWGs provide periodic reports to GDCC on development partners compliance with SOPs and NOGs.


Development partners provide transparent and comprehensive information to CDC/CRDB on ODA flows (including contributions to NGOs) in a timely fashion, to enable integration into budget cycle (E.b.1)



All development partners


Information on ODA flows provided within the timeframe requested by CRDB/CDC.





Examine and make recommendations on common and/or cross cutting partnership issues. (item # 4 of P&H TWG TORs)

CDC/CRDB provides technical support to sector ministries and agencies on aid coordination and aid management issues based on needs identified and support requested by the Chair of the TWGs (A.c.1)


Lead Facilitator(s) P&H TWG

CDC/CRDB with resources of the Multi-Donor Support Program delivers the support requested by Chairs of the TWGs.


RGC and development partners jointly carry out a review of the effectiveness of the TWG mechanism (E.a.2)


Lead Facilitator(s) P&H TWG


Survey completed and recommendations submitted to GDCC.

June 2006

Continue to provide support to the Sub Groups of the P&H TWG working on capacity building issues and the preparation of the National Operational Guidelines. (item # 3 of P&H TWG TORs)



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