This questionnaire on progress made by each Joint Technical Working Group is requested by the Secretariat of the Government-Donor Coordination Committee (GDCC). It should be completed and submitted to the Secretariat of the GDCC before 29 May 2006. It will be used to prepare a summary progress report for the seventh GDCC Meeting scheduled to be held on 14 June 2006. Please return the completed questionnaire to H.E. Mr. Chhieng Yanara at CDC/CRDB in both soft and hard copies. TWG: PARTNERSHIP AND HARMONIZATION TWG A. PROGRESS IN IMPLEMENTING TWG'S ACTION PLANS
Scheduled Activities |
Implementation Status |
On Schedule |
Behind Schedule |
If behind schedule, reasons for delay |
TWG Recommendations for GDCC Consideration, if any |
i. to serve as the “ Focal Point “ and the “One-Stop Service” of the Royal Government for donor countries, international organizations and NGOs, as well as the “Focal Point” and “One-Stop Service” for ministries and other government institutions in the coordination of external aid allocation and utilization; ii. to sign pursuant to the delegation of authority of the Prime Minister and on behalf of the Royal Government, any legal agreements with bilateral and/or multilateral development partners and international organizations pertaining to acceptance and allocation of external development assistance; In para #11 of the RGC's Strategic Framework for Development Cooperation Management it has been noted that the current practice of some development partners to enter into agreements with individual government ministries and agencies without any prior coordination through the Royal Government’s designated focal point for aid coordination, the Cambodian Rehabilitation and Development Board at the Council for the Development of Cambodia, is a serious problem that hampers Royal Government’s efforts to efficiently manage its aid coordination functions. The Royal Government has placed a high priority on all parties conforming to and complying with the provisions of existing laws, rules and regulations. |
Joint Monitoring Indicator |
What is the current implementation status? What are the constraints that you are experiencing, if any? What recommendations do you have, for GDCC consideration to resolve the identified constraints? |
i. Implement the RGC’s Strategic Framework for Development Cooperation Management (SFDCM). |
The SFDCM including the National Program to implement the SFDCM was approved by RGC on 27 January 2006. The National Program is being implemented through a Multi Donor Support Program for Aid Coordination. Several donors have made pledges but no contribution except UNDP has been made so far. |
ii. Prepare progress report on a six month basis the implementation of RGC's Action Plan on Harmonization, Alignment and Results. |
Action Plan on Harmonization, Alignment and Managing for Results (H-A-R) based on the Paris Declaration was approved by RGC on 14 February 2006 after extensive consultation with donors and line ministries. Mechanism to follow up the implementation of the H-A-R Action Plan will be discussed at the P&H TWG meeting on 31 May 2006. |
iii. review and strengthen aid coordination mechanisms including CG, GDCC and TWGs. |
A review of the GDCC-TWG mechanism is being carried out by CDC/CRDB through an independent consultant. Once finished, the Review will document experiences and lessons learned so far in the operation of TWGs, GDCC and CG and outline the way forward. |
Action Taken |
Update |
Establish mechanism to coordinate and facilitate the implementation of the RGC's Action Plan on Harmonization, alignment and Results. | An important agenda item of the P&H TWG meeting to be held on 31 May 2006 is to discuss and agree on a mechanism to coordinate and facilitate the implementation of the RGC's Action Plan on Harmonization, alignment and Results 2006-2010. |
R yes □ no If no, please answer the following questions:
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