45. The composition in
terms of type and terms of assistance of the total ODA that has been
reported to have been delivered to Cambodia by its development partners
since 1992, around 5.2 billion US dollars, was as follows (Table 7):
2,068.4 million US
dollars or 39.8 percent of total ODA was provided as “free-standing
technical cooperation”, nearly all of it as grants.
1,697.1 million US
dollars or 32.7 percent of ODA was “investment project assistance”.
Nearly 42 percent of this type of assistance was provided as loans.
631 million US dollars
or 12.2 percent of ODA since 1992 was provided as “food aid, emergency
and relief assistance”, all of it as grants.
481.1 million US
dollars or 9.3 percent was provided as “budgetary aid/balance of
payments support”. Over two-thirds of this assistance was in the form of
loans and less than one-third as grants.
314.2 million US
dollars or 6.0 percent of ODA was provided as “investment-related
technical cooperation”, a small proportion of which, 11.7 percent, was
as loans and the rest as grants.
Over the period of 1992-2003, the composition of ODA by "type of
assistance" has changed significantly. The share of "free-standing
technical cooperation" has steadily increased from 20.5 percent of total
ODA received in 1992 and 1993, to 40.2 percent in the 1994-98 period, and
44.1 percent during 1999-2003 (Table 7). The share of "investment project
assistance" in total ODA has steadily increased from 17.5 percent in 1992
and 1993, to 34.2 percent over 1994-98, and 34.9 percent of total ODA
during 1999-2003. It should be noted, however, that a larger share of this
type of assistance was financed through loans during 1999 - 2003 than
during the period of 1994 -1998.

1992 - 2003
(in millions of US Dollars)

47. The
two categories – “free-standing technical cooperation” and “investment
project assistance” – continue to be the two major areas of support
accounting for 72.5 percent of total ODA disbursed over the period of
1992-2003. Between these two categories, “investment project assistance”
has exceeded “free-standing technical cooperation” only in two years -
1994 and 2001. It is worth noting that while “free-standing technical
cooperation” is by and large composed of grants, the “investment project
assistance” consists of both loans and grants. The detailed data on ODA
disbursements by type and terms of assistance and by year for the period
of 1992-2003 is presented in Annex IV.
48. During the second
mandate of the Royal Government, 1999-2003, a total of 2,415.1 million US
dollars have been reported to have been disbursed by Cambodia's
development partners (Table 8). Over this period, ODA provided as
Free-Standing Technical Cooperation constituted the largest component,
44.1 percent, of total assistance. All of this type of assistance has been
as grants. There are significant year to year fluctuations in the
proportion of this type of assistance in the data reported by development
partners. In 1999, this type of assistance represented around half of all
ODA. The proportion declined from 44.9 percent in 2000 to 37.3 percent of
ODA in 2001. In 2002 and 2003, it has increased to 42.9 percent and 46.1
percent of total ODA, respectively. It should be noted, however, that the
size of this type of assistance as well as some of these fluctuation may
be due to misclassification of the activities reported as Free-Standing
Technical Cooperation.
49. ODA disbursed as
Investment-Related Technical Cooperation was the smallest among all
types of assistance (Table 8). Over the period of 1999-2003, this type of
assistance accounted for only 6.2 percent of total ODA. Although ODA
provided for this type of assistance as grants has remained fairly stable
at around 5 percent of total ODA there are wide fluctuations in the amount
of ODA disbursed as loans. In 1999, 2000, and 2001 all ODA for this type
of assistance was as grants. In 2002, only half of this type of assistance
was as grants and the other half was loans. In 2003, around one-fourth of
the assistance for Investment-Related Technical Cooperation was provided
as loans.
(in millions of US Dollars)