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1. The meeting of the Partnership and Harmonization TWG (P&H TWG) was organized as the first session of the Workshop on Harmonisation and Alignment held on 4-5 July 2005 at the Council for the Development of Cambodia. It was attended by members of the P&H TWG and representatives from other ministries/agencies and development partners. 2. Mr. Chhieng Yanara, Chairman of the P&H TWG opened the meeting by welcoming all participants to the meeting. He said that the main agenda item of the meeting was a review of the progress that has been made by the Royal Government of Cambodia and development partners over the last six months (December 2004-May 2005) in implementing the Action Plan on Harmonisation and Alignment. 3. He made a presentation on the six month progress report of the P&H TWG that had been circulated to all participants. It is attached as Annex I. 4. He reported that, in general, almost all of the activities that were planned during the last six months have been completed, and Cambodia's report on progress towards enhanced aid effectiveness was presented by H.E. Senior Minister Keat Chhon at the Second High Level Forum (28 February-2 March 2005) in Paris. 5. In the presentation, he highlighted the following points:
6. In the discussion that followed, Ms. Nisha Agrawal commented that there has been a lot of progress in the implementation of the H&A Action Plan. With regard to all donors giving CDC permission to freely disseminate information on ODA, she said that it is really disappointing to hear that some donors have indicated that it is on a case by case basis although we had agreed for the first time at the last CG meeting to put information on ODA on website. She said that this will be the topic for discussion at the next donor lunch meeting and promised that a clear answer will be given back as soon as possible. With respect to capturing information on the harmonization and alignment efforts of development partners, she suggested that the TWGs mechanism is an excellent process through which information can be captured. 7. In response, Mr. Yanara said that he is reporting the reality on the ground that CDC must seek permission from some development partners before posting ODA information on website. He said that this is an issue of mutual accountability and the Government would like some level of transparency on the part of development partners. Regarding information on harmonization and alignment, he said that the workshop shall consider Ms. Agrawal's suggestion and if the workshop agrees, a section on harmonization and alignment will be added to the quarterly progress report questionnaire. 8. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 am. |